Question five

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How did you attract/address your audience?

Point of scale My magazine will be sold in places and shops such as ASDA and other big retailers however this is mainly because even my audience would visit these places on an everyday routine. My magazine therefore will be not only exposed to my target audience but other people who have a passion for music therefore this could this could expand my target audience. My magazine could also be sold in shops like HMV which will clearly be visited by my target audience therefore exposing my magazine to them.

Masthead The masthead of my magazine is one of the elements of the front cover which would grab my target audience’s attention and make them pick up my magazine because first of all the title of my magazine means not valid or legally binding. I have used this as my title as my target audience will be able to relate to this as they are the outcast of society and therefore do not fit in with everyone else so they many not feel they are valid or expect in society. Also the style of my masthead, the grey and pastel blue I have used are highlighted by the electric blue surrounding the website address therefore the contrast these colours have will make my masthead stand out therefore grabbing my target audiences attention. The style of text my masthead is of will also appeal to my target audience as just like the word they will more than likely be able to relate to it. The style of my masthead makes my masthead look like it has been chipped away at just like how society may have chipped away at my target audience.

Cover line The cover lines I have used will also make my target audience pick up my magazine as I have placed some of the artist which are present in my magazine at the top of the magazine therefore allowing my audience to know before even picking up my magazine some of the artists which will be in my magazine- these artists and bands will clearly appeal to my audience as they are well known and are defiantly on my target audiences playlist. The fact I have only put their names will give me target audience curiosity in wondering what these people have had happened or what they are about to do to get themselves in my magazine.

Freebees I have deliberately placed the free poster sticker near the top of my front cover because as my target audiences picks up the magazine it will catch their attention as my audience typically will collect posters of different rock bands and artists. The fact the sticker only informs my audience there is 24 free posters and not who they are off will yet again play on their curiosity forcing them to flick through my magazine to find them and therefore giving my magazine the chance to grab my target audiences attention with an article or advertisement.

The colour scheme The colour scheme I have used compliments the black and white photograph on the front cover; it gives my front cover a little character and life however it also allows my magazine to be plain. This is something I wanted to create as my target audience is mainly male and due to my research I have found out males like the colours blue, black and white as these are all dominate colours and show loyalty and order something which will appeal to my target audience. The colours make my magazine subtle and give it a friendly feel something that may not stereotypically be associated with my target audience in society.

The use of language in my feature article The language used in my feature article is very informal and chatty, there is also elements of swearing and the breaks in which the artist being interviewed has taken have been noted down. These breaks will not only make my target audience relate to the artist but it will make the artist seem more human something that my target audience will have appeal to them, the breaks also relate to the idea of my target audience being socially awkward. The swearing shown in the text allows my reader to feel more at home while reading the feature article and makes the article lose the essay feeling attached to many articles now days.

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