East Norfolk Sixth From College Risk Assessment Form
Activity / Task: horror trailer production
Frequency: one only
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Please ensure that ALL staff & students (where necessary) are made aware of the findings Identified hazards
Who might be harmed & how?
What are you already doing?
What further action is necessary? (write “none” if appropriate) Is there anything else that you could do to make the activity safer?
What could possibly cause harm / damage?
Who AND how
What do you currently do to ensure the safety of people (from and outside of college) and equipment?
Transport by car
Cast, crew, members of the public Broken bones, bruises, mental trauma, fatality
Wear seatbelts at all time while in movement, qualified drivers, no distracting the driver while in movement, be considerate to other transport users
Broken glass
Cast, crew Cuts, fatality
Be aware of your surrounding when we reach our destination, wear thick shoe
Ensure the environment is safe to work in and around
Cast, crew Become too ill to film, develop a cold/the flu, unable to film, hypothermia
Wrap up warm (wear many layers),
The dark
Cast, crew lose footing, broken bones, fatality
Allow areas we are filming in to be well lit
Film earlier to prevent the dark
Avoid the area of construction
Hard hats to be wore while walking through these areas
Ensure the water doesn’t spill onto the floor, be aware of the surroundings, be careful with footing
Put towels on the floor, don’t fill the bath up high
Be careful of footing
Construction areas
Bath scene
Hard flooring
Cast, crew Lose footing, broken bones, fatality, Cast, crew Lose footing due to water, fatality, injuries cast, crew injuries, lose footing, fatality
H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: 30/11/15
East Norfolk Sixth From College Risk Assessment Form
Carpet drag
Cast, Capet burn
Be aware of carpet burn, wear long sleeve clothing to try and avoid carpet burn, make sure the area is clear to allow filming
Water/ice to sooth the burn
Unknown medical problem
Cast, crew Hospitalisation, first aid assistant
Note already known medical problems down, be aware of these and each other
Already have and explain the evacuation plan before filming and be aware of these risks while filming
Look for emergency exists
Emergency evacuation
Cast, crew In case of unstable foundations or fire
Action Plan from “further action”
By Who
If you have written something in the further action box (above right) then you need to add some details here about how you will make the activity safer.
Who will make the safety changes?
Ensure the environment is safe to work in and around Film earlier to prevent the dark Hard hats to be wore while walking through these areas
Crew upon arrival Crew and cast Crew and cast, upon arrival Crew while setting the scene up Crew before arrival Crew upon arrival
Put towels on the floor, don’t fill the bath up high Water/ice to sooth the burn Look for emergency exists
By When (Date) Date by which changes / assessment must be made.
Please ensure that the Assessor and Line Manager have signed this prior to it being passed to the H&S Co-ordinator Assessed by:
Name: Madison Rhodes, Sebastian Mills Signature: Date: M Rhodes 30/11/15 S Mills
Assessment upon completion of action plan LOW Accepted by Name: Nik Dean Teacher: Signature: Date: 30/11/15 N Dean
H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: 30/11/15
East Norfolk Sixth From College Risk Assessment Form
All risk assessments are subject to an annual review by the assessor; this may be sooner subject to any significant changes to the activity / task.
H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: 30/11/15