Portfolio - English

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Marie MADIC Architect, Urban-planner mariemadic@orange.fr / +336 08 26 80 22

«Shifts, confusion, innuendo and omissions.» Drawing watercolor paper 75x55cm - Fabrice Clapiès



* The studies conducted at the Lyon Town Planning Agency can not appear here because of confidentiality reasons.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 : Architecture “Bordeaux New York // Details of modular housing units” - Housing, internship, François Leclerq, architectes, urbanistes “City Hall in Bonneuil-sur-Marne” - Competition, internship, François Leclerq, architectes, urbanistes “Familial living space” - Architectural sketch for rehabilitation of the ground floor of a house in Montpellier “Rehabilitation of an appartment in Lyon”

p.6 p.8 p.10 p.12

Chapter 2 : From urban design to architectural details* “Form allows function // Neighborhood project in a brownfield”- Master thesis project, ENSA Lyon “Dynamo // House of moving arts” - Master thesis project, ENSA Lyon Project selected for the “Price of young architecture” by the council of Lyon

“Barriol Island // The Jetty, river station in Arles”- Master in architecture, ENSA Lyon “Cooperative to maintain peasant agriculture” - Master in urban planning, Urban-planning Institute of Lyon “From the city to the garden // A new city entrance in Louvigny”- Bachelor in architecture, ENSA Normandie

p.16 p.18 p.22 p.24 p.26

Chapitre 3 : Workshops “Games OFF School // collaborative cartography” - Master in urban project, Urban-planning Institute of Grenoble “Behind the wall // urban restructuration in Grenoble” - Master in urban project, Urban-planning Institute of Grenoble “A walk in “the Mûrier”// Urban project for 800 housing in Saint-Martin-d’Hères”- Master in urban project “Landscape screenwriting // Urban route in Condorcet” - Master in Architecture, ENSA Lyon

p.30 p.32 p.34 p.36

Chapitre 4 : Writings “The role of “Lyon’s urban agency” in the complexity of urban projects, the case of the “Grandclément” urbans project”- Master thesis in urban project, 2015


“Imaginations and metropolitan construction, How do territorial prospective contribute to the construction of a


metropolitan imagination ? - Thesis in urban planning, 2014

“Architectural star-system and contemporary urban utopia, Are the contemporary starchitct still defend an urban utopia?”- Master thesis in architecture, 2013


“From the “Cité internationale”of Lyon to Nantes’Island, What connections to the architectural heritage in urban projects?”- Bachelor thesis in architercture, 2011


Chapitre 5 : Pell-Mell



Venice, Architecture Biennale - 24.08.2014


BORDEAUX NEW YORK Details of modular housing units Situation of the project

This housing complex, ranging from individual cluster to small col-

lective units, is located in Bordeaux, in the neighbourhood renewal area known as the “Bassin à flots”. This district, adjoining the River Garonne, is thus part of a landscaping unity in harmony with these qualitative features of the Bordeaux riverbanks. With its assumption of rather imposing structures in highly “urban” streets, the project maintains a more “intimate”, almost “village” atmosphere in the heart of a pedestrian block.

Height distribution


View from a central street

Bordeaux “Bassins à flots”

Source : http://www.bordeaux2030.fr/bordeaux-unesco/site-patrimonial/quartiers/bassins-flots

François Leclercq, Architectes, Urbanistes - M.Madic, M. Pommaret - 2011 Bordeaux, Bassin à Flots (33) Contracting owner : Nexity Appolina Cost : 22 M€ 31 200 m²

South frontage

Modular room added to the housing unit

Housing units

Playing with a system of modularity

Organisation of the housing

(with the possibility of adding a room to each unit, either beside or above it), the project aims to be “living” and dynamic, to keep in step with the changes being made to the area. The offset structures are designed to bring life to the facades and give visibility to their domestic-unit scale. The dialogue created between the wood materials (used in the project) and the landscaping features of the public spaces reinforces the warm atmosphere of the heart of the block.



Bonneuil-sur-Marne During my internship at the agency Franรงois Leclerc Ar-

chitectes Urbanistes, I participated in the drawing of a City Hall for the municipality of Bonneuil-sur-Oise. After I became acquainted with the detailed technical program, my work was about volumetric proposals (models), internal organization and frontages composition.

Block plan


The plot is located at the intersection of a highway (D19 toward Paris) and an important historical axis axcording to the scale of the city, it binds the contemporary city center with it harbor. The project is in the middle of heterogeneous residential estate, along the major traffic road of the Avenue de Paris. The point is to get the City Hall visible from this road, while protecting it from the noisy pollution.

François Leclercq, Architectes, Urbanistes - M.Madic, F. Mottes, E. Salles - 2011 Bonneuil-sur-Marne (92) Contracting owner : Council of Bonneuil-sur-Marne

View from the historical axis

Our team’s idea was to put in place a system of “double

reversed set squared”, the first with the public services in lower part, the other reserved for working spaces of the technical services, the council and the mayor. A covered parvis opening to a public square connected to the old city center. At the center of the city hall, a planted patio allows light up all of the building spaces.

Study models

North-South Section



Sketch for the rehabilitation of the ground floor of a house in Montpellier Ground floor and courtyard

Ground floor plan

AA section


View from the living towards the courtyard

M. MADIC Architect, 2013 Montpellier (34) Contracting owner : private

A family ask me to propose them a

sketch to redesign the ground floor and the courtyard of their house in Montpellier. Having now three young children, the living spaces were no suitable anymore : a confined kitchen for family dinners and an uncomfortable living room. The project was firtsly about rethinking the organization of the space by inverting the living room and the kitchen, integrating storage compartments in the courtyard, that were really overstocked.

View of the kitchen

Modifications made :

- Inverstion of living room and kitchen - Moving of the wood stove to spread the heat to the upper floor (using the stairs) - Implementation of glass tiles on the stair’s wall in order to receive more overhead light while having a good soundproofing floor - Drilling of a simple window giving view into the courtyard - Isolation of the neaw living space regarding to the entry hall - Wardrobe / pyre / counters - Drilling for storage spaces under the stairs (pantry) - Flexible work surface and dining table - Storage furniture, work surface and waterhole in the courtyard

View of the courtyard

View from the kitchen



A family ask me to propose them a drawing to redesign their apartment in Lyon. Having now two young children, the common living space was not suitable anymore : a confined kitchen for family dinner, and a cheap living room.

First floor plan


The project was about to rethink the possibilities to suit this

apartment by opening the kitchen into the living room, and by proposing new storage furniture.

Marie MADIC Architect, 2014 Lyon (69) Contracting owner : private




Venice, Architecture Biennale - 23.08.2014



Neighborhood project in the RVI brownfield A few subway station from the Bel-

lecour Place (city center of Lyon) and almost 10 hectares area, the “RVI brownfield” gather the requirements to take place as an important place in the landscape of Lyon. It is considered as an aspiring central neighborhood and has to take on the qualities of a such space in term of density and mixed use. The plot is incorportate to the central city by creating a “peripheral” tramway line. This new line will then connect different urban polarities, they might work together to create an urban outline.

Model 1/1000

Event public place


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In an intergenerational and sharing logic, our project try to answer to the


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t Th



Hopital Edouard Herriot


needs of diverse users (students, families, elders), by proposing potential meeting spaces and innovative operation in order to rebuild social links. We are looking for a complementarity in urban spaces, between the rehabilitation of the Edouart Herriot Hospital (park-garden) and the project on the brownfield (urban use). This project is assuming itself as an urban piece, marking a “scale rupture” compared to his neighborhood in order to retained the scale of this brownfield, a place of exception, historical marker of Lyon’s culture. In order to give this “exceptional” dimension to the place, we draw an event place at the north of the area, around wich take place our three architectural projects.

Claire FILHON, Marie MADIC, Julie MOTYKA - 2013 Lyon (69) Master 2 Architecture, villes, périphéries // ENSA de Lyon Master thesis project Teachers : J. CASANELLES, B. CREPÊT, S. JOLY, C. DUGAVE, P. GRAS

Block plan


View of the event public place



House of moving arts on the RVI brownfield [Project nominated to the “Prize of young architecture” by the council of Lyon]

The main goal was to give back a place to the artists, they

occupied the RVI Brownfield. The stake is that artists find back a creativity space that could be more incorporate to the neighborhood life. This place is more dedicated to the “fabrication” than “representation” or “exposition”. It’s in a creative process that the atristic production can interact wih the urban space. During production moments, relationships between the people living in the neighborhood might build easier. The House of moving arts integrate an art center, a dance formation center, shops and housing. Artistic production spaces are open to the public and workshops can be used for artistic installations, the fabrication of sets for dance show, DIY for inhabitants, etc.

The central garden is imagined like a dense forest, a con-

templation garden available at the end of a walk through the building, in order to privilege the apporpriation of external spaces of the public place. This duality allows to handle the communication with outside. Oriented to the public space, these are areas staged as “dynamic scene” in the street. Oriented to the garden, these are areas suitable to the thinking, concentration, meditation. Between those two extremities, the House of moving arts take place in a built and thich band winding around the central garden.

View from the event public place


Sharing spaces and uses

Marie MADIC - 2013 Lyon (69) Master 2 Architecture, villes, périphéries // ENSA de Lyon Master thesis project Teachers : J. CASANELLES, B. CREPÊT, S. JOLY, C. DUGAVE, P. GRAS

First floor plan


AA Section



House of moving arts on the RVI brownfield [Project nominated for the “Prize of young architecture” by the municipality of Lyon] DD Section

Third floor plan / Housing


Marie MADIC - 2013 Lyon (69) Master 2 Architecture, villes, périphéries // ENSA de Lyon Master thesis project Teachers : J. CASANELLES, B. CREPÊT, S. JOLY, C. DUGAVE, P. GRAS






Patio housing

D ynamo offers contemporary housing, complementary of neighborhood housing. At the last floor of the building verti-

cal circulations serve central patios, around wich take place the housing. Each one is composed by a principal unit and a secondary unit, they can be independant. This configuration allows house sharing for students, cohabitation between an elder with a student or a family, independance of a member of a family, sublet a part of the housing, instal a homs working space for liberla professions, etc. The central patio is a shared space. In order to handle the vis-a-vis between the principal and secondary units, the spaces in direct contact with the patio are buffer spaces (office, kitchen), while the private life spaces are located on the outer facades.

View of the patio

View from the housing



The Jetty, river station in Arles Strategic plan for Barriol renewal Arles

Infrastructure city : ‘ THE BARRAGE ’ Strategy : protect the neighborhood from the nuisance. Pedestrian path between the two infrastructures. Isolation of the housing from visual and noise pollution of the highway. Appropriation by private garden. Private spaces and pedestriand path. Inhabited wall.


Industrial city: ‘ THE HARBOUR ’ Strategy : superposition of the uses of the canal.

Rhone city : ‘ THE BELVEDERE ’

Reinvest hangars, sheds and abandoned buildings for new uses. Direct relation with a flatwater.

Strategy : inflitration of the fluvial landscape in the city

Implantation of economical activities, culture, hobbies. Pedestrian path flush with water.

Large territory scale. Overhanging the landscape. Promenade. Existing values. Hobbies and culture

Peripheric city : ‘ THE SHORE ’ Strategy : limitation of urban sprawling Natural borderland (agriculture) of the island. Respect of natural spaces. Refer to imaginaire of the forth limit : the méditeranée sea.


Marie MADIC - 2012 (Stratégy : avec JB Cornille et D. Vamosi) Arles (13) Master 1 // ENSA de Lyon Teachers : A. SOTIL, L. GHIRARDI

Urban sequences

Project situation and river shuttle


The Barriol neighborhood, at the south of Arles, borde the histori-

cal city center. However, the “Arles to Bouc” canal and the highway that cross the center create an important barrier that isolates this neighborhood in difficulties (social, about identity, mobility, etc.) of a very touristic urban center. Going from this clear weakness of the neighborhood, we took side to play from this cleavage, to put forward the possibility of an insula identity in Barriol, by assuming it’s independance compared to the historical center.

If Barriol “turns his back” to the urban center, it opens itself

to the mediteranean sea, it is the maritime entrance door of the city. The idea of this project is then to focus on this harbour identity to revaluate Barriol (by rehabilitating the industrial legacy on this site), while reconecting it to the rest of the city by implementing a shuttle boat.

A Section

Block plan

View of the jetty



Landscape strategy (Lead by the Grether & Desvignes’s project)

The object of this study was to propose sce-















narios of programming for an urban wasteland located in the neighborhood of Gerland, at the center of the Microbiology Center. Our proposition consist of a cooperative to maintain the paesant’s agriculture, combining a fair trade, a food court, and a garden-orchard, working together thanks to contracts signed with local farmers. The idea was to propose a structure implementing diverse functions, users and exploitation moments. By diagnosing the neef of the neighborhood, three “categories” of user have been distinguished : the inhabitants, the employees or students, and the occasional visitors (lot of them for the match night or for concerts). Our intention was to meet the needs of all those people. The cooperative would become a new place for the neighborhood to gather.

Insertion du projet dans le quartier


M. MADIC, J. MAZAN, A. FERRATON, P. GUICHARD, M. SALVETTI, C. DUBOST - 2014 Lyon, Gerland (69) Master 1 Urban design // Programmation Teacher : R. VERHAGE

Block plan MAINTIEN DE

Rue de l’Effort

mel Lacour Rue Challe

Ave nue Jean



Rue G eorge s



Rue Benjamin Delessert Atelier des friches jardins partagés

Parking Relais

Rue de Gerland


Pépinière d’entrepris es







Métro Stade de Gerland Périmètre de la cité-jardin Friche artistique Parc du chateau de Gerland

This proposition fits in the orientation for sustainability and

the requalification of the living environment of the urban project of Gerland (largest scale). On a site with strong landscape qualities (Gerland’s park, Rhône’s dock, garden-city, structuring ladscape axes, shared gardens, etc.), the implantation of a such project allows to perpetuate a “green heart” to this neighborhood where the land pressure is getting stronger every day.

SCENARIO Arbres existants à conserver Transparence espace public/coeur parcelle Liaison immatérielle jardin/coopérative

This project somehow a little bit “experimental” is taking all

its meaning upon this urban wasteland located in limit of the dense urban center, where the practices and uses are mixed an s in an endless evolution. This scenario aims to be adaptable, adjustable to the evolutions of local needs.

View from the street - atmosphere


FROM THE CITY TO THE GARDEN A new city entrance in Louvigny Lingouvigny is a small town of Caen’s agglomeration. After meetthe council, identified their needs and the stakes raised by

Iint order was all about to work the adjustment of this town’s entrance to answer about practices that are already there (vegeta-

Currently, this less defined space is separated by the road coming from Caen, ans end in the middle of an industrial area not suitable to pedestrians path, which are however daily. This first place “anthropized” and mineralized, that visitors are assisting when they arrive in Louvigny, do not match with the peasent and agricultural identity of the town, highlighted in the rest of the village.

The proposition was then about a generous public garden, animated with landscape creating a transition with neighbor agriculture spaces. The historical path of the town (west border) has determined a first structuring axis, and the “river” a second one, allowing to handle the harvest of raining water of the neighborhood. The “park’s village” is located at the east of the project, required to activate this public space beacame central for Louvigny.

the development of their town, the requalification of the city entrance has appeared like a wise choice to answer about the problematics of this territory.

bles wasteland used as a common garden and playground), while working on a staging of identity, a significant peasant culture in the representation of the council and inhabitants.


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Marie MADIC - 2011 (Strategy : with Paul Le Digabel et Romain Milan) Louvigny (14) Bachelor in architecture // ENSA de Normandie Teachers : S. GUEZET, A. VIGIER KHOLER



AA Lanscape section

Intermediate Housing Ground floor

First floor


Bordeaux, Hangar Darwin - 21.11.2015

Chapter 3 : WORKSHOPS


Collaborative cartography - Reenchant public space

Start : the school

Plan de RDC The collaborative cartography “Games OFF School” is on line : http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/games-off-school_30600#17/45.12442/5.69766


M. MADIC, R. AVRIL, C. DAUDET, L. GORCE, E. MINKALA - 2015 COLLECTIF “ORDINAIRE-EXTRA” Grenoble (38) Workshop Master 2 // IUG Teachers : O. BRAOUDAKIS, P. MARIN

We are proposing an interactive and collaborative tool,

Create routes and realize challenges

available for all citizens, to intervene on the urban in participative logic. This tool allows to listen all propositions, stories, anecdotes and tricks of all citizens to reenchant the daily route and use of public space. Taking the form of a map of the territory, this plateform is available on the internet by everyone, they will be able to consult it or complete it.

Nowadays, the public space isn’t welcoming for chil-

dren. “Too much cars and too dangerous”. At the opposite, our cities propose highly secured “playgrounds”. Yet, a child isn’t learning risk and can’t open up in a sterile environment. How can we give back to the children an appropriation of the public space ? How can we use our daily route as a playground ?

Games OFF School is proposing to reveal all the poten-

tialities, the affordance of hidden games in every street’s corner with a collaborative map that everyone can extend with his own games idea using computer, nintendo DS, smartphone, etc. By making this route to the school more entertaining and fun, going to school on foot isn’t a restraint anymore and become better than car. It’s all about encouraging sustainable practices without moralizing.

A participatory tool to decline

A tool for an accessible city Every citizen will be able to participate into mapping the acessible city. By sharing pictures and geolocated commentary, the users will detect the best route to follow, and for every person with a mobility more or less reduced.

A « small basket » route Diverse thematic will propose to citizens to do their own daily route according to itineraries that are valorizing commerce nearby. Traders will be able to actualise their profiles and “today’s special” thus maintaining a more privilege relation with their clients.



An aquatic center in Grenoble - “Water in city” Ambience

Ground floor plan



The issues of “water in city” asked for this workshop, is

Issue : a block “patella” between three neighborhood

particulary ambivalent in Grenoble. At the heart of snowy moutains, water is here as a “great lanscape” but is rare downtown, where it is perceived as dangerous from the hivernal ice to the Drac (literally “the dragon”), the river which the city is cut off. The main stake was to give back a place to a precious water (very hot summers), as a public space to metropolitan scale. The water must then have a use value and an ecologic one (refreshment and management of urban heat island).

The “Jean Bron’s” block welcomes the oldest outdoor

swimming pool of Grenoble, wich the inhabitants care very much. It’s about keeping this use while restructuring the buildings. The plot is located between multiple neighborhood : the residential and trendy “Championnet”, the academic “Champolion” and the eco-neighborhood of “la Caserne de Bonne”. The junction of these neighborhoods works well thanks to this “closed” plot, which presents itself a junction between different ambiences and identities.

The aquatic center offers a course about the different

Material and immaterial heritage to preserve

states of water condition. Different filters suggest water from public space while maintaning the buildings closed. The establishment of housing above the aquatic center allows the economic viability of this mixed project, while imagining a circuit of “lasting” water (rainwater recuperation, natural filtration and heating, etc.).


East-West section


A WALK IN « LE MÛRIER » 800 housing in Saint-Martin-d’Hères Urban integration

Transversal section



R. AVRIL, C. DAUDET, M. MADIC, E. MINKALA, J. MOTTIN - 2015 Saint-Martin-d’Hères (38) Workshop Master 2 // IUG Teachers : G. TROTTA, A.DIACONU Contracting owner : Council of Saint-Martin-d’Hères

“Les Alloves” : a space of “pinch” in the East fringe of the agglomeration

Located at the east of the agglomeration’s “fringe”, the

characteristics of this site are ambivalent : landlocked between the highway and the hills of “le Mûrier”, hardly accessible and little sun this plot opens also views on great landscape (massifs of Chartreuse and Vercors), it distinguish itself with an “appart from the city” identity (claimed by the citizens) and is the entrance door to the hills, a site with remarquable landscapes qualities for the agglomeration. The objective of this workshop was to propose implantation principles for 800 housing on this plot, to meet development needs of the municipality of SaintMartin-d’Hères.

The idea was to work the implant the buildings in differ-

ents “stratum” by extending the natural topography of the hill. Every stratum matches to an height and a typology of housing (average collective, lillte collective, intermediate, townhouses). A urban network creates connections with residential area, with the hill of “le “Mûrier” and a pedestrian footbridge allows to cross the highway to acess to the multimodal hub of Saint-Martin-d’Hères.



Plot of “les Alloves”

Terminus of ther Gieres Station

Tramway network

Terminus of tramway




Requalification of a village’s heart of Condorcet Strategic plan

National road Proposal of a landscaped path Medieval castle of Condorcet

Lascaped path and strategic sites

Projection model

This project was presented to the council after a work week. Our team achieved a topographic model of the site on which we castes the successive plans that illustrate the lanscaped path.


M. MADIC, C. FILHON, J. MOTYKA, T. BOURDON, T. MESNIER - 2013 Condorcet (26) Workshop Master 2 // ENSA de Lyon Teachers : P. GRAS, B. ROUEFF Contracting owner : Council of Condorcet

Condorcet is a small town in “Drôme provencale”, crossed by a road

Belvedere 1 : the medieval castle

very touristic in summer. The village has been developped along this road, turning its equipments towards this road (nurery, school, town hall, post office, gorcery store), that isn’t lined by pedestrian spaces and path. This is a real issue for daily routes of citizens who don’t feel safe going along this road.

The initial request of the Mayor was to study the implantation of

speed bump and of a roundabour, and put pavements along the road. However, this hypothesis seems not available because this would represent an excessive cost for such a small town. We decided then to propose an unexpected strategy to the council.

The idea was to “reverse” the access to equipments on the opposite

facade of the road, that was easy for each building. This would allow to create soft trafic spaces behind those buildings and to create a centrality space. We quickly find out that Condorcet is enjoying a remarquable patrimonial landscape not really highlighted. Our proposition was then to trace an other pedestrian route transverse to the road, inviting to stride along the landscape, from the medieval castle to the stream. The goal was to “scripting” the landscape with simple material means (ephemeral constructions, belvederes, street furniture, etc., through strategic point of view. At the intersection between this new pedestrian path and the historical road there is a new village square for a revitalized heart of the town.

Belvedere 2 : the valley

Point of view 3 : the stream

Centrality : a lively place in the village’s heart


Venice, Arsenal - 23.08.2014

Chapitre 4 : WRITINGS

The role of the Lyon Town Planning Agency in the complexity of urban projects

Study case of the “Grandclément” urban project

Master Thesis - Urbanism and urban project, 2015 Institut d’urbanisme de Grenoble Tutor : Marcus Zepf Master learning : Pascale Simard

What is the contemporary rôle of the Lyon Town Planning Agency in the urban project process, in a highly evolved contexte since its creation ? Its long term inscription on the Lyon’s agglomeration territory, the flexibility of its associative and partnership statues or even its multidisciplinarity culture represent assets in a moving and uncertain context. However, this isn’t participating into legibility of its positioning within professional and political environment. Moreover, if its first vocation was mainly about carrying its partners planning their territory, the “urban project” is taking a largest place in the Agency’s missions. Is it then its role to intervene in the urban projects’s steps in their “operational” dimension? Where does its action start and stop ? What are its specific tools to act upon those complex process ? The study case of the urban project “Grandclement” in Villeurbanne illustrates that the role of the Lyon Town Planning Agency in the accompainment of a project’s steps stands out from a consulting firm, a project owner or an assistant to the contracting authority. However, its missions are evolving and changing of register while the project’s steps goes forward. Between town planning, urban project and territorial development strategy, how does the Lyon Town Planning Agency position itself ? How is its role discerned by the professional circle ? The analysis shows that, between a strategist, an expert and a mediator, the role of the Agency is really complex.


Imaginations and metropolitan construction How do territorial prospective contribute to the construction of a metropolitan imagination?

Master Thesis - Urbanism and urban planning, 2014 Institut d’urbanisme de Lyon Tutor : Philippe Chaudoir

If the prospective has sixty years of existence and evolutions on the French politic stage, it has been the center of an important renewed interest. And for a good reasons. France, like the rest of the World, is experiencing an economic, social and politic crisis and the confidence in the future of the citizens is getting worst every day. It is then the work of public policies to reassure everyone about this close future that is more likely to be uncertain and questioning our “reference values”, like identity notion, development or solidarity. In this context, the territorial prospective is becoming a tool for public action that transgress the sectorial approach from public policies (and from administrative organization connected to it) to fulfill implementing dialogue’s functions in a complex actor’s system, such as Lyon’s metropolitan area. This territorial scale in construction and poorly introduced seems today to affirm itself as a consistent territory for the local development, like are testifying speeches and works from different local actors. In order to legitimize the metropolitan scale, the actors of this territory must recognize themselves in a common territorial identity, above their economic interests. Then, if the emergence of a metropolitan imagination allows to sit the consistency of this territory, the territorial system rely on the interaction of spatial entities and diversified actors. We will then ask ourselves, how the actors of the Lyon’s metropolitan area are seizing the territorial prospective for the construction of a metropolitan imagination ?


Architectural star-system and contemporary urban utopia Are the contemporary starchitects still defend an urban utopia ?

Master Thesis in Architecture, 2013 National Architecture School of Lyon Tutor : Corinne Védrine

Since “Utopia” by Thomas More and thought history, utopias have always animated human societies. Ideal sociopolitical model often accompanied by urban frames, utopia is a way to circumvent reality and propose a criticism of the existing world. Since the 18th century, a lot of architect tried to elaborate utopias, until the application of modern ideas in reality, that have generated major issues of contemporary cities. However, utopia seems missing of the actual production and architectural reflections. Has this model that was claimed before, desappear from contemporary preoccupations ? During this period where the worldwide population is experiencing important economical, ecological and climatic crisis, utopia must be necessary to Human projection in a better future. In parallel to this, our contemporary society is experiencing a “star system” phenomenon from some architects, strategical actors of this worldwide societal model close to break apart. At the same time beneficiary of the capitalist market’s economy, and public characters getting close with politic, which messages are they transmitting thanks to their media power ? Are those “starchitects” taking advantage of this system to defend utopian ideas enjoying an important audience ? Which ideals are reflected from their work ? By examining particularly on written and graphical production of three worldwide known “starchitects’ that are Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaass and Jean Nouvel, all entitled from the Pritsker Prize, we will propose to analyse those phenomenon. In what those contemporary “starchitects” are, still, defending a utopia ?


From the “Cité Internationale” of Lyon to Nantes Island What connections to the architectiral heritage in urban projects ?

Bachelor Thesis in Architecture, 2011 National Architecture School of Normandie Tuteur universitaire : Hervé Rattez

The “Cité Internationale” of Lyon and the Nantes Island are both important urban operations from the last twenty years, that contribute to defining the issue of the place of the heritage in the tomorrow’s city. How to re-use an architectural heritage in a city where social practices have changed and are evolving every day ? Do the preservation of older buildings has a meaning ? How can we avoid the “museumification” and “anecdotism” of an old construction within a modern urban place ? On the other hand, does economical reasons have to read out the becoming of important pieces from architecture’s history ? When rehabilitation isn’t lucrative, do we have to destroy the prominent icons of a cultural heritage in favor of modernism ? But do we have so far to promote historical images, while the future of the city is involved ? What is the architect’s position to those questions which he can’t decide by himself ? His he still having some flexibility to face political and financial pressure involved on urban projects of such a magnitude? In which way his idea about the place of a patrimonial element of a city can weigh in front of political, economical, social and cultural stakes that have to handle the council (under the pressure of mandate and project’s profitability) ? This study’s goal is to analyse a yesterday urban project and compare it to a current operation. There are two divergent approaches on the heritage question, that yet lead to two city’s projects going back to the river, two qualitative and recognize urban models. Through two antagonist visions of the fabrication of the city on itself, we will sweep away administrative, urban, and architectural steps of the construction of a project. It is about to understand the complexity that leads to those outcomes, and open questioings about the place of architects and town planners of tomorrow, builders of the future of a city, submetted to memorial and heritages questions.


Villeurbanne, GranclĂŠment - 19.08.2015

Chapitre 5 : PELL MELL

Belvedere Trabucchi, Fisherman’s bungalow - Marie Madic and Paul Le Digabel, 2010

Workshop photography - Urban Landscape, “Incrementing city and the skyline issues”, Marie Madic, 2015


Workshop “Build the event� - We build a musical instrument for the composer and musician Andre Serre Milan. This instrument was used to a musical event about Iannis Xenakis at the National Architecture School of Lyon. 2012

Workshop fixing details - Market Hall, Marie Madic and Paul Le Digabel, 2009


mariemadic@orange.fr / +33 6 08 26 80 22

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