Unit 5 Improving Health and Fitness

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Unit 5 – Improving Health and Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Public Services Unit Overview

Credit Value:10


This unit aims to enable you to gain knowledge of major body systems and an understanding of the effects of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors for entry into the uniformed public services. It also develops skills in taking part in fitness tests and improving personal health. The uniformed public services are often active professions. The employment roles are often active and physical, meaning that people working in the uniformed services need to be fit to do the work. This unit will help you to understand the importance of personal health and lifestyle and the impact that it has on fitness. It will also give you the opportunity to take part in various public service fitness tests and assess your own fitness levels in relation to the required standards of that service. You will also gain the knowledge to be able to plan and develop a training programme, introduce you to the basic body systems that are associated with health and fitness and give you an understanding of basic anatomy and physiology; you will gain knowledge of the effects that exercise will have on these systems, both in the short- and long-term, and through this you will have a better understanding of how you can effectively train and develop. You will develop knowledge on the importance of lifestyle and nutrition and its effect on fitness. You will understand what is required from a balanced diet for nutritional health and the impact of good and bad nutrition in relation to this. You will also look at how various aspects of lifestyle can be beneficial or detrimental to health and fitness. This unit will also give you the opportunity to research and undertake some of the various selection and annual fitness tests that are carried out within the uniformed public services. In addition you will gain an understanding into why such tests take place and their relevance and reasoning. The final learning outcome will give you the opportunity to develop knowledge of various training methods and programmes used within the services to assess and develop the individual’s fitness. This will give you the knowledge to develop an individual health improvement programme in preparation for entry into uniformed public service.

Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Know the major body systems associated with a healthy lifestyle 2 Understand the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on public service fitness 3 Be able to take part in fitness tests in order to appreciate the requirements of the uniformed public services 4 Be able to participate in a personal health improvement programme for uniformed public services.

Unit 5 – Improving Health and Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Public Services _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment One - The Effects of Exercise (P1, P2, P3, M1, D1) Learning Outcome One - Know the major body systems associated with a healthy lifestyle Grading Criteria P1 P2 P3 M1 D1

define key terms associated with a healthy lifestyle describe the effects of exercise on the body systems associated with health outline the benefits of exercise explain the impact of regular exercise on body systems associated with health evaluate the short- and long-term effects of regular exercise on body systems associated with health

Scenario - As a fitness coach, you have been asked to examine the effect of exercise and lifestyle on the major body systems TASK ONE - this task provides evidence for P1 You are required to define and explain the key terms associated with the body systems and health and fitness. These include: fitness; health; wellbeing; nutrition; lifestyle – skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular. Evidence of completion: • Descriptions and Explanations of Key Terms • Labelled diagrams of the major body systems • Functions of the major body systems

TASK TWO - this task provides evidence for P2 Produce a leaflet or report that describes the short and long-term effects of exercise on the major body systems. E.g. short-term effects; raised heart rate, increased respiration, blood flow; long-term effects; lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure, improved strength, improved muscle endurance, better lung capacity, improved muscle tone; effects on stamina, weight, cholesterol, digestion. –muscle injuries (tears), sprained joints etc. The leaflet / report should include the following: • Pictures and diagrams of the four main body systems • Written information on the good and bad things that may happen to the body systems • Laid out in a professional way so that it can be used in school Evidence of completion: • Leaflet or report describing the effects of exercise

TASK THREE - this task provides evidence for P3 The benefits of exercise can be physical, mental and social. Create a Poster advertising the benefits of exercise on the body systems and include mental and social benefits as well. Evidence of completion: • Poster detailing the benefits of exercise

TASK FOUR - this task provides evidence for M1 & D1 Develop further Task Two and provide an explanation of the impact of regular exercise on each of the major body systems previously identified. To achieve D1 you will need to extend the report and evaluate the short- and long-term effects of regular exercise on body systems •

Continuation of P2- - Written report

Unit 5 – Improving Health and Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Public Services _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment Two – Food and Lifestyle Diaries (P4, P5, M2, D2) Learning Outcome Two - Understand the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on public service fitness Grading Criteria P4 P5 M2


keep a personal food and lifestyle diary describe the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on fitness review the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on fitness taking account of your personal food and fitness diary evaluate the effect of a personal food and lifestyle diary suggesting areas for improvement

Scenario - As a potential recruit to a public service, you have been asked to produce a lifestyle and food diary TASK ONE - this task provides evidence for P4 Participate in the recording of personal nutritional diary and combine this with a lifestyle diary log. To do this you will: • •

Record your diet for 1 week. Log lifestyle aspects for the same week.

Evidence of completion: • Log of Lifestyle factors • Nutritional diary.

TASK TWO - this task provides evidence for P5 Produce an A4 information leaflet designed to inform people of the purpose (reason) and function (job) of each food group, which include the following: • • • • • • •

Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Minerals Vitamins Fibre Water

Your leaflet should contain pictures and written information on each food group on, why we need it and how it affects health and fitness. You should also identify some of the implications of good and bad nutrition: hypoglycaemia; diabetes; obesity; cholesterol; blood pressure; heart disease Evidence of completion: • Leaflet detailing Food groups

TASK THREE - this task provides evidence for P5 Produce a PowerPoint presentation on the importance of lifestyle factors. The presentation should include pictures, images and advice on the importance of diet; sleep patterns; active lifestyle; effects of exercise, sport; addiction, drugs, alcohol, smoking. Evidence of completion: • Ppt presentation detailing lifestyle factors

TASK FOUR - this task provides evidence for M2 & D2 Having maintained a food diary, you should now review that information, commenting on what food and liquid you consumed and when. Compare your diet and lifestyle to government recommendations. To achieve D2 develop the report further to include an evaluation of the food diary reflecting on any changes made and why they were made, the consequences of continued poor diet and considerations for future improvements in relation to a career in the Public Services. Evidence of completion: • Written report

Unit 5 – Improving Health and Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Public Services _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment Three – Fitness Testing (P6, P7, M3) Learning Outcome Three - Be able to take part in fitness tests in order to appreciate the requirements of the uniformed public services Grading Criteria P6 P7

identify components of and testing methods for fitness perform fitness tests used by the uniformed public services

Scenario - As a careers advisor you have been asked to produce a report on the fitness tests required for entry into the Uniformed Public Services TASK ONE - this task provides evidence for P6 Research a minimum of 4 public service fitness tests focussing on the fitness components for each test. Describe how each test is designed to meet the specific requirements of the public service it’s designed for. Produce information that clearly explains the reason for, and the importance of, these components in an effective fitness test. Create a table highlighting components common across all the tests as well as components that are not. Explain the reasons for these differences. Evidence of completion: • Poster/leaflet/report on the importance of fitness tests • Table of common fitness test components

TASK TWO - this task provides evidence for P7 Take part in a uniformed public services fitness test and record your performance and results. These will be arranged by your tutor. Evidence of completion: • Record of performance • Observation record and/or witness statement

Unit 5 – Improving Health and Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Public Services _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment Four – Plan a Personal Health Development Programme (P8, M4, D3)

Learning Outcome Four - Be able to participate in a personal health improvement programme for uniformed public services. Grading Criteria P8 M3 M4 D3

plan a personal health improvement programme. demonstrate improvements in performance in a fitness test used by a uniformed public service participate in a personal health improvement programme. create an action plan for further improvement in health.

Scenario - As a fitness coach, you have been asked to plan and test a personal health development programme for a groups of new recruits for the Uniformed Public Services TASK ONE - this task provides evidence for P8 Based on your findings for P7 and work completed for P4 & P5 devise a personal health improvement programme to help you improve your performance in your chosen public service fitness test. The programme should cover: • SMART targets relating to your fitness test results • Nutrition – diet plan • Fitness – training programme incorporating FITT and SPORT • Lifestyle factors – set and log lifestyle parameters. Evidence of completion: • Health improvement programme

TASK TWO - this task provides evidence for M4 Follow your personal health improvement programme and record your progress in a diary log Evidence of completion: • Diary log • Observation record

TASK THREE - this task provides evidence for M3 Be retested in a uniformed public services fitness test and demonstrate improvements in performance. Record your results. This will be arranged by your tutor. Evidence of completion: • Record of performance • Observation record

TASK FOUR - this task provides evidence for D3 For D3 you will need to create an action plan which reflects on your original targets set and sets new targets which will allow you to work towards improving your health and achieving a longer term goal. To complete this task: • Review your personal health improvement programme • Assess your targets • Identify a long term goal in relation to the Public Services • Set targets to achieve this goal • Identify strategies to achieve your goal Evidence of completion: • Action plan

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