Gassonic - Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection

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Gassonic – More than 2.500 ultrasonic gas leak detectors installed worldwide in the process industry


ULTRASOUND ADVANTAGE Technologies that have traditionally been used in

in all Gassonic products, leaking gas itself does not

fixed installations to detect hydrocarbon gas leaks,

have to reach the sensor – just the sound of the gas

such as Catalytic/IR Point Sensors and IR Open Path


Sensors all have one limitation: in order for a leak to be detected, the gas itself must either be in close

Unlike other technologies, the Gassonic ultrasonic

proximity to the detector or within a pre-defined area.

gas leak detectors have no delicate optical alignment

Unfortunately, outdoor environmental conditions such

which can be affected by vibration, rain and fog, or

as changing wind directions and quick dispersion of

solar radiation. Nor can they be saturated by poison-

the gas cloud from a leaking outdoor installation often

ous or highly concentrated gases. On the contrary,

cause traditional gas detection systems to fail simply

the detectors’ stainless steel microphone is mainte-

because the gas never reaches the detector.


The Gassonic Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors are

To ensure full integrity and failsafe operation of

based on robust microphone technology; they detect

our most advanced ultrasonic gas leak detectors,

outdoor leaks by sensing the distinct high frequency

Gassonic A/S has developed and patented the

ultrasound emitted by all high pressure gas leaks.

Senssonic™ self-test technology.

With the unique ultrasonic sensing technology found

Alone or in combination The Gassonic ultrasonic gas leak detectors can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional detection methods.

TRADITIONAL GAS DETECTION TECHNOLOGIES Infra-red point detection Detection technology: Infra-red light Coverage: The gas must come into physical contact with the detector

Catalytic point detection Detection technology: Pellistor sensor Coverage: The gas must come into physical contact with the detector

IR open path detection Detection technology: Infra-red light Coverage: Gas must pass through a predefined beam of infra-red light


IS ULTRASOUND? A sound wave is simply a pressure pulse in the air,

while they exist beyond the range of normal human

which is detected by the human ear the same way

hearing, they can be detected by Gassonic’s special

that it is detected by a microphone. The human ear

microphone technology which is an integrated part of

can only perceive sound waves in the frequency range

the Gassonic gas leak detectors. When a pressurised

between 20Hz and 20kHz.

gas is released through a hole or a fissure, the leak produces “broad-band” acoustical noise, ranging

Sound waves with a frequency range higher than

from the audible frequency range up to the ultrasonic

20kHz are commonly referred to as ultrasound; and

frequency range.

THE ACOUSTICAL DETECTION RANGE OF THE GASSONIC MM0100 AND THE GASSONIC OBSERVER Very few background noises will occur in this range. However, leaking gas will produce ultrasound clearly detectable within this range. The Gassonic gas leak detector responds to sound that falls within this range.

Gas Leak Rate •

The leak rate corresponds to how much gas is released from a leak per second. The leak rate unit of measurement is kilograms/second (kg/s).

A gas leak that generates a high leak rate is dangerous since it can quickly accumulate into an explosive and dangerous gas cloud.

2 0 HZ


2 0 K HZ


From gas dispersion studies, a gas leak rate of 0.1 kg/s is considered to be a small gas leak. As an

1 0 0 K HZ

example, a 0.1 kg/s gas leak can be formed by a leak of 4 mm at a gas pressure of 40 BAR (700 psi).

ACOUSTICAL SOUND WITHIN the human hearing range. Most background noise in plants and other industrial facilities, including turbines, motors, and compressors, falls within this frequency range. The Gassonic detectors do not respond within this area.

ACOUSTICAL SOUND BEYOND the human hearing range.

Acous tical s ound within the human hearing range. Mos t background nois e in plants and other indus trial facilities , including turbines , motors , and compres s ors , falls within this frequency range. The GAS S ONIC detectors do not res pond within this area.

Gassonic ultrasonic detection technology can detect a leak at a leak rate of 0.1 kg/s up to 20 m. away.



NATURE OF LEAKING GAS The concentration of leaking gas is always highest

door installations even very large gas leaks dilute

closer to the source of the leak, gradually diluting as

quickly and are significantly affected by changing

it drifts away from the source. Traditional detection

wind directions – making them very difficult to detect.

technologies rely on a build-up of the concentration

Instead of measuring a concentration in LEL, Gas-

of the leaking gas. In closed indoor gas installations,

sonic ultrasonic detection technology detects gas

these technologies work fairly well. However, in out-

leaks instantly at a pre-defined leak rate.

have shown that a pressurised gas pipe flange with a 3 mm leak and gas pressure of 55 BAR emitted a gas cloud approximately 4 metres long and approximately 2 metres wide. Measurements made in the centre of the gas cloud revealed concentrations of 100% LEL. However, just 7 metres in front of the leak or 1 metre to either side of the gas cloud, the concentration of the gas cloud was reduced to 0% LEL. In this practical field test, none of the existing fixed detectors on the platform complex reacted to the leak. In contrast, the ultrasound emitted from the same leak was detected instantly by the Gassonic leak detection technology up to 19



0-5% LEL 4 M E T RE S

5-25% LEL 100% LEL


metres away.

Comparative Gas Release Event Tree Operators in the petrochemical industry are con-

ards at the earliest stage (initiation), before they

stantly looking at ways to reduce risk, prevent loss,

have time to develop or escalate has a significant

and ensure safe and reliable production. One of the

impact on major accident risk reduction. Traditional

key elements in achieving this and increasing the

gas detection systems need to wait for the gas to

overall efficiency is by speeding up the response time

form a vapour cloud, which may or may not ignite, and

of the F&G detection system.

which may or may not allow loss prevention by enabling shutting down the gas facility in time. Ultrasonic

The Gas Release Event Tree below puts the effects

Gas Leak Detectors respond at the speed of sound

of a gas leak into perspective. It is evident that the

at gas leak initiation, unaffected by changing wind

deployment of appropriate technology to detect haz-

directions and dilution of the gas.

Event tree for gas release Gas Release

Immediate Ignition

Vapor Cloud Forms and Ignites

Liquid Rainout and Ignition

Explosion Occurs

Toxic Chemical


Outcome Jet Fire


Vapor Cloud Explosion

Yes No

Flash Fire

No Yes No

Pool Fire Yes


Ultrasonic gas detection

Conventional gas detection


Toxic Exposure No Consequences But Environmental Impact



In field instrumentation, particularly in harsh outdoor

DETECTION RADIUS OF A a high-quality sound transducer an airTYPICAL GAStransmitting LEAK

environments, faults or breakdowns can occur. What

borne ultrasonic signal to the detector’s microphone

is NOT acceptable is when such faults or breakdowns

system. This ensures that the microphone and the

are left un-revealed, especially if safety is involved.

electronics are tested continuously within well-

To meet the challenge of ensuring failsafe operation Gassonic A/S has developed SENSSONIC™ self-test

defined tolerances, and that the operator is warned if 0-5% LEL the detector should fail this regular test. 5-25% LEL


100% LEL The SENSSONIC™ technology provides reliable and

for our most advanced ultrasonic4gas M E Tleak RE S detectors,

failsafe operation for the Gassonic ultrasonic gas SENSSONIC™ self-test technology provides a full

leak detectors, protecting your assets and ensuring

acoustic integrity test of the Gassonic Observer

human safety in your industrial facility.

ultrasonic gas leak detector every 15 minutes using GAS LEAK 55 BAR


SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION acoustical ultrasonic background noise in the area to be covered should then be decided. If the plant facility is still under construction, Gassonic A/S can be consulted to estimate optimal locations.

Plant Mapping To determine the optimal trigger level for the Gassonic detectors at a given location, and thereby decide the coverage radius, an ultrasonic background noise mapping can be performed. Gassonic may assist customers doing this.

Onsite system commissioning An ultrasonic gas leak detection system can be commissioned by means of simulated nitrogen gas leaks at a leak rate of e.g. 0.1 kg/s. This will verify that the To ensure maximum performance from an ultrasonic

wellhead areas, etc., can be potential leak sources in

detection system picks up leaks according to the pre-

gas leak detection system certain factors should be

high pressure gas installations.

defined performance standards.

Determining a leak size

Regular maintenance

taken into consideration.

Initial considerations

The next decision to make is what leak size needs

Normally the Gassonic detectors do not need main-

First of all, it should be considered which facilities are

to be detected. Even leaks as small as 2 mm can

tenance or calibration. However, if plant regulations

to be monitored – is it an open or a very congested

be detected by the Gassonic gas leak detectors. For

require so, the portable test unit Gassonic 1701 can

facility? One should be aware that all joining parts,

optimal installation of the detectors, the gas pres-

be used.

including pipe flanges, valves, manifold systems,

sure of the system as well as the level of the average


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES The Gassonic products are developed in close coop­eration with the world’s leading oil and gas suppliers to ensure reliable operation in some of the harshest

· ATEX, UL/ULC, IECEx and GGTN (K) certified for installation in hazardous environments. · Patented

environments on Earth. All Gassonic products are


designed to withstand tough corrosive environments

The Gassonic Surveyor

and constantly changing weather conditions. They

· Intrinsically safe, EEXi, stainless steel enclosure

are designed for permanent monitoring of manned or

· 4-20 mA analogue output

unmanned on- and offshore gas installations. Instal-

· Visual local indication (LED)

Background noise immunity

lation locations include remote arctic locations as

· ATEX and IECEx certified

Most noise sources (machines, turbines,

well as desert conditions.

generators) generate sound below the de-


tectable frequency range of the Gassonic

The Gassonic ultrasonic gas leak detectors are all

· Intrinsically safe, EEXi

detectors. However, to ensure that the ultra-

based on robust and proven microphone technology.

· Namur alarm relay output

sonic gas leak detectors are not influenced

The detectors are low-maintenance devices and easi­ly

· Substantial track record

by other noise sources onsite, it is normally

tested and calibrated onsite with the portable unit,

· ATEX and UL/ULC certified

recommended to perform a background

the Gassonic 1701. The product range includes:

noise mapping survey prior to installation.

The Gassonic Services The GASSONIC OBSERVER

· Onsite noise mapping survey

False alarms

· Stainless steel EEXd, explosion proof enclosure

· Detector allocation

Spontaneous air releases from certain indus-

· Senssonic™ self-test technology ensuring failsafe

· Onsite commissioning

trial sources could also trigger an ultrasonic

· Personnel training

gas leak detector. Therefore, the Gassonic

operation. · 4 -20 mA analogue output and RS 485 digital communication interface.

detectors have a built-in delay function to prevent such false alarms from occurring.


GASSONIC Gassonic A/S has a long and distinguished history.

products and services by engaging in and maintaining

Formerly part of the Innova family it was formed after

constructive and energetic dialogue with our clients.

the break-up in the early 1990’s of the Danish instrument manufacturer Brüel & Kjær. Having acquired

It is key for us to make our experience and expertise

both its skilled workforce and its highly-qualified

available to our customers. Therefore, we strive not

development team, Gassonic is continuing the gas

only to sell our products, but also to assist our cus-

analysis and detection operations begun by Brüel

tomers by offering a variety of services to optimise

& Kjær decades ago. Today, Gassonic is part of the

their feeling of safety.

General Monitors family of companies. The ultrasonic gas leak detection technology is now

GASSONIC A/S Energivej 42 A DK-2750 Ballerup Denmark Tel +45 44 700 910 Fax +45 44 700 911

At Gassonic we focus on building the greatest possible

so well-established that it is being used worldwide by

level of reliability and safety for our clients. To do so,

most of the major oil and gas producers. Gassonic

one of our main objectives is to continually develop our

has local representation all over the world.

G A S S O N I C – G A S L E A K D E T E C T I O N AT T h E S p E E D O F S O u N D !

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