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Samia Rashid Hai
Art is not only seen with the eyes, but also with the heart. Samia Rashid Hai is a contemporary Bangladeshi artist whose works mirror her deep inner world. The brush follows the rhythm of her thoughts and emotions and the world around her is transformed into a precious source of inspiration. C H
A O S was created in 2023 using the technique of acrylic on canvas. The road cannot always be downhill: sometimes our soul is shaken and cannot recover, sometimes disorder looms and it seems that putting everything back in its right place is a mission impossible. Samia has represented this state of confusion through the juxtaposition of warm colours and cold colours and brush strokes that overlap in different directions. Yellow, orange and red represent the sunshine that illuminates our hearts and the love we receive from those close to us. Blue and purple identify with the coldness and insecurity that often counteract our positivity. C H A O S is a metaphor for the life of each one of us: we go up on a merry-goround that takes us upwards only to bring us down quickly and finally back up again. Samia communicates important messages to her viewers through her works: observe them, immerse yourself in them and start a journey within yourself.