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Waltraud Gemein
“Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic.” (Keith Haring)
German artist Waltraud Gemein expresses through her works the unity of all living beings, humans, animals and plants. Through pencil marks, which acquire shape, size and character, she manages to modulate the representation by creating a single thread that connects all the features of existence. The individual figures thus acquire a variety of forms and meanings that do not stop at appearance but result, in a symbiosis of hidden meanings and symbols. The figures that come to life are formed by modulated strokes in several stages, in which the artist lets the pencil on the paper indulge his inspirations and feelings. It really seems that they have a life of their own, that they are able to dance on the paper, thanks to small strokes given by the artist, and that each line, each mark, initiates a new form, a new figure. The artist Waltraud Gemein appears extroverted, direct, overwhelming, like her canvases. For in her paintings nothing is as it appears; her psychological and inner world blends with real images in an enchanting result of colors and shapes.