The Shared City A place where an individual can live, travel and co-exist with others seamlessly is
the goal of a shared city. Citizens should
“Cities have the capability of providing so only when, they are cre Jacobs (1993) The Death and
not experience unfair circumstances in the place they reside due to their sex,
gender or societal factors. Although this thesis placed a large emphasis on the
inequalities women experience in public
transit settings, there are many scenarios where women are not accounted for
in the planning process. As mentioned
before in the precedent study of Vienna, municipalities have to start making
changes to areas such as housing, social
spaces, playgrounds and park design. There are many steps in the planning
process of a city and gender inclusive
public transit is only the start to create a shared city. The goal of this thesis is to
have municipalities, transport planners, landscape architects and other experts
changing their traditional planning methods to account for gender sensitive planning practices.