1 minute read
The Au2mate mini dairy creates understanding and insight
Au2mate Academy is known in the dairy industry to be a knowledge & training centre within dairy automation, where managers, operators and technical staff are offered training in everything from automation concepts to digitalisation.
Au2mate Academy offers training both in our theory classroom as well as in our "mini dairy". Besides being a knowledge centre, the Au2mate Academy also functions as a pilot plant. The process plant itself is fully operational and is therefore also used for testing new technologies. These technologies may consist of new software products, but also new hardware is tested at the plant by our partners.
For example, Alfa Laval has installed their new I/O link valves on the plant for customers to have the opportunity to test them, because the advantage of using the Au2mate Academy for testing is that the plant runs only on water.
This advantage has also been seen at the Dania Business Academy in Hedensted, where it has just been agreed that a small part of the training as a process technologist is to take place at the Au2mate Academy, where the students will also have one of their exams. The possibility to create a programme and test it at a live plant has been a great wish, which is now becoming a reality.
Head of Au2mate Academy, Eva Stanell, is really pleased with the all the attention. - It's great to feel that our guests recognise they take home some knowledge from their visit with us. Whether it is from customers, suppliers, or students, we get positive feedback on our training centre, she says.

Eva Stanell Tlf: 5256 5461 est@au2mate.dk www.au2mate.dk
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KEOFITT A/S Kullinggade 31 5700 Svendborg Denmark Phone +45 6316 7080 www.keofitt.dk