Maelys Garreau Architecture Portfolio 2019

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A rc h i te c tu re

MAELYS GARREAU +44 7716740150

Hello! I completed my undergraduate studies at the Mackintosh School of Architecture where I was nominated for the Bronze RIBA Presidents Medal. After that I spent a year working in Paris for AWP office for territorial reconfiguration working across multiple scales and genres from an urban project, park and construction of mixed-use buildings with linkcity to reinventing a sand quarry in Metropolitan Park in the Netherlands as part of IBA Parkstad. I then worked shortly for Nicolas DorvalBory on a small refurbishment of a Parisian flat. Then I continued the year at NP2F architects with whom I worked on two competitions: the new Mediterranean Institute of the City and Territories in Marseille and a Maritime Museum in Brest. I joined the London School of Architecture in 2017 for my Masters, an experimental new school that blends academia with practice, where I worked at Mikhail Riches for the LSA practice placement. I primarily worked on competitions, feasibility studies for social housing as well as helping with the internal packages for the Phase 2 of the regeneration of Sheffield’s Park Hill estate.

EDUCATION 2017 - 2019

Dip Architecture ( RIBA Part II), London School of Architecture, London

2013 - 2016

BA Architecture ( RIBA Part I), Mackintosh School of Architecture GSA, Glasgow


Mikhail Riches, 1 year and 3 months, London


NP2F - Architectes, 4 months placement, Paris


Nicolas Dorval-Bory architects , 2 months placement, Paris


AWP office for territorial reconfiguration, 6 months placement Paris


Hello Wood, ‘The inventory’, a wooden intervention re-using recycled wood, Hungary


Periscope Installation, interactive installation offering view into the Mackintosh’s library at its current inaccessible state to wider public (with Vojtech Nemec)


InterACT 2016, cross-disciplinary design project, opportunity to collaborate on a real-life based project and disciplines of structural engineers and quantity surveyor


Life-built intervention at Beith Community Development Trust. Construction transforming a space into a playful landscape for children using local and reclaimed material


Nominated for the 2018 RIBA Dissertation Medal


Nominated for the 2016 RIBA President’s Bronze Medal


2016 A+DS and RIAS Scottish Student Awards – Award for Best 3rd Year


Winning Proposal: The Outdoor Classroom, design of an adventure play in the natural environment, Carron Valley Forestry Commission


GIA (Glasgow Institute of Architects) Stage 3 Award 2016, best ‘Stage 3’ architectural design project


Finalist for 2016 ‘Woman in Property’ for National Student Award


Prize InterACT 2016 - 2nd-place


GIA (Glasgow Institute of Architects) Stage 2 Commendation Award 2015


French (mother tongue), English (current and professional), Dutch and Spanish (basics)

CAD skills

Rhino 3D, AutoCAD, IES, Adobe Creative Cloud


Humanity has become a destructive force where we have severed most connection with other living organisms. Pioneer Landscape urges us to amend the way we think and rigidly live to one that is wilder and magical encompassing all of the dirty and strange realities of nature starting with a home for the youth. Spaces for expression, adventure and danger are decidedly lacking in London. Improving access to and awareness of the natural environment, this project provides learning and care facilities to Camberwell’s marginalised youth. Situated on the Valmar Trading Estate, this scheme embraces the wilding of former industrial infrastructure, beckoning nature into a landscape where it was once rebuffed. In doing so, it fosters environmental awareness by creating new relationships with the outdoors through celebrating the earthy, dirty, dominant forces of nature that are present yet often shunned by urban spaces. Tutors: Paolo Zaide, Carl Turner

Wilding infrastructure

The continuation of nature is a rejection of our rigid conventional ways of living. The living room is detailed through the layering of surfaces using straw bale and cob to achieve malleable forms.

Bathing becomes an act of private regeneration as well as a collective ritual mediating between the inside and outside.

The entire land of the home is treated as one big living room.

Entrances from Camberwell highstreet, London

Paper mache model

A mountain of micro-organisms solidified in a refuge of waste

HOW TO BECOME A GARDENER OF THE EARTH MANIFESTO Nominated for the 2018 RIBA Dissertation Medal This is not an environmental call. Instead it is a manifesto that reconsiders the human role as an emphatic gardener. It redefines all living, toxic, and artificial landscapes in order to deconstruct the man-made ideology of nature, which heavily relies on environmental romanticised aesthetics. The time has come to recognise this current ecological crisis primarily as social issue between man and nature concerning our value system, lifestyles and economy. The manifesto proposes a new set of ethics and radically reshapes architectural space of the future. It is a complex vision of landscapes, which network more sensitively to all forms of life. Tutors: James Soane

YOUTH YARD DIPLOMA PROJECT Youth Yard is an informal learning garden for everyone. A safe and inclusive shelter, and skills training to marginalized youth in transition from homelessness. It enables youth to establish their own identities and enhance their employability through varying activities. It rethinks our associated norms of the child encounter with outdoors from a post-nature perspective. Tutors: Paolo Zaide, Carl Turner

Above: Plan Left: Reinhabitation of gas holders

Above: Yard Right: Model development


A MANIFESTO FOR DWELLING WITH THE NON HUMAN We are facing an environmental crisis, caused in large part by our anthropocentric hold on the world. The Hedgehog Disco, a reference to Timothy Morton’s ecological rhetoric, outlines a new way of living in collaboration with nature; not in nostalgia for an Edenic past, but in an optimistic vision of a possible future. GROUP: Michael Craddock, Maelys Garreau, Matthew Lo, Toby Parrott, Živilė Volbikaitė, Philippine Wright LED BY: Anthony Engi-Meacock and Giles Smith from ASSEMBLE

Left: Material Analysis using natural and pieces from the river Thames Next page: We focused our design specifically on spaces for the enactment of rituals: day-to-day activities elevated to postanthropocentric acts that encourage engagement in nature.

The Tidal Rituals At spring tide (twice a month) the Thames rises high enough to breach the limecrete dyke, and the community engage in the act of washing. The banks provide space for lounging:

facilitating storytelling and teaching among fellow bathers. The ritual lasts until the waters have receded.

The Seasonal Rituals Surrounded by meadow and hedgerows for foraging, both nonhumans and humans congregate to share food. Dining spaces are more open, dwellers are sheltered by

nature, while smaller spaces or pods are carved out higher up the tower for dining as individuals or smaller groups.

The Lifecycle Rituals Higher up, undulating, burrowed-out areas are shared among different species for a range of rituals: reproduction, birth and death. A contrast is evident to the usual sterile

and open conditions of a hospital, once seen as the norm. It allows dwellers to reflect on their connection to the Earth and the role they play on it as an equal, not its master.

THE CATCH UP INSTITUTION PART 1 PROJECT 2016 A+DS and RIAS Scottish Student Awards - award for Best 3rd Year Nomination for 2016 RIBA President’s Bronze Medal Catch-up’ is an institution for previously hospitalized children to catch-up on their creative development that they might have missed, creating a threshold to re-enter society through the combination of nature and magical stories. The open environment allows for their freedom of creative expression through in movement and play, which allows for the use of senses in the way a child faces challenges and responds to them. TUTOR: Mark Kilkenny, Katherine Li

Above: Section Right: Top plan with existing barn as it runs into the forest


The Science Garden presents the Innovation Centre in poetic nature. As a volume within which the world of chemistry and high-tech industry marries with the calm and transcendence of the natural world. The garden lurking behind a street forming, zig-zagging polycarbonate spreads gently throughout the building, offering to the public as well as to the users an unique counterpart in the context of specialized, utilitarian environment. Led by: Maelys Garreau, Vojtech Nemec

AWP OFFICE FOR TERRITORIAL RECONFIGURATION WORK EXPERIENCE Ran by Alessandra Cianchetta, Marc Armengaud and Matthias Armengaud


The ‘Jardins de l’Arche’ is a project in Nanterre where we are aiming in developing an urban green and inhabited space with a series of ‘Folies’ along the way stretching from ‘La Grande Arche’ to the Arena. The main challenge of the project lies in its capacity to develop a public space as a place of relaxation compared to the neighbor business district. The design still in development must therefore offer a very fluid link between the Arch the Nanterre’s Terraces, integrating culture and leisure.


POLE OF THE MARITIME EXCELLENCES, BREST Work experience The pole is located within the workshops of the Capuchins, where the Naval workers used to process large pieces of metal for the French Navy or foreign countries.

Above: One option in axonometric Right: Testing of internal views



Above: Final Image and above floor plan by NP2F



Above: Model of the final proposal for the Pavillon de l’Arsenal Underneath: Final Images by NP2F

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