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MAEM Production
In the everyday world surrounding us, micrometer means next to nothing. The human eye cannot even see it…
In the world of MAEM Production Department, each of 16 persons responsible for the manufacturing process knows perfectly well how important it is for precision manufacturing.
A proper understanding of precision manufacturing results in hundreds of the most complex components being sent to a wide variety of our customers’ ships every day.
Precision manufacturing is one of the key stages of Reverse Engineering PLUS. It is at this point that the correctness of work done by MAEM engineers’ from the Development Department is verified in trial batch manufacturing.
Top-class specialists operating state-of- -the-art machines build technological competitive advantage of MAEM. With our R&D Department as well as Production Department and Testing Centre in place, we have implemented Reverse Engineering PLUS. At MAEM, we do not focus on 1:1 duplicating of details only. Using the latest technology, we often make products with properties better than the original ones and we ensure manufacturing process optimisation at the same time. As a result, we offer products at competitive prices, with no compromise on quality.
At MAEM, we believe in transparency and respect for our business partners, so we have nothing to hide.
If you would like to see how and where MAEM’s products are manufactured, come to visit our plant in Poland.
On our website, you can watch a short film showing how we approach Reverse Engineering. Enjoy watching it!
| January 2019 |