1 minute read
Beyond the boundless sea there is certainly land, nothing is impossible, better is the enemy of good... What do great explorers, inventors or authors of economic success have in common? It is the faith in beliefs that for many sound ridiculous and crazy. An irresistible urge combined with the ability to go beyond the usual patterns has made us witness progress and everyday changes in our lives.
When talking about the values that characterize MAEM, we could not leave out one of the qualities of achievers - open-mindedness.
By producing parts in reverse engineering we could successfully focus solely on reproducing designs on a one-to-one basis. This would put us in line with our competitors who stop at this very stage. Technological possibilities, knowledge and open-mindedness make us go further...
With a test center at our disposal we conduct continuous research on MAEM products. Our ambition is not to make them the same as the original. We have introduced many modifications and improvements to the market making MAEM products work longer and more
efficiently. The mission of MAEM products is to exceed customer expectations, making mechanics' work more pleasant and safer.
The best reward for open-mindedness, hard work and commitment is the trust expressed in the orders entrusted to our company. There is nothing more valuable to us than a material requisition from a ship with the note: ‘MAEM production parts, please'.