An urban model of muslim tradition in portuguese cities. In International Seminar on Urban Form

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lst\tuto Unlversitarlo Archttettura Venezia PG 904 Servizio Bibliografico Audiovisivo e di Documentazione


ISUF International Conference

Proceedings of the International Conference Trani, 3-6 July, 2003

Edited by Attilio Petruccioli, Michele Stella, Giuseppe Strappa



• [ • 0 I
'"IV. CIA .•..•. ..................... VOLUME I UNIONGRAFICA

Sevgi Aktiire

Planned Settlements of Anatolia in the Early Iron Age (8th-6th c. be) .

Gianluigi Ciotta

Priene, Greece The Urban Planning and its Con.rtituent Elements.

M/aden Obad Scitaroci. Bojana Bojanic Obad Scitaroci

Planned City in Croatia Tradition of City Planninr, during Twenty Five Centuries: from Greek and l?o111an Until Modern Cily Mladen Obad Scitaroci, Bojana Bojanic Obad Scitaroci

Antique City on the Eastern Adriatic Coast (Croatia) in the Context of Greek and Roman Urban Tradition » .B Eamonn Canniffe

The other Rome Building the U ti!itarian City in Trastevere 3'.i Yair Avigdor

The Place Where the Present Precedes the Past The Story of the "Apollonia'' Project 45 Elena Iodice, Paola Rossi, Chiara Gandolfi Caracalla Baths, Rome A Virt11af Reconstruction Obtained from Sortie Renaissanrn Drawinr,s in Berlin.............. ,, 5 I Giulia Annalinda Neglia

Colonnaded Streets Projects for Restructuring the Urban Fabric of lfellenistic-Roman Planned Cities in Syria " 5 7 Annalisa Di Roma

The Colonnaded Streets of the Syrian Classical Cities Architectural Structure and Standardization Process in !he Elert1ents Production Gian Luir,i Maffei

Towns Founded by the Romans Operative Research Methodology Pat Dennison

The Medieval Town in Scotland Planned or Unplanned) Luca Labate,

63 611 73

A Contribution to the Knowledge of Mediterranean Urban Characters. The Ancient Towns in Terra di Bari " 711 Daniela Catalano

Construction in rhe Urban Walls System The Case of the Coastal Historical Centres in the Central Part of P11glia Region Loredana Ficarelli

The Physical Form of the City Rosa Pagliarulo

The urban front as element of relation between urban and architectural spaces of intra moenia city The study <ase of Molfetta...................... Giancarlo Cataldi, Fau.rto Formichi. Alessandro Merlo, Laura Visentin Pienza, a Planned VicUJ that Became a Town Pienza, the Town Plan Marco Spesso

Complexity in Humanistic Urban Renewal of a Feudal Settlement Pienza, Italy Alessandro Merlo. with Giancarlo Cataldi, Fau.rto Forrt1ichi, Laura in Pienza, A Planned Vicus Transformed in a Town Be.fore Pienza. Conignano Philippe Graff

The Piedmontese town planning (1560 1860) Ye Arlen Min aild Wang Haofeng

The "Unplanned" Vernacular Settlements A Study of Villar,e Morphology in Huizhou Prefecture. China Marco Folin

"The Bones of the Edifice" Corner Stones and Pilasters in the Renais.rance Urban Planning " Mingxi Zhu, Eamonn Canniffe. ]ian Kang

The Interaction ofLizhi and Fengshui on the Urban Morphology of the City of Nanjing in the Early Ming Dynasty 1368-1420 Piel Lombaerde

Founded Cities during the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries in Northern France and the Low Countries

13 17 21 27
116 92 911 104 J/() 114 120 /26 132 137 Models and Application.r.. ................................................................................................................................................. " I 42

Marict Grazia Corsini

Rome Dwelojmient.1 fro111 the 16th to the 20th Cenlttry in the Dialectic Between "S/Jecial '!)pes'' and Urban OrganiJtn Keith D. Lilley

Cities of God' Medievtd llrht1n Forms t1nd their Chri.1tian Symbo!iJm Nicola Marzot

The Paradox of Castel Maggiore, Italy A Planned 111wn Withottt any Prescrijltion about Urban Form A.}. Scrase

Regulating the Medieval Town Keith D. Lilley

Urban Designs Decision-Making and the Formation of Medieval Urban LandsiajJes 'ferry /? Slater

Planning English Medieval 'Street Towns' Eliana de Nichilo, G'iuse/1/1e Fallacara

Neoclassical Bitonto A Nineteenth-Century Original Examf!le of"Provincial" Civil Architecture in Terra di Bari Eliana de Nichilo, c;iuseNe Fallacara Neoclassical Bitonto 11 Nineteenth-Century Origint1! Examjlle of "Provincial" Civil Architecture in Terrt1 di Bari Prancesm P De Me1ttia, Carlo A. Zaccaria

The Nineteenth Century Expansion in Apulia Conversano and Rttvo Anna Br11na MenJ!,hini

Planned Towns of the 1930s in Puglia Urban Form and Typological Features i!t1ria Forno

Strada Nuovissima in Gl'noa Analy.1is of an Urban Structure Bettceen the Second half of the Eighteenth and the First half of the Nineteenth Century Jean-Frcmroi.1 Leje11ne

North-South l?ationali.1111 and 'f'radition in the New Towns of the l?econstmction in SjJain ( 1939-1958)

Irena Bakttle, Liturmia and Arni.r Siksna

The Planned Extensions Of Riga During The l 7th To l 9th Centuries Derht1m Groves Sin.1iwan: Shophouse Town K. Stanilov, V Donchev

Planning the New Nation The Transformation of Sofia and other Bulgarian Towm at the End of the l 9th Century Chia-Lin Two

From Defencl' Toward lntl'gration

Three Centuries of Urban MorjJhology and the l?eformation of Puhlic SjJace in Hsin-Chu City. Taiu•an Trmzma.10 J\tlaria MaJsare!!i

Changes in the Urban Organism of Bitonto throughout the X!Xth century Se11ny,koo Jo

The Morphological Structure and Institutions The evolNtion of Kansas State University " Charles Correa Great City Terrible Place Kees Doevendans, Anne Schram

The Discord of Modernism l?eflections on a Morjlhological Paradigm lvor Samuels

Morphology Lire or Learning from Letchworth Reflections on Conternjwrary New Town Design in England Gennaro Ferrari

Theoreticals LanJmarks

Hidenohu jinnai

An Organic Planned City /?evaluation o/Edo-Tokyo Panos J\tfcmtziaras

Rudolf Schwarz and the Planned Dispersion of the "City-LanJscape" Karl Krojif

Between the Intentional and rhe Emergent A!eJJandro Git1nnini City of Tomorrow

Yt!dtrtrn Yarnz

Ankara Creating a Neu' Cajlitalfor a Modern New Nation

226 231 237



M" Th Fr, Th Pa, Mi M" Th Ka "TI Ge1 Mi Th Sy! Sul SjJe A/1 Ma An Sm Du Ur La, Th Pet Re Igo: Th Kr1 "B1 Cec Co Per Th Pet, For Mi, Uri Kai Me }ttr. Th v.. Uri Sup Pai Olc I l Olc Cip .Th Na, Th, Mo Col Mo, Col

.................................. ..
·········•••••·•••••········•••••••••········•·•••••·•••••·······•··••••••••........••••• » 148 .:-. 154 15') /66 f7() 176 182 /')() 196 204 210 215 221
245 250
271 276 286 291 296 304

Marco Maretto

The Art of Designing Cities Between Jonna 1trbis and Urban Design: two experiences in practise . Francesca Bon/ante

The proposals of Giuseppe De Finerti for Milan A "Plan" for Architectural Projects Paul Osmond » 315

Micro-Scale Analysis of Urban Form Towards a Sustainability Too/kit " Marta Adriana Bustos Romero, Brazil

The Planning of Brasilia

Karsten Ley

"The Significance of Spatial Design in City Planning" German 1Kiinstlerischer Stadtebau' its Beginningr and its Transition until 1945 » Michael Darin

The New Squares of Paris""""'""""""""""""""""""' Sylvain Ma/fray

Suburban = Post-Urban? Wbat if the Future of a City would be Prefigured outside its Walls' Speculations about Thirty Years of University Building at the Periphery of Lausanne » Alexandra Staub

Magnitogorsk, Russia Evolution of a Prototype Planned Soviet City After the Fall of Socialism " Andrey Ivanov, Russia

.326 332 338 343 348 Soviet City in Postsoviet Kyrgyzstan From Planned Chaos to Natural llrhan Market-driven Organism " 353 Ducom Estelle

Urban Growth and Planning The case of Rennes ( Britanny, France) " 358 Laura Bertolaccini

Theories and Models Cities and Cementeries in 18th Century , 362 Peter Bo:selmann, Stefan Pellegrini

Rebuilding the Urban Structnre of the Inner City A Strategy for the Re/1air of Dou•ntoun1 Oakland, California " 369 Igor Vojnavic

The Unplanned City Houston Kristen Schaffer

"Burnham's 'No Little Plans' for Chicago The Physical and Social Proy,rarns '!Ogether" , """""""" Cecilia Giusti

375 381

231 Colonias Along the Texas Mexico Border as example of a pattern of city growtb A Study in Starr County " 387 Pereira Costa, Stael de A!vareny,a

The Role of the Landscape on Shaping Urban Forms of Colonial Mining Towns » 595 2 3 7 Peter Kellett

Formal Planning in Informal Settlements Learniny, from Latin America » 39'! 245 Michael Stanton

Urban Propaganda Fide and Cuban Difference 405 250 Karine Dupre

Meaning of City Planning in Guadeloupe """""""""""" June D. Komisar

The Laws of the Indies versns Town Typology in Eighteenth-Century Brazil Settlement Patterns in Vila Rica and Mariana Vera Regina Tany,ari, Jonathas Magalhaes Pereira da Silva Urban Re-Design for the Ancient Frontline of the Docklands of Rio De Janeiro, Brasil Support for Future Development of the Central Area ................ . Patricia Baroni

Old Havana Singularity and Recuperation """""""""""" J D. Coleman

Old Bottles for New Wine Preservation in Historic Quito , Cipriani Barbara

411 416 lt21

The Case-Srndy of Sidon (Lebanon) and the Peculiar Issue of the new Urban Interventions """ """, """, ",N 437 Naciye Doratli. Sebnem Ona! Hoskara, Nevter Zafer and Asli Ozy,urun

The Walled City of Famagusta (Gazimagusa) An Opportunity for Planned Transformation ,,, 443 Mourad Bouteflika

Colonization and New Typology of Dwelling The Colonial Foundation Town in the Plain of Mitidja, Mohamed Saidi

Colonial Structuring of the Territory of tbe Mitidja The Logic of the ImjJ/antation of the Agglomerations and their Urban Patterns

54 59 '66 '70 176 182 190 196 204 210 215 221 226
............................................................. , .. , '""'""'""'"'""'"'""'""'""'"'
255 259 265 271 276 286
427 432
296 304
449 457

Caterina P arrel!o

The Planned City of the Mediterranean The Catania Study

Nur Akin. Ma11rice Cerasi

Planned Cities and Politically Planned Spontaneous Development in Ottoman Towns

Mafalda G. Teixeira de Sampayo

An Urban Model of Muslim Tradition in Portuguese Cities VIII XIII Centuries

Gaye Biro!. Murat (,'etin

Ideology Versus Tradition A StrUJ!,J!,le over the Plan of a We.rtern Anatolian Town " 475 Giuseppe Franmco Rocio/a

The Transformation Process in the "Salt Landscapes" Aigue.r-Mortes, Between Nature and Artifice " 481 Ozturk Olcay, Tudak Lejla

Post-War Planning for the City of Mostat

GivsePf!e Arcidiacono

The Planned City of the Mediterranean The Dialectic between the Ideal City and the Contemporary Project at Grammiihele di Sicilia " 489 Jorge Correia

Morphological Aspects of the Portuguese "City" in North Africa Funda Uz S/Jnrnez

The Route of the Memory

Madani Said, Dia/at Abderrahmane, Tacherifte Abdelma!ek, Mariet1 Jean

Changes in Two Neighbourhoods Cite Levy & Cite Des Cheminots, Seti/- Algeria

Dia/at Abderrahmane, Madani Said, Tacherifte Abde!ma!ek, Goze Mauriff

The Planned Cities Crossed by the Main National Road Rn5 in Algeria Case of El-Eulma " 5 JO Rupinder SinJ!,h

The Lesson of Piranesi's Imagination for the Planned City...............................

514 G ianj;ao/o Comoli

Mussolini's New Rome From the Primacy of the City to the Primacy of the Road.....

520 Asuka Tominar,a. Enrim Genovesi Planning Traces in Gaera's old Town Valeria Chieti

The Influence of the Geographical Characters in the City Planning

The case of the Wheat Pits of Cerignola within its Urban and Territorial Development

Palma Librato

From Roman Planned Territory to the Byzantine Urban Model The case of the Ancient Cities of Nurthen Syria " 5.36 A. Sen em Deviren

"Un-Planned" Experiencing the City of Gazimago.ra ( Famaj!,usta) in North Cypru.r " 542 H ossein Nourmohammadzadeh

Case Study Bafgh as a City with Di.rmntinuous Development Ali E.rsam Shazly

The Prospects of the 'Insurance Plan' (Vol.-!) in Alexandria, Egypt A.S. Ail-Azzau·i, Said El-Najjar

The Historical Development of the Capital Amman and its Future Urban Morphology Noha Nasser

Cairo: Ville Cree en Islam' A Reinterpretation of an Is!amiiate Urban Paradij!,m Saleh Larnei

Orphan schools (Kuttab) as a Cultural Identity Of Muslim Cities Cairo a.r Study " Germna Pinto

The Northern Cemetery of Cairo The Relationship Between Space and Architecture Aydan Balmnir, Tiirkan U raz

Old and New Fabrics of Mardin Lws of Transitions in Spatial and Constructional Form······························································"

G. Andriani, D. Catania, F Gigotti, L. Guastamacchia, L. Pisano, C. Rubini. P. Traversa

Samarkand: the Planned City

A Hypotesis of Structure Throuj!,h the ReadinJ!, of the Historical Tissue. the Karakhanid Design and the Timurid Restoration " 595 R. Ahouei

Isfahan, the Second Heaven The Neu' Heart of !Jfahan 600 Mohamed Zerarka

Development Control in Traditional Cities Case study of Guemar, Algeria

l I i
.................. »
463 466 471
................................................................................................................................................... "
494 500 505
. ........................ "
. .............................. "
548 554 558 566 573 583
605 -

Djamel Boussaa

The Casbah of Algiers Damned to Survival in the Emer/!.in/!. Globalization Era Benkara Omar, Ichebuubene Youcef

The Historic Center in the Urban Scheduling in Algeria Case of Survey of the Historic Center of Milia11a. Alr.eria. Omar Nagati

The ParaJux of Informaliry: Situating the Debate in The Culture and Economy of Cairo Ashwaiyat Anette Gangler

Oasis Settlement Structures Oman M. R. N. Mohammadi

The Influence of the Underground Water System on the Urban Morphology of a Traditional City, Yazd-!ran Magda Behloul-Sibley

Challenges for Contemporary Urban Interventions in the Historic Context of fez The Courtyard as a Key Urban Matrix Quenza Bougherira Hadji El Oued, The City of the Thousand Cupolas, Between Traditional Settlement and Modern Planning. Heinz Gaube

How the City came to Bukbara Sahar Attia, Shahdan Shabka

Looking at the Space Morphology in Medieval Cairo Historic Context Venus the Current Situation Mirjana Lozanovska

A1chitecture/Urbanism The Economics of Reconstruction in Post-War Beirut Mustapha Ben-Hamouche

Planned Versus Organised The Morpholor.y of Muslim Citie.r through an Ottoman Manuscript Rachid G Chamoun

Beirut A Composite Identity of A Mediterranean Dimension within A Middle Eastern Scale )> Holder Gilles, Olivier Emmanuelle

Jenne: Music as a Political Act in an African Muslim City Franfoi.r Claessens

Re-searching the Dutch City Urban Transformations and Architectural Interventions jos Tom/ow

The development of Zittau's "Ringstrasse" (1820-1875) Ian Morley

A Planned British Settlement An Example of Civic Design in the Late-Victorian and Edwardian Era Dunia Miltner

The Role of Stockholm's Satellite Cities in Relation to Metropolitan Growth N. Miller St. Petersburg Window on the Future?

Peter]. Larkharn, Joe Nasr

The Replanned City? Morphological Changes in Rebuilt Briti.rh Cities Sung Hong Kim

Colonial Urban Planning and Commercial Architecture in Seoul, 1910s-1930s

Danny Cherian

The New Delhi Plan Borrowed Visions, Fragmented LandJcajle and Unified Plans ]. W.R. Whitehand and K. Gu Chinese Urban Form A European Perspective

Barbara Bartoli

Pondicherry The Confluence of East and West in the Indian Culture ]. W.R. Whitehand, N.J. Morton, M.l. W Hopkin.r

Fringe Belts and City Planning Reality and Potential Stephen Frith

The Rhetorical City Augustine and the Representation of Order Michael Linzey

Stoic Philosophy in the Greek Palis and in Imperial Rome Ana Maria Tttvares F Martins

The Monastery as the City of God Ideals and Reality St' Maria de Alcoba[a, a Portuguese Sean l\1'Govern

The City and the Sacred

'/ '5 II 17 ?9 )4 JO )5 70 14 20 27 31 36 42 48 54 58 6!5 73 ;95 )00 505
(,()9 !51 5 62/ (\29
................. " !535
································ »
» ············••••••••·•••··...........•.• » !540 !547 653 (,(,() !5!55 !571 !577 !582 !589 !594 !599 703 707 713 720 725 721 737 742 749 755 7!50 7!55

Mario Gallarati

Piombino: a Plan for Citta Futura Re-jllanning the Modern City Peter]. Larkham

The Teaching of Urban Form

Roido Mitoula

The Consequences of the European Union on the Physiognomy of the Greek City " Michele Robin-Clerc

Town Planning Facing Major Risks Pointe a Pitre in Guadeloujle Luna Khirfan

Historic Cities as Palimpsests Tourisfll and Urban Forfll in Athens & Alexandria " Sonia A np,elova Hirt

Planning the Post-Socialist City The Case of Sofia, Bulgaria Pijier Ga11hatz

Planning the Chinese City Vision, l111j1lementation and Form

Dehabardhan Upadhyaya, Eamonn Canniffe, Jan Ward

Changing Paradigms of an Evolving City Centres

P atrizia Caj)()lino

The Local Dimension

Anne-Sophie C!eT11enron

From the Planned but Non Built City to the Built but Non Planned City l?ossana Carullo

The new expansion of Venice on dry-land according to of the International Summer School of Architecture of Venice sponsored by C.I.A.M. Jose Luir S. Fernandes and Tema Marat-Mendes

Urban Periphery and its Sustainable Requalification Coimbra as a Case Study in Portugal )'dssine

The Planning Between Intentions and Contextual Realities The District of Babel Oued in Algien C'afop,ero Alontalhano

The New Perspectives of the Urban Space in the Mediterranean Circle

The Suh.iurface Place and Resource of a Neu· Living Dimension Giovanni Fiaminp,o

Between Excavation and Construction Architecture. Planning and Nature in the Contemjmrary City

N. Maiel!aro, A. Lmtrio, C. Cajlasso

Progressive City, Progressive Tools H. and F. Schu•artze »

Structural Potentials as the Basis for a Sustainable City

An Urhan Structural Analysis of Guhen Guhin as a Means of Develojling Guiding Princijlles for a Shrinking Cit;

Chaterine i\t1aumi

The Will of a Few Men with Common-Sense. A Few Thoughts Solange Aragiio

Condominium-Apartment Complexes and The Theories of the Ideal City !?ache/ Co1ttinho Marques da Silva

The Model, the Norm, the Ideal and the Real City Notes on the lnfluence of Urban Legislation on City'.1 Morjlhology. Maria Rau de Souza, l?omulo Krafta

Urban Spatial Production A Sim1tlation Exercise L Proietti. D. DttJcio

Buildings an<l the Health of Their Inhabitants Matthew Hardy

Old Cities New Urbanism I New solutions for European urban sprawl Setog111;hi Truyoshi

A Study on Desirable Spatial Images with Urban Blocks for Winter Cities Sigrfour Kristjdnsdr)ttir

Typological process and GIS ANlications to Reykjavik. Iceland YounJ.?,-Seek Yoon

The Transformation of Housing Plan The Residential Area in Busan, Korea, 1960-19')0

911 TereJa Mart1t-Mendes

Planning the Sustainable City Les1on.r from the Past

.................................................. ..
.......................................................................... .
.......................... .
771 777 782 789 793 799 805 811 817 823 828 833 841 849 855
869 "" """""""""""""'" 874
885 889 ................................................................... " 894 ........................................... " 901 » 907
··························· » 916 T. p r: R Sc E. A B r-; x T R A ]'\/\ T A F p l G l' 11 p I. l 1 1 !'. l j 1 I j -

Tito11che Ali

Planning the Articulation Between the Historical City Centre and New Urban Extension

Youce/ Di_1trict, Neu/or's door in Medea, Rebecca Williamson

Some Questions About Plans and Life Esther Charlesworth

Architects sans fronticres? Divided Cities an<l other Business B. NikJa

Novi Zagreb and Split 5 Planned Towns of the Second half of the 20th Century in Croatia X. L Martinez Suarez

The Building of the Urban Galicia

Roberto A. Cherubini

Never-Ending-Ciry A Survival Chance for Contemporary Metropo!iJ Ayssar Artda. Michael Stanton

Memory Between Amnesia and Trauma Proj)(Jsa/ for Zones C & CJ. Marijin D1·on1. Sc1rt1jevo. Bosnia-llerzegovina Naima Chabbi-Chernrouk

The Emerging Metropolis of Algiers A Grculua! ProceJJ Ven11s an 1'al! in one" Project Adib Cure, Carie Penabad

Facing South The Longtan!( in the Development of Contemporary Phillip Tabb

Unity at the Edge Conste!latin!( S11.rtainab!e Urbanism

G'a!ine1 Ta hchieva

New Urban Ideas for Sao Paulo

Aslihan Senel

Becoming Metropolis Rethinking 'Planning· I. Tsoudero.r. M. Voyatzaki, D.Di111e!!i

Urban Organicity

Terttu Pakarinen

The Emerging Urban Form Fragmentation or Orxanicity? Marc Angeli!. Andreu' Whiteside

Urban Production as Processes of Translation

Ayssar Arida

The 70Year Itch or the Dawn of the Quantum City Irena Latek City, Medias and Architectural Representation; Moving Spaces, Soft Public Spaces Mada!ena Cunha Matos

The fragment and the Whole Pombal'.r Rehui!ding of a City l\.ntonella Romagnolo Ideas and Themes for Transitory City Chang}iat Hwee

Network Planning and Urban Forms in Singapore From Harho11r-City, Generic City to lnfor111ationa! Sven Sterken

Between the Visionary an<l the Archaic lannis Xenaki.1 's " Cosmic City '' KJ. Kirn. AV Moudon

International Urban Form Study Javier Cenicace!aya

What Type of Architecture and City Responds or Corresponds to our Time? (Does it Make Sense to Sjleak of Context?)

i\1arina Botta

The Future City Fragmentation and New Organicity

Tarek Kazzaz

Informating the Urban Environment Relational Data-Bases as Urban Fabric

Marco Trirciuoglio

Considerations and Research Lines About "Dispersed City" as Disciplinary Invention ..

Anssi Joutsiniemi

Connectivity-Base Typology in Fragmenting Metropolitan Area lle!rinki. London.

Savita Subherwa! Raje

The City of the Future An Intelligent co-ExiJtence With Nuture

771 777 7112 7119 793 799 1105 81/ 817 823 11211 833 841 1149 1155 1159 863 869 874 1179 1185 1189 1194 901 907 ')II 916
............................................................... .
............................................................................................... .
92) 929 933 939 945 951 956 961 967 970 979 984 9119 10()2 1008 1014 1019 1028 1())4 1040 1045 1048 1052 /()58 1064 1070 1074

Dani Schu,,c1rtz

How Many Layers Can You Graft into Reality before it Collapsing' Mahyar A refi

The Pedagogy of the Fragmented City ReviJitinK the Concepts of Place, Non-place, and Placelessness Ferdinand S, }ohm

In Praise of the "Dumb" Idea Tony Hall

Designing Compact Sustainable Settlements Proposals )or a General Method,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," Abdel/ah Aharkan

The Stockholm's Residential "Closed Block" in a Historical Perspective A Morphological Ajijirovach ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," Rob Adams

The Remaking of Melbourne as the World's Most Liveable City,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Laura Berto!accini

Theories and Models Cities and Cemeteries in /8th-Cent11ry,,,,,,, Alan Bravn

The Nineteenth Century Transformation of the Croatian Historical Towns into the Modern Central European Cities, Youcef Chennarmi

The Cities Founded by the Colonisation in the Mitidja Plain Case Study: Hadjout (ex Mareni(o): Urban Morphology and Typological Growth D, Neis Reese

The University as Ideal City,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Gordon lloldel

New Apartments on Tops of Established Buildings An Emerging T;j1ology

DeJmond Hui

Mapping the Creative Sectors in Hong Kong Damir Krajnik

Reinaissance and Baroque Planned Cities in Croatia (16th-l 8th C) Najwa Makhrml

Whether Jerusalem! The Radiant City of the "Public To Be" or the Dialoi(ic City of Beingness? Anne Vernez M oudon, Chanam Lee, D. Dovglas Gardner

Urban Form and GIS Pre-And Post-War Development Patterns in Seattle and Kong Covnty, Washington

Michael Barke

Between 1Graingertown 1 and 1Brasilia of the North' Competing Early Twentieth Century Visiom of a Planned Future for Newcastle Ujwn Tyne'J Central Area, Michael Neuman

Planning the City Without a Plan, Susan Parham

Urban Food Markets and the Gastronomic Quarter Prue Chiles

Re-Imagining the City Planning or Branding',,,,,, Robert McGavran Urban Solutions Propositirmr)i1r the F11ture Australian City Sylvia Shorto "That Ravaged City" Shahjahanahad in IS03 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Silvio SoaresMacedo

The General Morphological Patterns of the Brazilian Cities

GiVJejlf!e Strafifia

The City as Organism,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Camelia Kusumo

Leiden and Its Fine-Grained Fabric,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Benedetto Di Cristina

Town Planning and Public Space in the Years '20-'40 The Case of the Dutch Cities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Christine Graziano Maurer

Material Nature Reinventing the Urban Landscape

Flavia Marcello

Fascism and the Ephemeral City Hitler's Official vi.rit to Rome

Attilio Petruccio!i

Villes Spontanees et Villes Crees en Islam,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

""""""""""""""""""" J079 ,.,
' """""""""""'" l084
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1091 1096 1101 1106 1111 1116 1122 1129 1135 1141
""""""""""""""""""" 1146
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