Mafex Corporative Magazine (1)

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Mafex corporate magazine Spanish Railway Association Issue 1. September 2014


A decade supporting the Spanish industry


The country will invest â‚Ź 10,000 M in railway infraestructure


More than 2,000 km of railway line to connect the Gulf countries


The Spanish presence acquires protagonism in the fair

“Veo que las distancias se acortan”

“I see distances getting

La manera de ver el futuro puede ser trazando nuevos caminos. Caminos como la innovación, la apertura al mercado internacional o la integración con el medio ambiente, que son los que acostumbramos a transitar en el área de ingeniería civil y arquitectura de SENER.

The way to see the future can be through the opening of new routes. Routes such as innovation, developing international markets or integration with the environment are paths the SENER civil engineering and architecture unit is accustomed to travelling.

Infraestructuras ferroviarias, alta velocidad, metros y tranvías, aeropuertos, puertos, trabajos marítimos, hidráulica, medio ambiente, arquitectura y urbanismo. Desde estas áreas proyectamos las obras que contribuyen al bienestar de la sociedad.

Conventional and high speed railways, metros and light rail trains, airports, ports, maritime works, hydraulics, environment, architecture and urban planning. Are just a few areas where we create milestone works in our journey towards the society's well being.


Infrastructures and Transport



05 / 06 /

◗ Table of Contents


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48 /


Ten years dedicated to the support and promotion of the Spanish railway industry internationally, this is how the path of Mafex could be summarized.

METROS AND TRAMS AROUND THE WORLD ARE INTERESTED IN THE SPANISH KNOW-HOW Senior representatives from the international railway sector visited Spain to know more about the urban rail systems and their technology. THREE RECENT DESTINATIONS: KAZAKHSTAN, MEXICO Y MALAYSIA Mafex has devoloped various operations abroad to promote the Spanish industry.


VÍCTOR RUÍZ PIÑEIRO President of Mafex

TURKEY Modernizing its railway network, constructing 4 High Speed lines and the Marmaray project are its main items for the railway sector.

IN DEPTH GCC RAILWAY PROJECT The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council are committed to a railway line that connects their countries.

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69/ 70 /


ERTMS A railway security system

MAFEX REPRESENTS THE SPANISH INDUSTRY The Association has participated in several international events to know more about the Spanish industry.

20 / 34 /






â—— Editorial

We celebrate our tenth anniversary and present a new communication platform Dear friends, in Mafex we are celebrating our

today our industry needs in order to continue

first decade! During these 10 years we have


developed, with much effort, an intense support

recognition it has had during years. From the

to the Spanish railway industry. From 2004

Strategy and Communication Committee we

until now we have managed to consolidate

have been working in recent months to make

as an association formed by the major Spanish

this magazine be of high interest to organizations


and companies from anywhere in the world, as





well as for Spanish companies and institutions But Mafex always looks to the future. Following

from the sector.

the development of the Strategic Plan for 20142016 and the creation of the Strategy and

We want this publication to be our showcase

Communication Committee, we have faced

to the world as an association and as partners

forward a new way to present the work of our

in it, and allow us to present the products and

partners and the Association, developing this new

services of the companies plus their latest work

communication channel: the corporate magazine

and technological advances. Since our purpose is

of Mafex.

to promote the Spanish industry, the scenario to present "our magazine" could not be other than

In this publication we want to express the main

the Tenth edition of InnoTrans, not only because

base of our objective as an association: support

it is the trade exhibition leader in the rail industry

the Spanish industry internationalization. This

but also because this is where we introduced

magazine will be published in Spanish and

ourselves as Mafex a few days after the creation

English, it will be distributed to a significant

of the Association, on September 16th 2004.

number of national and international industry contacts, thus it will be online for free and any

We don’t want to say goodbye without reminding

reader can request the printed version.

you that our doors are open for any suggestions to help us improve our work as a partnership and

This new communication platform is a challenge

as publishers in this new project, so that we can all

we face with all the enthusiasm and energy that

celebrate another 10 years of working together.

We hope to see you soon. Mafex Strategy and Communication Comitee MANAGEMENT: MAFEX. MAFEX STRATEGY AND COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE: Albatros, CAF Signalling, Idom, Indra Sistemas, Ingeteam,Metalocaucho, Talgo Patents, Sener, Thales, Vossloh Rail Automation Simenes SAU and Bombardier. ADMINISTRATION: ADVERTISING: SUBSCRIPTIONS: Mafex magazine is not responsible for the opinions, images, texts and works of authors and readers that will be legally responsible for their content. It is understood that the signing authors have given their consent to be included, for which he or she will be responsible. Also, the magazine is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original documents submitted by the authors. MAFEX 5





2004 2014

A decade looking towards the future BILBAO. SPAIN


decade dedicated to promoting the rail industry internationally, that's how you could sum up the career Mafex has had so far, the Spanish Railway Association, a non-profit organization currently composed by 71 members. Serving the Spanish railway sector by helping its member companies in their internationalization actions and by defending the general interests of its member companies has been and remains being the main premises that Mafex has had since its inception. Now, making a balance of the decade of hard work, the Association wishes to continue with the international 6 MAFEX

broadcast partners bringing new challenges for the coming years to improve the image of the Spanish railway industry internationally. From the day of its constitution, (September 16th, 2004), Mafex has worked in networking with national and international railway institutions in order to assist in anything that can help any member company in the internationalization of it’s activity. In addition to this main objective of supporting internationalization, the Association has been and is very aware of the defense of the general interests of the Spanish railway industry: promoting it and boosting a greater relevance in different areas and forums; enabling the exchange of knowledge and information; ena-

bling collaboration with institutions and organizations both at national and international levels; supporting collaboration between partners, institutions and organizations in R + D + i, etc. All of these interests are included in the Strategic Plan 20142016 under three specific strategic objectives: improve internationalization, intensify the work of rendering the railway sector and improve competitiveness. Improve internationalization Throughout its 10 years of activity, the association has promoted contact and knowledge of the reality and railway needs of more than 60 countries on five continents by conducting more than 100 promo-

â—— Mafex


In the image, the Kings of Spain during their visit to Innotrans 2008.

tional activities abroad, with a share of participation of more than 1,000 companies, bringing international companies and institutions to better knowledge of the Spanish railway industry, undoubtedly one of the most advanced and developed in our country, and also sector reference worldwide. Railway internationalization remains the pillar and support of the association and where Mafex will continue to focus its efforts in the coming years. Representation work The second strategic objective is the intensification of the representation of the rail industry, placing Mafex as an essential agent of a sectoral strategy and an advocate both in na-

tional and international levels. With this strategic objective Mafex seeks to promote cooperation between all companies, increase their associative spirit and place the Association in the decision fields of the rail sector. Improve competitiveness Mafex integrates among its members both small and medium enterprises –the latter ones constitute 80% of all partners- as well as large companies, covering all the different sub-sectors that comprise the value chain of the rail sector. These companies provide innovative products and solutions from the last generation, developed and implemented not only in our country but in more than 80 countries, which have

proven their efficiency and reliability, thus positioning the Spanish railway sector as a leader and a global standard. The third strategic objective is to continue supporting Mafex companies in their innovation processes and position the Association as an agent for improving the competitiveness of its partners. To achieve these three objectives in the coming years, Mafex has launched various committees and working groups composed of associated companies of different sizes and sectors whose dedication and effort will benefit the entire industry and thanks to which the Spanish Railway Association will celebrate another hugely successful decade. Continues4 MAFEX 7



The figures support their success


he international rail investment continues to offer good prospects and the Spanish Railway Association is betting for the Spanish industry to improve its results daily. Since the creation of Mafex, when there were only 16 companies, the Association has managed to increase until reaching the amount of 71 member companies in 2014. But in addition, the turnover and export data of the Spanish railway sector supports the recognition the Spanish industry currently has, both national and international. In 2004 the member companies billed Mafex €181 M, a figure that has been rising until it positioned itself in 2013 at more than €4,000 M in its rail business. Continues4


FOUNDING PARTNERS ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

Aceralia – Grupo Arcelor S.A. Aea Technology global S.L. Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos S.A. Felguera Melt S.A. Fundiciones Garbi S.A. Getinsa S.A. Guivisa S.L. Hierros y Carbones S.A. Ineco-tifsa S.A. ITK ingenieria S.A. Jez Sistemas Ferroviarios S.L. KLK Electro Materiales S.A. La Farga Lacambra S.A. Metalocaucho S.L. Redalsa S.A. Talleres Alegria S.A.



4,500,000,000.00 € 20,000

4,000,000,000.00 € 3,500,000,000.00 €


3,000,000,000.00 € 2,500,000,000.00 €


2,000,000,000.00 € 1,500,000,000.00 €


1,000,000,000.00 € 500,000,000.00 €


0.00 €

0 2004




















Turnover FFCC


Exports FFCC

Employment FFCC

Nº of partners

◗ Mafex

1 2004. International Rail Forum (Madrid).

2005. Asia Pacific Rail (Shanghai).


2004 2014


Africa Rail (Johannesburg)

Asia Pacific Rail (Shanghai)

Alamys (Buenos Aires, Granada, Guadalajara, Valencia)

APTA (New Orleans, San Diego)

Bcn Rail (Spain)

Elmia Nordic Rail (Jönköping)

Eurailspeed (Milan)

Eurasia Rail (Istambul)

Expoferroviaria (Turin)

Exporail (Moscow)

Infrarail (Bigmingham)

Innotrans (Berlin)

International Heavy Haul (Rio Janeiro)

2011. Negocios Nos Trilhos (Sao Paulo).

2012. UIC High Speed (Philadelphia).

◗ International

Rail Forum (Madrid, Valencia)

2007. UITP (Helsinki).

2009. UITP (Vienna)

2008. Innotrans (Berlin).

IREE (New Delhi)

Midest (Paris)

Negocios Nos Trilhos (Sao Paulo)

Rail Solutions (Kuala Lumpur)

Railtech (Holand)

Railtex (London)

Spain Rail (Zaragoza)

Trako (Varsovia, Poland)

Transrail (Paris)

UIC High Speed (Philadelphia, Beijing, Amsterdam) UITP (Geneva, Dubai, Viena, Helsinki)

2010. Innotrans Mafex stand (Berlin).

2013. Eurasia Rail (Istambul).

2013. UITP (Geneva).

2014. Rail Solutions (Kuala Lumpur). MAFEX 9




United Kingdom


Denmark Holland


Czech Rep France


USA Portugal




Marocco Algeria Mexico Dominican Republic

Costa Rica Venezuela Panama Colombia



COUNTRIES WITH TRADE DELEGATIONS VISITED DURING 2004-2014 ◗ Algeria (2007-2008-2011) ◗ Argentina (2007-2008-2012) ◗ Australia (2007) ◗ Bahrein (2014) ◗ Bolivia (2013) ◗ Brazil (2004-2008-20092010-2012-2013-2014) ◗ Canada (2006-2013) ◗ Chile (2006-2007-2009-2012-2014) ◗ China (2005) ◗ Colombia (2013) ◗ Czech Republic (2008) ◗ Egypt (2008-2011) ◗ Ethiopia (2014) ◗ Hungary (2007) ◗ India (2005-2009-2011-2012) ◗ Indonesia (2013) ◗ Kazakhstan (2014) ◗ Kuwait (2014) ◗ Malaysia ( 2013) ◗ Mexico (2006-2009-20122013-2014) 10 MAFEX

◗ Morocco (2007) ◗ Mozambique (2014) ◗ Oman (2011-2012-2014) ◗ Peru (2012) ◗ Poland (2007-2013) ◗ Qatar (2013) ◗ Romania (2013) ◗ Russia (2009) ◗ Saudi Arabia (2009-2011-2012-2013) ◗ Slovaquia (2008) ◗ South Africa( 2012) ◗ Thailand (2012-2013) ◗ Tunisia (2008) ◗ Turkey (2008-2010-2011-2014) ◗ UAE (2009-2011-2012) ◗ Ukrane (2013) ◗ USA (2005-2006-2013) ◗ Venezuela (2006-2010) ◗ Vietnam (2012)




Bolivia Namibia

Argentina Chile

◗ Mafex


afex's main strategic objective is to support the Spanish railway industry in its internationalization process. To do this, Mafex organizes various activities to help Spanish companies to meet and strengthen relationships with their potential customers worldwide.

This map includes Mafex countries visited during the last 10 years as well as those countries whose railway representatives have visited Spain as a result of various actions organized by the Association, among which we must highlight the celebration of the International Railway Convention organized by


Mafex every two years, celebrating in 2015 its fifth edition. Special recognition and thanks on behalf of Mafex requires the work and support provided by both Icex Spain Trade and Investment, as well as by all the Commercial Offices located in different countries. Continues4




Ukrane public Slovaquia Slovenia Hungary roatia Romania Bulgaria Bosnia Macedonia Turkey Greece nisia Israel Egypt


Korea Iran Kuwait Qatar United Arab States Saudi Arabia Oman



Taiwan Thailand Vietnam


Ethiopia Malaysia Singapur Indonesia


Angola Zambia



South Africa

New Zeland

ORIGIN OF COUNTRIES AND RAILWAY ORGANISMS THAT HAVE VISITED SPAIN ◗ Algeria ◗ Angola ◗ Australia ◗ Bosnia ◗ Brazil ◗ Bulgaria ◗ Chile ◗ China ◗ Colombia ◗ Costa Rica ◗ Croatia

◗C zech Republic ◗ Denmark ◗D ominican Republic ◗ Ecuador ◗ Egypt ◗ Ethiopia ◗ France ◗ Greece ◗ Holland ◗ Hungary ◗ India

◗ Indonesia ◗ Iran ◗ Israel ◗ Italy ◗ Kazakhstan ◗ Korea ◗ Kuwait ◗ Letonia ◗ Macedonia ◗ Malaysia ◗ Mexico

◗ Morocco ◗ Mozambique ◗ Namibia ◗ New Zeland ◗ Nigeria ◗ Oman ◗ Panama ◗ P eru ◗ Philipines ◗ P oland ◗ P ortugal

◗ Qatar ◗ Saudi Arabia ◗ S ingapur ◗ Slovenia ◗ South Africa ◗ Spain ◗ Taiwan ◗ Thailand ◗ Tunisia ◗ T urkey ◗ Ukrane

◗U nited Arab Emirates ◗ United Kingdom ◗ USA ◗ Venezuela ◗ Vietnam ◗ Zambia ◗ Zimbawe





2004. The Association was created on September 16th. AGEX welcomed them.

2005. Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Shanghai.

2006 Visit to the Metro of Santiago de Chile.

2008. In Bilbao, headquarters of Mafex, with the members of its General Assembly.

2009 II International Railway Convention in La Granja (Segovia).

2011. Visit to Metro Delhi (India), with some of Mafex's assiciates.

2012. Visit to the Ministry of Transporte in Pretoria (Sudรกfrica).


â—— Mafex


ummarizing each of the events developed by Mafex (direct and inverse missions, conferences, trade fairs and congresses, celebration of railway workshops, partnerships with sector entities, etc.) would be almost impossible.

In order to offer a quick overview, an image is selected for each year of life of Mafex. In this photo tour you can see the hard work this Association is making and which it intends to continue doing, as well as the business contacts Mafex has generated


in each of its activities. Commercial ties which, given the nature of the participants and their high decisionmaking power within business, are helping the associated companies to improve their business and industrial development worldwide. Continues4

2007. Networking during the I Mafex International Railway Convention in CĂłrdoba.

2010 Visit of the Ministry of Transport of Brasil to the Mafex stand in Negocio Nos Trilhos.

2013 Image from one of the visits to Saudi Arabia. MAFEX 13




Francisco Garzón Managing Director of ICEX Philippe Citröen General Director Unife

"We would like to congratulate Mafex for its tireless work on behalf of the rail industry"

“Ten years of growth in a model partnership"

It is now seven years since Mafex joined UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Industry, with the aim of representing and defending the commercial interests of the Spanish railway industry in an increasingly competitive global market. During this period, the Spanish railway sector companies have significantly increased their presence worldwide through the pursuit of new contracts in high-speed trains and the implementation of ERTMS in emerging markets such as Brazil, Turkey and various Middle Eastern countries. In this sense UNIFE has acted as a platform for our members in order to enter the industry concerns on the European agenda, while Mafex has worked tirelessly to take advantage of new export opportunities. While the overview of the last decade is quite positive, the immediate future will bring the establishment of the Joint Venture SHIFT²RAIL, a program focused on helping maintain the global leadership of the European railway industry through the rapid integration of new technologies and advanced products, as well as innovative solutions to improve the rail market. To celebrate its tenth anniversary, we would like to congratulate Mafex on behalf of UNIFE for its tireless work on the rail industry. Hoping to continue our work together to promote rail transport.

Ten years of close and excellent collaboration of ICEX with the Spanish railway industry represented by Mafex; ten years of growth of an established and modelic association which ICEX, witness and catalyst of its birth, has had the privilege of accompanying; ten years of continued success that make Mafex a privileged representative of the Spanish business sector contributing with rail professionalism, effort and determination to position the Spanish technology offer as a world leader and mobilize new companies in their international expansion. From ICEX Spain Export and Investment, we sincerely congratulate you and for the benefit of Spanish companies.


◗ Mafex

Iñaki Barrón de Angoiti Director Passengers and High Speed Department. Coordinator Latin American Region. UIC

Gonzalo Ferre President of ADIF

“Congratulations and thank you very much!"

“Mafex has been key to boosting internationalization"

Congratulations for the 10 years of work and thank you for the important work that you have developed and continue developing for the Spanish railway industry. It is necessary to make progress among all the railways as a mode of transport today and tomorrow and for it it is essential for the industry to work in collaboration with other industry players. Mafex, like other international organizations, has made and makes this event possible. Hopefully you keep doing it for the good of all (not just the industry) for many years.

On the tenth anniversary of Mafex, I want to communicate on behalf of ADIF our congratulations for your great work for the railroad and its associated industries. The Spanish railway sector has become a world leader and an example of the success that Spanish companies are able to reach abroad in areas of high technological skills. In this task, the coordinated action of the sector through Mafex has been key to promote the internationalization of our business and project its overall capacity to address the most emblematic projects on five continents.


Julio Gómez-Pomar Rodríguez President of Renfe

“Mafex has been exemplary in helping companies to reorient their activities outside Spain" Internationalization is the banner of our companies, showing the world their ability to compete, innovate and address major technical challenges. During the past 10 years, Mafex has been exemplary by helping the companies in our industry to refocus their activity on the development of business outside of Spain, providing a great value to all. All the Renfe family joins together to wish you a happy tenth anniversary and we encourage you to continue helping in the essential task of the railway internationalization. MAFEX 15


informa reports



he Spanish rail industry continues its good work, therefore it is a center visits for by experts and foreign personalities who are interested in learning about the capabilities of the industry and the developments of the Spanish rail system. From June 23rd to 27th, eight of the most important systems of the world's leading urban transport visited Spain, with the organization of Mafex and the collaboration of Icex, Spain Trade and Investment. The visit of this delegation, composed of executives and managers of the following metros: Almaty (Kazakhstan), Cairo (Egypt), Lima (Peru), Panama City (Panama), Singapore (Singapore), Istanbul (Turkey), Algiers (Algeria ) and tram Tel

Experts Panel in the conference "Public Urban Transport: Metros and Tramways"

Aviv (Israel). This was framed under the International Railway Conference "Urban Public Transportation: Subways and trams", which took place in Bilbao. During the conference, 38 Spanish companies had the opportunity to meet with foreign guests, in the more than 120 individual meetings Mafex had coordinated. We must also highlight the 30 technical visits that the foreign delegates made to numerous facilities and factories of Spanish companies as well as visits to the metro and tram of Bilbao. For example, Mr. Moshe Ben Alon, Director of Tel Aviv's Red Line Tram, expressed to Mafex his "thanks for the warm welcome they had in Spain" and stressed "the success of the presentations and the organization of meetings with representatives of the various Spanish companies with whom I had the pleasure to talk and exchange ideas".

Traffic and Transport Councilman of the City of Bilbao with the delegation of international experts in metros and trams. 16 MAFEX

The conferences benefited from presentations by foreign guests which released the developments and investments in the short and medium term for the different systems of urban transport of the eight participating cities. For example, Irfan Ipsir, Metro Istanbul, spoke of the expansion plans of the Istanbul Metro, which by 2019 will have a network of 400 km, and in Singapore, Mr. Chen Wah Low, said that it is "expected to double the current extension of the metro network in the city to reach 360 km by 2030, thanks to the construction of 4 new lines and the extension of another 4 existing ones." Seminar on Business Opportunities in Southeast Asia During the month of March, from the 10th to the 14th, Mafex organized in collaboration with ICEX, Spain Export and Investment, a conference on “Business opportunities in the railway sector in Southeast Asia", with the participation of various public and private authorities from the rail sector of this region. The delegation was made up by 8 guests from 6 countries, including representatives of the Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Railways of India, the PK KAI of Indonesia, the Mass Rapid Transit of Malaysia (MRT, the Transportation Authority of Singapore (LTA), Railways of Thailand and Vietnam. Continues4

â—— Breaking News



or the second consecutive year, the Association has organized a trip, along with twelve companies, to Mexico DF (during May 26-29) to strengthen trade ties with major rail companies and agencies. They met with the freight operators Ferrovalle and Ferromex and Kansas City Southern Mexico, the Public Transport System (CTS) and the System of Electric Transportation (STE), as well aso conducted a business meeting with local companies in the Mexican Railway Association (AMF). The strong National Infrastructure Plan 2013-2018 of Mexico, which includes the construction of three new

passenger rail lines and two urban mass transportation, was the main reasons for this trip. Moreover, April 7th to 11th, Mafex organized a trade mission to Astana and Almaty. During the week, meetings were organized with Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, the KAMKOR group, the councils of both cities responsible for the ongoing development projects, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Almaty Metro, among others. They also visited

the maintenance workshops and the metro of the city. In addition, during May 7-9, the Spanish companies participated in the most important trade fair in Southeast Asia, the Rail Solutions Asia 2014, where MAFEX coordinated the Spanish joint participation with the participation of CAF, Talgo, Indra and CAF Power & Automation and facilitated contacts with Asian rail operators and managers present at this event. Continues4

The participating companies in the visit to MĂŠxico DF during the visit to Ferrovalle.





n March 11th, Mafex attended, invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, the "Business Meeting" this Ministry organized with the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia. During the meeting, which was chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, JosĂŠ Manuel GarcĂ­a-Margallo y Marfil, the Director of Mafex, Pedro Fortea, the Association had occasion to meet with officials of the railways in Slovenia. Furthermore, Mafex participated as a speaker at a roundtable organized by ICEX on June 16th in Madrid and counted with the presence of railway personalities from Ethiopia. The Spanish Railway Association used its presence to publicize the great Spanish experience in the railway sector. In line with the participation in various sectorial activities, during the XVIII Pan American Congress of

Traffic, Transport and Logistics Engineering (PANAM), organized on June 13th by the research group for Transport Systems (GIST) of the University of Cantabria , Mafex participated in the conference on "The Railway Market, today and beyond." Supporting the railways Railway capabilities from twenty Spanish companies were exposed during the conference "The Spanish technological offer in the railway sector", organized on May 26th in Zagreb by ICEX Spain Export and Investment along with the Economic and Trade Office in Zagreb, ADIF and HZ INFRASTRUKTURA and the Croatian rail administrator. The Director of Mafex, Pedro Fortea, participated as a moderator of one of the panels, which focused on the Spanish experience in traffic control equipment and security systems. The development of the railway sector in Croatia is considered a priority by the EU and other

The "Business Meeting" was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain and the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia. 18 MAFEX

multilateral agencies, having almost completed the construction of the motorway network in the country. Within the plan of activities for 2014, Mafex organized in collaboration with ICEX, a Study Mission to Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait from April 27th to May 1st in order to maintain, establish and strengthen contacts with major public entities from the railway in Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait among which are the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Oman, the King Fahad Causeway Authority, the Ministry of Communications of Bahrain and the Ministry of Communications and Metro of Kuwait. UNIFE General Assembly The General Assembly of UNIFE (Association of European Railway Industries) was held during June 11-13 in London. Mafex, representing the Spanish railway sector in the Committee of National Associations of

â—— Breaking News

"The Spanish technological offer for the railway sector", in Zagreb.

UNIFE Association, attended the various committees in which prominent members of DG MOVE, Railway Gazette and Network Rail, among others, discussed the issues that most affect the industry, such as the im-

plementation of ERTMS, Shift2Rail or the state of the rail sector in the UK systems. The Committee of National Associations also took place, where Mafex participates and there are discussions of vital issues at a

European level such as the Fourth Railway Package, Regional and Structural Funds and the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Japan, the United States or Russia.

MEMBERS NEWS Kelox signs a contract for the supply of cafeteria equipment with NIppon Sharyo Kelox KELOX IRT USA- subsidiary of KELOX, SA- Spanish company with the participation of Grupo Flores Valles-, signed a $10 M contract to provide cafeteria equipment of 26 cars that will be manufactured by Nippon Sharyo Manufacturing –American subsidiary of the Japanese Nippon Sharyo, integrated in Nippon Sharyo USA- in its plant in Rochelle (Illinois). These cars will have two floors and they have been acquired by a consortium made up of five states (California, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Michigan), for which they have federal funding. This contract includes the option to supply more than 100 cars in them coming years. KELOX USA won the tender by offering equipment of a quality design and technology, being the first com-

Danobat wins three bids for the railway sector totalling €103 M Danobat The first contract in Australia is for the supply of a turnkey workshop for maintenance and repair of the bogie and wheelset of the train cars and the second one for an automatic line destined for the maintenance of wheelsets, in both cases for cars in charge of the transport between the mines and the port. Also, a third contract for


pany to provide it with the new material specifications developed by the Next Generation Equipment Committee (NGEC), in the framework of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement ACT (PRIIA) and led by Amtrak, which places KELOX in an excellent position for future tenders in the United States. Since the rail equipment is going to be financed in part with federal funds, an essential point for the Spanish company was implementing them with

the requirements of Buy America, for which it has constituted a joint venture with the American industrial group TBJ, the main provider responsible for the manufacturing and mounting of equipment in its plant in Chambersbug. All aspects related to the engineering, design and project management will be responsibility of KELOX Spain. This joint venture, -Kelox IRT USA, LLC-, is mostly of Spanish capital, headquartered in Chambersburg.

IRCON, India, for which an automatic line for the production of wheelsets in passenger trains has concluded. In total, the three contracts totaling an amount of €103 M, with which Danobat achieve a record of orders and allows it to close the year with excellent prospects for the coming years. Australia’s plans give response to the growing demand for automatic plants to perform maintenance on the mining station. The need to integrate, in one case 28 teams,

and 22 in the other, robotic handling devices, and the computer system for integrated control of the entire line, make these workshops the most advanced facilities in the world for the maintenance of the fundamental components of the train. For its part, the line to India Danobat assumes the project of a turnkey line for manufacturing, inspection and assembly of wheelsets. The facility includes a total of 15 teams, which are also machines for machining of axles and wheels manufactured with Danobat, a robotic system for handling components, and computing device for an integrated control of the line. In all three cases Danobat assumes full responsibility for project implementation which includes, among other things, preliminary engineering, the manufacture of critical equipment, the purchase of specialized equipment, installation and commissioning, as well as training in the operation of all equipment.

◗ Breaking News

DF Rail finishes the Bypass prototype for double rails for the Mediterranean Corridor Duro Felguera DF Rail has concluded during May 2014 the workshop assembly of a double gauge turnout (1435/1668 mm) with technical designation DMMD-H-G-60-500-0.071-CM/CRTC-D. This prototype, that will be installed at the Mediterranean Corridor for ADIF, has been designed to avoid the train’s circulation problems at high speeds by double gauge turnouts with an obtuse crossing integrated at the switch area. The existing turnouts with these features have a passing speed limitation up to 30 km/h due to the crossing gap (discontinuity of the running edges) of the fixed obtuse crossings. The technical solution to increase substantially the performance of these types of turnouts, lays on the design and manufacturing of an

obtuse crossing with mobile points, avoiding the crossing gaps and allowing the continuity of the wheels guidance at all its length. This crossing with mobile points uses a unique point machine and it is driven by a new locking system with alternative movement by means of a pinion – rack system. The turnout also has an elastic fastening system developed specifically for areas with very reduced space, as there are only 233 mm between the rails with the two gauges. The three lockers at the switch area have been designed considering the utility model developed by Felguera Melt in 2012. The whole of this development is currently at the stage of obtaining the patent, and the manufactured prototype is under different tests at our workshop in Mieres, being submitted the switchrails to movement cycles every 1.5 minutes.


Assignia Infrastructure enters the rail sector in Chile Assiginia The Chilean Railway Public Company awards Assignia the first contract for 13 million euros. Assignia Infrastructure operates in the sectors of road infrastructure and concessions and hospital services in the Latin American country. The company of State Railways (Empresa de los Ferroarriles del Estado, EFE) in Chile has awarded Assignia Infraestructura a contract worth 13 million euros for the con-

struction and installation of track and catenary system of the section Santiago-Rancagua. This is the first project of railway infrastructure that manages the Spanish company in the Latin American country, where it already operates in the sectors of road infrastructure and concessions and hospital services. The contract includes the construction of two new tracks on the section Alameda-Nos, one east and one west of the existing routes, shifts in sections, reconfiguration of the connectivities and reconstruction of existing railways.

Aries Ingeniería showcases the Train Lifting and Bogie Dismounting System, able to improve up to 300% the efficiency in railway maintenance task Aries Ingeniería Railway maintenance sector is one of the most demanding in terms of flexibility, efficiency and quality. It constantly requires reliable tools, which could maximize transport infrastructures profitability. Under this premise, Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas has developed a Synchronized Train Lifting and Bogie Dismounting System. The company introduces a new concept in the railway maintenance facilities operation: a solution able to increase the productivity efficiency in maintenance tasks up to a 300% and cut 22 MAFEX

Works also include the installation of a traction catenary system of the new lines Alameda-Nos and the removal or reinstallation of the catenary on rails that are now active. The planned duration of the project is one year, therefore it is imminent to start the works. With this new contract Assignia Infraestructuras accesses the rail infrastructure sector in Chile and strengthens and expands its presence in the country. Recently, the Ministry of Public Works has awarded it, in consortium with GIA (Mexico) and Cosal (Chile), the Concession Agreement for the Hospital del Salvador and the National Institute of Geriatrics in Santiago de Chile, which involves the construction of the hospital complex and the management of non-care services for 15 years. The investment for this project is €273 M. Furthermore, Assignia already has initiated the works for improving the road interconnection between Temuco and Padre Las Casas (La Araucanía), amounting to €63 M. The project includes the construction of a cable-stayed bridge with a mast that will be 240m and 140m long.

down installation cost and time by 250%. Aries Ingeniería has conceived a fully modular, portable system, offering flexibility in the design of layouts of rolling stock depots. Besides, this system does not require any kind of specific civil work, which is clearly an added advantage. Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas will join forces with RENFE to optimize railway maintenance tasks. The train Lifting and Bogie Dismounting System will be commissioned at client depots at the end of this year. In the last decades, the company has actively bet on innovation, technological excellence and has recently developed solutions, especially designed for a demanding and rapidly growing market: the maintenance systems of the future.

â—— Breaking News

Ineco will reform the management of the Brazilian transport

Ineco Ineco has signed a technical cooperation agreement with the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) for the institutional strengthening of EPL (Empresa de Planejamiento e Logistica), under the Ministry of Transport of Brazil. The works will be focused on the reform of the management of transport, especially railways, which will be proposed to apply a similar one to the European model. In addition, Ineco will work on the regulation of rail operators, safety and circulation, and signaling and telecommunications systems. Furthermore, a calculation model of costs for a waterway network (river transport routes) will be carried out, vital to the country for its size and the volume of goods transported. The tool will be integrated into models of logistics and freight that are being developed by EPL.


◗ Breaking News

Siemens and Thales will instal traffic control and safety solutions in the HS Line Antequera-Granada Siemens and Thales The Board of Directors of ADIF High Speed has awarded the temporary Joint Venture of Thales Spain and Siemens Rail Automation the contract for the installation of traffic control technology, telecommunications, and security and safety of the high-speed section Antequera – Granada, as well as its maintenance for a period of twenty years, worth €208.7 million. As a leader, Thales will be responsible for the project management and will install the electronic locking solution with associated technology. The JV will also be in charge of the modification of existing facilities with Thales technology in the highspeed line Córdoba-Málaga. Siemens Rail Automation will install its ERTMS Level 2 system with ASFA train protection and its solution for track circuits and LED signals. Siemens will also make the necessary changes to the ERTMS technology installed in the high-

speed line Córdoba-Málaga. The high speed line Antequera Granada, 126 kilometers long, will allow direct high-speed connection between Granada and Malaga, Cordoba, Seville, Madrid and other cities, and contribute greatly to enhance and improve the internal articulation of Andalusia . The section will be equipped with the rail traffic control and telecommunications of Siemens Rail Automation

and Thales, which guarantee the safety of the line, passengers, rolling stock and other railway facilities systems. Thales and Siemens Rail Automation Spain have extensive national and international experience in security systems for rail in highspeed, conventional and metropolitan lines. The two companies have jointly developed projects in different Spanish High Speed Lines.

Medina-La Meca High Speed train project Ibertest Ibertest was selected as the manufacturer for machines and equipment to perform Quality Control


testing of High Speed train components to certify the products of participating companies from the Spanish consortium, like others

who could, in the future, supply railroad elements to the organism that takes care of the maintenance of the constructed network. Our experience in this sector, combined with the flexibility in the design and the high quality solution provided, were the key deciding factors to win this contract. With these testing systems from IBERTEST, the Spanish companies will be able to demonstrate to the Saudi Arabian authorities that their products meet or exceed the following Quality requirements: Bend testing of Flash Butt Welds of Rails: EN14587 y EN14730 Compression and bend testing: EN12390-4, ISO4012, ASTMC39, ASTMC683, ASTM1609 Bend testing of Sleepers: EN13230-2.



NEM Solutions innovative technology allows Euskotren to achieves excellence in wheelset maintenance and management NEM Solutions “The implementation of integrated wheelset management tools by NEM Solutions has enabled us to reduce wheelset life cycle costs by approximately 10%”. Mikel Beitia, Rolling Stock Manager, Euskotren, Spain.

Euskotren selected NEM Solutions to automate safety-critical wheel inspections and integrate all data and information from wheelset maintenance activities into a single online application named A.U.R.A. wheel. Through A.U.R.A. wheel, Euskotren is able to improve fleet safety, availability and reliability, at the same time as providing more effective and efficient maintenance. Facing a need to reduce wheelset costs and to achieve excellence wheelset, Euskotren partnered with NEM Solutions to implement an innovative and advanced system for wheelset maintenance, combining both depot-based and track-based hardware as well as online management software tools.

In a drive to optimise wheelset maintenance further, Euskotren have partnered again with NEM Solutions for the installation and integration of a wheel flat detection and monitoring system ‘Wheel & Rail Doctor’. The equipment is located at Lugaritz, San Sebastián, and adds to the A.U.R.A. wheel’s ability to provide real-time information on wheel profiles, wear rates, early wheel flat detection, tolerance warnings. This permits Euskotren to move away from a planned preventive maintenance approach and adopt a strategy of condition-based and predictive maintenance, thereby ensuring tasks are undertaken at an optimum time, reducing costs and improving reliability.

Getinsa will participate as an independent engineer supervisor in the Riyadh Metro.

Getinsa Once more, Getinsa is involved in a significant international contract in the field of railway transport: the Riyadh Metro Project. This project involves the construction of six (6) 26 MAFEX

Metro Lines in the city of Riyadh that will shape the backbone of the future public transport network. The contract is divided into three (3) lots. Each lot includes transit system, stations, park and ride facilities, bus

interchange stations, depots and Operation Control Centers (OCC) associated with the line(s) of that particular lot. Getinsa takes part in this megaproject as independent Supervising Engineer for one of the Lots.

◗ Breaking News

MTC (Metalocaucho) delivers first suspension components for SIEMENS’ ICx trains Metalocaucho MTC was selected last year by SIEMENS to supply the primary suspensions for Deutsche Bahn's next-generation ICx high-speed trains. After passing SIEMENS and DB’s First Article Inspection in January, first de-

liveries took place during this year. Under the existing contract the company will supply suspension components for 130 trains between 2014 and 2021. For this project MTC developed a guiding bush specially adapted to the strict performance requirements of ICx, a high-speed train designed to run at over 250 km/h.

TECSA participates in Meca – Medina project Tecsa

MTC’s know-how and long proven experience on this kind of primary suspension were key in securing this contract. MTC’s General Manager, Antxon San Vicente, considers “It’s very important for us to be part of the ICx project, which will be the backbone of intercity traffic in Germany over the next 40 years.

Tecsa will participate and collaborate in one of the most important international rail project achieved by Spanish companies: Meca-Medina high speed train, manufacturing wiring assemblies and harnesses. The experience demonstrated, coupled with a high knowledge of the market and the IRIS certification, Tecsa has won orders for Meca – Medina until 2020. Aiming to give an answer to this project we have extended our production capacity. Currently Tecsa takes part in other projects as main supplier of electrical assemblies and mechanisms: opening door systems, WC cabinets, HVAC, platforms, seats and steps, among others. MAFEX 27

MEMBERS NEWS Vossloh Spain – Delivering market-specific solutions Vossloh Spain As a manufacturer of high-duty diesel locomotives, Vossloh España is repeatedly coming up with new types of machines destined to address specific market requirements. The market-specific diesel locomotive UKLIGHT will run soon on UK´s network. It is remarkable for its ver-

◗ Breaking News satility and low axle loads combined with 2800kW power. Depending on the infrastructure, the EURODUAL uses either its onboard diesel engine or power drawn from the overhead wires. It is also equipped with braking energy recovery systems, a both cost-saving and environmentfriendly feature. First dual-mode locomotives orders for South Africa and UK are under development.

Moreover, Vossloh España is delivering LRVs to the exigent German market: the Tramlink tram will start operations in Rostock in summer 2014 and the NET 2012 Citylink tram-train that will serve as a tram in downtown Karlsruhe as well as operating on regional services outside the city. All these new developments can be seen at Innotrans 2014.

Implaser develops photoluminescent ceramic tiles

is how the idea of creating a high performance arose and high photoluminescent level product, specially designed to be installed on public concurrency floors, where people transit is quite high and standard self-adhesive strips suffer an early wearing and peeling off. This is the case of platform edges at Metro and Railway stations, where thanks to photoluminescent ceramic tiles, it is possible to install a reliable and durable product from the construction of the station.

Implaser Implaser is a Spanish manufacturer of photoluminescent security signage for installation in all types of buildings, as well as in Metro and Railway stations. The main production method at Implaser is screen-printing technology. However, given its vast experience in R&D+i projects, Implaser can also use more specific manufacturing technologies. This 28 MAFEX

MEMBERS NEWS CAF wins a 24 LRV contract awarded by the city of Boston CAF The press of the City of Boston has informed today, Wednesday, that the Massachusetts Transportation

Department agreed to award to CAF USA the project for the supply of 24 LRVs for the Green Line. The amount of the contract is $118m, and the first Units are scheduled for delivery in late 2017.

According to the same sources, vehicles will be 70% low floor, and will have the latest technological developments for this type of vehicles with the highest passenger comfort standards.

The first trains of Talgo arrive to Russian market Talgo In 2015 you will be able to go to Nizhniy Novgorod on a Spanish train manufactured by Talgo. The train can reach speeds up to 160 km / h and there is also a possibility of launching these trains to Belgorod. Currently the plans are to use these four compositions on state routes. Three other compositions will be used on routes from Moscow-Minsk-Warsaw-Berlin from December 2015, which will be equipped with a mechanism of change of gauge, that is going to be held in Brest (Belarus) and help to save up to 2 hours in each travel. The Test began in April and is scheduled to end in September, these journalists were able to catch the train again, but for now, the train was only 80 km/ hour, it will be able to reach the speed of 200 km / h.


◗ Breaking News

Sener is preparing the final preliminary design of the passenger train line between Toluca and Valley of Mexico Sener Part of Mexico’s National Infrastructure Plan, this project will involve work on a 60 km stretch

of railroad line (8 km of tunnels, 42 km of viaducts and 8 km above ground). The rail line will serve 305,000 daily passengers once it begins operations by the end of 2017. By 2042, it is expected to provide rail service for up to 511,000 daily passengers. SENER

is responsible for the preliminary design, which encompasses various disciplines such as routing, civil engineering, architecture, electromechanical and rail facilities, rolling stock specifications, environmental impact studies, cost - benefit analysis, financial modeling and legal analysis.

New rechargeable LED flashlights waterproof and highly resistant FPK de RZD Viacheslav Anatolevich Strekosov

Luznor The LR series incorporates an electronic microprocessor circuit that provides three levels of light intensity power, three flashing modes and an automatic ignition. These lanterns are new in the market with unique technical characteristics. The LR-1 and LR2 models are applicable to equipment of machines, cars, staff working on rail and catenary and maintenance companies. The reference LR-3 is a lantern signaling. Applicable especially in rail traffic. As technical highlights LR1 and LR2 in the models are: ◗ Three power levels of light intensity ◗ Three kinds of intermittency: SOS - Duty and Burst - Intermittency and burst. ◗ Front and rear signage ◗ Battery life: 2.5h - 8 h and 24 h. We highligh in the LR3 model , in

addition to everything reviewed in the previous models: ◗ Focus equipped with LED that allows the choice of all colors. These lanterns (all models) are tight and with a degree of protection IP67 ◗ IK08 (Submersible 1 meter). They are made of engineering plastics. These new lanterns have been installed in the railway project of the Helsinki metro, managed by CAF. MAFEX 31


â—— Breaking News

Bombardier is committed to innovation in Spain Bombardier Trasportation Spain Bombardier Transportation Spain, a leader in rail technology with participation in some major projects in the country, will be present in this new edition of InnoTrans 2014 with its full portfolio of products and services, including high speed and very high speed, monorail, signage, bogies and e-mobility. Bombardier maintains a firm commitment to innovation in all projects undertaken. Among the most recent ones that the company that has developed are the Monorail of Sao Paulo, whose propulsion system is realized in the facilities of TrĂĄpaga in Vizcaya, the wireless electric solution, Primove, and the EMS (Energy Management System), developed in Spain and obtained contracts in Europe.

Cetest reinforces its international presence Cetest The test and analysis laboratory for the railway sector has embarked on important projects with new international partners Over 2014, Cetest has successfully performed several tests for train operator Amtrak (Viewliner II, USA), car builders Bombardier (Regio2N, France) and BEML (Jaipur Metro, India), as well as MATISA (Switzerland), among others.Cetest has a wide experience in mechanics, dynamics, noise, vibrations, EMC or aerodynamics. It offers customized services all over the world. Internationalization is one of the pillars of its strategy, as well as being a 32 MAFEX

technological reference. Apart from its current projects in Latin-America, Europe and North-America, 2014 marks a milestone for the company due to the entry into the Asian market. Cetest offers a flexible and personalized service to its clients: roll-

ing stock builders, components manufacturers, train operators, certification authorities and infrastructure managers. Its tests and studies cover all the value chain from the R&D, design, certification and in-service operation.

Opening up new lines. Providing solutions. with active projects in... Algeria | Chile | India | Morocco | Mexico | Spain | Turkey | Venezuela • Infrastructure, track and stations • High speed and conventional lines • Subways and trams *Photo: Construction of the Ankara-Istanbul High Speed Railway line in Turkey.

• Integral maintenance • Highly specialised heavy machinery


Innotrans 2014

Innotrans 2014 THIS YEAR IS THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THIS FAIR, CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY SECTOR IT WILL HAVE A PARTICIPATION OF 53 SPANISH COMPANIES UNDER THE COORDINATION OF MAFEX. BERLĂ?N.GERMANY Mafex is organizing the Spanish group participation of 53 companies, which will be covering a total space of 2,730 m2 at the INNOTRANS fair, held during September 23-26r 2014 in Berlin, Germany. This fair, held every two years, is the global leader in the rail industry where the major developments in the world of Railway Technology News are exposed, as well as incorporating issues from other subsectors such as the Railway Infrastructure, Interiors, Public Transport and Tunnel Construction. All this in more than 140,000 m2 of exhibition space, including the display of vehicles in the 3,500 m of rail track also at the fair. This year, the participation of over 2,500 exhibitors (from 45 different countries) and the presence of around 125,000 visitors (with 90% visiting professionals) are expected. Also, as a novelty, Mafex has launched, in collaboration with other European national associations, UNIFE and EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), the InnoTrans Business Match 2014 initiative, aimed at matchmaking between companies of different nationalities in the same event area. Continues4




Innotrans 2014


HALL 1.1 ◗ COLWAY FERROVIARIA, S.L. STAND 229 Colway works on R+D and innovation will allow us to present our new thermoplastic components. ◗ KELOX, S.A. STAND 310 Kelox is a Spanish company specializing in the design and manufacture of Galley Systems and in the provision of maintenance services to builders of rolling stock and railway operators worldwide.

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◗ LKS DIARADESIGN STAND 318 Rolling Stock Design and Railway Infrastructure Engineering: consultancy, creative concept design, project development and technical assistance in manufacturing/ construction. hal

HALL 1.2

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◗ AMETSIS, S.L. STAND 301 Ametsis is a leading company in the railway safety and brake systems market. Products: compressed air production and treatment, pneumatic brake controls, brake cylinders and tread brake units, spare parts, test benches..



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◗ GAMARRA, S.A. STAND 212 Set up in 1870, Gamarra, S.A. is a foundry of carbon and low-alloys steels in long and medium runs. Our production is mainly addressed to railway sector.


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HALL 2.1 ◗ GMV SISTEMAS, S.A.U. STAND 504 GMV presents a new generation of their systems including TVMs onboard and for station as well as the last evolution of PA-Intercomm, CCTV and Info-Video all over IP network.

HALL 2.2

HALL 3.1

ramp or only step, on demand.

◗ BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION STAND 101 Bombardier Transportation Spain takes part in the major railway projects in the country. At Innotrans 2014 it will present it’s complete portfolio: very high speed, monorail, signalling, bogies and e-mobility.

◗ MASATS, S.A. STAND 209 Masats produces Sliding plug door Systems, steps, slam doors. In the exhibition will show a Sliding door 00GA, an electric door available in tramway or light rail version; and new Step-Ramp RF2, an accessibility product allows different configurations, as

◗ OLIVA TORRAS RAILWAY STAND 323 Engineering and mechanical manufacturing centre specialized in integral railway interior projects and turnkey projects supply.



◗ Location of the companies ◗ CAF SIGNALLING STAND 401 CAF Signalling presents at Innotrans the latest advances in signalling and control technology for the different segments of the railways industry (high-speed, conventional lines, mass transit, light rail and freight lines). ◗ CAF POWER & AUTOMATION STAND 401 CAF P&A develops, manufactures and deliver high reliability Solutions adapted to each and every client´s specific needs in compliance with railway standards. ◗ ALSTOM TRANSPORT STAND 405 Alstom Transport will introduce at Innotrans: the very latest version of its Citadis tram, its new hybrid locomotive, a predictive maintenance tool and new versions of the Atlas range, its ERTMS solution.

HALL 4.1 ◗ ACTIA SYSTEMS, S.A.U. STAND 410 Actia's investments: PIS-PAS-PA, CCTV & Entertainment System (All Over IP), security systems in railway, data transfer systems, battery and Battery Management systems. ◗ IKUSI, ANGEL IGLESIAS, S.A. STAND 424 Ikusi novelties in Innotrans 2014: web tools for integral exploitation and quality management in public transport; tariff barriers. ◗ INDRA STAND 404 Cutting-Edge Technology for the Rail Sector. Global leader committed to innovation. We have upgraded rail infrastructure around the world. ◗ SICE STAND 426 SICE is a technology systems and services integrator in the fields of Intelligent Traffic and Transport Systems (ITS), Railways Technology, Public Transport and Tunnel Control Systems and Telecommunications. The technological capacity and capability for innovation of SICE, together with a wide degree of experience in many different markets, allow us to offer tailor made solutions for common everyday problems.

◗ FAINSA STAND 211 At Innotrans 2014, apart from its wide range of railway seating systems, FAINSA introduces the low-cost reclining Sophia seat, designed for Regional traffic purposes, as well as new vandal-resistant textiles and the new seat model NEW METRO in all its versions.

HALL 3.2 ◗ CAF, CONSTRUCCIONES Y AUXILIAR DE FERROCARRILES, S.A. STAND 401 CAF will present at Innotrans an advanced range of trains (high speed, regional, commuter, metropolitan) and a complete proposal for global railway solutions adapted to each type of project.

◗ TELTRONIC, S.A. UNIPERSONAL STAND 422 For over 40 years, Teltronic has been a world leader in the design and manufacturing of mission-critical radio communications equipment and systems providing professional TETRA and LTE solutions for a variety of sectors including public safety, public transport, oil & gas, utilities, mining, industry, and others. MAFEX 37


Innotrans 2014

HALL 4.2 ◗ PATENTES TALGO, S.L. STAND 306 At Innotrans 2014, Talgo will be presenting its most innovative technological developments and the recent international projects awarded in Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and USA.

ha 21 ll ha 21 ll a

◗ SIEMENS AG STAND 203 Siemens is a global technology leader company which operates in Energy, Healthcare, Industry and Infrastructure & Cities Sectors with 360,000 employees around the world. Other locations of Siemens: Hall: 7.1c – Stand: 307; Hall: A – Stand: 407b


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HALL 5.1

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◗ PRAE TRADE, S.L. STAND 314 Experts in innovative solutions for railway rolling stock: accessibility equipment, mechanical equipment, interior components and workshop toolings.


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◗ SISTEMAS Y CONTROL KLANTEC, S.L. STAND 314 Experts in lighting and electronic systems: Lighting solutions, engineering and studio lighting, Control unit for wheelchair lifts and toolings.


hhall all 4.2 4.2

◗ INDUSTRIAL DE TRANSFORMADOS, S.A. STAND 309 ITSA is a Spanish company specialized in the design and manufacturing of turnkey Railway Interior Components by innovating and optimizing costs.

HALL 5.2 ◗ INECO STAND 525 Ineco is a global leader in transport engineering and consultancy. It has contributed to the development of transport infrastructures for over 45 years in more than 45 countries.

HALL 6.1

HALL 7.2c


◗ MANUSA DOOR SYSTEMS, S.L. STAND 220 Manusa develops specific products for public transport: platform screen doors (PSD), ticket gates for access control, one-way corridors, onboard doors and tunnel partitioning doors.

◗ AQUAFRISCH, S.L. STAND 213 Aquafrisch, S.L. is specialized in the development of railway Workshops equipment and solutions for water treatment both in consumption and waste waters.

◗ AL-KO RECORD, S.A. STAND 801 AL-KO, a pioneer in the manufacture of shock absorbers in Spain, offers wide range if shock absorbers and suspension elements.

HALL 6.2 ◗ ALBATROS, S.L. STAND 201 Albatros Corporation is specialised in the design, manufacture, commercialization, and maintenance of equipment for the railway industry. 38 MAFEX

HALL 8.1 ◗ METALÚRGICA MADRILEÑA, S.A. STAND 309 Metalúrgica Madrileña, S.A. is a leading manufacturer of low, medium and high alloyed steel casting products.

◗ METALOCAUCHO, S.L. STAND 703 Since 1982, MTC designs and produces rubber-metal parts for suspension and vibration control systems for the railway and automotive sectors.

◗ Location of the companies

sets, for its own trains and for other rolling stock manufacturers and railways worldwide. hal


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◗ JEZ SISTEMAS FERROVIARIOS, S.L. STAND 102 JEZ is committed to designing, manufacturing, supplying and maintenance of all types of manganese steel switches and railway track systems, in addition to moulded cast steel parts for the general industry.

HALL 21a

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◗ NEM SOLUTIONS STAND 505 At NEM Solutions we focus on maintenance optimization, developing intelligent systems for the operation and maintenance of rolling stock assets.



HALL 22a ◗ CEIT-IK4 STAND 703 CEIT-IK4 provides multidisciplinary engineering services for the development of new products and services in railway dynamics, power electronics, signaling systems and SW tools. ◗ DANOBAT STAND 601 Turnkey solutions for the manufacturing and maintenance of rolling stock. Extensive experience in engineering services, equipment integration and complex project management.

◗ MGN, S.A. TRANSFORMACIONES DEL CAUCHO STAND 702 MGN designs and manufactures since 1957 rubber-metal components, mainly fot the railway industry.

HALL 17 ◗ INGETEAM POWER TECHNOLOGY, S.A. (TRACTION) STAND 201 Is an expert leader in the development of electrotechnical and power electronics systems providing involving energy exchanges at large. On the railways sector, we offer state-of-the art solutions

for rolling stock -Traction & Control Systems- and infraestructure -Energy Recovery Systems-. ◗ ELECTROTÉCNICA ARTECHE SMARTGRID, S.L. STAND 106 High perfomance safety relays for rolling stock applications. Control solutions for traction substations.

HALL 20 ◗ CAF, S.A. WHEELS AND AXLES BUSINESS STAND 202 CAF Wheels & Axles Business Unit, designs and manufactures all types of wheels, axles and wheel-

◗ FUNDICIONES GARBI, S.A. STAND 704 Fundiciones Garbi, iron foundry casting parts in grey, spheroidal, vermicular, ADI. Dimensions: 960x850x(350-350mm). Weight: Up to300 kg.Machining, painting, assembly. ◗ FUNOR, S.A. STAND 704 Steel, alloyed steels, stainless steel casting. Railway, Constructions, Fluids, Machinery Sectors. Weigh 15 to 1200 kgs. Short to medium series. ◗ MB SISTEMAS, S. COOP STAND 703 Worldwide Turnkey Robotic installations for train-passenger car body building, with the greatest level of automation, High Quality in a short Cycle Time. (Spot welding, Seam welding, gluing,…etc). MAFEX 39


Innotrans 2014

HALL 22a ◗ NXGEN RAIL SERVICES ESPAÑA, S.L. STAND 703 We will present our NxTrack product, which is an integrated track inspection system. Installed in conventional rolling stock it integrates various inspection technologies to provide a complete view of the state of the infrastructure.

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◗ TALLERES CORRAL MECANIZADOS, S.L. STAND 703 Talleres Corral is a company dedicated to designing and manufacture of high security welding and assembled components for rail, certified ISO9000, EN15085 CL1 and DIN6701 A2. ◗ MAFEX STAND 704 Mafex. the Spanish Railway Association, organizes the Spanish grouped participation of more than 50 companies with an entire space of 2,730 m 2. ◗ TECSA. TÉCNICAS ELECTRÓNICAS Y COMPONENTES, S.A. STAND 704 For 30 years, TECSA specializes in high quality customized harnesses assemblies and control cabinets for opening door systems, WC cabinets, HVAC, foot step and seats.



◗ THALES ESPAÑA GRP, S.A.U. STAND 704 Thales shows at Innotrans its solutions and services for Signalling, Security, Telecommunications, Supervision and Fare Collection as well as its main references worldwide. Thales corporative stand: Hall 4.2 Stand 103. ◗ CETREN STAND 704 Entity specialized in certification and conformity assessment in the rail sector. Notified Body to certify interoperability. ◗ CABLES DE COMUNICACIONES ZARAGOZA STAND 704 Founded in 1971, CablesCom has built its reputation supplying certified copper and fiber optic cable to the main telecom and railway operators in Europe and has been present in projects over than 50 countries. 40 MAFEX



◗ IMPLASER 99, S.S.L. STAND 704 Implaser is a Spanish manufacturer of a wide range of PHOTOLUMINESCENT products, as safety signs, floor marker, tunnels and metro exit signing doors, etc. with luminance levels from 150 mcd/m2 to 720 mcd/m2 after 10 minutes. ◗ ITSS IBERICA TECNOLOGÍA SISTEMAS DE SEGURIDAD FERROVIARIOS, S.L. STAND 704 Worldwide best manufacturer in railway

technology: Hot Axle Box / Hot Wheel Detection Systems, AGUILA (Flat Wheel Detection Systems) and CP Central Host Systems. ◗ LUZNOR DESARROLLOS ELECTRONICOS STAND 704 New rechargeable LED torches. LR range incorporates an electronic circuit with microprocessor that provides three light intensity levels, three intermittency modes and automatic switch on.

◗ Location of the companies

◗ ARCELORMITTAL ESPAÑA, S.A. STAND 307 ArcelorMittal is a leading rail manufacture company for high speed, metro, heavy haul, conventional lines and other applications as light rail and tram. Its quality has been recognized by customers around the world with new developments as Head Hardened and 120 m lenght Rail. ◗ DURO FELGUERA RAIL, S.A.U. STAND 307 Duro Felguera Rail designs and manufactures turnout systems and crossings, both monoblock casted Mn steel as swing nose crossings, as well as other turnout components. ◗ TALLERES ALEGRÍA STAND 307 Talleres Alegría, design and manufacturing, of Turnout Systems, self propelled vehicles and freight wagons. Ballastless Turnout Systems. End forging of special rail profiles for high performance turnout systems.

HALL B ◗ CETEST STAND 410 Test lab working for train manufacturer, equipment supplier, operator & infrastructure manager. Expertise: structural, fatigue, EMC, noise, ride dynamics, IWS, vibrations, acoustics, pantograph...


◗ SEIB- SERVICIOS ELECTRÓNICOS INDUSTRIALES BERBEL, S.L. STAND 704 Currently, SEIB boasts the most advanced range of products and services on the market in industrial electronics. With the new generation 2.0 we are increasing the functionality of products in railroad.

HALL 22b ◗ LA FARGA LACAMBRA, S.A.U. STAND 311 La Farga Lacambra is a model Company in the

railway sector. We produce copper solutions and its alloys for railway electrification, for all kinds of lines in a global and integrated way.

HALL 26 ◗ AMURRIO FERROCARRIL Y EQUIPOS, S.A STAND 307 Amurrio is an international leader in the design, manufacture and installation of changes, crossings and turnouts for highspeed, conventional, tram, metro and heavy haul paths.

◗ UROMAC. MAQUINARIA DEL EO, S.A. STAND FA/37 Road-rail machines and vehicles for maintenance of railway infrastructure, (catenay, shunting, rescue...). Products at Innotrans 2014: Road-Rail vehicle with platform, crane and cargo box and road-Rail Fire fighters Rescue vehicle. ◗ VOSSLOH ESPAÑA S.A STAND FG SOUTH FB/1 Vossloh Rail Vehicles launches its first LRVs deliveries for Germany (commissioning during 2014): the tram train CITYLINK for Karlsruhe, it will be 1st vehicle with EBO and BoStrab approval; and the TRAMLINK for Rostock, 100%LF tramway with supercaps. UKLIGHT, DE locomotive for UK, and EURODUAL are its new proposals for European locomotive market. MAFEX 41




M “ We can say that the

Spanish railway industry has managed to be known and respected internationally. The internationalization of our industry is the main objective of Mafex, and our greatest achievement is to have contributed to it.”

afex belongs to AGEX Group, existing for more than 35 years, formed by three other associations of many other industrial sectors, all at a national level and with a strong element of internationalization support. Victor Ruiz Piñeiro, President of Mafex, discusses in this interview the key points of the railway sector and the Association which he presides. Victor, what is the main purpose of the Association? The Spanish Railway Association (Mafex) was established in 2004 with the main aim of supporting companies in the Spanish railway industry to internationalize and to defend the general interests of the sector. During these ten years, we have wanted to help the Spanish sector to promote and enhance its national and international recognition and prestige. What do you think have been your major achievements over the years? As President of Mafex, I feel really proud to have contributed to consolidate a partnership which today is recognized nationally and internationally. Gone are those days when sixteen founding companies joined in a coordinated way to address the work of promoting the Spanish international rail sector. After a decade, today Mafex con-


sists of the most important companies in the Spanish railway industry, representing more than 85% of the Spanish export sector, with a presence in over 80 countries. In general we can say that the Spanish railway industry has managed to be known and respected internationally. The internationalization of our industry is the main objective of Mafex and therefore our greatest achievement is to have contributed to our work towards achieving high international presence, increased dramatically in recent years. What kind of companies are affiliated to the Association? Mafex consists of all kinds of companies that manufacture or provide any service related to the railway sector. The companies cover all the range of products and services that include the string value of the sector: engineering and consult-

â—— VĂ­ctor RuĂ­z

ants; rolling stock companies, not only including the manufacture of this material, but also everything relating to the attraction, control, security, maintenance, interiorism, onboard equipment and components; equipment and machinery for the manufacture of rolling stock; In addition to companies that engage in signaling, traffic management and control, ticketing, telecommunications; and companies dedicated to infrastructure such as large constructors, electrification companies, stations, maintenance, and permanent material and safety. Why do you think it is necessary for the Spanish industry to be part of Mafex? Experience has told us that both large and small companies are associated to Mafex because they benefit from the services we offer in order to improve their international visibility. We offer informa-

tion regarding services, broadcasting, key contacts, networking within industry promotional activities abroad fairs, trade delegations, etc. to all the partners. All activities and actions we take are based on the fundamental goal that moves us, that is none other than getting, increasingly, a great-

er international presence of the Spanish railways. I faced this last challenge from a sectorial point of view, ie, rail, including all companies in the industry value chain and address the needs of our customer is the smart way to tackle them. This view of sectioned value chain, coupled with the primary

Commercial Delegation of Mafex in a visit to Metro Rio (Brasil). MAFEX 43


Víctor Ruíz Piñeiro during the last Convention of Mafex in Bilbao.

The objective of Mafex is to support Spanish companies in their internationalization “ Collaboration with

and among partners is a challenge we have set ourselves to design closely with them our goals”

objective of internationalization, helps us be an association, in my humble opinion, with clear and defined objectives. With all this, and although in the railway field we start from a positive image concerning our industry, we must continue to get known. Partnering with organizations like ours is a way of having a support tool when going outside, to being promoted. Where is Mafex heading to? In 2013, along with the associates, the Strategic Plan 2014-2016 was defined, which has been a quantum leap in the way we work, maintaining the primary objective of supporting the internationalization of the Spanish railway industry. With this new plan, we want


to further strengthen communication and sectorial strategy for companies to improve their competitiveness. In order to encourage greater collaboration from partners and increase their participation in decisions of the shares, various committees have been created (Internationalization, Strategy and Communication, etc.), with which we intend to provide more services specially destined to our members’ needs. We are also developing several studies to help companies in their internationalization efforts, we continue to work with different agencies beyond internationalization in order to see how Mafex can help improve business competitiveness. In terms of institutional relations, we continue to

◗ Víctor Ruíz

seek a greater presence in national and international forums and organizations. What are your goals for the near future? Supporting companies in their internationalization, offering services that help them improve competitiveness and also improving factors such as representativeness, all subject to that great goal of internationalization support. Collaboration with and between companies is a challenge we have set ourselves to design with our partners the objectives that we will develop and, this way, try to generate projects involving all of them. An example is this new publication, which has been launched after months of close collaboration with 12 companies that make up the Committee for Strategy and Communication, launched earlier this year. Again this year, Mafex will be present at InnoTrans with a combined presence of the Spanish industry. What do you want to achieve with your presence in international fairs?

InnoTrans is the leading trade fair worldwide and the assistance to it is unquestionable. Again, our goal is to introduce to a greater number of people the Spanish rail sector. For fairs with a more specific subject or a specific geographical area, the objectives are the same but more concrete, such as fairs/ conferences on high-speed, urban transport, etc. The fairs are an important relational component that allow us to access for a few days a lot of people and expand our contact agenda with personalized meetings that might otherwise be nearly impossible to accomplish.

“ It is of vital importance

for Spain to continue investing in railway infrastructure (…). This will maintain and enhance current levels of technological expertise and innovation that our industry has.”

Being the President of Mafex and knowledgeable of the railway sector, at what point do you think the Spanish industry is? Obviously we can’t ignore that the crisis is affecting the rail industry in our country. Going abroad for our companies has been imposed as an obligation and not an option, although it is true that our companies had a high degree of internationalization before the crisis, especially those associated with Mafex. Therefore, we can say that

Thanks to the direct and inverse missions, Mafex is able to put in contact the Spanish companies with personalities of the international rail sector.



◗ Víctor Ruíz

It is key that Spain has a public policy of investment in equipment and rail infrastructure our companies are global and have a high capacity to adapt to local markets. But despite that companies are globalized and adapted to this internationalization, it is of vital importance for Spain to continue investing in railway infrastructure, purchase and acquisition of new rolling stock, maintenance of the existing, network upgrade, etc. This will maintain and enhance current levels of technological expertise and innovation that our industry has. Key to this is to have a public policy of investment in rail material and infrastructure in the long term that will allow the companies to plan and measure their own companies in a stable and sustainable way. This policy also can be extrapolated to any country wishing to acquire good rail infrastructure What do you think can be the contribution of Spanish companies? We can provide very high knowledge and capabilities from the technological point of view, training of people, innovation, etc. We have experience in complex projects such as the high-speed line Mecca-Medina, connecting Europe and Asia with the Marmaray project, the participation of Spanish companies in urban transport systems in many Latin American countries and the participation of Spanish companies in the construction of the underground of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia ... in all these projects we contribute with knowledge about engineering and Spanish consultants with extensive national and international experience; experience from constructors, many of them world leaders; knowledge of technology companies that provide solutions with high technological content 46 MAFEX

The Convention organized by Mafex in Bilbao helped the industry's international officials to visit and know more closely the Spanish industry.

management and railway traffic control, signage, etc; known worldwide companies in terms of rolling stock manufacturing concerns (high speed, medium and long distance, trams, locomotives ...); as well as a large number of manufacturers of all types of components, systems and equipment for infrastructure and rolling stock. As a common feature to all of them, I would highlight the human potential of our businesses, hard to beat by others. A great training for our professional cultural aspects that define us as is our adaptability and flexibility to our customers is added. We have learned many lessons from the experiments carried out in our country in the past two decades in the development of infrastructure and rail transport systems and where once we thought we were good improvising, today we realize that we are even better at management and project planning. Our international presence, together with the references for projects we have, supports our business and work ability.

“ Our international

presence, together with the references for projects we have, supports our business and ability to work. ”


Turkey will invest €10,000 M in rail until 2023 For the year is expected to have added another 14,000 km of new lines, 10,000 of them to be used by high speed trains



fter a severe decline in the use of railway lines in 2009, Turkey's railways were proposed to be reactivated as a mean of transport. "The Turkish railway system is under great development with tremendously ambitious plans in terms of its rail infrastructure," affirmed Victor Audera, Economic and Commercial Counsellor for the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Ankara. Currentle, there are two running HS lines, Ankara-Eskisehir, which opened in 2009, and Ankara and Konya. Also, it is spreading to Is-

■ Constructed lines (153 km) ■ Lines in construction (978 km) ■ Lines in fase of Tender ■ Lines with final illustrations and maps ■ Lines with illustrations and maps in course 48 MAFEX

tanbul and Sivas and is scheduled to open soon. By 2023, the state railways of Turkey (TCDD) expects to have added another 14,000 km of new lines, of which 10,000 of them will be used by high speed trains at a speed of 250 km/H, in addition to completing the Marmaray project. There are also plans to build a high-speed line between the Black Sea and Southeastern Turkey, joining Trabzon and Diyarbakir, and therefore connecting the Black Sea with Southeastern Turkey, Syria and Iran.Continues4

◗ Turkey


Chairman of the Board and DG of Turkish State Railways

VISION 2023 FOR RAILWAYS history. During the Ottoman period, around 8500 km of new line, most of which was constructed by foreign companies, was built. 4000 km of it was within the borders of Turkish National Pact of 1920. Realizing the importance of railways during the Independence War, the Great Leader Atatürk launched a campaign for railway construction. In twenty years between 1926 and 1946, 4 thousand km line, 80% of which were located in harsh geographic conditions, was constructed. After 1950s, investments in road became important in parallel with the developments across the world. Between 1950 and 2003, only 1.700 km of new line was built. The year of 2003 became a milestone for our railways. As a consequence of the political and financial support of government, 80 projects were produced in 8 years including the high speed line projects, modernization of the existing lines, and development of advanced railway industry on the basis of being restructured to be a more dynamic institution. Hence, our railways went through a period of great change and progress.

“ Suburban systems are

reaching the metro standards in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara” Since 2003, our railways as the prioritized sector among the state economic enterprises have been allocated the highest funds. Ankara-Eskisehir YHT, our first High Speed Line was commissioned on March 13, 2009 and Ankara-Konya YHT, the second High Speed Line on August 23, 2011. Thanks to the triangle of EskisehirAnkara-Konya YHT, the economic, social

and cultural life in the surrounding cities have become more dynamic. The construction works for the second phase of Ankara-Istanbul High Speed Line Project, Eskisehir-Istanbul and Ankara-Sivas High Speed Lines are going on. When both stages are completed, the travel time between Ankara and Istanbul will be reduced to 3 hours as will the travel time between Ankara and Sivas. With Marmaray Project, which is under construction, two continents, Europe and Asia, will be connected via a seamless railway and it will possible to travel by rail from London to China uninterruptedly. Kars-Baku-Tbilisi Railway Project is a significant step in the international railway transportation. We aim at having a share from the freight potential estimated to be 75 billion dollars between Asia and Europe. In addition, the construction works for Ankara-Izmir and Bursa-Bilecik YHT lines are going on. Working together with the local administrations, our commuter systems are reaching the metro standards in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara and we also are in cooperation with the municipalities of other cities. In freight transportation, we primarily launched the block train operations. These operations provided 58% increase in the transported cargos and accordingly, 170% increase in transportation income compared to 2002. Besides, we are establishing “Logistics Centers” which integrate all transportation systems. At the first stage, we are founding 16 logistics centers in the significant industrial and commercial points of our country. Thus, we intend to achieve

10 million ton increase in railway transportation. The railway industry is also improving in our country. Adapazarı High Speed Train Factory with Korea, Erzincan Rail Fastenings Factory with Germany, rail production in Kardemir, one of the long-established enterprises of the Turkish private sector, Çankırı High Speed Train Switch Factory with Austria and locomotive production in TÜLOMSAS with the USA are great examples of our cooperations. Most recently, we are producing electric locomotives in TÜLOMSAS our affiliated company in cooperation with Hyundai Rotem.

“ €33.000M will be destined to railways” In the 10th International Transport Forum, the vision of our country’s transportation system was identified. Highly important decisions for railways were taken and the map of transportation system was drawn. In the context of these decisions, of the total amount of 350 billion dollars to be invested in the transportation sector in 14 years until 2023, 45 billion dollars will be allocated for railways. Within this framework, it is targeted to construct 10 thousand km of new high speed line and 4 thousand km of new conventional line till 2023 (...). Today, Turkey, the railway sector of which is developing, is getting more involved in the railway investments in the Middle East and neighboring countries and becoming a leading country in the development of railway sector. Railways constitute one of the major agenda topics of our relations with friendly and fellow countries in the region now. MAFEX 49

Document obtained from


ith its roots going back 155 years, Turkish State Railways (TCDD) has a long-standing


◗ Turkey



he Spanish companies in Turkey have a great reputation. "Thanks to the development of railway infrastructure in Spain, the know-how that the administration and Turkish companies seek has been achieved. Spain’s way of working is seen positively and, joined to the large volume of planned investments in the coming years, makes this country an excel-

In the image, the high speed train of CAF in the line AnkaraIstanbul.

lent business opportunity for the Spanish industry," declares Victor Audera, from the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Ankara. Proof of this is that many of the company members of Mafex already have a presence in Turkey and many others have participated in major rail projects in this country. MAFEX ASSOCIATES ESTABLISHED IN TURKEY ◗ Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos ◗ Assignia Infraestructuras ◗ CAF ◗ CAF Signalling ◗ Infoglobal ◗ Getinsa ◗ Indra ◗ Manusa ◗ Thales España ◗ Typsa ◗ Siemens Rail Automation ◗ ITK Ingeniería


The company has made a section of the Ankara-Istanbul HS line and the railway maintenance work, as well as two railway logistics bases in Izmir and Eskisehir. ◗ CABLESCOM Beacon System supply and signal cables ETCS level 2 in the line between Bandirma Menemen. Beacon System supply and signal cables on the line between Ankara and Konya. ◗ CAF Rolling stock for the line Ankara-Istanbul 250km/h, commuter line Izmir, Istanbul Metro, tram line Antalya. ◗ GETINSA Consultancy services in the supply and construction for the installation of a Traffic Management System and in the extension of the railway branch line in the sections Bogazköprü - Yenice and Mersin - Toprakkale, Turkey. Consulting Services and Monitoring Sub-Infrastructure, Superstructure, Signalling and Telecommunications works in the railway connection Adapazari-Karasu Port and Industrial Plants. Programme for the development of light rail in Bursa. Assistance to the project bidding process for signaling and telecommunications in the railway line Tekirdag-Murati. ◗ INECO Consultancy and supervision of the construction of the section


Inönü - Köseköy in the high speed line Istanbul - Ankara. ◗ KELOX Rolling stock requested by National Railway TCDD to Siemens for its implementation on the Ankara-Konya line and in the Ankara-Istanbul route. Design and supply of 6 trains with Galley system for Siemens. ◗ SENER Sener has been awarded the contract for the project and engineering and consulting services for the electrification of the railway line Irmak-Zonguldak. ◗ SIEMENS RAIL AUTOMATION ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2 on the Ankara-Konya line. Supply of Westrace electronic interlocking, jointless track circuits FS 3000 and the Traffic Control Centre Rail 9000. Signaling systems and communications Bin the line BandirmaBalikesir-Manisa-Menemen. The company will develop and implement the new signaling system that includes Trackguard Westrace electronic interlockings, train detection system, LED signs, needle electric drives and needle heaters. ◗ THALES Ankara-Istanbul line, ERTMS Level 1, signaling and telecommunications for Phases 1, 2 and 4 (380km) and ERTMS Level 2 for Phase 2. ERTMS Level 1 and signaling in the commuter line of Cumoavasi. Signaling in Eskisehir station.



The Bosphorus tunnel, a key part of the project, was inaugurated in October 2009 and it is intended to accelerate the intercontinental traffic made daily by millions of people in Istanbul.


armaray is the project that will link Asia with Europe through a rail network. The project, in addition to the completion of this excavation under the Bosphorus Sea, includes the acquisition of new rolling stock for suburban passenger traffic. The construction of the line began in 2004 and is expected to be completed in 2016 after several delays due to archaeological findings. The first phase of the project opened on October 29, 2013. The total budget is of 2.5 billion euros. The Bosphorus tunnel, major work, has a final length of 13.6 kilometres, from which 1.400 metres will run under the sea. "The Marmaray Project is a historical work that will mean for Istanbul, in the first place, a relief to all the traffic since they are almost 13 million people who move (9 from the European side and 5 from the Asian) through the corridor and, in second place, it will be another connection to Europe, as the plan is to continue a connection to Bulgaria, "adds Victor Audera, Economic and Commercial Counsellor for the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Ankara. The new trains have a maximum speed of 105 km/h and are intended to reach an average speed between stations of 45 km/h. Features of the tunnel The Bosphorus tunnel was opened in late 2013 and has managed to unite Asia with Europe. This project is set to expedite daily intercontinental traffic realized by millions of people from Istanbul.



The tunnel will not only aid trains but it will also have a pathway for long distance trains passing from Europe to Asia. With financial support from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the European Investment Bank (EIB), the tunnel construction could begin in 2004, thanks to a partnership between Japan and Turkey. It is a double tube plunged more than 50 metres below the Bosphorus, it is completed and designed to withstand earthquakes up to 9 degrees in this region with a strong seismic activity. The authorities hope that this work, which will be connected to 75 kilometres of new rail routes,

◗ Turkey

ion between Asia and Europe ÜSKÜDAR



◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

Total length: 77 km European side:19,6 km Asiatic side: 43,4 km Perforated tunnels: 12,2 km immersed tube tunnels: 1,4 km

will end the difficulties encountered over 13 million Istambul habitants that cross the Bosphorus each day through two bridges that are always congested. The project is based in order to provide a long-term solution to the current problems of urban transport in Istanbul; alleviate the existing problems in operating long-distance rail services; provide a direct connection to the rail network between Asia and Europe; increase capacity, reliability, accessibility, punctuality and safety in rail services; reduce travel time and increase the comfort of a large number of passenger trains; provide an uninterrupted

transportation of passengers and freight through the Strait of Istanbul; improve air quality in Istanbul; reduce the noise of air traffic in the centre of Istanbul; and reduce adverse effects on historic buildings and heritage sites, providing an opportunity to reduce the number of cars in the old town of Istanbul. In the future, after completing the two projects, the Yenikapı station will become therefore one of the major transfer stations of Istanbul on the European side, while Üsküdar will be equally important and will perform the same exchanger function on the Asian side. Continues4

TECHNICAL FEATURES 1. Crossing of the Bosphorus (BC1) ◗ Submerged tunnel (1,4 km) ◗ T he depth of the submerged tuve is of 60 m ◗ 12 Km of natural and short coverage tunnels ◗ 4 new stations 2. Updating the Commuter Train (CR1/CR3) ◗ New high level line with triple rail (~ 65 km) ◗ 37 new stations ◗ T he acquisition of new rolling stock material (CR2) ◗ 440 new train sets



â—— Turkey

The Marmaray project carried out by Siemens includes the design and replacement of the signaling of the 63 kilometres that compose the current railway system in the metropolitan area.

Spanish participation in Marmaray The commissioning of the rail signaling and control technologies by Siemens Rail Automation is the first step for the commuter line to move through the metropolitan area of the two sides of Istanbul. The Spanish company Cablescom has also commissioned the supply of beacons and signaling cables.


he first phase of the iconic Marmaray project, the section under the Bosphorus Strait, equipped with Siemens Rail Automation railway signaling and control technologies, was commissioned in October 2013, responsibility of the Spanish division of Siemens Rail Automation. DLH, DG Construction of Railways, Ports and Airports of the Ministry of Transport of Turkey awarded in 2011 the supply and implementation of railway signaling and control technologies for the line Gezbe-Halkali, known as Marmaray project, to Invensys Rail Dimetronic (now Siemens Rail Automation) in joint venture with the Spanish company of civil works OHL. A unique project The Marmaray project includes the design and replacement of the signaling of the 63 kilometres that make up the current railway system in the metropolitan area of the Strait of Istanbul and the construction of a rail tunnel 13 kilometers under the Bosphorus. From the technological point


of view, Marmaray project is unique in the world and it will be equipped with ERTMS (European Railway Traffic Management System) and CBTC (Communication Based Train Control System). Siemens is responsible for the design, supply, testing and commissioning of systems via Trainguard FUTUR 1300 ERTMS Level 1 and Trainguard SIRIUS CBTC, TrackGuard Westrace electronic interlockings, train detection equipment (jointless track circuits and axle counters) , LED signs, Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) Controlguide Rail 9000 and telecommunications and SCADA systems for the entire project. The contract also includes maintenance for two years and an option to extend to five years. The company Cablescom, moreover, has supplied beacons and signaling cables. The project included the reconstruction of existing lines to be used on the Bosporus and provided signaling and automatic train protection on the entire route. Continues4



The government expects that investment in high-speed lines will reduce travel time between the capital, Ankara, and major cities. On some routes, TCDD expects to capture a market share of up to 80%.



he plans for Turkey to count with an high-speed line between Ankara and Istanbul existed for decades, but it was not until 2003 when Turkey began building its high-speed network that went from 4,000 to 10,000 kilometres, with the first phase connection of 533 kilometres between the two cities. The network is being built with standard gauge on concrete sleepers and ballast, 25 kV 50 Hz electrification and mixture of ETCS level 1 and 2 signaling. The first section of 252 km of the Ankara-Istanbul line between Ankara and Eskisehir was opened in 2009, and a section of 212 kilometres were included to Konya in 2010 The first has experienced an increase of 8% to 70%, while the second has gone from zero to 54%. The high speed train between Ankara and Istanbul and the 405 km line between Ankara and Sivas, are expected to be completed during this year. This will reduce the travel time between Ankara and Istanbul to about 3 hours, between Ankara and Sivas to 2 hours and between Istanbul and Sivas from 21 hours to 5 hours. The high-speed line with 75 kilometres of mixed traffic from Bursa to Bilecik in the Ankara-Istanbul line should be operational in 2015. A ยกcontract for the construction of an extension of 167 kilometres in the line Ankara-Konya to Afyonkarahisa, granted in 2012, marks the beginning of the Ankara-Izmir line. Also, extensions are planned to Antalya, Kayseri, Erzincan and the Bulgarian border in Edirne before 2023.

High Speed Lines 888 km High Speed lines in construction Lines with final illustrations Lines with illustrations and maps in course

Evolution of the lines In 2012, around 2,600 km of the planned network was fully funded. The Turkish Railways TCDD had 10 high-speed trains (250 km/h) 6-car EMU's built by CAF in 2007 to operate on the route Ankara-Eskisehir, and the acquisition of other 48 EMU's is in mind. In addition, Siemens will deliver seven Velaro high-speed EMU trains and will be in charge of their maintenance for seven years. The Ankara-Istanbul and IstanbulEdirne lines will use Marmaray rails between Gebze and Halkali, which will connect the European and Asian rail networks in Turkey for the first time in a tunnel under the Bosphorus. On both sides there will be three routes, two of which will be used

◗ Turkey

for suburban services and the third for long-distance passenger and freight services. However, the tunnel is built only with two rails, which will reduce long distance services at peak times due to the high frequency of planned suburban services. The construction of three independent high-speed lines from Ankara to Istanbul, Konya and Sivas, as well as the Ankara-Izmir line, form part of the strategy of the Turkish Ministry of Transport, which aims to build a network of high speed of 10,000 kilometres in 2023. Spanish potencial in the area "The development of High Speed has been developed by Spanish companies from the line Ankara Eskisehir, whose construction wa

undertaken by OHL, the trains were supplied by CAF, the lane by ArcerorMittal and the track components by Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos – according to Victor Audera-. Spain has been present in Turkey, thanks to the experience they have, and being our companies, also, highly valued". ADIF is actively involved in railway development in Turkey, providing expertise in the management and development of the Spanish railway network. ADIF Specialists provide their knowledge in technical areas ranging from construction, maintenance and repair of high speed track to management, planning and regulation of rail traffic rules with technologies like ERTMS, ATP and the traffic management system called DaVinci developed by Indra

with intellectual property of ADIF. "Turkey is a market that has very good perception of the Spanish industry, which has many cultural similarities –continues Victor Audera-. From the Commercial Office we are very pleased with the important work done by Mafex, the Spanish Railway Association, since it is an association that helps a lot the Spanish companies to develop their business in Turkey. Moreover, the Trade Office in Ankara is in disposition for the companies for whatever they need. From here we take care of other emerging markets such as Georgia and Azerbaijan, which have a very important and ambitious railway and subway structure, for which the Spanish industry should not lose sight of these countries". MAFEX 57



According to previous studies, the provision of 12,000 kilometres of track and about 10.2 million concrete sleepers will be necessary.



t is scheduled that the route of the GCC train project starts from Kuwait via Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Kingdom of Bahrain through the proposed causeway to be built parallel to the King Fahd Causeway. And from Dammam to the State of Qatar through Salwa. The GCC train would also link Qatar with Bahrain via the Qatar – Bahrain Causeway to be established between them, and from Saudi Arabia through Al Batha to the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi - Al Ain) and then to end up in Oman across Sohar to Muscat. During the first months of 2013, the tender for the preliminary design began and in June of the same year the contract was awarded to Italferr. In addition, last summer the Project Manegement was tendered, for which three international consortia were selected: : - TÊcnicas Reunidas, Ineco and the Lebanese Dar al Handasah, - The South Korean Dohwa Engineering, Korea Rail Network Authority and First China Railway - Parsons, Aecom and Systra. The work is also challenging because only the access from the interior to the coastal city of Salalah, due to its orographic characteristics, presents great difficulties and important resources would be necessary for tunnels and viaducts, such as for example, having to cope in a not very long section large slopes until getting to sea level.

Technical Features The network will be about 2,000 kms long and it will have a two-track design (gauge of 1,435 mm) for both passenger and freight traffic. According to previous studies, the provision of 12,000 kilometres of track and about 10.2 million concrete sleepers will be necessary. Also, 35 kilometres of tunnels Continues4


TOTAL LENGTH OF THE RAILWAY LINE BY COUNTRY Kuwait 145 km Bahrein 36 km Qatar 283 km Omán 306 km United Arab Emirates 684 km Saudi Arabia: 663 km TOTAL OF 2117 KM MAFEX 59


Meeting of Pedro Fortea, Director of Mafex, with representatives of the Ministry of Transport of Bahrain during his visit to the region in April.

The project has an estimated cost of €11,300M 45 km of viaducts and 39 kilometers of railway bridges will be constructed. The works also include the construction of stations, service centers facilities for rolling stock, maintenance workshops and operation control centers. Also, the acquisition of up to 85 locomotives, 30 diesel multiple units for passengers, 80 cars and 500


freight wagons is contemplated. The total cost of the rail project connecting the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes linking Bahrain and Saudi Arabia by a bridge, is expected to be around €11,300 M, according to the Oman’s News Agency. The expansion of the King Fahd Causeway Bridge Authority also forms part of the plans of the GCC

Transfer rate for the period (2004-2006) by means of current transportation

Expected by train



only in 2016










United Arab States



Saudi Arabia



Others countries






TABLE 1: Shows the level of transport imported by all modes of transportation in the years 2004-2006, compared with the expected to be only transferred by train in 2016 60 MAFEX

rail link. It is a viaduct that connects Saudi Arabia and Bahrain by train, running parallel to the existing bridge of King Fahd, assigned exclusively to road transport and along which more than 20 million people annually circulate. Purpose of the network The GCC project will have a direct positive impact on the economies, will improve mobility and transport of goods among the GCC countries, and will support the freedom of movement of citizens and residents, therefore, increase regional investment. From an economic perspective, it is expected that the GCC’s railway project will diversify the supply of transport, improve competition between different modes of transport and reduce transport costs in general. As for the environmental aspect, the GCC railway has been considered with the intention of providing an efficient and environmentally


Train Before the Operation of Gulf railway network In the beginning of the Operation of Gulf railway network









Plane 13,034


Total 42,960


Unit: one thousand passengers TABLE 2: Shows a comparison between the forecast of passenger transport by different means of transportation.

friendly service, as well as a profitable alternative transportation. In general, it is expected that the GCC railway network contributes significantly to economic growth in the region, the development and prosperity of all member states of the GCC. The table 1 shows the level of transport imported by all modes of transportation in the years 20042006, compared with the expected to be only transferred by train in 2016. The achievement of these

expectations will add to the basket of the Gulf incomes what is estimated of 400 million dollars as a result of the transfer of goods imported and exported via the train. With regard to passengers, the study predicted (table 2) the growing number of train users through the Gulf railway network by 37% between the years 2016-2028, and the table 2 shows a comparison between the forecast of passenger transport by different means of transportation.

SPANISH COMPANIES BASED IN GULF COUNTRIES ■ Bombardier (Saudi Arabia) ■ CAF (Catar) ■ Danobat (United Arab States) ■ Getinsa (Saudi Arabia) ■ GMV (United Arab States) ■ Ineco (ASaudi Arabia and Kuwait) ■ Sener (United Arab States and Catar) ■ Siemens (Saudi Arabia) ■ Talgo (United Arab States) ■ Typsa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab States

and Qatar) Detail of participation of Mafex companies in the GCC project ◗ Ineco Ineco has participated in the GCC Gulf Railway Network project with consulting work primarily in Kuwait and UAE.

◗ Sener United Arab Emirates railway network, "Etihad Railway Network". It has conducted the tender projects for package C phase 2 and the ShahHabshan-Ruwais section.



ERTMS aims that signaling and communications between satellite and airborne equipment are compatible throughout Europe and interoperability will enable railway traffic between various states of the European Union.


he European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is an EU “major European industrial project” to enhance cross-border interoperability and signalling procurement by creating a single Europe-wide standard for railway signaling with the final aim of improving the competitiveness of the rail sector. ERTMS has two basic components: ETCS, the European Train Control System, is an automatic train protection system (ATP)to replace the existing nationalATP-systems; GSM-R, a radio system for providing voice and data communication betweenthe track and the train, basedon standard GSM using frequencies specifically reserved for rail application. Interoperability Directive On July 23rd 1996 the Interoperability Directive 96/48/EC was issued by the European Commission. It outline the rules, defining the structural nature subsystems (infrastructure, energy, signalling, remote control, etc) and functional nature subsystems (maintenance, control of environmental impact, exploitation constraints, etc), as well as the basic constituent components of said subsystems in order to allow rolling stock from one country to run in another EU State’s lines with absolute guarantees of efficiency and protection. The European Commission desires


to revitalise the railway sector eliminating technical barriers for interchanges and train interoperability (for example, its capacity to circulate indistinctly in all railway networks). This favours the integration of the European Railway Network, simultaneously guaranteeing higher security levels and lower costs. Europe has more than 20 different signalling and speed control systems in rail transport. These are locomotive-integrated onboard systems with collection systems that react to signals transferred from the ground. These systems are expensive, but essential for security and railway traffic management. The coexistence of various models constitutes an obstacle to the development of international railway traffic, since locomotives must be able to ‘read’ signals from different networks when crossing borders. The Thalys train, which links Paris and Brussels, has seven different on-board systems, with the according increase in costs and failure risks, and the major headache for drivers, who have to be able to handle all the different interfaces. Furthermore, this segmentation represents a limitation for the integration of rail-

Image: Adif


way transport at a European scale, while road transport takes advantage of the absence of barriers. On-board equipment The European Commission published on July 4th 2005 a Communication on the deployment of the European system for rail signalling ERTMS/ETCS. On this basis, the Commission defends the gradual adoption of a common system for all EU Member States with the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The equipment necessary for the operation of the systems is divided

into two parts, on one hand there is the on-board equipment and on the other the external equipment. On-board equiped is composed of: an antenna installed on the underside of the train and that is responsible for the communication between the on-board and trackside systems; an antenna installed on the roof of the train (optional, only if radio communication is used) for voice and data communications between on-board and trackside systems; EURORADIO: receives ERTMS voice and data from the antenna; BTM (Balise Transmission Module) device that

allows the reading of the track installed balises. Its function is to receive the underside-antenna messages and make them easy to handle for EUROCAB; EUROCAB: core of the system. It processes all the information proceeding from the antennas, supervising train movements and controlling the information shown to drivers in the DMI (Driver-Machine Interface) and the information sent to the JRU (Juridical Recor ding Unit), taking action on brakes if necessary. EUROCAB continuously calculates the train’s position by means of its own odometer Continues4 MAFEX 63

INNOVATION The latest version of ERTMS-Baseline 3 is a breakthrough in the system as it closes nearly all points that were opened in previous versions as the braking curves.

DATA ◗ 2,150 kilometres of railway have ERTMS, which makes Spain to have the largest deployment of this technology in the world.

◗ Spain leads the development of ERTMS Level 2, installed in 582 km.

◗ The line Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-Figueres, 804 km, is the longest in the world equipped with ERTMS.

◗ T he Railway Technology Centre of Málaga has a specialized laboratory in the technological advancement of this system.


based on Doppler radar sensors and wheel sensors; DMI: it presents all relevant data to drivers, such as current speed, speed limit, speed restric tions, breaking distance and text messages. Trackside equipment Composed of: Blocking elements: electronic devices that control each station. They are used to determine routes, signalling aspects and position of switches; track circuits: detection of the train’s position, transferring it to the blocking elements; LEU (LineSide Electronic Unit): they convert the information received from the blocking of the station in ERTMS telegrams which they then send to the balises. EUROBALISES: they transmit telegrams with information relative to train control and traffic operation that are transferred from the LEU to the train. RBC (Radio Block Center): it’s connected to the blocking elements when data communication via radio is used to transmit ERTMS telegrams to the train. GSM-R: transmission system for voice and data via radio used by the ERTMS. ERTMS levels Level 1. The operation of the system as a Level 1 is based primarily on the interlocks, providing information on the status of the needles, signals and routes to the LEU (standard electronic units), encoding information and forwarded to the eurobalises located in the rail. At level 2 ERTMS, the blocking of trains is done from a Radio Block Centre (RBC), which receives the information, on one hand from the interlocks and on the other hand it transmits the information to trains through the GSMR system. At Level 3, the train integrity data are sent via a separate system on the composition, therefore track circuits are not required, as in the previous

level. This allows the cantons to be mobile. Spain and ERTMS Under the strong leadership of infrastructure manager ADIF, Spain has embarked on a major program of railway investments, identifying ERTMS as the signalling system of choice. The first contracts were signed in the early 2000s and ERTMS now covers the major part of the Spanish High Speed network. At present, the following major lines are running using ERTMS: Madrid – Zaragoza-Lleida (442 km), by Ansaldo technology; Lleida-RodaBarcelona (183 km), by Siemens technology and Simenes eurobalises; Barcelona- Sants-Mollet, 20 km, Mollet- Figueres, 112 km, byThales technology and Siemens eurobalises; Zaragoza-Huesca, 73 km, by


In the image, an ERTMS system implanted in Turkey by Siemens.

Spain has over 2,000 kilometres of ERTMS, an experience that guarantees it to implement this technology in other countries.

Alstom technology; Madrid- Segovia-Valladolid, 179 km, by Thales technology and Siemens eurobalises; Córdoba-Málaga, 155 km, by Dimetronic-Invensys technology and Siemens eurbalises and LZB of Thales; y La Sagra - Toledo, 21 km, with LZB de Thales, commuter rail Madrid C-4, Parla-Colmenar Viejo/ Alcobendas- San Sebastián de los Reyes; and the by-pass de Torrejón de Velasco; y Ourense-Santiago, 87 km, with Thales technology y Siemens eurobalises.

the country that holds the European Union’s rotating presidency in this six-month period, the European Railway Agency, ERA, delivered to the Commission this new version of the ERTMS so that its Risk Committee can submit it for approval to the member States in preparation for its adoption into law. This presentation was formalized through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the strengthening of cooperation for the management of ERTMS.

Last news The ERTMS2012.EU Conference was held in Copenhagen on April 16 and 17, during which the new version of the European Rail Traffic Management System, ERTMS – Baseline 3, was presented. Over the course of this conference, hosted in Denmark,

Baseline 3 The new version of the ERTMSBaseline 3, is a huge leap forward in the system since it addresses practically every issue that remained in previous versions, including a key point like braking in curves. It is also backwards

compatible with previous versions of the system, such that a train equipped with Baseline 3 can travel without any problems on a line with the previous version, 2.3.0.d. Spain’s essential role in the deployment, development and success of the ERTMS was made evident at the conference, as Spain has been an international benchmark in demonstrating the proper operation of the system. The conference made it clear that the ERTMS has become a world standard in railway signaling, since more than half of the projects contracted with ERTMS are outside of Europe. European industry has thus become a world leader in advanced railway signaling systems, and provides a clear example of the success being enjoyed by this European Commission initiative. Continues4 MAFEX 65



More than 5,000 km in contracted services by Mafex companies worldwide (more than 2,900 outside Spain)

MEXICO Level 1 33 km Suburban

SPAIN Total km: more than 2.100 Level 1: 192 km Level 1 + Level 2: 1.314 km Level 2: 582 km (7 km suburban)

BULGARIA Level 1 42 km

TURKEY Total km: 1.573 km Level 1: 378 km (110 km suburban) Level 1 + Level 2: 1.195 km

MOROCCO Level 1 360 km

NIGERIA Nivel 2 328 km BRAZIL Nivel 1 155 km Suburbano

◗ The first and only ETCS systems in the world have been installed by Spanish companies.

◗ The first and only worldwide ETCS on suburban lines (commuter), have been installed by Spanish companies.


SAUDI ARABIA Nivel 2: 450 km


â—— Breaking News



ithin the new innovation framework program "Horizon 2020", Shift2Rail combines the joint effort of the European rail sector and the European Union to redefine rail research, focusing on three core objectives: < Improving the capacity of the European rail network to cope with the growing demand for passenger and freight < A higher quality and reliability of rail services, which will also result in greater security for the passenger. < Significant reduction in life-cycle costs of the whole network. All this with a total investment amounting almost 1,000 million euros in an estimated 7-year term. From the operational point of view, we find significant differences between Shift2Rail and its predecessors, such as the mode of execution and commissioning selected: Member States, on a proposal from the European Commission, have decided to create a public-private partnership and stable over time or Joint Technology Initiative (JTI). Also, through the establishment of the relevant Joint Undertaking (JU) has created a public-private organization (with participation of Member States, European industry and resources of the Commission) with legal personality that goes into effect and manage the funds allocated through calls and tenders. Types of actors In the Shift2Rail JU, three types of actors are involved, in terms of 68 MAFEX

This program aims to improve European rail capacity.

their contribution and decisionmaking: < Founder members: Alstom, AnsaldoSTS, Bombardier, CAF, Network Rail, Siemens, Thales and Trafikverket < Associates: research centers, universities, enterprises and operators throughout Europe < Colaborators/sub-hired: through calls for proposals Thus, thanks to the high degree of commitment from the private sector (both financial and material resources), all projects that will be developed under the umbrella of Shift2Rail have a better and more direct access to the market. We are talking about commercial, more tangible and easy solutions to appreciate by the end user, and with a much more visible effect. The activity of Spain The Spanish participation in this initiative is more than significant, demonstrating once again the magnificent international positioning of the Spanish railway sector. Mafex and collaboration with UNIFE, has worked to promote

and encourage the presence of partners. Thus, as already mentioned, one of the founding members is the company CAF; Indra will be on the Government Panel (which will have a total of 22 companies and is chaired by the European Commission); and the program will also feature the participation of Talgo and Acciona. We must also emphasize the critical role research centres will play as the Alliance IK4 and Tecnalia; universities such as the Basque Country (UPV), Polytechnic of Catalonia, Valencia Polytechnic; operators as ADIF, Metro Madrid, TRAM or Euskotren; and companies like Ineco, FCC and Arcelor Mittal. But the best news for the rail industry is that since last June 16, the JU of Shift2Rail is now a reality thanks to the European Council, who adopted its rules following the favorable regulatory dictates of the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, ending the legislative process and beginning a new era for the European railway sector.


MAFEX NEXT ACTIVITIES 15-19 September 2014

Inverse Mission SAHARAN AFRICA Spain

13-15 October 2014


03-07 November 2014 Trade Delegation TURKEY Turkey

10-14 November 2014


17-20 November 2014

Inverse Mission AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND Spain

01-05 December 2014 Trade Delegation BRAZIL and CHILE Brazil - Chile

01-05 December 2014




ACTIA SYSTEMS, S.A.U. ◗P ol. Ind. Los Olivos - Calidad, 66 28906 Getafe (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 665 26 26 ◗ F: +34 91 665 23 24 ◗ ◗ Actia is a company based in Spain with a number of subsidiaries in more than 15 countries, devoted to the research, design and manufacturing of electronic platforms, on board and fixes systems, using the latest technologies for the railway industries, not just in security, information and entertainment but also in the communication and transferring of data. It´s available with a wide range of electronic equipment and services which meets all needs for different means of public transport like High Speed train, InterCity, Regional train, Suburban train, Train-Tram, Tram and Underground. Actia partakes in each stage of the manufacturing process of its products: analysis of needs, design systems, equipment manufacturing, set up service, warranty period, substitution y renovation. Thanks to Actia innovatory efforts and staff, it has more than 100 applications in Spain, USA and the UK. innovador y su equipo humano, ya está presente con más de 100 aplicaciones en España, USA, UK.

ALBATROS, S.L. ◗R uiz de Alarcón, 13 - 3º 28014 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 495 70 00 ◗ F : +34 91 495 70 06 ◗ a ◗w Albatros Corporation is specialised in the design, manufacture, commercialization, and maintenance of equipment for the railway industry. Albatros is formed by various units of engineering and manufacture in Spain as other countries. We have a team of over 500 employees, selling over 100 million Euros a year, specially on export markets, with over 27,000 static converters, 35,000 passenger information systems, 6,000 70 MAFEX

HVAC systems, 10,000 WC modules and a variety of designs for the exterior as the interior of the trains, metros and tramways all over the world.

AL-KO ◗C tra. Durango-Elorrio, 25 48220 Abadiano (BIZKAIA) ◗P : +34 94 621 57 40 ◗ F : +34 94 681 37 04 ◗ e ◗w AL-KO, a pioneer in the manufacture of shock absorbers in Spain, offers wide range of shock absorbers and suspension elements, backed by its engineering versatility that provides innovative technical solutions to meet the needs of its customers. This fact has lead AL-KO, to carry out -in all its plants- major investments in research and testing facilities, as well as in expansions and refurbishments with the objective of implementing a flexible, efficient and profitable production, also in small series. All this serves to make AL-KO a competent party in developing effective solutions in the field of suspension.

ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A. ◗C / Martínez Villergas 49, edificio V 28027 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 334 58 00 ◗ F : +34 91 334 58 01 ◗ f ernando.sunyer@transport. ◗w As a promoter of sustainable mobility, Als­tom Transport is the only railway manufacturer present in the full spectrum of transport systems, equip­m ent and services. The company offers a complete range of high performance products: rolling stock, sig­n alling, maintenance and modernisation, infrastructure and integrated solu­t ions. In Spain, Alstom Transport employs

around 2000 people in 19 working sites, has a manufacturing site in Barcelona and de­v elops R&D programmes both for rolling stock and railway signalling and safe­t y projects. The technological laboratory located in Madrid has become a bench­ mark for signalling projects throughout the world.

ALTE TRANSPORTATION, S.L. ◗P ol. Ind. El Plà Camí de Can Gurri, 1 08185 Lliçà de Vall (BARCELONA) ◗P : +34 93 840 70 12 ◗ F : +34 93 861 85 61 ◗ i ◗w Alte Transportation, S.L. main activities are design, sales, manufacturing and maintenance of Toilet Modules with vacuum systems, Air Conditioning systems and Modular Interiors. All these products are designed with our own technology and they are specifically designed for the railway sector. Alte main facilities are in Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona, Spain) and Raimat (Lleida, Spain). The company has more than 100 staff and extended network of agents worldwide with annual turnover of 18 million Euro. Our knowhow is built on 25 years doing several interior projects in addition to 6,000 HVAC units and more than 12,000 Toilet Module units in countries around the world.

AMETSIS, S.L. ◗C iudad de Frías, 16 28021 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 710 97 30 ◗ F : +34 91 505 06 79 ◗ i ◗w Ametsis is a leading company in the railway safety and brake systemsmarket. We supply solutions to our clients’ problems which other bigger companies cannot supply.

Our catalogue of products includes compressed air production and treatment, pneumatic brake controls, brake cylinders and tread brake units, spare parts, test benches. Altogether, our equipment allows us to provide integral solutions to any brake systems. Ametsis investment on innovative development allows us to reduce costs. This is one of our important competitive advantages from which all parts profit.

provides a wide offer in equipment and services in both working fields for the company: 1.- Aquafrisch Rail: solutions for railway equipment in depots and workshops. 2.- Aquafrisch Agua: solutions for water treatment both in consumption and waste waters.

ARCELORMITTAL ESPAÑA, S.A. AMURRIO FERROCARRIL Y EQUIPOS, S.A. ◗M askuribai, 10 01471 Amurrio (ARABA) ◗P : +34 945 89 16 00 ◗ F : +34 945 89 24 80 ◗ i ◗w Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos, S.A. is one of the international market leaders in the design, production and installation of railway materials. Our rolling stock interchanges and crossings are installed in high-speed rail lines, underground lines, tram lines, and conventional railways throughout Europe, Asia, America and Africa. In the area of metal foundry, we have the experience, the knowledge and the people to produce, process and mechanize machine tool parts and sets of great technical complexity in carbon steel manganese steel and other steel alloys.

AQUAFRISCH, S.L. ◗C / Ignacio Zuloaga, 10 28522 Rivas Vaciamadrid (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 380 03 33 ◗ F: +34 91 778 60 02 ◗ ◗ Aquafrisch is a service oriented company. Our task is to provide our customers needs with reliable results. Aquafrisch

◗A pdo. 570. Edificio Energías, 2ª pl. 33691 Gijón (ASTURIAS) ◗ P: +34 985 18 71 67 ◗ fernando.sainz-varona@ ◗ rails+specialsections ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company and it is part of a small group of rail manufactures whose production has developed notably in the specialized high-speed, heavy- haul, metro, conventional lines and other applications are light rail and tram in the different qualities of normal carbon steel, micro alloyed and head hardened rails. ArcelorMittal quality has been recognized by customers around the world, from Europe through Asia to Oceania, America and Africa. Next time you travel by train, no matter the continent where you are, you may be doing it on rails manufactured by ArcelorMittal.

ARDANUY INGENIERÍA, S.A. ◗ Avda. Europa, 34 28023 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 799 45 00 ◗ F: +34 91 799 45 01 ◗ ◗ Ardanuy is a consultancy company that specializes in studies, designs, works management and technical consultancy pertaining to Rail, Metro, Tram and Cable Transport.

The company was founded in December 1992 and is made up of a team of over 100 Engineers and Architects. Other experts also act as consultants to Ardanuy staff on specific projects. In Spain, Ardanuy carries out work from offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville and Tenerife. It also has offices in Lithuania, Poland, India, Colombia, Algeria and USA. Ardanuy has always had a marked international vocation. Currently over 90% of new contracts are won on the international market, in Western Europe: United Kingdom, Ireland and France; Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania; America: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA; Africa: Morocco, Mozambique, Algeria, Egypt, South Africa; and Asia: India, Vietnam, Kazakhstan.

ARIES INGENIERÍA Y SISTEMAS, S.A. ◗P aseo de la Castellana, 130 28046 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 570 27 37 ◗ F : +34 91 570 27 66 ◗m ◗w Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas is a worldwide leading company specialized in turn-key test systems projects for the railway industry (rolling stock and infrastructure). Aries’s services range from feasibility studies and concept design, to turn-key solutions, including maintenance. Aries develops its own state-of-theart technology, which it incorporates into its solutions. The company, is featuring over 25 years of experience in the sector, also offers client-specific R+D consulting for both: railway rolling stock and infrastructure. Aries relies on its modern technology and its highly qualified team to create successful and efficient solutions. Aries is present in more than 22 countries, employs a strategy directed at specific markets which allows a strong, stable, and profitable growth. The company has offices in Madrid, Miami and Shanghai. MAFEX 71


ARTECHE (ELECTROTÉCNICA ARTECHE SMARTGRID, S.L.) ◗D erio Bidea, 28 48100 Mungia (BIZKAIA) ◗P : +34 94 601 12 00 ◗ F : +34 94 615 56 28 ◗ i ◗w Arteche Group’s business is focused on providing equipment, applications and solutions for the electricity and railway sector worldwide. In power generation, transmission, distribution, industry, and railway technologies, the group has become a key player in the search for answers to new challenges. A position maintained by a deep knowledge of the different international electricity systems, efficient client-oriented organization and remarkable investment in research and development. This is shown by over 50% increase in the brand references in the past five years. Arteche’s decisions over the years made our group a symbol of reliability, quality and trust, both in solutions and in corporate relations. Corporate alliances have taken a key role in Arteches’s history, becoming and asset which has contributed to our international growth and to the development of innovative solutions.

ASSIGNIA INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. ◗ Avd. Quitapesares 11 Pol. Emp. Villapark 28670 Villaviciosa de Odón, (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 567 28 70 ◗ F: +34 91 571 96 28 ◗ ◗ Assignia Infrastructures is a company that is part of the Essentium Group, which is based in Spain. It has international experience in the development, execution, management and operations of large infrastructure 72 MAFEX

projects of all kinds, including concessions and services. Assignia has participated in all highspeed railway projects in Spain. Its experience is reflected in the various projects developed including infrastructures, superstructures, stations, new lines or renovations of lines in circulation that include: high-speed, conventional and sub-urban lines, trams and metros, the expertise in the sector is complemented by performing maintenance works thereof. The in-house machinery park (available for widths 1,435 and 1,668 mm), the flexibility and international presence of the company in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Turkey, Morocco, India, Algeria and Chile, gives Assignia an unquestionable distinction in the railway sector.

BOMBARDIER ESPAÑA ◗ Avda. Burgos, 17 Complejo Triada-Torre A 28036 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 383 62 00 ◗ F : +34 91 383 61 98 ◗ s usana.bargsten@es.transport. ◗w Bombardier Transportation, a global leader in rail technology, offers the broadest portfolio in the rail industry. Bombardier Transportation Spain is one of the leading exporters of the Spanish railway industry, employing more than 750 people in its plants and offices in Trápaga (Biscay), San Sebastian de los Reyes and Alcobendas (Madrid), Madrid and Barcelona, and taking part in some of the major railway projects in the country. Its Propulsion Systems plant located in Trápaga (Biscay) and its Centre of Excellence in Rail Signalling Engineering located in San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid) are world top technological centres, leading the requests for Bombardier’s propulsion and signalling systems for Spain and for the rest of the world. Exports represent already more than 85% of its activity.

CABLES DE COMUNICACIONES ZARAGOZA ◗ Polígono de Malpica, Calle D, nº 83 50016 Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA) ◗ P: +34 976 72 99 00 ◗ F: +34 976 72 99 72 ◗ ◗ Founded in 1971, Cables de Comunicaciones has been steadily building its reputation as a respected business in the field of communications cables. Cables de Comunicaciones has cemented its position and its products are now used in over 50 countries around the world. The company has a wide range of products that are certified according to the standards of the leading telecomm and railway operators in the majority of countries in Europe. It is dedicated to designing and developing excellent telecommunications, signalling, instrumentation, data and fibre optic cables.

CAF - CONSTRUCCIONES Y AUXILIAR DE FERROCARRILES, S.A. ◗P adilla, 71 - 6 28006 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 436 60 00 ◗ F : +34 91 436 60 11 ◗ c ◗w CAF is a firm focused on investigation, development, design, production and maintenance of Rolling stocks for the railway industry. Our product range include from High Speed, to regional and suburban trains, articulated units, underground trains, LRVs, light underground trains and locomotives. Maintenance of the whole range. It boasts production premises throughout Spain (Beasain, Irun, Zaragoza, Castejón and Linares), as well as in the USA (Elmira NY), France (Bagnères de Bigorre), Mexico (Mexico Df) and Brazil (Sao Paulo) and Rail Technological Centres in Beasain and

Zaragoza. CAF’s projects are distributed in over 25 countries around the world in the five continents.

■ Mechatronics. ■ Special instrumentation (Instrumented wheelsets, instrumented pantograph).


CAF POWER & AUTOMATION ◗ Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián. Pso. de Mikeletegi, 58 - 2º. 20009 San Sebastián (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: +34 943 30 92 51 ◗ F: +34 943 30 92 52 ◗ ◗ CAF P&A is a global manufacturer of electric power solutions as well as information and communications systems for the rail industry. CAF P&A have equipped more than 5,000 vehicles world wide including, metros, light rail, locomotives and high-speed trains. One of the main strategic lines is the development of its own technology. To do so, as a major asset, CAF P&A has a team of experienced, competent and dynamic specialists. CAF P&A develops, manufactures and deliver high reliability solutions adapted to each and every client’s specific needs in compliance with railway standards.

CAF SIGNALLING ◗ C/ Sepúlveda, 7B 28108 Alcobendas (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 798 27 50 ◗ F: +34 91 661 37 51 ◗ ◗ CAF Signalling, the technological subsidiary of the CAF Group, provides rail traffic signalling, both in Spain and abroad. As such, it offers railway signalling solutions and remote control for Railway infrastructures. CAF Signalling, boats the Company’s own in-house engineering and expertise to take on “turn-key” railway signalling projects with recognition from several Railway Administrations in Spain and other countries in Europe, America, Africa, Middle East and Asia.

◗P ol. Ind. Pla d’en Coll C/ Fresser, 12 C 08110 Montcada i Reixac (BARCELONA) ◗P : +34 93 564 14 00 ◗ F : +34 93 564 58 22 ◗ c ◗w The first company of the group, Calmell, S.A. was founded in 1970, focusing its activity on the manufacture or graphic products. Currently, the Calmell Group is the leader in access control and identification, through its companies Calmell S.A., Affix S.L., Idoneum S.A., which are respectively engaged in producing the supports (tickets, cards,…), developing specific software and hardware, personalization and security. In the public transport sector it works for integrators and operators supplying any kind of support for ticketing and reader/ writer systems. With a strong international presence through its network of representatives and distributors, the Calmell Group is able to satisfy your needs on a global level.

CETEST ◗ L azkaibar, s/n 20200 Beasain (GIPUZKOA) ◗P : +34 943 028 690 ◗ c ◗w Test and analysis services for: ■ Design verification and validation. ■ Full homologation of new products and vehicles. ■ Failure analysis and optimization. Fully accredited test lab with more than 40 years of experience in railway testing. Test services cover the following areas: ■ Structural components. ■ Running gear. ■ Suspension systems. ■ Vehicle dynamics. ■ Noise and vibrations. ■ Aerodynamics. ■ EMC and energy consumption.

CETREN ◗ C/ Sierra de Cazorla, 1 – Las Matas 28290 Las Rozas (MADRID) ◗ T. Certificación: +34 91 127 97 27/ 97 ◗ T. Formación: +34 91 127 92 27/ 29 ◗ Certificación: ◗ Formación: ◗ Cetren, as expert on the railway sector, has over 30 years experience in promoting and certifying the quality in this sector. Our experience and exclusive dedication to railways allows us to offer global solutions for certification, as the Spanish Notified Body according to European Interoperability Standards and also acting as Independent Safety Assessor and Certification Entity of rail products, processes and services. Cetren is also the first private center expert in railway staff training, as approved by the Ministry of Public Works since 2007.

COLWAY FERROVIARIA, S.L. ◗ Ganduxer, 5-15 - Desp. 4 08021 Barcelona (BARCELONA) ◗ P: +34 93 414 65 12 ◗ F: +34 93 414 16 64 ◗ ◗ Colway Ferroviaria,S.L., company belonging to the COLWAY Group, specializes in the design, engineering, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of turnkey railway vehicle interiors. Through the integrated management of modular supplies, based on experience, knowledge, research and innovation, the company achieves the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its customers: railway manufacturers and public administrations. Colway capabilities include Modular System solutions for Rail Interiors as Toilet Modules, Front hoods, saloons, walls, Buffet, Restaurant areas, vestibules. MAFEX 73


DANOBAT ◗ Arriaga Kalea, 21 20870 Elgoibar (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: +34 943 748 044 ◗ F: +34 943 743 138 ◗ ◗ Danobat Railways business unit focuses its activity in the supply of turnkey solutions for the manufacturing and maintenance of railways rolling stock, incorporating own products of leading technology, together with those manufactured by specialized companies. It gathers extensive experience and qualification in the rendering of services such as engineering services, equipment integration, complex project management, and collaboration with the customer all along the life of the project. Danobat has a strong international presence and references in the most relevant customers.

ELEKTRA-GRUPO ELEKTRA S.A. ◗C / Apostolado, 34 20014 San Sebastián (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: +34 607 94 29 73 ◗ ◗ Grupo Elektra is a market leader in the field of electrical and electronic equipment distribution for manufacturers of rolling stock, maintenance and railway equipment manufacturers. Being the leading company in the railway sector in the supply of electrical equipment. Your solution provider in electrical products for railway, with specific tecnical support. Elektra Group is composed of an extensive Spanish national network and has companies in Romania, India and USA.

FAINSA - FABRICACIÓN ASIENTOS VEHÍCULOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A. DURO FELGUERA RAIL, S.A.U. ◗ Pol. Ind. Fábrica de Mieres s/n 33600 Mieres (ASTURIAS) ◗ P: +34 985 45 63 31 ◗ F: +34 985 45 61 64 ◗ ◗ DF Rail is a Spanish company specialized at the design, manufacturing and supply of turnout systems and components for Metro, Conventional, Heavy Haul or High Speed Lines. Turnouts, single and double crossovers, diamond crossings, single and double slip crossings, single and double junctions, switch expansion joints, ..., on wooden or concrete sleepers; for ballasted or unballasted tracks; for single or combined gauges; with monobloc Mn steel crossings or with swing nose crossings; insulated glued joints; transition rails. 74 MAFEX

◗H orta, s/n 08107 Martorelles (BARCELONA) ◗P : +34 93 579 69 70 ◗ F : +34 93 570 18 38 ◗ f ◗w Fabricación de Asientos para Vehículos Industriales, S.A., FAINSA with headquarters in Martorelles, (Barcelona), was founded in 1935 by Mr. A. Singla Vila, being a business owned and managed 100% by the family since the beginning to the present day. Since the first moment, its activity has been focused on the manufacture of passenger seating systems, and at present FAINSA offers a wide range of seats for coach, bus, ferry and railway applications. Through licence and know-how agreements signed worldwide, Fainsa seats are being produced in México, USA, Portugal, China, India and Australia-New Zealand... Now FAINSA Group has 79 years of experience in the safe and comfortable market of transport of passengers around the world.

FUNDICIONES GARBI, S.A. ◗B º Munsaratz, 33 48220 Abadiano (BIZKAIA) ◗P : +34 94 621 54 80 ◗ F : +34 94 681 73 86 ◗g ◗w Founded back in 1972, Fundiciones Garbi has evolved from a traditional foundy to a Global Service Company for industry. We offer a full catalogue of services starting from the casting or other materials till delivery of “ready to use” parts or assembly sets. With this aim, we have developed an organization oriented towards solid and competitive processes, ensuring quality from design phase using APQP tools. Well aware of customer satisfaction, we offer to our clients additional global services including a full range of heat treatments, machining, product inspection and testing (NDT’s, etc), protection and finishing surface treatment (Painting, Metallization, Others...), including final assembly of different parts. For the Railway industry we are specialized on production of rolling stock material.

FUNOR, S.A. ◗P ol. Ind. de Villalonquejar C/ Condado de Treviño, 41 09001 Burgos (BURGOS) ◗P : +34 947 29 84 80 ◗ F : +34 947 29 82 93 ◗ i nfo@funorsa. es ◗w Castings in carbon steel, alloy steel and stainles steel. Our products: ■ Steel casting. ■ Raw castings or fully machined. Examples: ■ Bogie components. ■ Pivots. ■ Motor housings. ■ Pressure rings. ■ Axle boxes. ■ Links...

and measurement, in accordance with the specifications requested by our clients. We export over 50% of our products abroad.



◗ Portal de Vergara, 6 01013 Vitoria (ARABA) ◗ P: +34 945 25 16 77 ◗ F: +34 945 27 49 48 ◗ ◗ Gamarra, S.A. at a glance: Spanish steel foundry -located at Vitoria Gasteiz- annual production: 4,000 tons - customers: European State Railways, - producers of rolling stock and their subsuppliers - as foundry and supplier homologated by DB AG (HPQ), ÖBB, SBB, SNCF (AFQ) (extract) as well as according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000 + DIN 6700 - 2. Products: brake discs, brake block shoe holders, buffers, spigots and essential steel castings for bogies.

◗ Juan de Herrera, 17 - P.T.B. Boecillo 47151 Valladolid (VALLADOLID) ◗ P: +34 983 54 65 54 ◗ F: +34 983 54 65 53 ◗ ◗ ◗ Since 1994 GMV provides Intelligent Transport Systems, offering turnkey solutions and specific products. GMV develops applications adapted to sector needs, including satellite navigation, mobile communications, passenger information, fare collection systems and monitoringand-control centers. GMV’s railway portfolio includes fleet management system, SAE-R®, providing operators with an all-in system for planning and management, and other products like CCTV, PAIntercomm and Passengers Video Information, as well as electronic fare collection systems for railway sector.

IBERTEST, S.A.E. ◗R amón y Cajal, 18-20 28814 Daganzo de Arriba (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 884 53 85 ◗ F : +34 91 884 50 02 ◗ Ibertest is a company that since 1970, designs and manufactures machines and complete laboratory installations "Turn Key" for high precision materials testing. Our equipment offers a global solution for R&D Investigation and Quality Control of all types of materials, englobing static and dynamic testing of the different elements in conventional and high speed railway, that includes: Tracks, Sleepers, Track Support Assembly, bogies & etc. Our solutions guarantee the high demanding safety requirements established by national and international standards.

GETINSA INGENIERÍA, S.L. ◗ C/ Ramón de Aguinaga, 8 28028 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 456 09 82 ◗ F: +34 91 456 09 83 ◗ ◗ Established in 1984, Getinsa Ingeniería, S.L. has grown into a top engineering firm in Spain and an international benchmark in the transport and environmental sectors. In Spain, Getinsa has played a leading role both in the modernization of the conventional railway and in the development of the new High Speed railway network. Our services include project management and engineering & consultancy services, involving all phases of the project, from feasibility studies up to commissioning and technical assistance for the operation and maintenance of railway infrastructure. Our experience covers civil works, track and platform, signaling and telecommunication systems, as well as electrification (electric substations, overhead lines, etc.). We are currently working on railway projects in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, South America and USA.



◗ Polígono de Asipo, P48 33428 Cayés-Llanera (ASTURIAS) ◗ P: +34 985 26 04 73 ◗ F: +34 985 26 09 05 ◗ ◗ HICASA specialises in the storage, transformation, distribution and commercialisation of railway materials, rails and railway accessories of all types in accordance with both European (UNE EN), as well as American (ASTM) Standards, not to mention others such as AREMA, etc. HICASA belongs to a private group of companies, GEVIR, which is made up of four enterprises in Spain, and is special in the sense that it combines its role of distributor with that of manufacturer, given that it possesses its own specialist light rail factory, a fact which endows it with a unique market profile. We can boast of a roofed surface area at our installations of over 13,000 m2, where we dispose of modern cutting and drilling machines that enable us to transform iron and steel and to supply orders of any format

◗M onasterio del Escorial s/n Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 444 11 50 P: +34 94 479 76 40 ◗ F : +34 91 447 31 87 F: +34 94 475 93 64 ◗ c ◗o ◗w Idom is one of the leading companies in the field of professional services in engineering, architecture and consultancy. In addition to offices throughout Spain and Portugal, the company is established in Brussels (Belgium), London (UK), Bucharest (Rumania), Casablanca (Morocco), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Valencia (Venezuela) and Mexico City, Minneapolis and Richmond (EEUU), Wraclaw (Poland). Idom was founded in Bilbao (Spain) in 1957 with the aim of offering the incipient Spanish market professional and independent services in the field of engineering. The evolution of the market and new client requirements channelled Idom towards a path of continuous growth, which has MAFEX 75

MEMBERS DIRECTORY brought Idom to be a group leader in the fields of engineering, architecture and consultancy. More than 2,800 people carry out their professional activities distributed in 32 offices in four continents, has attended more than 3,000 clients.

Hard work and great concern for innovation has allowed us to develop new products, such as photoluminescent systems combined with electroluminescent and guiding systems by LEDs.

sophisticated technology and means of test and homologations. It is certificated ISO 9001:2000. In order to respect the environment, it does not use hexavalent chrome in its modernt installations of chemical treatments, decreasing toxic substances emissions.

INDRA IKUSI - ÁNGEL IGLESIAS, S.A. ◗P aseo Miramón, 170 20014 San Sebastián (GIPUZKOA) ◗P : +34 943 44 88 00 ◗ F : +34 943 44 88 20 ◗m ◗w Ikusi offers integral solutions for exploiting the diverse means of urban public transport (Bus/BRT/Tramway/ Light Rail/Metro/Suburban), as well as in intermodal transport hubs. One proposal, backed up with a track record reaching back more than 20 years in the sector, has the main goal of improving passenger experience, guaranteeing safety, increasing revenue from secondary sources independent from the main activity, and streamlining operational efficiency.

IMPLASER 99, S.L.L. ◗P ol. Ind. Borao Norte, Nave 5A 50172 Alfajarín (ZARAGOZA) ◗P : +34 902 18 20 22 ◗ F : +34 902 18 20 22 ◗ i ◗w Implaser is a Spanish company focused in developing innovative security signs for railway projects. Innovation and quality are our mainstays, as we were the first SME being certified in R+D+I in Spain. Implaser has all the range of products certified by AENOR with photoluminescent values of 150, 300, 580 and 720 mcd/m2. We are also specialized in the manufacturing of informative, security and accessibility stickers for coaches, to be used both indoor and outdoor. 76 MAFEX

◗ Avda. de Bruselas, 35 28108 Alcobendas (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 626 88 58 ◗ F : +34 91 626 88 68 ◗d ◗w Indra is a world leader and pioneer in the supply of technological platforms for railway operations management, control and supervision, having specific solutions already tested on high speed and conventional lines and metropolitan operations. Indra is also a leader in ticketing systems for transport operators and has facilities and projects all over the world. Furthermore, Indra develops high-precision safety and signalling systems. At this moment in time, Indra’s solutions are completely unique because of their high level of integration and adaptation to the current and future necessities of the railway environment whatever may be the most state of the art technological and operative options. Indra has managed to open a competitive market for the first time based on technological and economical competitiveness.

INDUSTRIAS E. DÍAZ, S.A. ◗C tra. de Castellón, Km. 6,2 52720 La Cartuja (ZARAGOZA) ◗P : +34 97 645 40 07 ◗ F : +34 97 645 40 13 ◗m ◗w Industrias E.Díaz, S.A. founded in 1968, manufactures side and cab WINDOWS for railways, metro and tram. It counts with highly qualified personnel as well as a technical staff able to make any kind of design. Its facilities of 11,000 m2 of built, contains the most

INECO ◗P aseo de la Habana, 138 28036 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ P: + 34 91 452 12 00 ◗ ◗ ◗ Global leader in transport engineering and consultancy, it has contributed to the development of transport infrastructures for over 45 years in more than 45 countries. Its high level technical specialisation allows its activity to diversify into new markets and reinforce its presence in those where it is already established. Its participation in the whole railway system in Spain has led the company to develop important international projects like the Makkah-Madinah high speed in Saudi Arabia, the Ankara-Istanbul line in Turkey and the HS2 project in the United Kingdom.

INFOGLOBAL, S.A. ◗C / Manuel Pombo Angulo, 20 28050 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 506 40 00 ◗ F : +34 91 506 40 01 ◗m ◗ f ◗w InfoGlobal, internationally oriented company, world leader in the deployment of IP networks and services in the metropolitan transport industry, specializes in high-value technology solutions geared to the world of telecommunications. The implementation of communication networks, fixed and mobile in a variety of technologies, broadband communication systems train-groundtrain and the services offered over them;

video surveillance, infotainment, public address, intercom… implemented in multiple customers attest this position. The international presence highlights the ability of InfoGlobal to offer turnkey solutions, covering the entire project cycle: engineering, design, manufacturing, integration, commissioning and maintenance. From facilities in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Turkey, Colombia, United States and United Arab Emirates we execute projects all around the world.

integrated solution that brings together construction, production, environmental and personnel aspects via analysis, calculation and engineering. Installations, vehicles and equipment are delivered in an operational state with their corresponding operating and maintenance manuals and even training courses for outside staff, integral maintenance for the life of said installations and a complete aftersales and repair service.




◗ E dificio 702 Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia 48160 Derio (BIZKAIA) ◗ P : +34 94 655 90 00 ◗ F: +34 94 403 98 37 ◗ ◗ Ingeteam is an expert leader in the development of electrotechnical and power electronics systems providing involving energy exchanges at large. Our capacities and the experience on the railways sector allow us to offer technological solutions that significantly contribute to reach our customers´ strategic objectives, leading to maximize operational efficiency. We strive towards on offering in-house/ state-of-the-art developments for.

◗ Arantzar, s/n 01400 Llodio (ARABA) ◗P : +34 94 672 12 00 ◗ F : +34 94 672 00 92 ◗ i ◗w JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L. is committed to designing, manufacturing, supplying and maintenance of all types of manganese steel switches and railway track systems, in addition to moulded cast steel parts for the general industry. Our Technical Department (Department of R&D) ensures we have the capability of designing and producing points and crossings (turnouts, crossovers, scissor crossovers and diamond crossings) or parts for them, such as hard steel manganese crossings or spare tongues. At JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L. we fit our developments to meet clients needs.

◗C tra. C-17z - Km. 73,5 08508 Les Masies de Voltregà (BARCELONA) ◗ P : +34 93 859 40 20 ◗ F : +34 93 859 55 30 ◗ ◗ La Farga Lacambra is a model company in the railway sector, with more than 200 years’ experience in the copper industry. A solid international presence and continuous innovation in the search for new alloys have enabled it to produce high-service materials. La Farga Lacambra provides global solutions for copper materials and its alloys such as CuMg, CuSn or CuAg, integrating the whole productive process and ensuring the maximum technical qualities. These products satisfy the needs of the market for all kind of lines and speeds around the world.


ITK INGENIERÍA, S.A. ◗P arque Científico Tecnológico de Gijón - Parcela 5 - Edificio ITK 33203 Gijón (ASTURIAS) ◗ P : +34 985 35 50 00 ◗ F: +34 985 35 70 50 ◗ ◗ One line of business in which ITK has become involved has been the development, supply and assembly of installations and equipment for the rail sector. ITK’s work takes in all aspects of a project, starting with the precise definition of the needs of the client to offer an

specialist in the design and full supply of galleys and catering equipment for high-speed, shuttle and regional trains. Our style of design is characterised by harmony; it is beautiful, ergonomic and functional, always according to the customer specifications.

KELOX, S.A. ◗ I sla de Jamaica, 8 28034 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 334 15 90 ◗ F : +34 91 358 05 64 ◗m ◗w Kelox launched its railway activity in 1977, manufacturing catering equipment for dining cars on longdistance lines. The experience and knowledge acquired over the years have become Kelox

◗G oiru kalea, 7 20500 Arrasate (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: 902 03 04 88 ◗ F: 943 79 38 78 ◗ arrasate-mondragon@ ◗ Through more than 25 years of existence, LKS DIARADESIGN has experienced a progression toward its consolidation on areas such as transport design, engineering and transport infrastructure. Rolling Stock Design: Design consultancy, MAFEX 77

MEMBERS DIRECTORY Concept design,Exterior styling, Interior styling,Design engineering, Branding, colour & trim. Railway Infrastructure: Feasibility studies, Landscape architecture, Infrastructure design, Technical assistance, Program & Project Management, Environmental consulting.

(PSD) and ticket gates for access control, as well as one-way corridors, onboard doors and tunnel partitioning doors, always with the Manusa technology support.

MB SISTEMAS, S. COOP. LUZNOR ◗P aduleta, 47 01015 Vitoria (ARABA) ◗ P: 945 200 961 ◗ F: 945 200 971 ◗ ◗ Luznor Company is specialized in the design, manufacture and commercialization of professional torches (for railway industry), emergency lighting (for industry and architecture) and other Electronic devices. Luznor offers you (in its factory in Vitoria) highly qualified technicians, a high standard of quality, an effective system development, manufacture and testing, and above all, a philosophy of commitment to our customers allowing us to offer innovative products equipped with advanced technology and recognized prestige.

◗P ol. Ind. Igeltzera C/ Igeltzera, 8 48610 Urduliz (BIZKAIA) ◗P : + 34 94 403 06 26 ◗ F : + 34 94 403 06 27 ◗ a ◗w MB SISTEMAS is part of MONDRAGON CORPORATION. We develop turnkey “World Class” engineering projects, implementing automation solutions into the Assembly and welding phases of manufacture process for car body structures of railroad passenger cars. We give “ad hoc” solutions for the customer’s needs; having implanted successfully our facilities around the world. As engineering we develop both, robotic installations and special machines for any assembly process.



◗ Avda. Via Augusta, 85-87 6ª planta. 08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès (BARCELONA) ◗P : + 34 902 321 400 ◗P : +34 935 915 700 ◗ F : +34 902 321 450 ◗ F : +34 932 185 610 ◗m ◗w Manusa is the Spanish market leader in design, production, installation and maintenance of automatic door systems. Established in 1966, it has 12 delegations in Spain, branches in Portugal, Brazil, Singapore and India and international presence in more than 70 countries around the world. Manusa develops specific products for public transport, such as platform screen doors

◗P olígono Erratzu, 253 20130 Urnieta (GIPUZKOA) ◗P : +34 943 33 37 55 ◗ F : +34 943 33 37 51 ◗ i ◗w MTC specialises in the design and manufacture of anti-vibration and suspension solutions for Rolling stock. The Company was established in 1982 and currently has three manufacturing sites, located in Spain (HQ), China and India. In 2009 the company was awarded IRIS Certification. MTC, being among the leading companies in its sector, supplies to the main Rolling stock Constructors worldwide, including Alstom, Bombardier, CAF, CSR, CNR, Hyundai Rotem, Siemens, Talgo, Vossloh). We also collaborate with Operators for the


supply of spare components for their overhaul projects. Our main products are rubber-metal primary and secondary suspensions, focusing on primary springs (conical or chevron type), guiding bushes, guiding links, secondary air springs and emergency springs, traction rods, elastic bushings, buffers, layer springs as well as a diverse range of associated rubber-metal solutions.

MGN TRANSFORMACIONES DEL CAUCHO, S.A. ◗C / Candelaria, 9 - Pol. Ind. Camino del Calvario 28864 Ajalvir (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 887 40 35 ◗ F : +34 91 884 45 84 ◗ e ◗w MGN was established in 1957 and since then it has been developing its activity both designing and manufacturing rubbermetal components, mainly for the railway industry. MGN invests in research and innovation as a basis for the development of elements to be adapted in the new understanding of passenger and fright trains, taking the lastest technological advances of the rubber world, vibration control and damping systems.

NUEVAS ESTRATEGIAS DE MANTENIMIENTO, S.L. ◗P aseo Mikeletegi, 54 - 2º 20009 Donostia (GIPUZKOA) ◗P : +34 943 30 93 28 ◗ F : +34 943 30 93 26 ◗g ◗w We focus on maintenance optimization, developing intelligent systems for the O&M of rolling stock assets. We offer fleet performance and subsystems health monitoring, early failure symptoms detection and automated generation of maintenance plans based on predefined business objectives such as availability and cost.

NXGEN RAIL SERVICES ESPAÑA S.L. ◗R osa de Limas 1, Bis 28230 Las Matas (MADRID) ◗ P : +34 91 752 64 25 ◗ ◗ NxGen Rail Services, through its NxTrack product, provides integrated track inspection system. This product is in service in North America with two of the Class 1 Railroads and our Spanish company has been formed in order to offer it to other railways in Europe. By integrating different inspection systems together we are able to provide logistic and cost savings in inspection activities, as well as gathering a much more holistic view of the condition of the infrastructure which in turn facilitates and optimizes maintenance operations and planning. The company will focus on building the required vehicles and systems for the European market in Spain. These systems, which can be installed on existing or new rolling stock, are offered as a service, allowing railway infrastructure maintainers access to state of the art inspection technology, without having to make large capital investments or tie up their own resources in these activities.

PARRÓS OBRAS, S.L. ◗C tra. Virgen del Monte, 1 13260 Bolaños de Calatrava (CIUDAD REAL) ◗ P : +34 926 88 47 05 ◗ F : +34 926 88 47 06 ◗ ◗ w Family business with over 25 years experience in civil construction and iron and steel industry for the railway sector. Parros Group which is specialized in pile driving and catenary foundations, has implemented the 80% of the foundations of the entire Spanish High Speed Network. Whether conventional railway network or Highspeed Railway (AVE), PARROS GROUP is distinguished by the versatility of our machines adapted “Ad hoc” for auxiliary civil works from the railway, with automatic switching to the three Spanish gauges. Also innovative is our implementing system of noise barriers from the railway track and its foundations. Generic activities of building and general construction.

PATENTES TALGO, S.L. P4Q ELECTRONICS, S.L. ◗C tra. Bilbao-Balmaseda, Km. 9 48810 Alonsotegi (BIZKAIA) ◗ P : +34 94 498 20 28 ◗ ◗ At P4Q we are involved in the complete development of electronic devices and lean production services. We are structured as an integral supplier of electronics solutions, focused in flexibility and quick development. We design under customer specs and approval. Being a partner of our customers giving global support attending local production demands. Is the basis of our strategy. We have facilities in Albuquerque (NM), USA as well as in Spain.

◗C / Paseo del Tren Talgo, 2 28290 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ P : +34 91 631 38 00 ◗ F : +34 91 631 38 93 ◗ m ◗ w Talgo, leading High Speed rolling stock manufacturer in Spain, has over 70 years of experience manufacturing very high speed, high speed, intercity and regional trains, tilting passenger coaches and locomotives. The company is also a pioneer in providing complete maintenance solutions to railway operators worldwide, and is specialized in the design and manufacture of maintenance equipment for any type of rail vehicles.

PRECON; PREFABRICACIONES Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U. ◗C / Espronceda, 38, local 3 28003 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 343 03 48 ◗ F : +34 91 359 12 46 ◗ f ◗ f ◗ PRECON is the Spanish leader in design and supply of precast concrete products for railway tracks, either ballasted and ballastless tracks. PRECON has supplied solutions based on monoblock, twinblock, block, slabs and sleepers for switches and crossings. Either for high speed, conventional lines, heavy haul, subways and tramways. PRECON from its two Spanish factories has supplied more than 15 millions twinblock sleepers, 5 millions monoblock sleepers, 500,000 ml sleepers for switches and crossings and currently manufacture most of the slab track systems in use in Spain.

REDALSA, S.A. ◗G eneral Solchaga, s/n P. I. de Argales, Apdo. 719 47008 Valladolid (VALLADOLID) ◗P : +34 983 27 13 16 ◗ F : +34 983 27 37 68 ◗ r ◗ ■ Rail electrical welding LBS are arranged to form 288 meters for high-speed train strecht and convencional rail network. ■ Engeneering services and integral management for electrical welding factories and management of rail stockpiles. ■ Regeneration of used rails to make LBS. ■ Providing fastening complet systems. Manufacture of metalic elements for diferents fastening systems. Iron sheets J2.L1 or P50 for J2 and Elastic fastening clips SKL-1, SKL14, SKL12 and new variant to "Fast-Clip". ■ Rail ultrasonic inspection, using hand-held equipment and self-propelled movil equipment until 90 Km/h. ■ Maintenance and repair work of train coaches in our factory. Our facilities are equipped with 3 Km of railway and 3 railway MAFEX 79

MEMBERS DIRECTORY access to RFIG. We have all the necessary traction resources of 1668 track width. ■ Thermal aluminium welding kits distribution.

ROVER ALCISA, S.A. ◗C / Ochandiano, 18 - Edificio A Parque Empresarial El Plantío 28023 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 444 44 80 ◗ F : +34 91 444 44 81 ◗ a ◗w The Rover Alcisa Group came into being in 1962, and brought together its corporate activities in Construction, Property Development, Engineering, Mining Extraction and New Technology, giving rise to a diversified corporate group ready to take on new investments. The Rover Alcisa Group is present on all fronts and in all fields of civil works. Indeed, its position as leader is plain to see. It has a wealth of experience in all kinds of overland infrastructures: highways, dual carriageways and motorways. In addition to its strong position in this sector, it also has a notable and unique presence in railway infrastructure: high-speed, metro and tram. Its involvement in one-of-a-kind projects as part of the Spanish rail network turned this corporate group into one of only a handful throughout Spain specializing in large-scale projects whose implementation is technically complex.

SEIB- SERVICIOS ELECTRÓNICOS INDUSTRIALES BERBEL, S.L. ◗ Calle de San José, 6 (Nave 19) 28320 - Pinto (MADRID) ◗ P: +34 91 692 53 71 ◗ F: +34 91 692 60 98 ◗ ◗ We are designers of products and electronic processes that since 1994 industrialize the knowledge of our clients in their products. Currently, SEIB boasts the most advanced range of products and services on the market in industrial electronics and an own Know-How present in all activities of the company, from the simplest solutions to 80 MAFEX

more complex developments and projects. In 2008, we started the development of own products and now launched the generation 2.0 in which we apply the design to reduce the consumption of raw materials and processes, using components and cuttingedge techniques to increase functionality and reduce the cost of products in rolling stock. What do we have to change about these products to transform into that you need?

way engineering, Sener count on an extensive experience in metros, light rail trains systems and tramways, conventional railway line, freight transport and High Speed Lines. Sener’s activities range from preli­m inary, conceptual and feasibility studies, basic and detailed engineering to project management services, supervision of works, value engineering or ICE services.



◗M anzanares, 4 28005 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 701 77 00 ◗ F +34 91 521 85 97 ◗ f ◗w ◗w A society in international expansion. With the adaptability of a small business, the infrastructure of a big company and the financial backing of a large group. SEMI is encompassed in the major companies of Industrial Services sector of the ACS group. Focused in the industrial field, SEMI build infrastructures for energy, transport, communication, environment and non-residential building. Activity in the railway area: Electrification and Traction Substations for AC and DC, Auxiliary Electrical Equipment, Engineering and Consulting, Maintenance of Catenary and Substations, Infrastructure for Railway Signaling and Communications.

SENER INGENIERÍA Y SISTEMAS, S.A. ◗ S evero Ochoa, 4 (PTM) 28760 Tres Cantos (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 807 70 8 / 717 4 ◗ F : +34 91 807 87 32 ◗d ◗w Sener is one of the leading enginee­ ring and technology groups in Europe with over one billion euros of annual turno­ver, more than 5,000 professionals and a continuously growing international presence with offices in more than 15 countries. In the field of rail-

◗R onda de Europa, 5 28760 Tres Cantos (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 514 80 00 ◗w Siemens Rail Automation is the resulting Company after the acquisition of the Invensys Rail Dimetronic group by Siemens. The new division offers integrated mobility solutions through the most advanced technologies for railway signalling and train control. Our main purpose is the supply of “turnkey” projects, including all the phases of design, development, supply, manufacturing, installing, testing, commissioning and maintenance of railway signalling systems and automatic train control systems for either mass transit applications as main line and high speed lines. The solutions and systems of Siemens Rail Automation allow railways and metropolitan networks to improve the safety of their railway application; increase the capacity of the lines; reduce operating costs; optimize maintenance works; obtain a better usage of its rolling stock, having at the same time lower energy consumptions rates and to decrease energy consumption.

TALLERES ALEGRÍA, S.A. ◗C / Peña Santa, 7 - P.I. Silvota 33192 Llanera (ASTURIAS) ◗P : +34 985 26 32 95 ◗ F : +34 985 26 60 1 ◗ t ◗w

Talleres Alegría with more than 100 years at the service of railway´s networks, offers to its customers a wide range of fixed track equipment with the best quality and service conditions. Following its own technical design or its customer’s, Talleres Alegría manufactures among other turnouts for High Speed Lines, conventional Lines, subway and Tramway lines, as well as End Forged Switch Points and Track Vehicles. Being aware of the relevance of comfort within the railway sector, Talleres Alegría has collaborated with leading companies developing and applying technical solutions for mitigating noise and vibrations during the crossing over the turnouts.

TECSA - TÉCNICAS ELECTRÓNICAS Y COMPONENTES, S.A. ◗P .I. Pla d’en Coll - Carrer del Mig, 35 08110 Montcada i Reixac (BARCELONA) ◗ P : +34 93 575 10 16 ◗ F : +34 93 575 21 52 ◗ m ◗ w Founded in 1985, TECSA is specialist in customized connections and harnesses assemblies. Our goal is simplifying the manufacturing process offering assemblies ready to connect. Our experience and excellent materials’ know-how, have provided Tecsa an excellent position in the market as a high quality harnesses manufacturer. Furthermore, we distribute some other electric products: ■ Tapes and Adhesives from 3M (Preferential Distributor for Spain). ■ Epoxy and Poliurethan resins from Elantas Camattini (Exclusive distributor for Spain). ■ Heat Shrinkable tubing from Plastronic (Exclusive distributor for Spain and Portugal). We have been offering quality and personalized service during more than 25 years fulfilling with market needs and requirements.

Moreover, all our harnesses and assemblies are tested 100%.

THALES ESPAÑA GRP, S.A.U. TEKNORAIL SYSTEMS, S.A. ◗ Paseo de la Castellana, 91 28046 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : + 34 91 5 15 60 00 ◗ F :+ 34 91 564 72 86 ◗ i ◗w Teknorail Systems, S.A. is a company belonging to the EUROFINSA Group, whose activity focuses on the development of railway interior projects, aimed both for the refurbishment of existing vehicles and also for new rolling stock, with a scope of supply that ranges from the design and engineering to the industrialization and material supply, including the technical assistance to the car commissioning. Teknorail’s main goal is to provide its customers with high-quality solutions for railway interiors by means of innovation, global project management, modular supply and flexible solutions.

◗ S errano Galvache, 56 Edificio Álamo 4º, Planta Sur 28033 Madrid (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 273 76 80 ◗ F : +34 91 273 78 67 ◗ j ◗w Thales is a World leader in Mission Critical Solutions for Land Transportation. Thales Spain, with more tha 60 years of experience, has been pioneer and leader in the technological development of the Spanish railways, beein one of the main suppliers of safety and telecommunication systems for the Spanish Railways Administrations and present in countries as Turkey, Mexico, Algeria, Malaysia, Egypt and Morocco. Its activity goes from the development, manufacturing installation, commissioning to the maintenance of equipments and systems for railway signalling, train control, Telecommunication, Supervision ticketing and critical infrastructures security.

TYPSA TELICE ◗P ol. Ind. Onzonilla, 2ª fase 24391 Ribaseca (LEÓN) ◗P : +34 987 22 10 04 ◗ F : +34 987 26 44 07 ◗ t ◗w Telice is a Spanish company with 39 years of experience in several fields of technology installation, especially for the railway sector. Our activities cover design, installation and maintenance for Railway Electrification Systems, Railways Safety and Signalling, Optical Fiber, Industrial Automation and Electrical Installations. Our extensive experience has made Telice a preferred partner for carrying out work and providing services for important railroad administrations and major construction and technology companies in the railroad industry.

◗C / Gomera, 9 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 722 73 00 ◗ F : +34 91 651 75 88 ◗m ◗w Typsa Group is one of the most important European consulting groups and leader in the fields of civil engineering, architecture and the environment. Since its creation, in 1966, Typsa Group’s ever-increasing activities, having focused both on preliminary assessment and on design, as well as supervision and/ or management of construction projects in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East. Typsa is one of the most experienced Spanish consulting firms in the field of railways and metro systems. We have been involved in more than 4,700 km of High Speed lines (HSL), 2,600 km of conventional lines, 390 km of conventional metro and 450 km of tram and light-rail transits. MAFEX 81


VALDEPINTO, S.L. ◗C alle Águilas, 9 - Nave 11 28320 Valdepinto (MADRID) ◗P : +34 91 691 42 68 ◗ F : +34 91 691 57 03 ◗ l ◗w Valdepinto, S.L. was established in 1986 and focuses its activities in the Railway sector. We have four main product lines: ■ All types of machining (specialists in electrical insulation). ■ Screen printing, Signs and Engraving low-relief. ■ Metal transformation and welding. ■ Design and fabrication of transformers and coils of high/low voltage. Our philosophy is to always offer all our clients an unbeatable value for Money, combined with an excellent service.

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VOSSLOH ESPAÑA, S.A. ◗P ol. Ind. del Mediterráneo C/ Mitxera, 6 46550 Albuixech (VALENCIA) ◗P : +34 96 141 50 00 ◗ F : +34 96 141 50 02 ◗ ◗ The Vossloh España Engineering Center has a commitment to innovation. State-of-the-art technology and optimum quality are the characteristics of the whole range of products developed and produced in the Valencia plant. As one of Europe’s leading rail industry manufacturers, we design and build locomotives as well as passenger trains. Closely linked with the industrial heritage of railways and with the benefit of more than a century of experience, our goal is to design and manufacture advanced-technology, high-performance locomotives for present and future public transport networks, to create new passenger vehicle concepts and to provide comprehensive maintenance services. 82 MAFEX

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