When you don’t have access to schools, you don’t have an opportunity to receive an education. When you can’t reach a hospital, you don’t have the choice of receiving medical attention. When you have never heard of the gospel, you have no true hope on earth or in eternity. MAF is a Christian mission organisation that uses aircraft and technology to transform the lives of isolated people spiritually and physically in Christ's Name.
Dear Board Members, Staff, Donors and Prayer Partners
Considering a large percentage of our donors, supporters and prayer partners are aviation enthusiasts or aviators themselves, it is perhaps suitable to use an aviation analogy for the position we find ourselves in as an organisation.
Any good aviator will be aware of the term “energy management”, particularly those glider pilots amongst us. Energy management is essentially optimising the potential energy an aircraft retains as we convert it to kinetic energy (forward speed) to keep it in the air, whether that potential energy exists in the form of altitude, excess speed or fuel, our goal is to utilise it as efficiently, skilfully and wisely as possible.
As we consider 2023’s annual financial report, we’re inclined to recognise that we’re losing a little altitude and perhaps we’re required to throttle back marginally to set up a long-range cruise and conserve some fuel to reach our destination safely. And rest assured, it is our goal and intention to reach that destination and see lives transformed for the Kingdom of God.
Having said that, we recognise two resources that we are privileged to have and perhaps the first of those would suggest an en-route diversion to visit you, our donors, the proverbial fuel who fuels our tanks, would be prudent. We recognise that it is a global reality, as we interact and collaborate with other MAF resourcing groups around the world that donations are on the decline, and that for a multitude of reasons, we have lost traction with potential donors, particularly those in younger generations. Our heart is to learn more about these potential donors, what motivates them, how they would be inspired to contribute to MAF and the vital work these flights carry out.
The second resource goes without saying, and I like to think of Him as a kind of “air-to-air refuelling” exercise, or a thermal of epic proportions helping us gain thousands of feet without the use of much precious fuel. This resource starts with your prayers, relies on our extraordinary faith, to surrender, and results in the awesome manifestation of the Holy Spirit in accomplishing His Purposes in this world through organisations like MAF.
We know as we seek the scriptures and see an army of 300 men conquer the Midianites, and as many of us have experienced in recent years, that our God and Father is inclined to operate on lean tanks, sometimes even vapour; or wait until the 11th hour as the low fuel warning light ignites, or as we approach the stall speed on the glide before miraculously rescuing us. He does this, so that when it happens, only He gets the glory!
I joke with my kids on long journeys as the fuel gauge nears the “E”, that “E” represents “Enough” and that “F” represents “Finished”. May we be encouraged as we approach the “E” to know that what we have is enough for God to accomplish miracles beyond our ability to comprehend.
For those of you who in faith, continue to fuel our tanks, we sincerely thank you and pray that as you witness what MAF is doing around the world, you are encouraged to continue faithfully sowing into His Kingdom. Your rewards may not be financial but they are eternal and we pray for a blessing in simply knowing that you have been a part of the journey. And for those of you who continue as faithful prayer warriors, we know that He hears the prayers of the righteous and will be faithful to complete the good works He has begun in us and we are so grateful to you!
As we witness the work He is doing around us, may we all experience His conviction and calling, put our competencies to work, find the courage and confidence to act and in so doing, discover character in ourselves that we didn’t know we had. We invite you to engage so that we may learn more about our community and how they would like to be involved, you are all potential energy to us that we would love to harness and convert into kinetic energy moving us forward.
Blessings to you all.
“But those who entwine their hearts with Yahweh will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their races without growing weary and walk through life without giving up” Isaiah 40:31 (TPT)
Reflecting on the past year, we recall the ambitious vision we set forth in 2022: Empowering African candidates, nurturing their skills, and preparing them for impactful missionary work.
By investing in training, mentoring, and providing opportunities, we can contribute to the global mission landscape in a profound way. Our aspiration is to witness a diverse group of missionaries and missional staff members, including Africans, playing pivotal roles in advancing the love of Christ to every corner of the earth.
In 2023, we took the initial steps towards realising this vision by conducting the first assessment of five Southern African aircraft engineers. In collaboration with MAF International and Mercy Air South Africa, we completed these assessments at the Mercy Air farm in White River. Utilising a Cessna 152 shell purchased by MAFI for practical evaluations, candidates came from South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana to participate in the programme. Among these candidates, two individuals are scheduled to embark on field assignments in mid to late 2024, with placements in Liberia and Chad.
Furthermore, in the same year, we welcomed an aircraft engineer from Zimbabwe into our ranks, with plans for his placement in the Liberia programme in early 2024.
Throughout this journey, we have witnessed the guiding hand of the Lord, affirming our commitment to casting a vision for Africa. We see Him raising up the continent to play an integral role in His global mission, fostering unity and revival. It is a profound honour to partner with the Lord, obediently following His lead. This reminds us of the words in Matthew 6, urging us not to worry but to prioritise seeking His Kingdom and righteousness, trusting that He will provide abundantly.
Continuing on this path, we remain steadfast in our dedication to empowering and equipping African missionaries and staff for the challenges and opportunities ahead. As we move forward, let us continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, trusting in His wisdom and provision.
In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported and partnered with us in this endeavour. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities around the world. May our efforts continue to bear fruit, bringing glory to God and furthering His Kingdom purposes. With anticipation and faith, we eagerly anticipate the unfolding of God's plans in the days and years to come.
Yours in Christ,
Maxine Holman CEO of MAF SA
Board Members 2023
Paul Henning (Chairman)
Maxine Holman (CEO)
Patrick Black
Rob Maud
117 Aircraft 6.3 million + Kms Covered
Reaching 1 000 destinations
That's more than 159 times around the equator
1 500 Organisations
With over 1 400 staff serving MAF
135 000 Passengers
Plus 4.3 million kilograms of freight
36 000 Hours Flown
That's more than 47 000 flight legs
29 Countries
24 of these have flight programmes
*MAF South Africa is based in Johannesburg, Gauteng and is part of the global family of MAF organisations worldwide. These statistics reference the entire MAF family. All other references apply to MAF SA only.
MAF South Africa owns two aircraft that are currently on loan across Africa. We have had a long history with these beautiful machines and we are so grateful to have them flying.
Currently in UGANDA
Currently in SOUTH SUDAN
Mission Aviation Fellowship South Africa is a MAF resource group operating from Johannesburg, South Africa. Our mission is to recruit ideal candidates for the greater organisation, thus requiring a specialised approach aimed at attracting, selecting, and placing those candidates in a formal but flexible system. The system is so designed as to constantly measure spiritual commitment and calling whilst determining professional and technical ability, and overall suitability. It is thus strongly relationship-based and includes aspects of formal training and coaching during the selection journey.
There are six phases of selection, each containing set activities and requiring completion of specified aspects before moving to the next phase. These are arranged in a cumulative fashion and progress is determined by means of a leads workflow.
Since the review of MAF SA recruiting practice in 2020, 2023 was the first year we saw a spread of applicants throughout the recruitment pipeline indicating that the system has matured and there is an active and ongoing selection process. There was a marked increase in enquiries from neighbouring countries: 17.
For the first time in South Africa: We saw technical assessments for five aircraft maintenance engineers held in SA; MAF Orientation being held in SA; and we held the first 11-week residence Bible school at Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Pretoria.
Candidates from Africa who have progressed through the MAF SA recruitment pipeline in 2023, in prepartion and training to enter the MAF International global mission field.
Daniel has successfully completed the recruitment process in 2023 and is due to serve in the Madagascar programme come 2024.
Gift has successfully completed Bible school, and MAFI technical assessment.
Gift is from Zimbabwe
Everett has successful covered his initial assessments and is awating his flight assessment.
Everett is from South Africa.
Gift has successfully completed Bible school, and MAFI technical assmessment.
Mompati is from Botswana.
MAF South Africa has four pilot families located around the world, serving in isolated communities. They live within those communities for several years, making that country their home.
355.8 Hours Flown
Tobias: There were two flights that stood out to me in 2023; both were to a border town called Renk, where a lot of refugees and returnees (South Sudanese that lived in Sudan) were displaced by the war, crossing Sudan into South Sudan.
On one of those flights, I was able to spend a few hours on the ground and see the tough conditions these refugees and returnees are in, as they await to move on from there. In the photo below one can see the market where people try to sell some of their possessions to earn some money.
On the second flight, I was able to take six patients and the care takers to Juba for further treatment. Most of the patients had gunshot wounds. It was tough to see under which conditions these people wait, having had to flee from what they had in Sudan. It seems like the conflict in Sudan has been forgotten by the rest of the world when compared to those in the Ukraine and the Middle East. The experience is humbling and encourages us to be faithful in prayer and action.
Mark: When we moved here in late 2022, we always knew that this was going to be a short deployment with a hard stop to it - coming into a programme that had no full time crew, with minimal flying hours clocked. This is partly due to the nature of the work we do in Tanzania... lots of short but important legs. This is partly due to the lack of crew and therefore flying had to be curtailed to a minimum to allow for the various short term pilots who came to help out, and partly because MAF International had to downsize this programme many years ago. As a result we only serve a small corner of this huge and beautiful country. THERFORE... the potential for expansion is tremendous, and super exciting. We joined at the same time as Peter Griffin and his family, (a brand new, to MAF, low-time pilot, who joined the programme). The Lord kept putting into my mind the words of John the Baptist “I must become less, and He must become more”. That helped me define my role in this programme. It's no longer about me doing all the flying, being on the front page of the MAF magazines, shouldering the load and being a 'hero', I have to step out of the way. My role is now all about enabling, and future growth. Enabling Peter to become the best pilot he can be, laying foundations for growth, enabling others on this team to be the best they can be, looking ahead and seeing what the Lord can do with us as a team, motivating for better aircraft, more crew – enlarging our territory as old Jabez once prayed.
As I write these words I am elated because of what the LORD has been doing here: Peter is growing into a fine pilot, taking a solid lead and is huge asset to this team. Roshan – our newest Pilot (yes... another pilot – isn’t that terrific) is sitting studying for his Tanzanian Pilots licence exams. Becki is winding up her time in Tchad and preparing to come here to fly and take over my role as Ops director. MAF Uganda is preparing to send one of their aircraft over here to permanently join our fleet towards the end of the year. The above - Roshan, Becki, and the aircraft, all took root in 2023, and are coming into fruition in 2024.
Isn’t it absolutely AMAZING what the LORD has been doing??
Grant: I moved into the position of Director of Operations for our Leostho programme. That has been challenging and also a lot of fun to step into. I am in charge of overseeing the operational side of all our work here, planning airplanes, crew, et cetera.
Grant: Some significant notes from 2023 -
I handed the Flight Operations Manager (chief pilot) role to another pilot. I did some coverage for the Country Director (CD) who was on home assignment.
2023 took an interesting turn when the country director did not return from home assignment due to family reasons. As a result, we have had to get Doug Miles to be the interim country director. He tours however and whenever he is out of the country (or on leave) then I am covering for him as the acting country director.
Due to the restructure of the PNG programme and also the previous CD leaving, my role evolved to what we call the General Manager (Aviation). I am the legal accountable manager for the PNG programme, but report to the Country Director (which is to be a mainly strategic role). We are looking for a new country director in the meantime who can take over full time from Doug. I will continue in the role of Accountable Manager.
I am still doing line flying, and doing flight training for new pilots, too. (although my flying will decrease in 2024 due to the additional responsibilities).
At the CASA conference in November (CIVIL AVIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY), MAF was presented with an award for being in PNG for 72 years and serving the remote communities.
I was able to finish off the Single Engine IFR project and with the team we have completed most of the training for the pilots and also the rest of the route structure to enable us to fly in bad weather, this is a significant win.
On a personal note, we finally got all the paperwork for Emma’s South African citizenship. This completes all the adoption paperwork for Emma after five years since we started this process!
In the realm of recruiting for the global mission field, Africa stands as a unique landscape, rich with diversity, challenges, and untapped potential. However, the traditional methodologies employed by Western organisations for recruitment, engagement, funding, and support have often fallen short in the African context. Recognising this disparity, MAF SA, with the support of MAF International (MAFI), have endeavoured to pioneer a new approach to recruiting practice.
The pivotal development in 2023 was the inception of a southern African recruiting centre, initially termed MAF AFRICA, a visionary initiative aimed at reshaping the foundations of missionary operations in Africa.
The genesis of a shared regional hub stemmed from a critical analysis of existing paradigms. It became evident that a one-size-fits-all approach was insufficient for the diverse and dynamic African landscape. Consequently, MAF SA embarked on a journey of innovation, culminating in the approval of an Africa-oriented system.
This opened the first door: candidate technical assessments in South Africa; MAFI practical assessments for aircraft engineers which were successfully conducted in Africa for the first time, resulted in substantial cost savings and reaffirmed the feasibility of localised operations.
This set the stage for one of the cornerstones of this transformative approach being the establishment of a centrally based onboarding facility, envisioned as a hub for comprehensive candidate assessment, selection, orientation, preparation, and onboarding. This facility promises to revolutionise the recruitment process for MAF SA, optimising efficiencies and driving cost savings for the organisation at large.
Recognising the complexity of moulding candidates from multiple countries and synergising the activities of all role players MAF SA spearheaded the
establishment of satellite offices in neighbouring countries. These self-funded offices will serve as vital conduits for seamless and country-specific recruitment processes, fostering collaboration and synergy across borders. Discussions with interested parties in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Botswana are currently underway, marking a significant step towards regional integration and outreach.
Notably in 2023, MAF SA's efforts bore fruit with 21 active candidates in the recruitment pipelines, with three maintenance engineers in the pre-field phase, and three experienced pilots being prepared for flight assessments, a testament to the effectiveness of a revamped approach.
Furthermore, the implementation of structured and institutionalised Missionary Partnership Development (MPD) underscores MAF SA's commitment to equipping candidates with the necessary tools for sustainable fundraising. Through active budgeting and forecast processes, candidates have gained invaluable insights, paving the way for a more structured and efficient fundraising journey.
Perhaps most notably, the establishment of a central MAF Missions fund signifies a paradigm shift towards shared fundraising processes, fostering collaboration between MAF SA, MAFI, and individual candidates. This collaborative approach not only streamlines fundraising efforts but also reinforces a sense of community and support within the organisation.
By embracing diversity, harnessing local expertise, and fostering collaboration, the emerging regional resource centre is poised to make a lasting impact on communities across the continent. As we look towards the future, we are encouraged by God’s hand in our steering.
Flying for Life (FFL) is a registered Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation (930 038 143 PBO) that is uplifting rural communities in South Africa. Flying for Life is an initiative of MAF South Africa.
“Flying for Life makes it possible for medical specialists to provide rural communities with much needed health care through a time saving flying service.” - Prof. Polla Roux, volunteer ophthalmologist.
“Flying for Life gives hope to people and turns that hope into reality.” - Mercy Gwanga, volunteer theatre assistant.
“People in rural areas rely a lot on their sight... as we all do, but due to their harsh environment, most have cataracts and cannot see... Not only do we as Flying for Life restore their sight, for a better quality of life, but we also convey a message that says, we care... Someone out there still cares. You are not forgotten.” -Nanette, volunteer theatre nurse.
2023 marked the 10 year anniversary of Flying for Life's local outreaches. The dedicated eye doctor team was the standout highlight of 2023: The generousity of heart amongst our volunteers is the backbone of Flying for Life's (FFL) success. The team consistently proved their commitment to the project, making themselves available whenever possible giving their best efforts, time, and expertise.
At the beginning of the year, FFL's project manager, Samantha Somdle, faced the daunting task of activating outreaches without the finalised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the Department of Health. After extensive efforts, the MOU was eventually granted, a significant milestone. The team successfully completed 117 eye-restoration surgeries over 10 visits to rural Limpopo.
FFL conducted one Vhembe Wings outreach initiative, positively impacting the lives of 1,309 individuals through collaboration with various partners, including CHOC, Baaitse Professional Services, Robot Steam Train, dentists, midwifery specialists, and optometrists. We are pleased to acknowledge that our partners contributed their resources, playing a vital role in the success of this outreach. Mercy Air's helicopter played a crucial role in effectively reaching all six communities where we conducted our work.
Additionally, we conducted two Kalahari Wings outreach programmes in May and August, resulting in a total of 172 successful surgeries, over two visits. The success of this project is greatly attributed to our valuable partnerships, including Medical Missions Eswatini, Mercy Air, The River flow church, Caring for Sight, DHSH staff (Dr Hedricks and his wife), and Discovery - for supplying consumables.
Flying for Life makes concerted efforts to align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Reduced Inequalities, Good Health and Wellbeing, and Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Flying for Life holds a strong set of values that underpin our mission and activities. Dedicated to promoting social equity and inclusivity, we address inequalities and ensure access to essential services for marginalised communities. Our commitment to providing healthcare and improving overall wellbeing is realised in our efforts to reach remote areas with limited medical facilities. By using aviation resources, we overcome geographical barriers to deliver critical healthcare services, including medical consultations, screenings, and surgeries, thereby contributing to the SDG of Good Health and Wellbeing.
Moreover, Flying for Life contributes to Decent Work and Economic Growth by facilitating skills development within the communities we serve. By partnering with local stakeholders, we provide training for medical personnel, thereby empowering individuals and fostering economic growth. By providing medical treatment, we enable individuals to regain their independence. Patients’ caretakers are often their children or grandchildren, further crippling family and individuals’ time for work and education. By facilitating breakthroughs for the patients, Flying for Life brings breakthroughs for the caretakers. This approach helps reduce unemployment rates and promotes sustainable livelihoods in marginalised regions, aligning with the SDG of Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Flying for Life's values of equity, health, and empowerment, coupled with our outputs of delivering healthcare services and promoting economic growth, demonstrate our commitment to the UN's SDGs for a sustainable South Africa.
199 Cancer patients screened and assisted
Children impacted through educational outreaches
289 Eye surgeries (excl. screenings)
Dental patients assisted (incl. extractions)
Midwifery patients assisted
Learners received career and guidance counselling
Total flights
(4 317 566) (391 552) (1 449 129) (586 249) (581 435) (7 325 931) (932 664)
DEFICIT EXPLAINED | In 2022, we were fortunate to receive income from the sale of the MAF hangar, a provision that arrived when we believed we might have to abandon the asset. The deficit for 2023 is primarily due to high missionary expenses in the field and a reduction in donations for MAF SA. The income from the hangar sale allows us to sustain our operations, including supporting our missionaries in the field, recruiting and deploying new missionaries, and increasing awareness of MAF. We kindly ask for your continued prayers for God's abundant provision.