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120 years ago, on 17 December 1903, the Wright brothers flew the world’s first ever motorised plane. Their gas-powered, propeller driven biplane, which they invented and built, took off from North Carolina in the USA and stayed airborne for 12 seconds, covering 120 feet. MAF supporter and fundraiser, Dollar Onwusiribe, is attempting to raise more than £12,000 for MAF this year!

Based in Essex, Dollar is using this year to celebrate 120 years of aviation and the amazing work planes can do, while raising awareness and money for MAF. He hopes to complete 120 landings from one end of the UK to the other, doing his last flight on the anniversary date, the 17 December 2023.

From the age of six, I wanted to fly’

Born in Nigeria, Dollar dreamed of becoming a pilot from a young age but was unable to obtain his Private Pilot Licence in his home country due to lack of funding and specialist education.

After emigrating to the UK in his twenties and becoming a British citizen, Dollar was able to selffund his flight training alongside his job in local government.

No matter how long it took, Dollar never gave up on his dream:


From about the age of six, I always wanted to fly, but never really got the chance. Many things happened and, fast forward to 2013, I took my first flight in a Cessna 152 at RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire. Six years later, in April 2019, I finally qualified and became a pilot. I've been flying ever since.'

Dollar’s flying journey has not been as smooth as he had hoped.

'I started learning to fly without really having any money in my bank account. When I did that first flight, I wasn't sure I had enough money to pay for it.

I just cashed a cheque, hoping by the end of the week that I would have the money to do it. I did get paid and that cheque did clear!'

Even rising fuel prices have not dampened Dollar’s passion to fly:

'When I first qualified, I started to rent a plane from North Weald Aviation, but in 2021/2022 the fuel prices really went up. It didn't make financial sense to keep renting, so I started looking into owning a share in an aircraft, which really works out better. Several people in the UK do that and that's what led me to buy a share in my current plane. She's affectionately known as The Cheetah and she's based at Turweston Aerodrome.'

Why support MAF?

Dollar has admired the work of MAF for a long time and thought that his fundraising challenge would be a great way to support some of the most isolated people on earth.

'MAF is an organisation dear to my heart which uses aviation to make a difference in the world. MAF reaches communities that have difficulty accessing medical care, roads and food supplies.

'I hope this challenge raises vital funds for MAF's work and supports forgotten people in more than 25 low-income countries. I hope my flights will raise awareness of how aviation can be used as a force for good in our world.'

British weather –a real flight challenge!

On 20 February, Dollar Onwusiribe took to the skies in his part-owned 1978 Grumman Gulfstream aircraft from Turweston Aerodrome in Northamptonshire.

Subject to weather conditions (we know how changeable British weather can be!), the first phase of this year’s challenge will see flights across England.

Then, from May, Dollar will cover Wales, western England and Northern Ireland. From the summer, he’ll cover the Scottish Highlands and islands – ending the year with flights across the Midlands and the east.

Dollar talks about the challenges of flying across the UK:

'There are some landings that I'm really not looking forward to because of the difficult approach – the patterns of flying to the airfields and the positioning.

'Also, the weather will get in the way 100%! It was quite poor yesterday and today so, if the weather isn't up to it, I'm not going anywhere!

'The freedom you experience when you get airborne is just fantastic. I can get in a plane and fly somewhere a car cannot reach. It also cuts time in a fantastic way.'

Dollar is passionate about motivating young people. He regularly shares his story at Air Cadet squadrons and talks about the history of aviation. He also has his own ‘Flying Missionary’ YouTube channel, which documents his inspirational flying adventures.

'Ten years later, here I am embarking on this MAF challenge! What a privilege, an honour! My message to everyone is that you can follow your dream, you can achieve that thing you've always wanted, despite the challenges. I hope this will inspire young people to follow their dreams.'

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