Winter's Magic
Why choose BTDA?

BTDA works with the following organisations
GQAL (Graded Qualifications Alliance)
BTDA Programmes lead to regulated qualifications through the Graded Qualification Alliance, which is an Ofqual Regulated Awarding Organisation.
Dance UK
BTDA is a member of Dance UK, one of the leading Dance Organisations in the United Kingdom.
CDMT (Council for Dance Drama and Musical Theatre)
BTDA is a member of the CDMT, and its programmes have been validated by them for over 20 years.
Why choose BTDA?
• Eight Regulated Disciplines
• Three Regulated Vocational Disciplines
• Diploma in Professional Development, Classical Ballet, Modern Jazz, and Tap
• Performing Arts Awards
• Gala Weekend with International Choreographers
• Area Championship Heats Culminating in National Finals
• Competitions throughout the UK
• Awards aimed at youngsters
• Area support for Teachers
• Formed the Graded Qualifications Alliance, which ensures levels meet the official Ofqual requirements.

Hello and welcome
Hi everyone,
I would like to say a big thank you for your support in sending information to me, it’s lovely to hear from you. The closing date for the summer issue will be 21 June 2025. So, as we say goodbye to 2024, let’s look forward to more success next year.
So, here’s to a cheerful present, a well-remembered past, and a prosperous year ahead.
Alison Davies, Editor
For Red Cross First Aid training, we would recommend www.redcrossfirstaidtraining.co.uk. All you need to do is enter your postcode, and it will show your local courses. The minimum requirement for registration purposes is First Aid For Appointed Persons.


30-31 May-1 June Gala Weekend — Butlins, Skegness
8 June Teaching Qualification Course — Held at Head Office
12-13 July Home Counties Championship Heats
24 July Teaching Qualification Examination Day — Held at Head Office
21 August Teaching Qualification Examination Day — Held at Head Office
7 September BTDA AGM — LCFC, King Power Stadium, Filbert Way, Leicester, LE2 7FL
13-14 September Leicester Novice Competitions
13-14 September Basingstoke Championship Heats
23 October Teaching Qualification Examination Day — Held at Head Office
25-26 October Midlands Championship Heats
2 November Teaching Qualification Course — Held at Head Office
Examination Day — Held at Head Office
26-27 April Leicester Championship Heats
15-16 November BTDA Championship Finals — Peepul Centre, Leicester, LE4 6DP
22 December
Teaching Qualification Examination Day — Held at Head Office
Miss Ann Oliver MBE
Engelbert Humperdinck
Derek Hartley
Neil Allen, Jane Carver, Kelly Chater, Darren Chadwick, John Stuart
Classical Ballet: Kathleen Davis
Tap: Mark Hudson
Modern Jazz: Emma Hillyer
Greek: Yvonne Novelli
Acrobatic: Denise Moore
Lyrical: Tracy Liggins
Musical Theatre: Danielle Campbell
Contemporary: Fritha Fallon
Modelling: Wendy Oram
Educational Freestyle: Mark Hudson
Speech & Drama: Danielle Campbell
Basingstoke: Maxine Hadley
Bristol: Anne Webber
East Anglia: Vicky Grant
Home Counties: Natalie Emery
Leicester: Sandra Botterill
London & Essex: Pam Schild/ Petrina Edwards
Midlands: Jessica Sallis
Northeast: Kathleen Davis
Northwest: Vikki Emberton
South Yorkshire: Debbie Corker
Southern: Denise Booth
Ireland: Lynda Wright
Malta: Alison White
From the President
Dear Members / Colleagues and Friends,
Personally, this has been a sad year losing close friends and colleagues; my last farewell was to my dear friend Barbara Wood. Barbara was an excellent Examiner who gave 100% to me and the Association and will be sadly missed.
BTDA has had a lot of highs throughout the year, and my congratulations go to the teachers and staff for their hard work, determination, and achievements.

The competitions have been well attended this year, and an additional heat has been added to the Championships. We have made some changes to the Competition Handbook, which is now available to Organisers — a copy is also available on the BTDA website. We hope these will give greater clarity on changes which must be adhered to.
We have had a successful year with examinations, and it was nice to have live Scholarships back again; the response and feedback in relation to these were very positive. The new Tap work is going down a storm and we would like to promote these programmes going forwards. Mark Hudson has done an amazing job, and the Association is backing him 100%; if you would be interested in him coming to an event in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact your local organiser.
We look forward to 2025 being a thriving year and hope to see you at the February Technicon.
I would like to wish everyone a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year.
With festive wishes,
Miss Ann Oliver MBE President and Founder BTDA
Who to contact within the BTDA Office
Contact List
Accreditation 0116 3970867
Championship Finals helenmence@btda.org.uk
Enquiries on results
Gala Weekend
Examinations 0116 3970868
Scholarships sandrabotterill@btda.org.uk
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.10–5pm
Certificate Queries 0116 3970870 Issues of Certificates alisondavies@btda.org.uk
Social Media Theatre Dance News
Provisional and Full Registration 0116 3970871 Teaching Qualifications emmachadwick@btda.org.uk
Monday & Thursday: 9am-5pm Friday: 1.30-5pm
Certificate Queries 0116 3970869
Examinations mandyrushton@btda.org.uk
Programme of Study Orders
Membership Renewals 0116 3970872 Pin Badge Orders lisajones@btda.org.uk
Triple Award & Grade 5 Award Orders
If there is no answer on the direct line please call 0116 3970866
General Secretary
Examination Secretary
Standardisation Officer
Head Examiner General
Graded Qualifications
Head Examiner
Vocational Qualifications
Head Examiner Lower Grade/Auxiliary Examinations & Performance Awards
Educational Consultant
Examiners Emeritus
Dorrien Lewis, Joan Wood, Noeleen Balshaw, Patricia Sussenbach and Monica Larose.
Carla Sessions, Danielle Campbell, Denise Moore, Emma Hillyer, Gillian Pilkington, Helen Guy, Jackie Crumell, Jacqui Everitt, Jamie-Lee Meneely, Jessica Sallis, Jill Gough, Jon-Lee Heads, Julie Barker, Julie Feechan, Kathleen Davis, Katie Guyton, Kelly Abraham, Kelly Chater, Louise Dartnell, Mark Hudson, Michelle Dixon Woods, Michelle Hankinson, Michelle Rollason, Michelle Bailey, Pamela Chater, Pamela Schild, Sue Ibbetson, Susan Thomas, Tracy Liggins, Vicky Grant, Wendy Latty, Wendy Oram and Yvonne Novell.
Adele Shaw
Graded Qualification Alliance Board of Directors
Ann Oliver MBE (Chair), Ivor James, Kate Everest, Kathleen Davis, Gary White, Jannine Godfrey
Examinations Standards Committee
Ivor James (Chair)
Governing Council
Ivor James (Chair)
Responsible Officer
Helen Mence
AGM 2024
It was lovely to see our members at the Leicester AGM, which was held at the Leicester City Football Ground, King Power Stadium� The day commenced with the annual meeting and included reports from BTDA Trustees, Head Examiners, The General Secretary and President of BTDA� Kelly Abraham and Vicky Grant were presented as New Examiners�

AGM 2024: Feedback
This year’s AGM was held in a new venue, and I must say everyone I spoke to was very impressed; from start to finish, the day was very well thought through and set out�
The day ran very smoothly, beginning with the trustee’s and president’s address and table discussions with something to keep everyone talking. The guest speaker highlighted the need for a greater understanding of our student’s mental health as well as physical well-being and gave a very heartfelt sense of belonging and the safe space we, as teachers, create. The new Lyrical and Acro grade went down an absolute storm. It finished with the new grade 2 Tap, which is amazing — a much-needed breath of fresh air in the tap syllabus; congratulations to Mark Hudson.
It’s always a great opportunity to catch up with fellow teachers. Hopefully, this will be one of many visits to Leicester City football club.
Debbie Corker
I enjoyed the BTDA AGM held at Leicester City Football Club on Sunday, 1st September� Leicester City Football Club staff were very helpful, and their hospitality, food, and ease of parking were excellent�
Once the formality of the Annual General Meeting, which showed the increasing examination entries, was over, the round-the-table discussions were of great interest, and the feedback to BTDA was most useful.
The feedback from the question about ensuring the security of dance teaching venues in light of the tragic events in Southport earlier in the year was used to inform the BTDA briefing notes sent to all members.
The afternoon presentation of 'The Butterfly Mind’ by Kim Rogers gave us all a greater understanding of how the mind works and its relationship with dance education. Practical workshops followed, including presentations by some very skilled young people: Classical Ballet, Lyrical (launch of new class award), Tap (launch of new grade 2), Acrobatic (launch of new Preparatory Acrobatic), and Modern Jazz. It was clear how much members enjoyed the AGM and gained from it.
Ivor James
An excellent venue, spacious and bright� Great ‘meet and greet’ area that kept the working and the social area apart� The meal and food supplied were excellent� The floor was perfect to use even for tap and great sound acoustics�
Mark Hudson
It was a great venue, easy to get to with plenty of free parking� Quite an iconic place, I should’ve taken some photos!
As for the room it was very well laid out for the meeting and demonstrations in the afternoon, plenty of room without feeling too big/impersonal.
Food and refreshments were very good, and the staff were helpful and happy.
Drinks are expensive, but drinks always are wherever you go!
Very clean loos all day — and no waiting because there were plenty of them! The lobby area for tea/coffee was great and spacious.
I liked Winstanley House, but the football ground is much better in my opinion.
Julie Feechan
We loved the venue. It seemed to work well all round. Karen Shiel
It was a great venue. Susan Thomas
The BTDA Championship Finals are the culmination of many heats held throughout the country. They are a significant event in BTDAs’ calendar and an ideal opportunity to remember some of those who have given their services, time and energy to help make BTDA what it is today. The cups in their honour were awarded at the 2024 finals as follows.
A parent of the Ann Oliver Stage School whose services at BTDA events was invaluable.
Senior Song and Dance Champion
A long-standing member of BTDA and her school supported BTDA at lots of events.
Senior Greek
A BTDA volunteer who helped at our Gala Weekend.
Dedicated a large part of his life to BTDA both in his various roles within the office but also as a constant support to our President, Ann Oliver MBE.
Senior Lyrical

One of the first BTDA members, her input into the ballet programmes and her valued support at Championship Finals was unquestionable, she will be greatly missed.
Senior Ballet
Served as the Area Organiser for the BTDA London and Essex area for a great many years.
Senior Acrobatic TARA HOSKIN
Served on the BTDA General Council for over 20 years and played a key part in its development as an organisation.
Served on the BTDA General Council for many years and helped at BTDA events.
Senior Character
A true supporter of BTDA in its early days, supporting his daughter, Emma Hillyer.
Senior National SOPHIE WESLEY
A valuable member of the BTDA team and worked as the Receptionist, her friendly voice was heard by many.
Inter Lyrical BEAU BORLAND
A strong supporter of BTDA and could be seen on the reception at many competitions and the Championship Finals.
Inter Song & Dance LUISA GWATKIN
A valued member of the BTDA family, she represented and co-ordinated our organisation in New Zealand and was instrumental in its development in that country.
Inter Ballet

Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November 2024 •
KATHLEEN DAVIS: Congratulations BTDA on yet another superb weekend of Championship Finals. Dance genres in Classical Ballet, Character, National, Greek, Tap, Modern Jazz, Song and Dance, Lyrical and Acrobatic were performed by some very talented dancers. Many of them dancing in most categories showing them to be very versatile performers indeed, I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish. Working in such a lovely atmosphere watching such an array of talent made this a very special weekend. Congratulations BTDA on such a well organised and smoothrunning event, as an adjudicator this was very much appreciated and comes with thanks from one very happy and thoroughly entertained adjudicator.
CRIS PENFOLD: It was an honour and a privilege to judge this year’s BTDA Championship Finals. It was an extremely well organised event that showcased a high level of talent, and all the performers exuberated their love of dance. The wide range of styles demonstrated the high caliber of versatile performers, in all age groups, and dance schools that this competition attracts. It was a thoroughly entertaining weekend. I very much hope I get to be a judge for this competition again in the future. Well done to everyone involved.

Three Adjudicators
CARRIE ELLIS: It's always a thrill to be invited to be a finals judge. And what a wonderful weekend of amazing talented dancers. Showcasing their versatility in all the dance genres across the board. Making our job as judges even harder with the excellent standard. BTDA events are always so well organised, and I had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Thank you for looking after me so well. Until the next time.
I would just like to say a big thank you to all involved with the Championships finals weekend. It was my schools first ever time of taking part and reaching the finals. We were all a little unsure of what to expect. But, once we arrived, lots of teachers supported both myself and my students regarding procedures and how the event runs. All BTDA staff were helpful and welcoming. The event was so well organised and timed to perfection. We all had the most amazing weekend and are already planning for next year. So, a big thank you to Miss Helen and all the team, and to all the other schools and teachers involved, who were all so welcoming and friendly.
Regards, Julie Barker Principal Tip Toe Stage School
Junior Acro
Junior Ballet

Inter Acro
Junior tap
Junior Song & Dance
Junior National
Junior Modern
Junior Lyrical
Junior Greek
Junior Character

Inter Tap
Inter National
Inter Modern
Inter Greek
Inter Lyrical
Inter Character
Inter Ballet

Senior Tap
Senior Song & Dance
Senior Modern
Senior National
Senior Lyrical
Senior Greek
Senior Ballet
Senior Character
Senior Acro
Inter Song & Dance
Champion Reed Cooke
Runner Up Ivy-Rose Mann
3rd Dolcie Gordon
Matilda Flower
4th Brooke Meade
Champion Elsie-Rae Jarvis
Runner Up Matilda Flower
3rd Lilly Herringshaw
4th Evie Henry
Champion Matilda Flower
Runner Up Lilly Herringshaw
3rd Ivy-Rose Mann
4th Hallie Crump
Champion Lilly Herringshaw
Runner Up Ivy-Rose Mann
3rd Matilda Flower
4th Freya Van Kempen
Champion Reed Cooke
Runner Up Aimee Campbell-Price
3rd Elsie-Rae Jarvis
4th Ivy-Rose Mann
Champion Lilly Herringshaw
Runner Up Elsie-Rae Jarvis
3rd Ava Rae Biro
4th India Rose James
Champion Reed Cooke
Runner Up Evie Henry
3rd Lilly Triggs
4th Elsie-Rae Jarvis

Lydia March
Isabella Burdett
Poppy-Dent Jones
Cece Belle Platt
Luisa Gwatkin
Charlie Foxon-Brown
Lydia March
Callum Finlow
Skye Hastie
Leland Hutchinson
Jack Chadwick
Natalie Towner
Jimmy Fordham-Reed
Tara Hoskin
Freya Clarke
Ella-Rose Blackburn Price Angel Tansey
Sophie Edwards
Lydia March
Poppy Dent-Jones
Isabella Burdett
Poppy Dent-Jones
Luisa Gwatkin
Lydia March
Sophie Hoskins
Charlie Foxon-Brown
Lily Corkill
Beau Borland
Ella-Rose Blackburn Price
Luisa Gwatkin
Lily Corkill
Luisa Gwatkin
Katherine Dine
Lydia March
Alice Marchant Scardifield
Clara Tucker
Clara Tucker
Poppy-Dent Jones
Madison York
Sophie Edwards
Champion Paris Alexander
Runner Up Lilly Herringshaw
3rd Lillian Garner
4th Molly Grimsley-Gray
Beau Borland
Lillie-Ella Morris
Amy Emmerton
Lola Rodwell
Champion Ivy-Rose Mann
Runner Up Matilda Flower
3rd Delilah Abela
4th Annabelle Howe
Beau Borland
Amy Emmerton
Sophie Hoskin
Sophie Edwards
Leland Hutchinson
Grace Dagley
Jimmy Fordham-Reed
Natalie Towner
Bella Rae Lyon
Sophie Wesley
Jack Chadwick
Grace Dagley
Louisa Chadwick
Jack Chadwick
Katherine George
Emma Hearnden
Louisa Chadwick
Tara Hoskins
Eva Polakovs
Scarlett Bennett
Natalie Towner
Skye Hastie
Katherine George
Eva Polakovs
Jack Chadwick
Sophie wesley
Sophie Wesley
Katherine George
Jack Chadwick
Jimmy Fordham-Reed
Jack Chadwick
Jimmy Fordham-Reed
Sophie Wesley
Tara Hoskin
Examiners scribe…
In this issue, we asked Fritha Fallon, Helen Guy, Carla Sessions and Gillian Pilkington, four of our Artistic Directors/Examiners, to give us an insight into their longstanding careers.
Artistic Director for Contemporary
A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to meet Sahana Gero (MBE) while I was working as the dance producer for Wandsworth Arts Fringe. When she discovered I was originally from Guildford, she mentioned that her grandmother set up a dance school called Bellairs. As it happens, Bellairs was where I started ballet classes at the age of two. It was one of those it’s-a-small-world moments when we realise how much our lives have overlapped and been influenced by those around us. Bellairs evolved and is now Guildford School of Acting. I have never stopped dancing. I guess, as my father was working as a dance teacher when I was born, dancing was in my blood.
As I grew up, dancing was my main hobby. I took Ballet, Tap and Modern exams. Every year, I performed in and choreographed for the local pantomime. Dancing was learning moves: arabesque, pas de chat, Suzi Q, isolations, and it was also a fantastical world of theatrical characters: nymphs, rats, lizards, belly dancers.
Like my father, performing wasn’t really my dream, but teaching was, so I chose a dance degree that led me towards a teaching career.
After graduating, I was invited to join the StopGAP dance company. Starting as a performer, I learnt how to work with people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. Very soon, I was contributing to choreography, leading workshops, driving vans full of sets and props, operating theatre lighting desks and all kinds of tasks to cover whatever needed to be done.

My dreams came true a year later when I was offered the opportunity to return to my sixth-form college to set up an A Level dance course. The course didn’t exist when I was a student. I found the experience of creating new opportunities for others very exciting and highly rewarding. As a part-time job, I was able to do other jobs and projects at the same time. I ran after-school clubs, performed in Contemporary dance companies and collectives, ran community dance projects, taught and performed Salsa and Hustle, and ran my own little dance company.
Creating the Contemporary dance programme here for the BTDA has been a similar exciting project, creating new opportunities for others. I didn’t get to experience a Contemporary dance class until I was 17 years of age, and I had to travel to London to do so. Contemporary is brilliant for diversity and inclusion due to its acceptance of different body shapes and emphasis on
individuality and creativity. If this genre can permeate through all sectors of education, hopefully, participation in dance will become accessible to a broader range of people.
I’m still finding new aspects of dance to explore and interesting new ways to apply and share my knowledge and skills.
Currently, I’m enjoying studying the latest approaches to dance research methodologies, especially the application of phenomenology as I develop a wider interdisciplinary creative practice. If I could find the time, I would be keen to improve my Argentine Tango. Moving our bodies will always teach us things that we can’t learn by reading books and websites or watching films. I feel grateful to work in this field and appreciate all the people I connect with on this crazy journey that is my life.
HELEN GUY Examiner
My journey began at the tender age of four when I joined the Ann Oliver Stage School in Leicester. From my early days as a student, participating in Classical Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz, to a later involvement in acrobatic and stage classes, The thrill of competition, the joy of performance, and the camaraderie of my fellow dancers ignited a lifelong passion.

heartfelt tribute.
A highlight in my early years was performing our prestigious routine “Walk Him Up,” I also took on notable roles, such as Oliver in “Oliver Twist,” and graced the stages of renowned theatres like the Haymarket Theatre, Little Theatre, and De Montfort Hall.
I was a proud participant in the inaugural Gala Day at De Montfort Hall, leading the parade with my duet partner. This event, now a cherished tradition, continues to inspire young dancers and has expanded to full weekends at Butlin’s, Skegness.
As I grew older, my commitment to dance deepened. I took on the role of a student teacher, sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm with younger generations. Upon leaving school, I established my own dance school in the local village hall. Balancing family life with a full-time job at the East Midlands Gas board, I took redundancy after
In 2001, I embarked on a new chapter as a BTDA examiner. I assess dancers of all levels, including vocational qualifications and teaching assessments. I have enjoyed mentoring fellow examiners over the years and still advise them to this day on different situations if needed.
My travels have taken me all over the UK; I have examined New Zealand, Dubai, Qatar, Malta, and Ireland; I have met some wonderful teachers.
Beyond my role as an examiner, I have actively contributed to the development of the BTDA syllabus, served on the Tap Artistic Group and participated in the GGE Syllabus Review. I worked part-time at Head Office for a brief time. The camaraderie among the staff created a positive and supportive work environment, making every day enjoyable. Working behind the scenes offered a unique perspective on the organisation’s operations and allowed me to contribute to its ongoing success.
I am proud to be part of an organisation that has enriched the lives of countless individuals through the power of dance. I hope that BTDA will continue to flourish for many years to come and continue to shape the future of dance education.
When I was asked to tell you all about my career and achievements in the dance world, I thought, ‘Well, that’s going to be a short paragraph’, but here goes.
My first experience of dancing, at around five to six years of age, was when I used to go and watch my childhood friend, Melanie Bolton, at the Ann Oliver Stage School pantomime. She also used to teach me her ballet grade in her bedroom. Money was very tight, so I was not able to start lessons.
When I was nine, I was at a rummage sale (the precursor to charity shops and Vinted, for the younger readers out there!) and was handed a leaflet for the Kay Pritchett School of Dance, which held lessons locally. I begged my mum to send me. I think the lessons cost around 10 pence, and I started the following Saturday. I absolutely loved it. I only did grade lessons, but I was hooked. We did our first show at the YMCA in Leicester when I was 10 years old.
The following year, in 1973, Kay got married and moved out of the area. Jill Gough took over the school and it was then that I joined the stage class. Money was still tight, and I remember my mum working all week at WHSmith in Leicester, then doing a Saturday job in town at a men’s boutique, and also sewing in the evening for the shop, all to pay my dance fees. She was an excellent seamstress and made all my costumes and leotards (there was no Lycra in those days).

I was painfully shy and insecure, and I was 13 before I won my first medal. I still remember it to this day. I came third in my Tap in a section of 54 competitors; I was number four, and the adjudicator was none other than our President, Miss Ann Oliver MBE. I was never a very successful solo
everything but the child with a little talent but lots of determination who struggles to look you in the eye and then goes on stage and manages to smile and win a fourth place.
I think BTDA is an association that encourages all ages, types, and abilities, which is why we joined all those years ago. I hope to be a part of the BTDA family for many years to come.

I started studying Ballet and Tap dancing at the Mar-Jan School of Dancing in Chorley, Lancashire when I was three years old. I was very shy, and during a visit to see our local GP, he told my mum that one of his patients, Margaret Jones, had a dance school locally and suggested that my mum enrol me there. I loved it and soon began to gain confidence and a passion for dance.
I stayed as one of Miss Jones’ students until the age of 16, when I auditioned and was accepted at the Italia Conti Stage School in London. It was a very big move from Chorley at that age, and although I enjoyed my time there, I decided that life in London wasn’t for me. After some time studying, I returned home to Chorley, continued my dance studies, and began teaching for Miss Jones at the Mar-Jan while also working in the Pensions department for the DSS. Although I enjoyed office life, dance was always my first love, and I continued to perform and choreograph in Amateur Dramatic shows.
Over the next few years, I met and married my husband Stephen, and over time, our family grew, blessed with four beautiful daughters. Sadly, in 1987, our third daughter Emily passed away at the age of seven months from sudden infant death syndrome, which was devastating for us all. Despite this difficult time, I continued to teach for Miss Jones regularly. As I no longer worked for the DSS, I began auditioning to perform in local professional pantomimes and a 1940s show where I danced and sang. From there, I began doing some TV background work on programmes such as Frost, the film Ali G In Da House, Emmerdale, and had a regular spot in Mike Baldwin’s factory on Coronation Street as one of the factory employees.
I continued to work for Miss Jones during this time, and the teaching work started to take over, as Miss Jones was often away working as an Examiner for BTDA. I also took over the Adult Dance Classes that Miss Jones’ son Byron had taught, and these classes began to grow. With Miss Jones’ blessing, I started a

small school of my own called Gillies School of Dance in the village where I live outside of Chorley. After a couple of years or so, out of the blue, Miss Jones asked me if I would like to take over her dance school as she had decided to retire from teaching. This was a great honour for me, as not only had I been involved with the Mar-Jan since I was three years old, but the Mar-Jan was such a well-known dance school in our area, already established for 50 years!
I took over the Mar-Jan Stage School in September 1996, and it became Gillies Mar-Jan as I kept open the school I had started. I’m proud to say that I am still the Principal of Gillies Mar-Jan Stage School today and that I, too, became an Examiner for the BTDA in 1996. I’ve examined students in Dubai, Qatar, New Zealand, Spain, and in various towns and cities in the UK. I still dance with my adult Ballet and Tap classes each week and enjoy teaching at my school on most days of the week too!
Sunday 2 February 2025
Winstanley House, Hinckley Road, Leicester, LE3 1HX

The February Technicon will commence at 10.00am preceded by coffee (and biscuits) from 9.30am onwards.
Please complete and return the form below, or email us, and deposit the fees into the BTDA Bank Account if you wish to attend.
We are pleased to announce that we will be welcoming back Rosina Andrews Downing whose lecture this time around is entitled: 'Pirouettes'
Mr Hudson and the Tap Team will be holding a refresher for GRADES 1 AND 2 TAP
Ms Hillyer and the Modern Jazz Team will be presenting the new MODERN CLASS AWARD — LEVEL 1
Principal/Reg. Teacher in person fee: £60 • Student Member in person fee: £42
If required, please continue on a separate piece of paper and enclose it with this order form.
Please tick this box if you require a receipt. Confirmation to be sent to (please enter your email address):

BTDA Scholarships 2024: A Year of Inspiration and Growth
The 2024 BTDA Scholarships proved to be a resounding success, providing a platform for young dancers to learn, grow, and connect with their peers. Students and teachers alike have shared overwhelmingly positive feedback about the event, praising the engaging lectures, supportive atmosphere, and valuable experiences. From nervous newcomers to seasoned performers, everyone felt welcomed and encouraged. The in-person format, after a period of online events, was particularly appreciated, allowing for more meaningful interactions and a deeper sense of community. Here is some of the feedback we received.
Ella-Rose Blackburn Price — Student: I had such a fun day at the BTDA Scholarships in Leicester. I was a bit nervous about the
interview at first, but as soon as I was in the room, I relaxed and had so much fun chatting with the Examiners; they were lovely and easy to talk to. The lectures were so good! I loved the variety and getting the chance to meet new people from different dance schools. I look forward to doing it again next year.
Rosie Qurbani — student: My experience at the BTDA North East Scholarships was amazing. The event was beautifully organized, with very helpful staff. Being back in person made it so much better than being online. The interview was delightful, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Afterwards, we performed a solo, which was quite nerve-racking for me, but I felt reassured by my lovely fellow candidates. The classes were remarkable, with caring teachers who were open to questions and


eager to help. They were enjoyable, featuring dynamic and expressive choreography. Overall, it was unforgettable and allowed me to make new friends and connect with other dancers.
Julie Carter — Teacher: Scholarships 2024, a very different day from the past two years. My students were very excited to have in-person lectures again, and these did not disappoint. We had students in all four groups; everyone came out of classes with a smile. They all said they had a great day,

enjoyed the lectures, and made new friends along the way. It was also lovely for them to perform solos in a relaxed, non-competitive arena, which they all said was refreshing.
As a teacher, it was great seeing our students gaining experiences with guest lecturers, learning new skills, and connecting with other dance schools. I had a great day catching up with the teachers from our area, too. All in all, a great day with a positive atmosphere at the London and Essex Scholarships.


Isla Marheineke — student: I really enjoyed my first experience of scholarships in East Anglia. I loved dancing with dancers from other schools and learning from new choreographers.
Scarlett Kennedy — student: I had such a fun day. I enjoyed the dance classes and found it a very good experience. As always, I loved performing in front of an audience.
Alex-Nicole Scott — Student: I enjoyed doing the online scholarships, but after doing one in person, I found that I much preferred this and found that it helped me to improve as a dancer both in my technique
and also in my confidence in comparison to the online scholarships.
First entering the venue, I was welcomed nicely by both staff and other dancers that were participating. This helped me to feel a lot more at ease and less nervous when taking part with them in the lectures. My first lecture was in ballet with Miss Feechan she made sure that we were all comfortable and spoke to us and encouraged us to try our hardest but not to be nervous or worried about taking part. The teaching style also made it easier to learn the movements in comparison to when scholarships were online.

My second lecture was in Modern with Miss Dartnell, who was equally as welcoming as Miss Feechan and other staff/ participants had been. She helped to encourage me, and I didn’t feel uncomfortable or under-confident whilst learning and performing the routines in front of others. Furthermore, the structure of the day helped me to ensure I didn’t feel rushed for any lectures or the interview or performances as they were patient and gave us enough time to get prepared and replenish our energy before having to dance again.

Finally, I would complete my interview and my performance. The interview I had made me express my introduction to dance and whether I would be taking it further into my life; I felt confident answering questions and didn’t feel rushed or interrupted. The lady doing the interview was also very nice and welcoming, along with everybody else at the venue. Finally, for the performance, they provided a spacious room where I had enough room to perform my own arrangement, with it feeling cramped and with there being enough room for me to complete all my movements. The audience

was quite small, so it wasn’t very intimidating; the examiner for the performances was also very pleasant and was smiling whilst I was performing, further encouraging me to try my hardest.
Overall, I enjoyed the opportunity to be able to take part in scholarships as I feel that it has helped to increase my levels of confidence and self-belief in my dance as well as help to provide me more
opportunities in my dance examinations with what I receive from the scholarships.
Isabelle Hodgetts — Student: I was very nervous before the scholarships as I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but once the day got going, I really enjoyed the different lessons and learning the routines. It was nice to get to perform a solo and the interview wasn’t as scary as I had thought it might be. The day ran smoothly, so we knew

where we needed to be and when which helped eliminate any nerves. Everyone was very friendly, and it was nice to talk to people from other dance schools. I would definitely do it again.
Milly Lewis — Student: The BTDA scholarship day in East Anglia was a fun way for me to develop as a dancer with new combinations and teaching styles. The atmosphere throughout the day was so
lovely and supportive, cheering other dancers on even if they weren’t from your school. Whilst the day could be a great way to experience an audition process, it felt very free of pressure, stress, and competition. This was good as it made it more fun and supportive. The focus was more on improving yourself as a dancer and being the best you could be rather than competition.
Around the schools
News and reports from dance schools and academies
Chantelle Carey is an award-winning international choreographer & movement director known for her theatre, film, and television work.
Chantelle Carey grew up in Sligo, Ireland, before beginning her professional training at LCPA (Leicester College of Performing Arts) at the age of 16.
For over a decade, Chantelle garnered her career as a performer on tour and in London’s prestigious West End. Performing credits include Chicago (Garrick and Cambridge Theaters), Sweet Charity (English Theatre, Frankfurt), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (UK and International Tour) and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (New London Theatre).
Diving into the world of choreography, Chantelle’s first major credit was for her work on the feature film Jimmy’s Hall, directed by Ken Loach. The film received the Palme d’Or nomination at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.
Her career as an international choreographer began to take off that same year when she began work as Associate and Resident Choreographer on the Icelandic production of Billy Elliot at Borgarleikhúsíð (The City Theatre of Reykjavík), and subsequently as Assistant Choreographer on their production of Mamma Mia!.
Work brought Chantelle back to the UK as Resident Director & Assistant Choreographer on the Rent 20th Anniversary production (St. James Theatre) and UK tour, as well as Assistant Choreographer on the Leicester Curve production of Legally Blonde (Opera de Monte Carlo).
The year 2016 saw Chantelle back in Iceland, working as a choreographer on the original musical Blái Hnötturin (The Blue Planet) at Borgarleikhúsíð. She received the

prestigious “Gríman Award” (Icelandic National Theatre Award) in 2017 for “Best Choreography and Stage Movement” in Blái Hnötturin. She then won another “Gríman” in 2018 for her choreography on the original show Slá Í Gegn at þjóðleikhúsið (The National Theater of Iceland).
Making her mark in the Icelandic theatre and dance scene, she went on to choreograph þjóðleikhúsið’s production of Meistarinn og Margaríta (The Master and Margarita) and the first Icelandic professional production of We Will Rock You at Háskólabío, both in 2019. She has since choreographed the iconic children’s show Kardemommubærinn at þjóðleikhúsið (2020), Ávaxtakarfan at Harpa (2022), and Frost (the Icelandic production of Disney’s Frozen) at The National Theatre of Iceland (2024).
Among her TV credits, Chantelle was a choreographer and coach on Iceland’s Got Talent in 2015, choreographer for the legendary “Áramótaskaup” (RÚV) 2019, and numerous ad campaigns for Republík Films.
Alongside choreography, Chantelle is known for her dedicated work as a dance and
theatre educator. She has worked as a teacher and choreographer for major colleges and arts institutions such as Italia Conti, Urdang, London Studio Centre, Leicester College of Performing Arts, The University of Arts Iceland, Menntaskóli Í Reykjavík, FÍH and Söngskólinn Í Reykjavík.
She is the official organiser for the Nordic Branches of the Dance World Cup, an adjudicator for the British Theatre Dance Association and a choreographer for Gala Butlins, Skegness, as well as the World Lyrical Dance Federation.
Chantelle has been very busy this year choreographing the Icelandic production of FROZEN at the National Theatre of Iceland. Also, a movie she choreographed was selected for the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film Festival this May and was not shortlisted for the European Film Awards.
Congratulations to Miss Emma (Principal), who won Young Businesswoman of The Year 2024 with the UK Business Awards. The dance school also won the SME Midlands Enterprise Awards for Dance School of the Year 2024 for the second year running.

Congratulations, Jack and Xavier, who will be performing in this year’s pantomime at De Montfort Hall, Leicester.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, what’s the fairest panto of them all? Snow White, of course!
Drag superstar on stage and screen and finalist in Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK season 1, Divina De Campo will be the evil Queen Morgiana. CBeebies’ favourite, Gyasi Sheppy, will also join the cast as our dashing Prince. Returning to the Hall will be X-Factor winner Sam Bailey, dame Jack Ballard, and comedian Jarred Christmas.

Wishing all the luck to our graduate Kayden Patel for his first contract onboard the Cunard Queen Mary 2 cruise line as a production dancer. We cannot wait to follow you on your journey. You have worked incredibly hard over the years, and finally, you can show the world how amazing you are!

Congratulations to our recent graduate, Talisha Bajarias, who is soon to begin rehearsals in LA for two months and then embark on the Diamond Princess cruise this January. Cruising around Australia, New Zealand, and Asia for 10 months!

You have worked so hard and deserve the career of your dreams. Wishing you the best journey in this industry

Last October, 15 senior dancers from WADPA and their families travelled to Palmerston North, NZ, to compete at the National Young Performers Awards (NYPA) — a prestigious national competition showcasing talented dancers from across the country. The multi-discipline event highlights eight different art forms and serves as the pinnacle of achievement for many performers, offering them the rare opportunity to compete on a national level.
WADPA was nominated to compete in the Troupe Section alongside 73 other troupes from across New Zealand. Additionally, one of the studio’s talented dancers, Trinity Briden-Jones, competed in the Ballet Soloist Section, joining 74 other ballerinas on the grand stage. Our troupe was lucky enough to come 27th out of 74 fabulous troupe dances.
The weekend was not only filled with fun team moments but also a deeply rewarding experience. WADPA presented a beautiful lyrical routine titled “Burn,” choreographed
by studio owner and director Holly DuderJoy. This piece was nominated at the Northland Ballet & Dance Competition earlier this year, earning the honour to perform at the Regent on Broadway Theatre in Palmerston North. The dancers demonstrated professionalism, dedication, and passion, bringing the story and choreography to life on the national stage.
The commitment and hard work of the dancers and their families made the experience even more rewarding. These opportunities allow the dancers to grow not just as performers but also in their everyday lives, learning valuable life lessons along the way.
All the performers are senior dancers aged 13-20, having trained with WADPA for many years. Their training includes the BTDA syllabus, covering a wide range of dance genres. The studio couldn’t be prouder of their achievements and performances over the weekend.
Now, the focus shifts back to the studio, where preparations are in full swing for WADPA’s end-of-year show.
Introducing our SUPERSTARS! The Junior Chorus for Cinderella at Melton Theatre this Christmas! We are always so grateful for this opportunity we can offer our students! A highlight of our year! Rehearsals are in full swing, and they are looking good! Bring on the fun of Panto land! Also, Lois and Ava have been busy in Pantoland, working hard and making us proud in Snow White at Loughborough Town Hall.

It has been four years since we had our last in-person BTDA examination. Thanks to Covid, we have had either video examinations or some very game examiners in the middle of the night examining over Zoom.
It was quite different for our dancers this year to have a person from BTDA sitting in front of them; to say they were nervous was a huge understatement.
Luckily, we had the amazing Wendy Oram. What a fantastic examiner to have for our recommencement of non-screened exams. Picked up from Auckland airport the day before the session commenced, she hit the ground running (literally as it was raining, and she didn’t bring her umbrella). She showed no sign of jet lag and immediately put the dancers at ease. She examined all day and half of the next before heading back to the

airport to travel up to WADPA for their exams in Northland. A week later, she was back on the plane to the UK.

A huge thank you to Wendy for making the session so pleasurable and fun. All the dancers came out feeling very relaxed and happy, which is such a great skill in an examiner. Thank you also to the BTDA for making us feel included, even on the other side of the world! Now, onto the end-of-year show — our Advanced 1 ladies are snowflakes (It is the start of summer here; let’s hope they don’t melt!)

What a busy time! Our Adult Tap Class took part in a Tapathon to raise money for Children in Need in November, and we had a fabulous day performing at the NEC Super Weekender also in November. But this year, we celebrated 40 years of the HGDA — amazing!


Having just moved to new studios, the school was delighted to produce Scary-Skelebrations, which was recently staged at the Sunderland Empire Theatre as a Pre-Halloween Treat for the local Community.

The school was thrilled to have Ellie Roberts, who recently graduated from SLP Leeds, as a guest performer. A very bright future is in store for this young lady, and we were all thrilled to have her back with us if only for a short period of time.
Rebecca Logan has joined LIPPA as a full-time student and is currently loving life. We look forward to following her future development in the industry.
The school is thrilled to have a full team of Juveniles performing in the Professional Pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk at the Sunderland Empire over the Christmas period. Eight pupils will be working alongside Matthew Wolfenden from Emmerdale and the North Easts very own Miss Rory and Tom Whalley. Break a leg, girls! We are very proud of you.
Huge well done to four of our students who Auditioned for the English Youth Ballet for the first time; what an experience and insight into the industry!! And a massive congratulations to Grace, who successfully gained a place with them and will be a part of the Cinderella in Hollywood performance at the Aylesbury Waterside Theatre in March 2025.


The BTDA Modelling Catwalk Certificate was launched in September this year. are the first two students, Emilia and Erin, with their certificates. Thank you to Examiner Tracy Liggins for her constructive and positive comments and we look forward to seeing more students taking this award soon. Details of the requirements for taking this new award are now on ExamTrack.


We had an amazing show Once Upon a time… at the Royalty Theatre. All the dancers had a fabulous time, and the feedback from the audience was great. Lots of new pupils and parents commented on how professional the show was.
Miss Niamh is playing Buttons in Cinderella with the Beverley Artists Panto Tour. We look forward to watching you.

Madison Davis, aged eight at the time of filming, was one of very few child dancers cast for this incredible movie. Maddie was chosen out of more than 1000 children auditioning.

She loved being on set, being made up into a munchkin and meeting Ariana Grande. She has made friends and memories for life.
She was incredibly lucky to be invited to a pre-release movie screening. We’re so proud of you, Maddie.
This year, our students are ready for a Christmas showcase, “Magic of the Musicals”.

They’re all super excited, having just finished our dress rehearsal and finally getting to dance in their costumes.

dance at the finals of The National Entertainment Awards. In November, 23 of our students took the stage of London’s O2 Indigo in front of over 1000 people and were absolutely fabulous! We are incredibly proud of our students and their continued hard work.
Over the past few months, BTDA has been working with other awarding bodies as part of the CDMT safeguarding group�
The purpose of the group was to provide teachers with support and guidance in developing policies and procedures to protect children and adults at risk� The work focused on the Government’s publications and legislation, including ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education and Out of School Settings’� BTDA teachers are already aware of this document, as our reviewed registration processes are also based on this publication�
We are pleased to say that this work has now been completed and the document includes template policies and procedures that individual teachers and schools can adapt�
The document will be emailed to teachers in January 2025�
Artistic Group Reports
Note to Teachers: please ensure you are working from the most up-to-date POS and Music

Artistic Director: Emma Hillyer Group Members: Monica Larose, Danielle Campbell, Vicky Grant, Holly Duder-Joy, Claire Jenkin
Firstly, we would like to introduce our new members to the Modern Jazz Group, Holly Duder-Joy and Claire Jenkin. Holly trained at Studio One in Ferndown and became a Registered Teacher and Examiner before moving to New Zealand. She is now the principal at Whangarei Academy and spreads the word of BTDA in New Zealand. Claire trained with The Keyford Dancing School in Bristol. She has worked extensively in the Performing Arts/Dance sector as a course leader and moderator and continues to teach dance in the private sector.
As a group we are working on the Level 1 Class Award for Modern Jazz and hope to show this at the February Technicon.
We aim to ensure that the Programmes of Study and DVDs are compatible with each other and if you have a query, please let us know.
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year
Emma Hillyer, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Denise Moore Group Members: Jill Gough, Katie Guyton, Julie Barker, Debbie Ryan, Karen Shiel
Since the launch of the new preparatory grade in September we have had some really positive feedback. It is good to hear that the students are having fun with it and enjoying the new music. Can I please ask you to download the POS again, it appears that an older version has been uploaded onto ExamTrack.

We are working on a level one class award to get this ready for September and will also be working to develop the Primary Grade. If anyone is interested in attending an Acro POS course, I have blocked out 7th April for level one 8th April for levels two and three. Please contact the Head Office to register your interest.
I am delighted that Debbie Ryan and Karen Shiel have now joined the artistic group and look forward to working with them and the rest of the team.
For any queries regarding the acrobatic programme of study, please email btdaacrobaticartisticgroup@gmail.com
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Denise Moore, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Kathleen Davis Group Members: Emma Hillyer, Julie Feechan
Work is always ongoing with the artistic group. We aim to have the full Vocational Vocabulary of Steps for the examiner’s enchainment, which was completed last year on DVD and uploaded onto Exam Track by February 2025. With the introduction of Class awards in other disciplines, we are now considering introducing a Pre-School Ballet Programme of Study, which will be examined as a class award. Please comment and let me know if this would be something of interest. You may feel there is enough with the mime and rose awards, therefore, your feedback on this proposition will be vital to the development of this programme and greatly appreciated.
It is the groups intention to update and modernise the lower grade examinations, creating more exercises for the development of technique which will ensure good progression for our young pupils onto the general graded examinations.
A great deal of work is still required on the Vocational examination programmes of study. Matching it to the DVD footage is an
ongoing task and no mean feat. So, if you have any queries about these programmes of study, then please get in touch with me or any group member who will be more than happy to help you.
Grades 6 & 7 are working well with the removal of the pointe work section and the additional theory questions. Grade 7 theory will be available in February 2025.
I think that is all the updates at present, so it’s now off to Panto Land for many of us! Oh yes, it is!
Compliments of the season to you all – I look forward to seeing many of you in February.
Kathleen Davis, Artistic Director and Head of Vocational Examinations
Artistic Director: Mark Hudson Group Members: Jill Gough, Jackie Crumell, Denise Moore, Michelle Bailey
A reminder of the dates for the introduction of the New Tap Work.
• New work is compulsory Preparatory — Primary — Intro to Grade 1.
• New work is compulsory from 1st February 2025 Grade 1.
• New work is compulsory from 1st September 2025 Grade 2 Mark Hudson, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Tracy Liggins Group Members: Jacqui Everitt, Wendy Oram
So nice to see so many of you at the AGM in September and I’m sure you will agree it was a super venue that really lent itself to the structure of our meetings. For those of you that couldn’t make it, we demonstrated the new Lyrical Class One Award which is now ready for candidates to enter, and the video and programme of study is available on ExamTrack. We are currently working on Class Two which we hope to have ready soon.
We look forward to seeing you at the Technicon in February. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year from the artistic group!
Tracy Liggins, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Wendy Oram Group member: Jackie Crumell
The replacement for the Modelling Diploma has now been launched and all details are available on ExamTrack, this is now called Modelling Catwalk Certificate. This will hopefully be something that students might feel beneficial to add to their college/agency applications or CVs. The first two students to take this new award were entered in October and they have both now received their certificates.
Please email me at wendymorton.acad@ tiscali.co.uk with any queries or any help/ advice on any of the Modelling work. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wendy Oram, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Danielle Campbell Group Member: Julie Barker
I can’t quite believe we are at the end of another year. Where has the time gone?
The new Drama POS and mark scheme has been well received by the examiners and the teachers. I have had a few emails with teachers asking various questions, so hopefully you are all now starting to introduce it into your schools, and we will be seeing candidates entered for some exams soon. Just a reminder that you can only enter candidates on the old speech and drama up until February 2025 then the new Drama POS becomes compulsory.
I want to thank you all for your feedback about the Drama in the discussions around the tables at the AGM. I am delighted and can
now confirm that we will be going ahead next year with getting the Drama qualifications regulated, which is fantastic, so keep your fingers crossed and watch this space.
The Musical Theatre is also going very well and would love to see more examinations being entered from schools. These are great exams and so beneficial to your students triple threat training.
If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or a member of the team we are always happy to help!
Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for 2025!
Danielle Campbell, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Yvonne Novelli Group Members: Carla Session, Nicola Grainger, Laura Merritt
Work is continuing with the Crystal awards and the Class awards just awaiting the music.
I had the privilege to examine two young ladies who were completing their final grade 8 examination. They were outstanding not only in their technique but had showed a very good knowledge and understanding of the use of the props required.
Yvonne Novelli, Artistic Director
Artistic Director: Fritha Fallon
Hello everyone, there are just a few bits of news for the Contemporary Programme of study.
Videos of grades one to three are now on ExamTrack.
Grade Two has one small adjustment. In Exercise 4 the arm position now matches the one used in Grade One. Keeping the arms lower should create a nicer alignment for the shoulders. The latest version of Grade Two is dated November 2024.
The latest version of Grade Three is dated January 2023.
Enjoy your teaching.
Fritha Fallon, Artistic Director

It is with great sadness that we report to our members the passing of our former Tap Artistic Director, Senior Examiner and BTDA Teacher, Mrs Barbara Wood; she was an amazing lady who will always be remembered.

Congratulations to Miss Niamh, who got married to Nathan on 31st October. We had the pleasure of joining her on the day, and our pupils enjoyed the Halloween-themed evening celebrations.

Congratulations to Miss Rachel who got engaged to David. We wish you all the best for your future together.

Vocational Examinations
Congratulations to the following students who have gained Vocational Examinations
Aden Edwards
Adria Marie Farrugia
Aleah Reign Nemis
Alice Cowton
Alicia Vella
Alysa Cassar Casha
Amber Coomer
Amelia Carroll
Amelia Seddon
Amie Aitken
Amy Bajada
Aniya Roberts
Anna Callanan
Anthea Xiberras
Asha Huddleston
Ashtyn-Rose Newman
Ava Ellis
Beatrix Oldham
Beth Brabbins
Beth Turnbull
Cara Kolade
Christine Grech
Claire Bertram
Clara Tucker
Claudia Grech
Daisy Parker
Daliia Kaleel
Danielle Vicary
Davina Vassallo
Dorothy Spiteri
Edie Kipling
Elana Riley
Eleanor Adcock
Elena Portelli
Elinor Breeze
Elisa Buttigieg
Eliza Stellini
Ella Davies
Ella Smith
Ellie Kenington
Emilia Reeves
Emily Payne
Emily Rose Simpson
Emma Hearnden
Emma Said
Erin De Vries
Evelyn Annie Hickford
JUNE 2024 – OCTOBER 2024
Evie Maton
Evie Strong
Fiona Louise Cooksley
Francine Agius
Georgia Hewison
Georgia Spriggs
Giselle Antoun
Grace Briggs
Grace Hull
Grace Sayer
Halle Mboma-Butler
Hannah Sabberton
Hannah Vassallo
Hannah Whalley
Harriet Burrill
Harriet Robson
Holly Robinson Smith
Holly Steadman
Imogen Sketchley
India Jacobs
Isabel Davis
Isabella Ferguson
Isabella Moore
Isabella Tamahori
Isabelle Cook
Isabelle Pitchers
Isla Desmond
Isla Howitt
Ivy Lattimore
Jack Chadwick
Jade Dagher
Jasmine Puttock
Jessica Banks
Jessie Agnew
Joanna Mcshane
Joelyn Cutajar
Jude Kamha
Katherine George
Katie Hall
Katie-Mae Collins
Kayla Wood
Keira Edge
Kiera Farrugia
Kimi Ellis Ricci
Kirsty Mae Debono
Krista Mercieca
Kyra Mifsud
Lacey Chaplin
Laila Akasha
Lamitta Bourji
Lara Grech
Lauren Old
Laya Alkhayer
Leen Spartaly
Leona Estephan
Lexi-Brooke Owen
Lilian Shafer
Liliana Norman
Lina Gardabbou
Lucie Carlyle
Lucie Jenkinson
Lucy Dickson
Lucy Fraser-Allen
Lydia Singleton
Lydia Tully
Lydia Woods
Madison Vuletich
Madison York
Mae Turner
Maia Clapham
Makaila Enriquez
Marea Refalo
Maria Casarini
Maria Salmon
Mariah Mamo
Martina Grech
Martina Grech Cini
Matilda Pitchers
Maya Holloway
Megan Kirkman
Mia Abbott
Mia Bradley
Mia Schutte
Michaela Saliba
Michela Saliba
Millie Evans
Mireya Jo Saliba
Mollie Porteous
Molly Ismay
Molly Lawton
Morgan Knight
Natalia Bates
Nevieve Brophy
Niamh Hamilton-Jukes
Nicole Van Geems
Nirvana Muscat
Nohar Dagan
Noora Khaled
Nora Stellini
Olivia Arnold
Olivia Chaplin
Olivia Hardy
Olivia Kaiser
Olivia Schofield
Peyton Seymour
Phoebe Bennett
Polly Vere
Poppy Berry
Poppy Whittle
Rachel Mizzi
Rebecca Logan
Rebekah Kenwright
Riana Bajada
Romilly Sibley
Rosemarie Tabone
Ruby Bell
Ruby Clarke
Saadgee Singh
Saidi Partridge
Sian Jennifer Edwards
Sienna Cremona
Sienna Renwick
Soha Serajzadeh
Sophie Ellis
Sophie Gill
Sophie Howard
Sophie Taylor
Talisha Bajarias
Teresa Mathew
Tisya Panigrahi
Trinity Briden-Jones
Tuleen Awad
Tvisha Gambhir
Vasilisa Konovalova
Victoria Millington
Yana Azzopardi
Yara Matta
Zara Matthews
Zoe Cauchi

We are excited to announce that we’re joining the Let’s Dance campaign, taking place next on 2 March 2025. This is a fantastic initiative spearheaded by Angela Rippon. Angela’s journey on Strictly Come Dancing highlighted to her the incredible benefits of regular dancing, and now she’s on a mission to get the whole nation dancing! This campaign is all about making dance accessible to everyone, with a focus on encouraging people to embrace the joy and health benefits of dancing.
More information and ideas are coming soon as to what a Let’s Dance event might look like.
We know the more we dance, the better we will all be — as individuals and as an organisation. So, let’s get the nation dancing.