7 minute read
Tim embarked on biohacking or as he prefers to call it, health optimisation when he was sick and tired, literally, of recurring UTI’s. After many doctor visits and courses of antibiotics, he wanted to solve the root of the problem which his doctor was unable to. He did this by tracking symptoms and researching, he also saw a functional practitioner who revealed the pain was due to a gut imbalance and oxalates found in some foods. So, in other words biohacking is delving into the cause of a problem and addressing it naturally, instead of automatically just traditionally medicating it and masking the problem. A simple example is if you have a headache, have a few glasses of water before a pain killer, you could just be dehydrated. As Tim explained “it’s a systems thinking approach to optimising your health, so if you have pelvic pain issues, don’t go straight to doctor, figure out why you have pelvic pain, maybe try yoga”. The crux is to be diagnostic, so if you have bad sleep, wear a sleep tracker which would tell you how much deep sleep you are having. Tracking takes away guess work and easy knee jerk prescriptions, the data gives you or a host of practitioners something to work with.
‘Hacking Planet Earth’ Thomas M. Kostigen
For decades scientists and environmentalists have spoken of the effects of global warming. We are now past the tipping point. As floods, storms, and extreme temperatures become our daily reality.
Thomas went to the frontlines of geoengineering projects that scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and other visionaries around the world are developing to solve the problems associated with global warming. “My book is based in rigorous science and all the methodologies that are in it are backed by serious scientists who have certain solutions,” Thomas said.
‘Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation and Eat Like the HighPerforming Human You Were Meant to be’
Dave Asprey
For more than a decade, the Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey has shared his unique point of view and expertise to help fans become the best versions of themselves. From living longer to getting smarter, maximising performance to practising mindfulness, Dave’s followers look to him for his take on the most effective techniques to become healthier and more powerful than most doctors think is possible.
In Fast This Way, Dave asks readers to forget everything they think they know about the ancient practice and takes them on a journey through cutting-edge science to examine the ways novice fasters and Intermittent Fasting loyalists can up-end their relationship with food and upgrade their fasting game beyond calorie restriction.
Stress is a huge factor and starting point for a number of illnesses. A form of biohacking can be as simple as a walk in nature or meditation or listing three things you are grateful for each day. Another stress reliever is give someone you love a hug, your body will release oxytocin, the hormone that helps you relax and can lower blood pressure. Biohacking isn’t just fixing a problem it is also preventing them day to day, through diet for example. David Asprey aka the ‘father of biohacking’ invented the bulletproof coffee; a beverage of coffee, butter, and brain octane oil, the benefits include a shaper brain, happier outlook and better physical performance. He promotes devices that restrict blood flow which speed up muscle growth, glasses that block out blue light that can stress your brain and promotes intermittent fasting and cold showers, the latter two of which have been promoted historically of course. Some biohacks are transhumanist for example a chip placed under your skin to collect data or even pay for your shopping, which understandably for many is a step too far. In essence, biohacking is listening to your body and treating it using the widely accessible sources of information, devices and practitioners. If you don’t have any ailments, keep yourself at your premium by keeping informed.
The world is smaller, faster and more connected. And we are better informed than ever before. The way we live, work and play is in constant flux. Trends come and go …
But one development is here to stay: our preoccupation with health. Indeed this has grown into a megatrend. We now consider good health synonymous with quality of life. Achieving and maintaining wellbeing and vigour is simply part of the world’s lifestyle. We’re all attracted by the idea of preventing ill-health, down-ageing, the slow culture, digital health … It all adds up to a growing international movement towards greater health awareness and a willingness to take personal responsibility for maintaining holistic health. This means devoting time to optimising our potential, and that includes in our leisure time.
And that’s where IQcure® comes in.
IQcure® is a franchise pioneer with a unique health concept based on prevention and regeneration. It is a tried and tested brand based on the knowledge of an experienced Healthness Group boasting over 40 years’ experience and more than 2,500 projects worldwide. Revive your portfolio with a holistic franchise model that provides a valuable and sustainable approach to the rapidly growing market of health conscious consumers.
We all know that unhelpful dietary habits, insufficient exercise and frequent overload lead to lifestyle diseases that are preventable. That doesn’t mean we know how to change things for the better, so it helps to have a highlyskilled, IQcure-trained, team on hand to help break these cycles and change habits sustainably.
IQcure® focuses on the fact that people need peace, quiet and a relaxing environment; interpersonal relationships; resilience for any crises ahead; inner strength to help them deal with private and professional issues; and, of course, mindfulness … because to be fully healthy we need the ability to rediscover the here and now; to understand our needs and live authentically.
What Sets IQcure® Apart?
IQcure® support their guests sustainably and holistically – in every phase of life. A stay at an IQcure® resort focuses on prevention and regeneration – based on the all-important IQcure® health concept: a groundbreaking combination of diagnostics; conventional and complementary treatments; innovative and bespoke nutrition programmes; sophisticated exercise concepts with instructors, coaches and physiotherapists. Perfect for a medically supervised time out at a luxury resort.
Staying healthy and fit into old age and actively improving your lifestyle are the core messages of the IQcure® philosophy.
A Strategy for Holistic Health.
Constantly busy, stressed and overworked, we can fail to pay attention to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Sleep disorders, digestive problems, back issues, migraines, overweight and obesity are just some of the resulting lifestyle disorders. The demand for treating these complaints is here to stay and will undoubtedly increase in the future.
IQcure® supports people in re-establishing and maintaining harmony between themselves, their own needs and the world around them. The IQcure® strategy for helping us achieve sustainable health for mind, body and soul is based on innovative diagnostics, holistic treatments, healthy nutrition, guided exercise and high performance management.
Naturally, you’ll find IQcure® resorts in settings that boast a harmonious atmosphere, pristine environment and breathtaking natural scenery – perfect for downtime devoted to resting, resetting and regenerating.
IQcure® leads the way in project and strategy development and operational organisation, as well as adopting responsibility for sales to international target markets in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, through network partners and an academy, IQcure® is pioneering HR education and training. If you’d like to be part of this forward looking approach to health why not contact us? www.iqcure.com
Our diagnostic and therapeutic devices are unique in the world and were developed to help our guests achieve greater wellbeing and a better quality of life.
IQcure® is the beating heart of health and wellbeing: The IQcure® health programme combines scientifically monitored, state-of-theart preventive, regenerative and energetic medicine with healthy eating and sleeping, detox programmes, weight loss, holistic antiageing concepts, fitness for body and mind, and much more.
During a consultation at the beginning of your stay, you and your physician devise a personalised programme aimed at improving either your performance or your health. Exclusive diagnostic and therapeutic methods activate the body’s energy, while a fine-tuned diet and exercise programme and stunning natural setting contribute to your holistic rest and regeneration.
IQcure® rests on scientific findings and was developed in cooperation with medical experts.