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Creating space
The do’s and don’ts of creating living space
By Natasha Parrant
People often wonder how to open up space in their homes, especially in their living rooms because more space often makes a living space look tidier, allowing homeowners and guests to move around the room more easily.
Here are some dos and don’ts with opening up space, particularly in the lounge area.
A few different references touch on various ways people should and shouldn’t create more space in their homes.
Housely.com advises homeowners to have:
1. Mirrors
Do: hang a mirror as it makes a space feel more spacious as it reflects light and creates an illusion of spaciousness. Hang one or two mirrors in your lounge or near a window.
If it’s close to the windows, it’s more likely to reflect the light, the wall colour, and décor, which makes the room feel bigger.
Don’t: have a small mirror/s because it doesn’t help make the room feel big. Ensure the mirror/s are big, tall and strong so they don’t fall either.
2. Furniture
Do: have furniture around like a couch, TV, dining table or coffee table, and/or maybe a chair in the living room as this will help the house feel homely and cosy. Also, try to space out the furniture, so it’s not too close/touching one another.
Don’t: have lots of furniture, causing the space to feel enclosed and cluttered.
According to idealhome.co.uk, there are other things people should consider to make a room look spacious and stylish.
3. Make elements blend together with colour palettes
Do: pick a colour for the lounge. Homeowners should choose colours they like and can try to colour co-ordinate with other things in their lounge like a dining table cloth, which could match with the cushions on the couch, the rug, or the kitchen.
Don’t: use too many colours or different tones of the same colour because it becomes overwhelming and takes the attention away from the spaciousness.
4. Huge rug
Do: include an oversized rug to form an idea that the rug becomes a room of its own, different from the dining or kitchen area in the same space. Choose a rug with nice patterns to match the graphic shapes and patterns already used in the area.
Don’t: have a small rug even if it suits the colour scheme. Get a large, comfortable-looking rug, big enough to be placed under furniture like a coffee table, TV and TV stand, another chair, and/ or a couch.
Culturesouthwest.org.uk suggests:
5. Simple decoration
Do: use a table and couch in the living room with some cushions, a couch throw, paintings, and even plants, which will look good together. If you have neutralcoloured walls then use bright décor to keep the room looking funky, lively and open.
Don’t: overdo it. When someone has a small room, it’s best to not overdecorate because the room will look smaller than it already is. Don’t have more than three furniture pieces if the room is already too small. Simple and less will go a long way.
6. Storage
Do: store storage in drawers, on a table, or on the shelves, if needed, because having some storage spaces can make the room look homely, tidy and spacious. Storage spaces should be used to the homeowner’s benefit. For instance, blend the storage in with the décor; have plants, books, and other things on the shelves to look decorative and deliberate.
Don’t: have things lying everywhere. Use furniture to hide storage rather than have things lying around.