1 minute read
Are you at risk of melanoma?
Did you know that New Zealand has the highest rate of melanoma in the world? Every day, around 7 New Zealanders are diagnosed with melanoma - it’s the most serious form of skin cancer and it can quickly become deadly.1,2
That’s why MoleMap’s proven skin-mapping system is designed to detect skin cancers such as melanoma early – when it’s most treatable.3
We check. And double-check.
With MoleMap you get two sets of expert eyes examining any moles of concern: a trained Melanographer and an experienced specialist Dermatologist.
Fewer scars.
Fewer scares.
Because MoleMap can more accurately identify melanoma, there is less need to surgically remove benign (harmless) moles.1
Early detection makes a difference.
Early melanoma detection offers a nearly 100% chance of survival within 5 years. That’s why it’s always worth checking.
0800 665 362 | molemap.co.nz
3. https://www.melanoma.org.nz/early-detection