2 minute read
Day-to-day asbestos management
1. Identify if asbestos is present
Identifying asbestos or ACM in the workplace [WorkSafe] is the first step for managing asbestos exposure risk.
How to identify asbestos:
• If your building was built prior to 1 January 2000 it is likely to contain asbestos-containing material (ACM) and you could assume that your school building contains asbestos
• You could follow the WorkSafe Approved Code of Practice Guidance to identify what is likely to contain asbestos
• You could consider training your staff to better understand how to identify asbestos
• Or you can employ a surveyor to assess your building.

Where asbestos has been identified by a Surveyor or it is assumed to exist in a school, your school needs to have an asbestos management plan in place.
2. Producing an Asbestos Management Plan
If you identify or assume the presence of asbestos in your school, an asbestos management plan is required. An asbestos management plan sets out how the identified asbestos or ACM will be managed.
You do not need to engage a surveyor to prepare your asbestos management plan. You can create your own asbestos management plan as long as you follow WorkSafe guidance.
All asbestos management plans must be in writing. They can be in hard copy or electronic form, as long as the legally required information outlined above is included.
If the condition of the identified or assumed asbestos changes then you need to alter the Asbestos Management Plan accordingly.
3. Recording asbestos risks in your hazard and risk register
To ensure that any potential risks arising from asbestos are proactively managed, it is important that details are included in your school’s hazard and risk register and the information is maintained and updated. The hazard and risk register should detail whether any asbestos or ACM has been identified or assumed and if so, it should refer to an Asbestos Management Plan which will contain detailed information about the location, condition, quantity and monitoring plan for asbestos or ACM.
Ensure you monitor the area regularly and have a process in place in case unexpected asbestos is found.
You should provide the hazard and risk register to any contractors undertaking work within your school.
4. Communicating asbestos information
Ensure asbestos information, including the Asbestos Management Plan and Hazard and Risk Register, is accessible to staff and provided to all contractors undertaking work at your school.
5. Monitoring asbestos condition
You should schedule regular inspections of asbestos or ACM and record any changes to the condition in your Asbestos Management Plan.
Content provided courtesy of the Ministry of Education. For more information, visit: www.education.govt.nz.
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