2 minute read
7.2 Maintenance plan and strategy
Visitor Centre of Knaresborough
• WEED CONTROL:Throughout the aftercare period keep all shrub planting areas weed free. For woodland planting keep an area of 1 m. in diameter around each planting station in a weed free condition. This may be achieved by regular cultivation, minimum 3 times in growing season . • STAKES, TREES, SHRUBS AND TIES: All stakes, trees and shrubs shall be maintained in firm positions . • REPLACEMENTS: Plants that fail to thrive, are removed, uprooted or destroyed or die during the aftercare period will be replaced with equivalent plants as soon as possible during the following planting season. • TOP DRESSING: At the commencement of the second growing season apply evenly a general fertiliser with a ratio of 10:6:6 NPK at the rate of 56 gm. over the area of each standard tree pit. Time of year: March or April. • LOOSE PLANTS: Refirm surrounding soil, without compacting. • THINNING: Most before the canopy closure (5-15years). • PRUNING: Cutting the lover branches of trees will provide greater structural diversity and allowing more light come to a ground level, encouraging field layer vegetation to establish (30%) • COPPICING : Some stands will have be managed as coppice. Cutting in rotations to maintain structural diversity of the ride and woodland canopy. • RIDE MAINTENANCE: Shrubs coppicing in rotations along sections of the woodland edge during the winter every 8-20 years, tall herbs every 3-4 years in rotations. Central area of turf moving 1 or 2 times a year. Cutting in Autumn or spring ( Allow plants to set seeds and insects to complete life cycle) • DEADWOOD: Leaving some of the Deadwood to support a wide range of wildlife species.
• Considering to enriching closed woodland canopy areas with missing key species. • Introducing woodland shade in the stage of closed canopy. • Cut back aggressive species nurture slow growing ones by providing light within canopy .
Leeds South Bank
Design of the South Bank river Air waterfront activation in Leeds is adapted for people of all ages, cyclists and people with mobility difficulties, including flood control system, appropriate site drainage and natural barriers limiting pollution and noise from surrounding traffic. The idea behind this multi-use city square park is based on geometric lines and include the concept of restoration of the natural shorelines.
Photoshop rendered sketch
Concept bubble diagram The site will bring many opportunities for relaxation and recreation and contains various open and enclosed spaces with attractive views. The character of existing buildings within the area will create a good texture and colour relationship with proposed greenery and implementations. Designed space is well connected with the South bank, new proposed pedestrian bridge and the Northside of Leeds. The area is divided into a waterfront activation boardwalk, picnic and play area, water park and beer garden of Old Red Lion pub.
Physical model E-W Waterfront activation program cross section