Here is the House to hold me

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Here is the House to hold me
Here is the House to hold me

The 10th Anniversary of the Linking Worlds Project

© 2024, Knara Agasaryan; Elin Babcock; Magdalena Brzezinska; Carmen Camilleri; Robin Cox; Edward Cromarty; Dmitry Finozhenok; Jim Fleckenstein; Michael Gibson; Elisabeth Granli; Romina Guerra; Judith Gutlerner; Aki Halme; Abeer Hassan; Elżbieta Hetman; Iwona Hetman-Pawlaczyk; Yulia Ivanova; Anthony Kolasny; Agneta M. Lindh; Anna Łosińska; Dexter Mac; Sole Afra Martinez; Lia Mastrodonato; Guðný Sigridur Olafsdottir; Renske Oort; Mieke van Os; Ola Porebska; Sayafika; Sonia Roychowdhury; Peter Sansom; Cathy Silk; Arevhat Simonyants; William Strnad III; Julia Teplova; Zita Toth; Dąbrówka Ujec; Natasha Vanderlinden; Simona Vasilache; Cynthia Willett

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.

The title of the volume was inspired by Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman’s The Housewife.

©CoverArt: Yulia Ivanova Poznan, Poland

20. 10. 2024


The10thanniversaryofourprojectissomewhattricky Lastyear,we published our 10th volume on the ninth anniversary because there were two projects in the first year (2015) So, this is our true 10th anniversary,andit’sincredibletohavelivedtowitnessit.

It all began with Cynthia Willett’s remarkable art project where participants were asked to express how we all live under the same ancientskies.Bytheway,theprojectevenjourneyedtospaceaboard the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft and landed on asteroid Bennu! I still find thatmind-blowing.

I loved Cynthia’s unifying and inspiring idea. For a long time, I had been a creator too shy to share my art, poetry, and prose with the world.Cynthiaencouragedme,andIwillbeforevergratefultoherfor that. Following that nudge, I instinctively sensed there might be others out there likeme: eager to create,collaborate, and makethis worldabetterplace,howeverclichédthatmightsound.

They say you don’t choose your family. Yet in 2015, I opened my metaphoricalhome(thethemeofthisedition)tomyclosefriendsby invitingthemtoparticipateinthefirstcollaborativeproject,titledThe Linking Words. Over the years, nearly 90 contributors have become eitherpermanentortemporaryresidentsofthehome,eachleavingan indelible mark and shaping the project into something unique, extraordinary,andinclusive AgnetaMLindhdubbedtheproject“The LinkingWorlds,”andthenameseemssofitting!

Once, an acquaintance condescendingly remarked that the participantswere“theproject’sonlyaudience.”Well,I’mnotsorryto disappointhim AccordingtoIssuu’sstatistics,ourvolumeshavebeen read over 5,000 times, including in countries with no participants, such as Nicaragua, Paraguay, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Georgia.

I want to sincerely thank all the participants and readers for the wonderfuldecade!

Elisabeth Granli, Norway/USA

tell me tell me, with your musings and pondering how to build a home, a loving place architects, builders, and interior designing build structure, a dwelling, a pleasant space but a home is a creation from different matter the home is created from a joining of souls mingling and harmonizing their personalities it is living beyond their physical mold creating a history and recalling of stories providing a feeling of affection when retold

La Donna, Mieke van Os
94 (h) x 74 (b) x 4 (d) cm
acrylic, tempera, marker, wax, varnish on canvas, floating frame in traffic black, ready to hang, 2023


I’m coming home hang my coat on the coat rack free myself from my worries look into your eyes attract your love: at home!

At home, where I loose myself in a book, get goosebumps from a song that crawls under my skin. A place where it is nice to be from time to time, to be alone every now and then, where nothing necessary needs to be done, where you feel a close friendship, where the outside world comes in.

At home, where expectations just walk in, without knocking, brazenly, pretending they belong there. Where the day takes you by surprise and spins a web of possibilities and future visions.

At home, where the windows provide a view of the world: an unknown place, a distant city, another country where you can relax on holiday, sit on the edge of a fountain, light a candle for a loved one in an old church, or play a board game in pleasant company. Where you take time to relax, unhurried, in a world where everything and everyone moves.

Essential, Lia Mastrodonato, Italy/Germany

Mixed media, charcoal and acrylic on paper

At home, the word keeps haunting my head, asking: when is something your home?

Why do you say ‘at home’ and not just ‘at my house’? Home is not in the bricks of my house, it’s in my head, in my parents, in my brothers and sister, in my love, in shared history.

At home, the scent of comfort and security, a place with sad and especially happy memories, one that embraces me with warm words, loving moments, own stories and living past, attached to my soul.

At home, it has brought me to where I’m today, wherever life has led me and wherever I’m going. It fills a heart with love, here and now, there and later. That matters, that determines my life, that’s life.

At home, there are so many valuable things in all the days after all these years, even if life bites you in the back for a moment and there are setbacks from time to time.

There is so much encompassed in the word ‘THUIS’ (at home), where time seems to slow down and the world seems to hold its breath, stands still.

Elżbieta Hetman, Poland


Wherever you are

Home is in your own body

An asylum for your private thoughts

An independent means of transport

A solid foundation and cement

A secluded island and a vast ocean

A comfortable bed and a roof over your head

A milky lamp and a soft rug

You give someone a substitute for home

When you smile sincerely

When you notice another person

When you bend over an animal's fate

You carry it inside you for the rest of your life

Share it generously with the address found

In the right person

Rainbow Palms in Full Acrylic

My Dreamscape Oasis

Beneath the shade of palms that dance, In hues of gold and green are radiant plants, At home I find, though strange it seems, They’re painted in the colors of my dreams.

Each leaf a whisper, soft and low, In pinks and blues that gently glow, The world outside may rage and storm, Yet home, in light, the heart grows warm.

No grand estate with gilded walls, No marble halls where echo calls, But peace, my friend, in every beam, A tapestry of light and sheen.

The wind, a sigh, the air so sweet, Where skies and lakes and heaven meet, In this small grove, my soul takes flight, Bathed in a prism’s soft delight.

So let the world its riches chase, And toil in vain for fleeting grace. For here, beneath these rainbow trees, I’ve found my home, and sweet release.

Yulia Ivanova, Russia





Shecommandeeredthekitchen,cookingandbakingmultipledishesatonce. She’sdelegatingminor jobstome,greatresponsibility!Smallhandsarecapableofintricatedumplingmaking,thesmallerthe moreskillsondisplay. Theprogressisslow,she’shuffingimpatiently,ifitwasn’tforthemyriadof foodsshehastoprepare,she’dhavetakenover.

Thentherearethefloorstopolish,withaspecialpaste,awhiffofit,andthereisnodoubtthatthings aregettingserious. Righthand,swish,swish,tired,lefthand,swish,swish,untilthehallisshinyand slick,nowquick,afewslidesalongthewholelength,beforeIamdiscoveredanddirectedtothenext task.

Washyourhands,glancingtowardsthecarpfish,swimminginthebathtub,don’tmakefriendswith them,they’llbestarringinthecelebratorysupper,andyouwon’tbeabletoswallowamorselofyour friend.

TimetoputuptheChristmastree! TheassemblyisDad’sjob,heneedstosecurethetopwithnylon threadsandanchorinthreepoints,Ican’twatchthebalancingactonthewobblyladder. I’llbeback whentheboxesareout,thetreasurerevealed. Wehavesomethingveryspecial–decorationshe broughtfromabroad,fromEast,themostunique. Theyaretinylikegrapes,miniatureglasslanterns, figurines,intricatemushrooms. Theygoonthehighestbranches,nearthetop,andbiggerbaublesare lower.

Notimetoplay,thesolemnsupperisfinallystarting. Allthefranticactivity,thetensionsubsides. GraduallyoverChristmasMumrelaxes,familyvisitsdecreaseandmylittlefriendsfromupstairscan comevisit.

Weareprincessesfromneighbouringkingdoms,eachwearingadifferentcolouroftinselshawland holdingamatchingsceptre–bauble. Weadmirelonginglythetinydecorationsonthetopofthetree, toohightoreach.

Theno-man’stime–thedaystillNewYeararethebest. Wearepatientlywaiting,playingnicely, knowingthatthemomentwillcomewhenwearehomealone!

Twotinymushroomfigurinesbrokeoffoftheirthreads. Tooprecioustodiscard,stashedforthisvery moment. Parentsaren’t,timetoplay:


Thefourofus,inthedarkness,onallfours,onthefloor,earscovered. Ithrowthemushroomshighup intheairandcovermyearstoeliminatemyadvantageofhearingwheretheyfell. Wedescendonthe “forestfloor”tofindthem,makingaruckus,likeacavalrychargewithoursharpknees.

Silentnightisnomore,notformydownstairsneighbour,whocanonlywithstandmaybefourgames, beforeshecomesupstairs,knockingonmydoor,askingforparents,tocomplain. Sheclaimsher chandelierisviolentlyshakingandtheycan’thearTV! Wedeny.


I'veneverbeenthekindofpersonwhoisattachedtoaplace-myhomeis anywherewhereIfeelsafeandcanfindnicepeopletochatwith.

Homehasalwaysbeenaboutthepeoplearoundandtheconfidencethat thesepeoplearethereforme.Thethingis...theystartedleaving.Those whoseeyesareshutatthedrawing,theywereobservingmedrawingitfrom upabove.Therearetwomoreofthemnow,whoseeyesareshut.

Homeiswhat'sinyourheart.Italsoincludesthepain.I'mlearningtolive withitnow.

Artandproseby Julia Teplova, Ukraine/UK

Home sweet Home...

What makes you feel home?

When you are not alone. Even if you are hard, as a stone, You need to have someone to answer the phone.

What makes a house your home?

When it is cosy and warm. If you feel loved and cared for, It's impossible to be scared.

What makes a flat your home?

When you can hide there in the storm. If you have understanding inside, Happiness, care, and joy will pour outside.

Who makes you feel home?

Family, kids, and parents are your comfort zone. When you have peace and quiet, Good health in body and mind.

What makes you feel home?

When you are not alone...


Artandpoetryby Arevhat Simonyants, Uzbekistan

Maltaismyhome.I'vetravelledtoalotofplacesaroundtheworldthatare farbiggerthanourtinyislandinthemiddleoftheMediterraneanSea,but MaltaistheplaceIcallhome.

ThetopmostpictureisofGozo,oursisterislandtowhichIescapefromthe maddeningcrowd.

Then,inthemiddle,thereisatypicalMaltesewindow,thetraditional louveredwindows.

ThebottommostisMdina,ourfirstfortresscity.Therewegoforawalkin summertoenjoythebreezeonitsromanticoldroads.

Artandproseby Carmen Camilleri, Malta

She took her son by the hand and said: it’s you and me. Trust in ustrust is Our Home. Miles and miles down the road, it's still true. Their hearts are their four walls, their hearth and their haven.

Artandpoetryby Agneta M. Lindh, Sweden
Guðný Sigridur Olafsdottir, Iceland

My Childhood Playground

Welivedonthesteepbankofthestream.Threefour-storyhousesinthe middleofnothing.Theschoolwasthreekilometersalongtheroadortwo throughtheforest.Theschoolbusdidnotstopatourstop,itonlytookthose wholivedfaraway.

Forthelittleones,theirplayareawasthelineofsightoftheirmothers watchingoverthem.Forus,thesizeofthedevelopedspacewaslimitedonly byourabilitytoreturnintimefordinner.

Theforest,whichseemedendless,stubbornstreams,slowchannels,anda riverwithabeautifulname,likethedaughterofaViking,Ulla,runningto meethersisterEssa,werethearenaofourgames.Hazelthicketsandlarge strawberryfields,guardedbycountlessswarmsofmosquitoes–ourbuffets.

Weplayedontheiceoffrozenriversandwenttomeetthebirthof caddisflies.Steepsandybanksbecameclimbingwalls,andtheirgentler brotherswereplaceswhereeveryonebecameBobBeamon.

Thedeepfurrowsleftbythetanktracksservedusaslong,pairedsledruns. Thenetworkofasphaltroadsthatintersectedmilitaryunitswasbikepaths. Thishugeworldwaswaitingforus.Therewasroomforeveryone:for friendlygroups,andforme,aquietintrovert.

Gibson, USA


Who Will I Be Today

I am Alexander Bay. How do you do? I have a story. May I share it with you?

One day all was fine. The next it was not. One day I am free. Now I'm in one spot. Coronavirus with a curve and a spike. It is a long word that I do not like.

My school is all closed. My teachers gone home. I had lots of friends. Now I'm alone. My park was so crowded. I waited to swing. Now it is empty. Not one human being.

I will think for myself. A hard and long thought. When nothing is open. Nothing is bought. What can I do with what I have here. Something will come. It will appear.

Out of the blue, I know what to do.

I am a builder, house building every day. I build houses in the home where I stay. The living room corner today will do fine. You can build a house, too, something like mine.

I am a builder of a blanket house today. How do I do it you might wish to say? The piano is not long. It is quite tall. My house is my size. It is quite small.

I stretch the blanket from piano to stool. It will be my home. It will be my school. A green string holds up the pictures I drew. I drew them myself. You can draw, too.

I am a builder, house building every day. I build a house in the home where I stay.

Yulia Ivanova, Russia

I have my lunch on a mat that is blue. My animals and heroes eat with me, too. Now I am sleeping. Can not move about. Some of me inside, some of me out.

Who will I be tomorrow?

I have a dream. Be a cook. To the kitchen I go with my recipe book. Tomorrow is here. What will I do? I have a dream. I hope it comes true.

Blanket House Building Materials

One blanket

Put over a table or chairs or piano and stool

One long string and safety pins

Pin string to the blanket

Pin art to the string to make the Gallery of Art

Inside the blanket house a pillow and friends of your choice for company. a place to read a place to work on numbers a flashlight if it is dark a place to eat and drink a place to sleep and dream.

Babcock, USA

Sole Afra Martinez, Argentina

Den in the Stars

The snow-covered den saw the birth of a bear

Warmth and milk, his sleeping mother's love

The small cub was safe and content in heart

All was well in his small snoring home

The cub did not know of the sky or the stars

The den was as cozy as it was dark

Warm spring invites the bears from the dark

Feasts the mother while plays the young bear

He’s learning new skills and to follow his stars

Back rubbing on trees, many new things to love

Sweet honey raided from buzzing bees’ home

He rolls in the flowers and holds one to his snout

Time matures, and so does the hero with a snout

The brave growing bear has no fear for the dark

He quests for a mate, wants to start a new home

With the one of his dreams, the perfect she-bear

The one whose hugs make one dizzy with love

The one whose eyes outshine all stars

Tender moments seen only by the stars

Two bears together, fur pressing on fur

New life finds a beginning in their ursine love

Soon days become brief, nights frosty and dark

Fair twins the drowsy mother will bear

The prospect of cubs adds new meaning to home

Majestic and regal. The whole forest is his home

Soft fern floor, pine walls, the ceiling a canopy of stars

To wander alone is the lot of King Bears

High in the trees are the marks of his claws

He’s sure of his strength. His spirit is wild but not dark

He watches the sunsets over the woods that he loves

Magdalena Brzezinska, Poland

Time reshapes his majesty’s love

Younger bears contend for the throne of his home

He lives in his dreams and they comfort in the dark

The voice of ancient bears calls strong from the stars

Generations of great ones with their eternal paws

The best adventure yet awaits the old bear

He lived true, he loved strong, and gazed on the stars

Bright is his next home as light fills his fond heart

When the night sky is dark, he’s one with the Great Bear


(A fairy tale told to a grandson before going to bed)

“Granny, why does your house have such big windows?”

“To see the whole wide world better, dear.”

“And Gran, why are the doors so wide?”

“To always stay open for friends who wish to visit us.”

“And why do you need such a large oven in the kitchen?”

“To cook hearty meals for everyone, and to keep the house warm.”

“Granny, why are your hands so big?”

“To hold you close, my love, and never let you go.”

Art and poetry by Dąbrówka Ujec, Poland/The Netherlands

Sayafika, Japan

Yourchildrenreflectthekindofhometheycomefrom.Iftheyarepolite,havegoodmanners, andarewellbehaved,theypresentagoodpictureofthehometheylivein.Beingthemother ofa10-month-oldson,Iwasveryconscioustoremainpleasant,patientandavoidusing profanity.Iwantedtosetthebestexampleforhim.Myyoungsonwasjustlearninghowto speakandmaketheconnectionsbetweenwordsandmeanings.Hecouldn’twalkyet,buthe wasabletosayafewwords.

IthappenedonelateafternoonasIwasscramblingtomakehimlunch.Wehadgottenhome latefromshoppingandIwastired.Meanwhile,mysonwassittinginhishighchair,bibon, bangingthetopofthetrayandwantingtoeat.Iwasbusystirringthemacaroniandcheese, peas,andapplesauceinhishotplate.Iwashungrytoo,andcouldhardlywaitforhimtoeatso Icouldgrabsomethingmyself.Hebeganbanginghisfeetagainstthechair.Hewantedhis food!Hesmelledthedeliciousodorofhisbelovedmac&cheese,andcouldhardlywaittoeat it.Myhandswereshakyatthispoint,andIwasanxioustofeedhimandcalmhimdown.I hastilypulledtheplugoutfromthehotplate.Theforceofitpulledmeback,tiltedtheplate and,youguessedit!…Thefoodwentflyingeverywhere,spillingalloverthekitchencounter, thefloor,thewalls,andtheceiling.Therewereyellowstickynoodleseverywhere,eveninmy hair,andthoselittlepeasrolledundereveryimaginablesurface. Thatwasmyson‘slunch!I wouldhavetomakeupawholenewpotofmac&cheese,whichwouldtakeatleastahalf hour.

ThedespairandhorrorofwhatIjustdidexplodedwithmeasthefoodwentflying. Withtearsinmyeyes,Ismackedmyhandagainstthekitchencounterandyelled“Damn!”I expectedmysontostartcryingaswell,butinstead,themostunexpectedreactionoccurred! Mysondissolvedintothemosthysterical,joyouspeelsoflaughterIhaveeverheard! Hekept hittinghishandonhishighchairtray,yelling,“Damn!”thenlaughingagain.Heimitatedmy behavioroverandoveragain.Eachtimehedid,helaughedevenharder.Iwassosurprisedat hisreaction,butalsorelievedtorealizeIhadthetimetorecookhislunch.Helaughedand laughedfortheentirehalf-hourittooktoremakeit.Afterwards,hewasexhaustedand blissfullytookanap.

Afewweekswentby.OnedayItookhimshoppingwithmeagain.Itwasalwayschallenging tocheckoutthefood,tounloadtheshoppingcartfilledwithgrocerieswhichwasalwaysnext tothecandydisplays.Hewasgrabbingthecandy, IwastellinghimtoputitdownwhileIwas unloadingthecart.Iwasinahurrytounloadthegroceriessowecouldleavebeforehe grabbedmorechewinggum.Asaresultofsuchhaste,oneoftheitemsIremovedslippedout ofmyhandandfell.Itbrokeopenanditscontentsspilledeverywhere. Iwasembarrassed, butthenIbecameevenmoreembarrassedwhenIheardmysonyell“Damn!”thenleanover inthecarttoslaphishanddownontheconveyorbeltanddissolveintopeelsoflaughter.“ Damn,damn,damn……”hekeptshoutingontopofhislungs!Peopleinthestoreturnedtosee whowasshoutingsuchprofanityatsuchayoungage.Iwasmortified.Whatkindofhomedid peoplethinkIhad?Whatkindofmotherraiseshersontousesuchwords?Irushedoutofthe supermarketandneverreturnedagainhopingnoonerecognizedme.

Lookingback,ahalf-centuryago,Icanappreciatethehumorinthissituation,lookingatit frommyson‘spointofview.Itwasalsoimpressivethathewasabletounderstandthatthis wasasimilarsituationasmespillinghisfoodathome.Ialsoappreciateintheendhowour homewasthekindwherelaughterwasencouraged,aswellasanoccasionalstrayprofanity. Ihavefinallygonebacktothatsupermarket.



Daily song ignites the tender fire anew, weaving wills, tears, and laughter that rise. A mammal’s cradle holds us close and true, a promise of eternal peace, our prize. Why does the valley burn with shadows deep? The echo of our games is lost and hollow, the endless night breaks our trembling feet, under the bitter rain of despair and sorrow. Yet, doubt transforms, filling the earth with signs, soft murmurs and fruits of hope’s embrace, adorning the garden where our courage lies. An endless fountain of wisdom does flow, that at the sacred fire makes us face a truth: live and love, and fear no more.

Artandpoetryby Romina Guerra Alvarez, Chile

Home is where the heart is And my heart is anywhere they are. My small family, my world, my life. Home is a feeling, a need, a shelter. May everyone find home, peace, and love. Wherever and whenever can that be.

Artandlyricalproseby Abeer Hassan, Egypt


Home is where the heart is – they say, But what has such great power? To imprint on us those that lay

As the foundations of our Rootedness?

And are these static? Can they change? Are they chosen or rather found?

Oh, how mysterious, how strange Are the intricacies around Human hearts.

A country? A building? A place? The people who mean for us Acceptance, assurance of peace? Who cherish, value, guide and thus Make us thrive?

It may be some or all of these.

But - however they may appearTheir presence in your life means There’s something you need to hear: You are blessed. 2024

����������������������(����������������) clayandhydrocal,16x15x10inches (40.64x38x25cm)2024

Cynthia Willett, USA

Inspired by

The Guest House – Jalaluddin Rumi

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

2024, Peter Sansom, The Netherlands

Wild tides whip and surge dislocating directions

Homeward routes splinter

Cathy Silk, The Netherlands

We are so small... the world is ours

Artandaphorismby Simona Vasilache, Romania/Japan
Guðný Sigridur Olafsdottir, Iceland

Nowhere Special

I'm a globetrotting nomad. I ain't got no home. If you ask from whence I hail Or what place I call my own, I'll just stare for a moment, Embarrassed and confused, "What's that mean? I dunno what! Can I be, excused?" 'cause the truth is when you say: "home" and "from" Very likely in your brain They are a simple unison. But for me, nothin' doing! Do I have to spell it out? Every stage. Of my life. Parallels. A re-route. And not only that, But the spans in-between... Lay fractured by disruption And a major change of scene. And the cycle to "keep going" Rounds on me every few years; Though I've stayed put for a while now The wanderlust endures.

So with my heart flung in pieces ‘cross the whole wide massive globe, Where I'm “from” doesn't factor, Only where this thought arose: That 'here' are my people! They accept me as I am! I don't fit into their culture; I don't live their social plan. But they greet me with a welcome So sincere I almost cry (which I do, when the time comes, to say that last goodbye).

And I leave with a feeling In my bones identified,

Magdalena Brzezinska, Poland

To be homesickness incarnate, Boiled down and rarefied. It don’t matter that we're different In 'most every sort of way: Color, food, nation and accent, Or to whom or if we pray. What's important is the kindness That they show someone like me Who is homeless in an outland sense, Like one adrift at sea. And my desperate hope for these folks, For I feel as if they’re kin, Is that safety, joy, and comfort reign; Disaster never seen. So when you ask, "where you from?" Watch me smile, for since birth: I ain’t from nowhere special Just a place called Planet Earth.

At home in the world

I’vecometorealizethatahomeisnotaplace,butafeelingofbelonging Iwasanunplannedchild,butdespitethat,ormaybebecauseofit,Ifelt wantedbyGod,IfeltthatthisiswhereIwassupposedtobe. So,Itriedtofindahome.

Ihaven’thadarealhomesinceIwasaveryyounggirl,whenIwaslivingat mybelovedgrandparents’place.

SinceIgrewup,movedoutonmyownandlateronleftthecountry,Ihad36 differentaddresses.

Ineverfeltlikeanyoftheseplacesweremyrealhome. Iwashappyinsomeofthem,buttheywerealltemporary.


WasIallthistimesearchingforahome?Longingforahome? Butneverfindingit?

WasIaskingfortoomuch?Maybefindingaplacetocallhomewasnotfor meinthislife.

Then,overtimeIcametorealizethatfeelingathomehadmoretodowith thesenseofbelongingthanwiththeplaceitself.

Feelingwelcome.Havingapurpose.Andfilledwithlove. Itisnottheplacebuthowitmakesmefeelthatmakesitahome,evenifit’s justforashorttime.

Mymostpreciousmemoryoffeelingathomeisavisittoashelterfor childrenIvisitedinDhaka,Bangladesh.

Thesechildrenhadbeenrescuedfromtrafficking,homelessness,child marriageandallkindsofhorrificcircumstances.

But,thesechildrenwerejustlikeotherchildren,theylaughedandcried, wenttoschoolandplayedtogether.


Theyweresafefromharm,theyhadthecareoflovingadultsandeach other’sfriendship.


Thelastdayofmyvisit,oneofthegirlsranuptoaflowergardenontheroof topickaflowerforme,andthenrandownstairstogiveittome.

ItbroughttearstomyeyesandasIleft,Iwassogratefultohavegottena glimpseintotheirhome.

Photoandstoryby Elisabeth Granli, Norway/USA
Anna Łosińska, Poland

The Returning

Homecoming was hastened on the train

Last night as I slept, dreaming grey words

From buried family oral histories

Surrendered to the hemorrhage of war and my birth.

After eating soup and barley rice, Served in remembered steel bowls, I rise, And then with my pale tree-veined right hand

Open the weathered wooden gate of our childhood home.

Morning has scattered heavy white dew

Upon cosmos blooming by the road,

As the smoke of burning coal briquettes

Marries the yellowing rice paddies in the valley.

Magpies scream consonants to me

From withered poplar branches, posing questions above

Wide flat rocks at the whispering stream

Where our mother with other women washed the clothing.

A red dragonfly lands on my wrist,

Announcing descent from its long-dead ancestors

I would catch in my net and release

Where our father kept an ox with which we plowed the land.

There’s no answer to the magpies’ questions, No escape from the dragonfly’s fragile hold

On my guilt and elegiac art for this village

Where our unconceived siblings now call me by another name.

William Strnad, Poland

Dexter Mac, USA


Whatishome?Formostpeoplehomeisaplaceofsecurityandshelter.Aprivate placewhereonefeelscomfortable,welcome,andprotected.Ahavenwhereonecan goatanytimeforprivacy,safety,warmth,andemotionalcompassion.

However,Ididnotfeelcomfortablewiththisdescriptionofwhathome“should be”.Itseemedelitist,adescriptionofwhatmostpeopledesirehometobe,buta dreamexperiencedbyfew.Fortoomanypeoplehomeinvolveshunger,physicaland emotionalabuse,andthefinancialinsecurityofnotbeingabletoaffordaplacetolive. Therealitiesofdiscrimination,unemployment,poverty,andviolencepermeateglobal andlocalsocieties.Thehighcostoflivingofbasicservicessuchasmedicaltreatment, legalcare,foodprices,realestate,andeducationcanmakethesecurityassociated withhavingahomeanunachievabledream.Therealitiesofcrimeanddomestic violenceruinlives,andthetragediesofwarandfaminedestroyhope.

Mostpeopleinthewestliveinaculturethatespousesfreedom,equality,and opportunity.Themajorityofpeoplearehonest,wanttohelpbuildabetterworld,and desiretobeproductive.However,inequalitiesandlackofopportunitystillpermeate society.LivingintheUS,Icouldfocusonanoutdated,somewhatbarbariccapitalist system,butdespitethebiasedclaimsofright-wingpundits,theUSdoesnothavea capitalistsystem,ithasamixedeconomy. Still,thecostsofmedicalcareand insuranceareuntenable.Ifmedicalcarewasaffordable,wouldhealthinsuranceeven benecessary?Howcouldasocietythatclaimstobehumanenotprovideuniversal healthcareforalllegalresidents?Thelegalsystemiscorrupt,asevidencedbylegal coststhatalienateallbutthewealthiestsectorofsociety.Howcouldthemajorityof peoplefindacloseddoortoaffordablequalitylegalcareinanequitablesociety?The costofhousingisoutofcontrol.Whyisn’taffordablehousingmadeaccessible?Food companieshabituallypricegouge,mislabel,andknowinglyuseunhealthyfood additivesformarketingpurposes,regardlessoftheeffectsoftheiractionson consumers.Despitetheskyrocketingcostsofeducation,teachersareunderpaidand arenotgiventhefairbenefitsofanobleandnecessaryprofession.Instead, bureaucratsreaptherewardsofanoverpricedhighereducationsystem.Workers whowantemploymentfindjobsbeingoutsourcedtocheaplaborandarerefused employmentandtrainingforreasonsofdiscrimination.Crime,domesticviolence,and drugabusevictimizeindividualswho,ifgiventheopportunity,desiretohavethe securityofasafehaventocallhome.

Despitetheinequitiesandabusesthatexist,formostpeoplelifeinWesternculture providesgreateropportunitytobuildasecurehomethanlivingindeveloping nations.AcloserlookattheinconsistenciesofWesternsocietyconsideredalongwith thenon-westernglobalrealitiesmayalludetoanewexperienceofhomeinwhichitis notpossibletoexpecttheconsistencyofpastgenerations,andinwhichgreater struggleswillberequiredtoachievethedreamofachievingthesecurityandcomfort ofthesocializedimagesofwhathomeshouldbe.Atthesametime,newperspectives ofgenderandracialequalitymayprovidepositivechangeinareassuchasdomestic violenceandsocialinequalitythatwillalterfuturevisionsofthemeaningsof“home”.

Sunny Cove Steps

The Wanderer – a tribute to Pete

InlateOctober2023,mybestfriend(outsideofmyfamily)Petediedsuddenly afterundergoingabiopsyforwhatturnedouttobeacancerousgrowthinthe brain.MywifeandIflewtoCapeTown,SouthAfrica,soIcouldsharemy tributetoPeteinpersonataMemorialServicetocelebratehislife.Adayorso aftertheMemorialService,IwascompletingmywalkalongtheFishHoek beachandbacktoouraccommodation.IhadbeenprayingforPete’sfamilyand reflectingonhislifeandourfriendship.

IwasclimbingupSunnyCoveStepswhentheParableoftheLostSheep (Matthew18:10–14)poppedintomyhead.Jesustellstheparableofthelost sheeptoshowthattheKingdomofGodisaccessibletoall,eventhosewho weresinnersorstrayedfromGod’spath.Heusestheexampleofashepherd (God)whohasonehundredsheepandonegoesmissing.Theshepherdleaves theninety-nineothersandsearcheshighandlowforthelostsheep.

IwantedtocapturethecomplexitiesofPete’scharacterandlifejourney expressedinourcommunicationandcorrespondenceoverafifty-one-year’ timeperiod.GodaloneknowsPete’sthoughtsuntilhetookhisfinalbreathon planetEarth.So,IreflectedonthispossiblydivinemomentandwroteThe Wanderer.

Photoandintroductionby Robin Cox, New Zealand

The Wanderer

“Wait awhile,” the kindly Shepherd whispered to the flock.

“One’s gone missing, though I know his path.” Staff in hand, focused, purposeful, to recover the rebellious, proud, stubborn lost sheep, unconditionally loved.

He is surfing the rolling waves on the mighty ocean of his imaginings, sharing with loved ones and friends. Proudly hunched behind the wheel, alert, attentive, confident, dreamer, visionary, sailor extraordinaire Searching …

He is the poet, the writer, the mystic, developer of mind-changing games and workshops, creator of entrepreneurial, potentially life-changing experiences, positive agent of change, idealistic dreamer, strumming melodic sounds, ‘Hello darkness, my old friend,’ on the ‘Streets of London’ Searching …

He is training the masses on the African continent, hungry to learn, listening intently to every word, interacting, laughing, inspired by his knowledge, skills, expertise. Lives enriched, new horizons beckoning, equipped, motivated, challenged Searching …

He is peacefully resting in the African bush with his precious loved ones, marvelling at the wild the beloved, majestic elephants the plethora of feathered friends, the variety of tall ancestral trees,

the winding mountain paths, African dawn, pink sunset skies, starry, starry nights flickering love messages

Searching …

He is reaching out, the servant leader, with a hopeful hand-up to the struggling disadvantaged. Selfless, empathetic, kind and caring, uplifting drifting lives, the captivating, caring smile, authentic, compassionate eyes, encouraging, sharing, giving, giving, giving, wanting nothing in return

Searching …

He is researching, corresponding, robust discussions interlaced with fun times, humour, the life of the party, global communicator, deep thinker, stumbling, controlling, persevering, entrepreneurial, philosophical

Searching …

He is embracing his loved ones, providing, kind, supporting, exploring and extending bonding love, fellow pilgrims, adventurers, travellers, unbreakable familial ties, precious, adored soulmates

Searching …

He is wearily waiting, spent, wandering, wondering, lonely, seemingly lost.

“Ah, there you are, little one,” the kindly Shepherd compassionately whispers, gathering him in His strong, loving arms and taking him home.

Lost, now found.

Anna Łosińska, Poland

Home is mum.

Her hugs instead of warm plaid, Her smile instead of sunlight, Her voice instead of the alarm clock.

Home is memories. Scents that you remember wherever you are, Sounds that make you feel cozy, Touches that make you feel loved.

Home is the morning tea with milk, Armenian pastry for Easter, Christmas tree with old toys from my childhood...

I don't have all these anymore. Now my home is my solitude, My inner weakness and strength, Now my home is me.

Longing for Loon

Imagineatinylittlevillage,ahamlet,withacoupleoffarms,sandyroads,a narrowwindingriver,andtheoccasionalsoundsofbirds,cows,pigs,and chickenschattingwitheachotherandsearchingforfood.Betweenthefarm fieldsandheatherfieldsjustoutsidethevillage,thereisanimpressive, mysteriousdolmen,butitisnotverywellknown,soitispeacefulandnotoften visited.

ThisisLoon,wheremymotherwasbornandliveduntilshewassixyearsold. Herfatherwastheheadofthesmallelementaryschool,andintheabsenceofa mayor,churchministerordoctor,hewashighlyrespectedandhisfamilywas welltakencareofbytheself-sufficientfarmers’community.Eventhoughit wasduringtheSecondWorldWar,theseweremymother’shappiestyears.She wasyoung,innocent,andoblivious,protectedbythearmsofherparentsand thevillagers.Shewanderedaround,alongtheriver,tothedolmen,inthefields, wasalwayswelcomeinthefarmers’kitchens,and‘helped’herfatheratschool, nexttotheirhouse.

FromLoon,thefamilymovedtoanearbycity,andmymothermovedeight moretimesthroughoutherlife.Forstudy,work,herhusband’swork,andher secondhusband’swork.AllherlifeawayfromLoon,anywherewhereshe lived,shenevertrulyfeltathome.Shecreatedherownlittlehomewith countlessbooks,books,books:withabookinherhandandhermindinthe book,itmatteredlesswhereshewasandshewasatpeace.Shewasn’tonlya reader,butalsoawriterofshortstoriesandnumerousletterstomagazines andnewspapers,alwaysunderheraliaslastname‘fromLoon’.

Whenretirementapproached,shewasdreamingaboutmovingbacktoLoon, butherhusbandpreferredtomovetothecitywherehewasborn.Afterhe passedaway,therewasanotherchance.Yetsheagreedwithherchildrenthat itwasmoresensibletomoveclosetooneoftheminsteadoftohermuch-loved Loon,whichstilldidnothavemanyfacilities,nodoctor,fewerfarms,andnot evenanelementaryschoolanymore.Thefewtimesthatshebrieflyvisited Loon,wecouldseeherreliefandjoyoffeelingathomeinhereyesandwe couldhearitinhervoice,whichnaturallyadaptedtoLoon’sdialect.

Whydidsheneverpushthrough,whydidn’twedoanythinginourpowerto makeitpossibleforhertomoveback?Theremayhavebeengoodreasons,but feelingsofregretandmelancholyaresurfacingnowthatitistoolate.Wewill stillbringherbacktoLoon,andwecanonlyhopethatwhereversheis,shewill feelthatsheisfinallyhome.

Art and story by Renske Oort, The Netherlands/Germany

There was a woman

In her cupped hands she cradled to sleep all that I am

Her waning scent awakes me at dawn she comes softly to part the curtains swollen with the night

I’m home

Artandpoetryby Magdalena Brzezinska, Poland

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