architecture portfolio
magdalena maja baraniak selected work 2018-2022
magdalena maja baraniak selected work 2018-2022
01 micro apartments, Berlin residential || professional work 02 patiodach, Berlin attic conversion || professional work 03 creative lab, Berlin office building || professional work 04 kranichsberge, Alt Rüdersdorf urban design || professional work 05 mental health center, Poznań healthcare || academic work, master thesis 06 villedge, Berlin Bernau residential || academic work, competition
Hello ! My name is Magdalena, I am a passionate, young architect focused on sustainable design, wood construction and research-oriented projects. In addition, I am very interested in working in the renovation department
I gained experience in Berlin and Copenhagen, where I focused mainly on residential projects, as well as renovation designs in phases 1–5. My main goal is to further contribute and develop in the field of research and sustainable architecture, in a motivated, friendly team and innovative place.
I look forward to new experiences and challenges!
dob 14/02/1995 Poland phone +49 176 85903218 e-mail address Romanshorner Weg 27, 13407 Berlin, DE
04/2019 - present Co-organizer, ArchitekTOUR Workshops 2019 edition et. seq, PL Nationwide workshops for architecture students
09/2020 - 08/2022
Junior architect, Rundzwei Architekten BDA, Berlin, DE Team and individual work // Sustainable design // Residential and public buildings: LP 1-5 // Urban design: feasibility studies // Competitions: concepts
03/2020 - 06/2020
Architect assistant, Studio M, Poznań, PL Teamwork // Interior designs: conceptual design, construction planning
03/2019 - 09/2019
Student worker, Na Dużą Skalę Foundation, Poznań, PL Part of program ”Archipogotowie” commissioned by the City of Poznań Individual work // Revitalization of tenement frontages: concept design
08/2018 - 02/2019
Intern, Nord Architects Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK Teamwork // Sustainable design // Competitions: concept designs, feasibility studies
09/2017 - 05/2018
Student worker, Mistone, Września, PL Teamwork // Residential buildings: development and construction planning // Competitions: concept design
02/2018 - 09/2020
Master of Science in Architecture, Poznań University of Technology, PL Studies completed in English // Graduation with Honors
09/2019 - 02/2020
Erasmus+, Masters, Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE
09/2016 - 02/2017
Erasmus+, Bachelor, Universidad de Málaga, ES
09/2014 - 02/2018
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Poznań University of Technology, PL
* References from all of previous employers can be provided upon request.
2020-2021 Competitions at Rundzwei Architekten, Honorable mention-Kita, Denkendorf, DE, 3rd prize - Kikula, Children laboratory, St Pölten, AT
2020 Shortlisted, AIV-Schinkel-Wettbewerb, Berlin 2070, Klare Kante, project ”VillEdge”, Berlin Bernau, DE
2020 1st prize, Budmar ”Brick Garden” competition, Pavilion, Poznań, PL
2019 Rector’s scholarship for the best students, Poznań University of Technology
2018 Honorable mention, II international competition Inhaus Lab Diseña tu casa modular
Languages: Polish - mother tongue English - C1 German - B2 Manual skills: Hand-drawing, model making
Other: team player, communicative, adaptable, quick to assimilate new knowledge, well structured.
Copenhagen, 20 February 2019
This confirms that Magdalena Baraniak has completed an internship at NORD Architects from the 20th of August 2018 until the 20th of February 2019 .
She has been a trusted colleague and employee at the time she has been in the office, showing a high degree of professionalism and an impressive ability to learn, she worked on conceptual projects, making 3d models, analysis and preparing presentations She is skilled in Rhino, Autocad, Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Magdalena has taken responsibility and acted proactively, she worked diligently and took her own initiatives She is a skilled architect and has the ability to drive and solve complex projects deeply investigating and analyzing the tasks she is engaged in
We have great trust and confidence in relation her work, she has contributed positively to the office, both socially and academically We can fully recommend Magdalena as a colleague, both for her professional and personal qualities
We wish her the best of luck in her future work as an architect.
Johannes Pedersen Partner Architect NORD Architects - CopenhagenGoethestraße 2-3, Aufgang B, 10623 Berlin
Frau Magdalena Baraniak Romanshorner Weg 27 13407 Berlin
Berlin, 4. August 2022
Hiermit bestätigen wir, dass Frau Magdalena Baraniak * 14.02.1995 im Zeitraum vom 05.10.2020 bis zum 31.08.2022 bei uns als Junior Architektin gearbeitet hat.
Das Architekturbüro rundzwei Architekten BDA mit Sitz in Berlin plant und realisiert Projekte unterschiedlichen Maßstäben. Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind nachhaltige Projekte, sowie die Sanierung und Modernisierung von Wohnhäusern und kommunalen Bauten, ebenso wie Maßnahmen zur energetischen Sanierung. Unser Team, bestehend aus fünfzehn hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitern, bearbeitet alle Leistungsphasen der HOAI.
Während dieser Zeit arbeitete sie an folgenden Projekten:
• Patiodach , Dachausbau, Neubau+Bestand, Berlin Deutschland
• Gartenhaus , Neubau Wohnhaus, Berlin Deutschland
• ModulesStudentenwohnen , Studentenwohnheim, Modulholzbauweise, Berlin Deutschland
• Kikula , Kinderkunstlabor, Wettbewerb // 3. Preis, St. Pölten Österreich
• Denkendorf , Kindergarten, Wettbewerb // Anerkennung, Denkendorf Deutschland
• CreativeLab , Bürogebäude, Machbarkeitsstudie, Ochtrup Deutschland
• Kranichsberge , Urban design, 350 Wohneinheiten, in Planung, Alt-Rüdersdorf Deutschland
Zu den ausgeführten Tätigkeiten während ihrer Anstellung gehörten:
• Visuelle Aufbereitung von Projekten für Präsentationen und Awards
• Mitarbeit an Konzept und Gestaltung von Projekten (LP1-5)
• Aktive Teilnahme an Terminen mit Bauherren und Fachplanern (LP1-LP5)
• Erstellen von 2D und 3D Dateien (LP1-5) ◦ Grundriss-, Schnitt- und Ansichtspläne
Detailzeichnungen und Regelaufbauzeichnungen ◦ 3D Modellerstellung und Visualisierungen ◦ BIM-Software
• Mitwirken bei der Koordination der Planung von Fachplaner (LP 1-5)
• Pflege der Uploads auf Online-Plandrehscheiben (LP1-5)
• Mitwirken bei der Erstellung von Genehmigungsplänen (LP4)
• Mitwirken bei Bauantragsstellung (LP4)
• Modellbau für Ausstellungsmodelle
• Übernahme bürointerner Aufgaben
Frau Baraniak hat alle ihr übertragenen Aufgaben stets zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit ausgeführt. Sie arbeitete sich besonders gewissenhaft in relevante Themenbereiche ein und zeigte stets höchsten Einsatz bei der Erledigung ihrer Aufgaben. Darüber hinaus zeichnet sie ihre Zuverlässigkeit, ihre Teamorientiertheit und Freundlichkeit gegenüber Vorgesetzten, Kollegen und in der Repräsentation des Büros nach außen aus.
Wir mußten das Arbeitsverhältnis mit Frau Baraniak leider aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen beenden. Wir hätten Frau Baraniak sehr gerne weiter bei uns beschäftigt, da wir von ihrer Arbeit sehr überzeugt waren. Wir danken ihr für die herausragende Arbeit und ihr überdurchschnittliches Engagement und wünschen Ihr das Beste für Ihre berufliche und private Zukunft.
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Andreas Reeg (Inhaber) Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Marc Dufour-Feronce (Inhaber)
rundzwei Architekten BDA Reeg & Dufour PartGmbB Goethestrasse 2-3 | Eingang B – 4.Etage | 10623 Berlin, Deutschland | | | +49 (0)30 20237645 Registrierung Architektenkammer Berlin Nr. PG077 | Ust-Idnr. DE286420721
location: Wedding, Berlin type: student housing // modular timber apartments gross floor area (BGF): 3,350m² programs: Archicad, Rhino design phases: 1-3 scale: 1:100/ 1:50
tasks: Concept design (LP 1-2): volumetric studies, facade design / Project development (LP 3): floor plans, sections, elevations / 3D model management / Final presentation for the client / Cost estimation / Participation in meetings with manufacturers and a client / Team coordination
project description: “The student micro-apartments” project is an innovative and sustainable design, based on wooden modules set on a monolithic ground floor. The building is designed within the contours of a traditional “Berlin block” to harmonize with the context. The facade is a sincere reflection of the structure: the heavy base is clad in ceramic tiles, while the upper part is made of wood and authentically expresses modularity. An inner courtyard provides an introverted space for students, while an outdoor staircase and shared balconies offer additional space for integration and cohabitation.
location: Wilmersdorf, Berlin
type: building in existing structure // attic conversion // wood and steel construction gross floor area (BGF): 620m2 programs: Archicad (BIM) design phases: 1-5 scale: 1:100/1:50/1:10/1:5
Roomsfree-standing boxes
Circulationin-between space Light
tasks: Concept design (LP 1-3) / Planning application (LP 4) and execution planning (LP 5): floor plans, sections, views, execution details (building envelope), drainage concept / Cooperation with specialist planners (structural engineering, fire protection, building physics) / Interns coordination / Presentations for a client and authorities / Participation in meetings with clients and planners.
project description: The project consists of two apartments, which will be divided into 3 units in the future. The concept is based on a continuous open space, which is interspersed with builtin rooms and freestanding cubicles with gallery levels. The heart of the apartment is a small patio that breaks up the long stretch of space and brings daylight into the interior, it is also a kind of buffer between the public area for guests and the introverted space for family only.
The attic was designed entirely of wood with a partially prefabricated roof. All surfaces are of natural origin. Heating is provided by the district heating network.
Die vorliegende Plangrundlage ent vorgängig der Koordination mit de Der
Plan bildet diverse sind miteinzubeziehen
Alle Hinweise zu Fremdgewerken
Maße noch
Copyright ©
Der vorliegende Plan bildet d verse Gewerke nachrichtl ch ab Entsprechende Pläne, Beschr ebe und L s nd miteinzubeziehen Alle Hinweise zu Fremdgewerken ge ten nachricht ich!
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Die vorliegende Plangrundlage entspr cht dem Projektstand Ausführungsplanung D eser Planstand d ent vorgäng g der Koordination mit dem Bauherren und dem Bauamt
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Copyright © LEGENDE
Die vorliegende Plangrundlage entspricht dem Projektstand Ausführungsplanung Dieser Planstand dient vorgängig der Koordination mit dem Bauherren und dem Bauamt
Parzel engrenze Abbruch existierende Konstruktion Neubau
Der vorliegende Plan bildet diverse Gewerke nachrichtlich ab Entsprechende Pläne, Beschriebe und Listen sind miteinzubeziehen Alle Hinweise zu Fremdgewerken gelten nachrichtlich!
Exist erende Konstruktion Mauerwerk Stahlbeton
Sämtliche Masse sind in Metern angegeben wenn nicht anders vermerkt und auf 10mm gerundet Alle Maße sind vor Or t zu überprüfen ± 00 00 OKFB EG entspricht
+37 60 m ü NHN
Ausbau-Kote OKFF Rohbau-Kote OKRF Höhenkote Terrain
och u k ä e Tü a t Anpassung Türart
Rot gekennzeichnete Vermerke im Plan bilden Abstimmungsbedar f der weiteren Planung ab Revisionskommentar zur vorherigen Version
Parzellengrenze Abbruch existierende Konstruktion Neubau
feuchtevariable Dampfbremse
Existierende Konstruktion Mauerwerk Stahlbeton
1 2
+37 60 m ü NHN
00 00 ± 00 00 ± 00 00 vorgefer tigte Elemente Dachgeschossausbau 099 Holsteinische Str. 53 10717 Berlin
Projekar t
11 0,3 mm feuchtevariable Dampfbremse Flat roof details, wooden purlin and steel frame joints Construction scheme
Architekt:in rundzwei Architekten Reeg&Dufour Par tGmbB
1 2 3 11
0,3 mm feuchtevariable Dampfbremse
Änderungen gez Index Datum Ver tei er
Mittelpfette+Stahlrahmen 1:10 03 1 2
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Statik: Maße noch in Bearbeitung 2 mm b tum nöse Dampfsperre sd>1500m
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11 0 3 mm feuchtevariable Dampfbremse
11 0 3 mm feuchtevariab e Dampfbremse
Mittelpfette+Stahlrahmen 1:10 03 1 2
Berlin Brandschutzplaner: n Dipl Ing Andrea
6, 10115
Plannummer Rev Maßstab Format Dokumentname Datum Gezeichnet
Berlin TGA - Planer:in LS Planung Lottko Stock GbR Eilenburger Str 39A, 04317, Leipzig vorgefer t gte Elemente 1:10 402 099 DR 05 402 Ausführungsplanung Dachgeschossausbau 099 Holsteinische Str. 53 10717 Berlin Ausführungsplanung Mittelpfette Flachdach 04 08 22 VORABZUG04.08.22 ,00 NHN 2 NHN 9 10 3 6 7 8 HEB260 (Vorder-/H nterhaus) gem Statik 1 22 mm Holzplatte zum Höhenausg eich Außen Innen 11 2 6 0 260 pfette gem Statik at k sd>1500m Konstruktionsdiagramm Stah rahmen M t e l h o z p f e t e VorgefertigteHolztafel Stah rahmen H o z p f e t e A t k a Sparren Sparren Sparren Sparren Ho zrahmen H o z a h m e n H o z a h m e n Ho zrahmen 2 HEB 260 Regelaufbau s Plan 400 sd>1500m pfette, gem Statik 7 Winkelverbinder (Druck-Zug fest) 8 9 10 Stat k: Maße noch in Bearbe tung 2 mm b tuminöse Dampfsperre sd>1500m men 1 2 3 11 0,3 mm
Erstellungsgrund DIN A3 MB2
a h m e n
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Architekt:in rundzwei Architekten Reeg&Dufour Par tGm DIN A3 Parzellengrenze Abbruch existiere Neubau Existierende Kons Mauerwerk Stahlbeton ge Index Datum Ausbau-Kote OKFF Rohbau-Kote OKRF Höhenkote Terrain ± 00,00 ± 00,00 ± 00 00 Bauherr:in Statiker:in Holsteinische Str. 53 Verwaltungs GmbH Rheinstr 29, 12161 Berlin Bauar t Ingenieure Käthe-Niederkirchner-Str 6, 10 vorgefer tigte Elem 1:10 099 DR 05 402 Aus
location: Ochtrup, DE type: Office building gross floor area (BGF): 2,300m2 programs: AutoCad, Rhino work experience: feasibility study, extended market research scale: 1:200
Reseach structure
tasks: Research strategy-Tool box / Facade concept / Volumetric studies / Functional program /3D modelling / Final presentation
project description: “Creative Lab” is an office building with space to stimulate creative work. It includes a co-working space, workshops, a concert hall and an open retail/ exhibition space. The main goal was to design an engaging space based on a simple and flexible structural system. It was important that the interior encourages communication and collaborative work, hence the split levels, common multifunctional stairs and an open space.
The simple form of the building combines two different parts of the city - a cozy neighborhood of single-family houses and industrial space. Sloping roofs surround the building and not only correspond to the given landscape, but also form an individual facade inside the courtyard.
Stützen bietet maximale Rasters geschlossene Räuverändert werden.
bewusst als konzipiert, der sondern Raum Pop up und vieles
sowie eine spieein weiteres Gestaltungselement um bringen. das Haus Blickbeziehungen, Lichtsituationen und Erlebnis.
Vielfältige Sichtbezüge sowie eine spielerische Erschließung sind ein weiteres wesentliches Gestaltungselement um Menschen in Kontakt zu bringen.
Der zirkulierende Weg durch das Haus bietet verschiedene Blickbeziehungen, Raumhöhen und Lichtsituationen und wird so zum kommunikativen Erlebnis.
Flexible, to be lled
Flexible, to be lled
Raster maximale Flexibilität
Markplatz lebendige Kommunikation
Sichtbezüge Kontakt und Kommunikation
Markplatz lebendige Kommunikation
Sichtbezüge Kontakt und Kommunikation
spielerische Erschließung Kontakt und Kommunikation
Market place trade/expo space Visual contact Playful circulation
Creative lab Ochtrup Konzeptstudie Konzept Creative
Project principles
Sichtbezüge Kontakt und Kommunikation
Physical model
20 magdalena maja baraniak
spielerische Erschließung Kontakt und Kommunikation Seite 51 Konzept Creative Lab Ochtrup Grundrisskonzept
spielerische Erschließung Kontakt und Kommunikation Seite 51 Konzept Creative Lab Ochtrup Grundrisskonzept FUNCTION
Gebäudevolumen Konzept
den Lebenszyklus die von John Erik Universität München wurde, vergleicht Emissionen von drei Haustypologien. der Studie zeigen das Einfamilienhaus
München die aufweist. dichterer ist
Die Studie über den Lebenszyklus von Gebäuden, die von John Erik Anderson an der Universität München durchgeführt wurde, vergleicht die CO2 Emissionen von drei verschiedenen Haustypologien.
Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen
Comparison of CO₂ footprint emitted by: multi-family houses, row houses, single-family houses
More about the projects at click here
Regenwasser aufnehmen können und sich bei Sonneneinstrahlung stark aufheizen.
Mehrfamilienhäusstrukturen beanspruchen hingegen weniger Verkehrsfläche bzw. versieglte Fläche. Der Heat Island Effect ist im Vergleich zu Einfamilienhausstrukturen schwächer ausgeprägt.
Durch dichteres Bauen werden mehr wertvolle Grünflächen generiert. Diese Flächen dienen als Versickerungsflächen, tragen zur Kühlung bei und bieten Raum für Flora und Fauna.
Sealed surfaces 50 %
Versiegelte Flächen 50 %
Comparison of multi-family and single-family houses’ structure
Sealed surfaces 80 %
Versiegelte Flächen 80 %
Green space 50 % Green space 20 %
Grünflächen 50 %
Grünflächen 20 %
Gebäudetypologievergleich Grünflächen, Versickerungsflächen
project description: “The Kranichsberge” neighborhood is the result of an intensive analysis of the existing situation and the ambition to create a CO₂-neutral housing development on the periphery of Berlin. The result is a 350-unit ensemble that deliberately avoids the singlefamily house and seeks to create more density, thus saving CO₂ at the time of construction.
The quarter is dominated by closely-spaced terraced houses with 1-6 residential units, slightly set back and forward from each other, intersected by play spaces and fun streets.
24 magdalena maja baraniak
Alt Rüdersdorf Masterplan Konzept Alt Rüdersdorf Masterplan Konzept Seite 43Ø 50 °
Row house with 2 units
Reihenhaus 2WE
Row house with 3 units
Reihenhaus 3WE
Ø 50 ° Ø 55 °
7-7.5m 7.5-8m 7.5-8m
Reihenhaus 6WE House typology
Row house with 6 units
Seite 103 Projektdarstellung Häuser
New mobility options reduce individual traffic to one car per household, despite the location on the outskirts of the city. The streets will then be car-free thanks to an underground car park. Inside each block is a shared green oasis with small private gardens and large communal areas. Village-urban on the one hand and pure nature on the other.
Supervised by: Dr. Arch A. Gawlak
Poznan University of Technology MSc. arch. Magda Matuszewska September′20
location: Poznań, Wilda, PL type: healthcare building // research and concept design gross floor area (BGF): 22,000m2 programs: Revit, Sketchup+Vray, Photoshop scale: 1:200 individual work
Fig. 64
90 Faculty of Architecture I Poznan University of Technology
project description: “Mental Health Center” is first and foremost a research project that sought to answer questions about how architectural space can influence and ultimately accelerate the healing process. Extensive analysis made it possible to draw conclusions and highlight the main principles of healing design, according to which the project was subsequently designed.
The project is an attempt to redefine mental health facilities’ patterns. It promotes the development of an innovative healthcare model that focuses on healing, body care, mind, and spirit.
Full publication avaiable at click here
“Mental Health Center”
is intended to offer a friendly and engaging space that corresponds with nature and, despite being designed in a dense urban tissue, finds a way to introduce greenery.
The design principles are: biophilic design, horticulture, behavioral design, non-institutional architecture.
Green roof
Level +2 Research zone Individual therapies rooms Green patients’ terrace
Level +1
Administration Group therapies rooms Green terrace Yoga rooms Patient rooms
Therapeutic horticulture garden
Patients’ rooms
Green courtyards
Photovoltaic panels
Individual therapies
Swimming pool
Ground floor Reception Therapy workshops rooms Green courtyards Patient rooms Sportshall Swimming pool Organic paths
Research zone Art therapy
Level -1 Garage Delivery, disposal zones Storage Technical zone
Open space
Sports hall (multifunctional space)
Green terrace Social zone
Horticulture therapy
Group therapies Disposal zone Delivery zone Technical zone
Healing architecture elements which have been implemented:
Color/Material code
Focal points (open, spatial, characteristic spots)
“Borrowed landscape” - Implementation of gardens
“Borrowed landscape” - Implementation of gardens
Space for physical activity
Space for physical activity
Supervised by: Prof. H.Léon-Wohlhage, Leibniz Universität Hannover Dipl.-Ing. M.Torge Walter, M.Sc. H. Hölscher September′19
location: Berlin Bernau, DE type: residential / futuristic gross floor area (BGF): 41,000m2 programs: Revit, Sketchup+Vray, Photoshop scale: 1:500/1:200/1:50 teamwork: with M.Sc. Arch K. Pieprzyk
project description: “Villedge” is a futuristic project that aims to stop urban sprawl. The idea is to draw attention to the edges of cities, which are increasingly being mindlessly filled with new housing units and “sealed” with concrete surfaces.
The “Villedge” structure respects nature and welcomes it! We like to call it permeable urban tissue, because the frame does not take over nature, but only positions itself in-between trees and animals.
Floor plan zoomed in
+15.00m +9.00m
+12.00m +6.00m +3.00m +/-0.00m -6.00m
position/tasks: Team and project leader / Concept design / Graphic design
Unsatisfactory conditions force residents to give up farming and leave the villages. To reverse this situation, we focused on planning permaculture-based agricultural clusters and a scenic path that leverages the village’s tourism and nature potential.
Full publication avaiable at click here
The main purpose of the three-weeks long workshop which took place in Shenyang was to propose sustainable development strategies for rural areas surrounding the city. Participants were divided into multidisciplinary groups and were collaborating with local students. Our team consisted of ten students from three different universities and were focusing on Zhonghua Temple Village. The village consists of five agricultural settlements located along the main road connecting Shenyang with other cities in Hunnan district. The villagers still depend on natural spring and a great deal of them are farmers. Unfortunately, many inhabitants are forced to leave the village due to a bad economic situation and poor quality of life. In order to reverse that situation, the project focuses on the gradual implementation of two main ideas that will create new workplaces and meeting points. The first one are modular agriculture clusters, while the second are scenic paths.
location: medium-sized cities in Poland type: urban design workshops founding team: 7 people participants: 130 (incl. students, tutors and special guests)
position: Co-organizer / Content and logistics manager on a small founding team of 7 people
“ArchitekTOUR” is a workshop for architecture students. Challenging the classic schematic system of teaching, we act interdisciplinarily, broaden design horizons and encourage collaboration.
How? First of all, we invite students from different universities - thanks to the exchange of experiences, one learns a new methodology of work. On top of that, we are supported by practicing architects.
This gives incredible support to young designers and prepares them for future work in the office. In addition, we always work on concrete, real-life examples and local problems.
Our website click here
’21 Competition, Kindergarten, Denkendorf, DE honorable mention
Rundzwei Architekten BDA, Berlin, DE Work experience: LP 1-2 BGF: 1,100m² Teamwork
Tasks: Concept design / Project development / Graphic design
’20 Competition, Kinderkunstlabor, St. Pölten, AT 3rd prize
Rundzwei Architekten BDA, Berlin, DE Work experience: LP 1-2
BGF: 4,800m² Teamwork
Task: Floor plan design / 3D model / Graphic design
’19 Competition evolo, reForestation, universal location Mistone Planning office, Września, PL Work experience: concept design Teamwork
Task: Concept design / Graphic design
’19 Revitalization of tenement frontages, Poznań, PL Na Dużą Skalę Foundation, Poznań, PL Work experience: concept design Individual work
Tasks: Facade design / 3D model / Graphic design / Rendering / Report for authorities / Social media material
’19 Brick Pavilion, Poznań, PL
1st Prize + realization Student competition Work experience: concept design Teamwork
Tasks: Concept design / Graphic design
’18 Nøas, School in amager, Copenhagen, DK NORD Architects Copenhagen, DK Work experience: concept design Teamwork
Tasks: Facade concept / Volumetric studies / Physical models / Floor plans
’18 Hejredalskvarteret, Hellerup, DK NORD Architects Copenhagen, DK Work experience: concept design Teamwork
Tasks: Facade design / 3D model / Graphic design
Growing house, Hellerup, DK honorable mention Mistone Planning office, Września, PL Work experience: concept design Teamwork
Tasks: Facade design / 3D model / Graphic design
you! +49 176 85903218