Multi use customizable mockup 5 2018

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Multi Use Customizable Mini White House Mockup



Note : Loose furniture which was shown on the perspective is to indicate the general idea only are not included in the quotation

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Exterior Perspective


May 2018

Note : Loose furniture which was shown on the perspective is to indicate the general idea only are not included in the quotation

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Interior Perspective


May 2018

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup



May 2018

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Reflected Ceiling


May 2018

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Front Facade


May 2018

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Cutting Isometric looking up the ceiling


May 2018

The Architectural details of the Multi-Use Customizable Mini White House Mockup are inspired from the White House which was built between 1792 and 1800 (by Architect: James Hoban). It was built with whitepainted Aquia Creek Sandstone and inspired by the neoclassical style. Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement th that began in the mid 18 -centurty. Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Architectural Details


May 2018

Materials General Specifications: The Weight for the all Construction: Ten ton and 500 kg Wood type : American yellow pine & Plywood ¾ inch and ½ inch Paint type : Jotun Lacquered Floor paint: Jotun polyurethane Assembly materials : Metal rivet radius ¾ inch

Multi Use Customizable - Mini White House Mockup

Decking Platform and Columns Fixing - General Idea


May 2018

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