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Guide winter 2022 / 2023

Start the evening at the theatre and continue to a concert

The best thing right now – culture in all its forms. And the Lahti region has plenty to choose from. Here are a few options.


SAMMIOSALI is the most recent addition to the array of venues in Lahti. Located at Malski, Sammiosali is a unique concert arena for 500 people. www.sammiosali.fi

The concert calendar of the SIBELIUS HALL includes both Finnish and international stars. The calendar does not focus solely on classical music:

there is also pop, rock, easy listening and concerts for children. Finlandia Club features the best of Finnish popular music. The club offers musical experiences in a rock-inspired environment. Located in old factory premises of the Sibelius Hall’s Carpenter’s Hall, Finlandia Club has an audience capacity of 610 people. www.sibeliustalo.fi

The repertoire of LAHTI CITY THEATRE includes plenty of interesting plays. Kostonkierre (Spiral of Revenge) is based on books by Timo Sandberg, who hails from Lahti. Something Rotten! is an unfettered musical about dreams and love. Totuuden hinta, coming this spring, is the thriller-like story of former Russian security service agent Aleksandr Litvinenko. Minä, Tellervo (I, Tellervo) describes Tellervo Koivisto’s life as a political leader, the wife of Finnish President Mauno Koivisto and a private person. www.lahdenkaupunginteatteri.fi

The most legendary venue in Lahti is definitely TORVI. Restaurant Torvi’s philosophy is to offer all kinds of music. There’s something for punk, metal, rap, hip-hop and reggae lovers. Five bands in one evening or, alternatively, “a piano and a man”. www. ravintolatorvi.fi

In the hands, or rather the instruments, of the LAHTI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA music bends into many shapes. You can enjoy this revelry at the Sibelius Hall symphony concerts every Thursday. The orchestra has won numerous international recording awards and performed at international arenas around the world. The concert season will culminate in the spring of 2023 with Carl Orff’s classic piece Carmina Burana. There is also varied entertainment programme. www.sinfonialahti.fi

MÖYSÄN MUSAKLUBI , more commonly known as Mössö, is a music club located on Hämeenkatu in Lahti. During the winter, musicians from Erika Vikman and Gasellit to Stratovarius and Vesala will perform at the club. www.moysa.fi

There is also theatre for children in Lahti. SUPER TEATTERI is a children’s theatre in the heart of the city. Pawchester's most famous sleepwalker, Mr. Clutterbuck, can be seen in the winter repertoire. Meanwhile, Lahti City Theatre’s Eero stage becomes a summer paradise with Tiltu ja Lettu ja leikkimökin asukas (Tiltu, Lettu and the Wendy House Dweller) www.superteatteri.fi ■

Listen to live music and have a tasty dinner Combine a concert or gig with good food and drink. There are wonderful restaurants in Lahti where you can discover the local flavours.

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