Magellan Rx Report - Summer 2021

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reatment and

ecti e

ana ement

he pipeline or H includes methods or prophyla is, such as potential accinations ith these added pre enti e measures, payers may prioritize strate ic mana ement o the o erall H space n the S , an estimated million people are li in ith human immunodeficiency irus (H ), ith ap, there ere , pro imately , ne H in ections occurrin annually, per data 1 n deaths amon those dia nosed ith H in the S 1

Current Treatment Landscape Luke Merkel, Pharm.D., MBA Director of Pharmacy Services Avera Health

Per uidelines rom the S epartment o Health and Human Ser ices (HHS), current recommended H treatment is antiretro iral therapy ( R ), hich patients should be in as soon a ter dia nosis as possible to slow progression.2 here are se en classes o R nucleoside re erse transcriptase inhibitors ( Rs), non-nucleoside re erse transcriptase inhibitors ( R s), protease inhibitors (P s), usion inhibitors, CCR anta onists, post-attachment inhibitors, and inte rase strand trans er inhibitors ( S s)

PrEP Pre-e posure prophyla is (Pr P) is an H -pre ention strate y recommended by the S Centers or isease Control and Prevention. here are currently t o -appro ed H Pr P therapies or daily use emtricitabine and teno o ir disopro il umarate ( R or Pr P®) and emtricitabine and teno o ir ala enamide ( SCO or Pr P®) dherence to Pr P medication as prescribed can reduce the ris o contractin H ia se ual contact and ia dru injection by and , respecti ely here are three phases to appropriate care usin Pr P screenin , Pr P initiation, and ollo -up he initial screenin should include an H ris assessment, Pr P education, and an initial clinical e aluation that includes assessment o indications or Pr P, a brie medical history, and appropriate lab or Pr P initiation should occur ithin se en days o the screenin and include a re ie o Pr P basics and a prescription o Pr P or days or less ollo -up should be consistent and occur e ery three months, ith an H blood test a symptom re ie concurrent prescription o Pr P and assessment and counselin

28 | Magellan Rx Report | Summer 2021

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