Digital V/S Print Magazine: The Ultimate Countdown The transitions are taking place everywhere! Adopting the wind of favorable change your own Enamus has rebranded to Magfirst to give the digital world of magazines a new perception and face. In the context of robust market the debate is open to judge that between digital and print which is the better form of media. Paper is a pricey niche format and digital magazine has all the traits to encapsulate replicable experience of printed format on tablets. Featuring this view ahead, here are the reasons why ambivalence digital media is worth.
NO LATENCY Digital magazines are available through tablet or other web based devices at one click. There is absolutely no latency as the web software’s search the large heap of magazines in just few seconds. Thus the copies are promptly accessible as the publishers make it possible to browse the digital library in absolutely no time.
EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION Unlike precarious and inefficient distribution process of printed magazines, the distribution criterion of digital publication is quite user friendly and quick. The kiosk proposition and the industry are getting transformed. Therefore gone are the days when the customers used to book their copy by post or trace the nearest store for the latest edition. Now the digital copy is delivered at every online kiosk.
EFFICIENT DISCOVERY A particular edition of the magazine or a specific column is much easier to discover in the digital form than their print equivalent.
LOW BANDWIDTH The perceptions have changed as the technology has advanced. The digital magazines are no longer bulky and large and are easily manageable. Moreover as the memories of the device has expanded the content is synced in less than a minute making it fast and reliable source of saving a lot of time.
LIGHT ON POCKET AND ENVIRONMENT This movement towards the digital consumption and away from print media is one such medium to save the precious trees which are being cut for increasing demand of paper. The magazines always had a life cycle because as the new magazine arrives the older ones depart which contributes hugely in wastage of paper. The access through mobiles, tablets is ubiquitous and so light on pocket that everyone has an open access to them unlike printed forms which are expensive and resource intensive.
USER FRIENDLY The ball lies in the court of readers but digital magazines are interfaced with user perspective. The apps are designed with colorful graffiti and pictures which make them attractive and interesting to read. It also allows zooming of the fuzzy text and customizing the color, size, style of font. Thus it keeps the subscribers stick to the magazine.
It is high time to accept that the influence of physical media outlets is shrinking owing to the burgeoning of technological platforms and mass media among the readers. Our honest effort towards Digital Magazine app development and appealing displays such as Magcast and Magplus has actively contributed for the transition of printed magazine to the digital one. So spark the change and maximize the benefits by getting your unique and interactive app developed.