Mistress of Ceremony, Wendy Schofield
Welcome Wendy Schofield, President
Invocation Joseph Holley, Chaplain
Cromwell Handy, Director ASU Alumni Relations
ASU Spirit ASU Cheerleaders
Give-Away Barbara A Williams & Carolyn Henry, Coordinators
A Moment in ISTAP History Andrew Hardwick
ASU Spirit ASU Cheerleaders
Give– Away
Presentation of SWAC Commissioners Cup
Dr. Genese Lavalais, & Introduction of AD Staff and Coaches Senior Athletic Director
Assistance will be provided as required Prepared by Aramark Food Services
Recognition of 2024 Honorees from the Sports of:
Basketball– Men
Basketball– Women
ISTAP Honors Connie Dacus
Ronald Ashley
Frozenia Hall
Doris Youngblood
Remarks from the Head Coaches of Sports being Honored in 2024

Membership Opportunity
Ronald Ashley
University Hymn
Preparedby WilliamM.Minter ISTAPPresident2006-2009
ISTAP is an acronym for “I Support the Athletics Program” at Alabama State University in the Spring of 1998. Coach James A. Shannon convened a group of 14 persons to discuss the possibility of forming an organization to support athletics at Alabama State University. Coach Shannon, was the lead-founder and first President of ISTAP, got the idea for our name from materials he received from Clemson University.
According to Coach Shannon, several years ago, fans of Clemson University formed an athletics support group called IPTRAY (I Pay Thirty Dollars A Year). In 1996, IPTAY contributed $8 million to the Clemson athletics program. While Coach Shannon realized that ISTAP might not ever make financial contributions to ASU equal to what IPTAY made to Clemson, he felt we could, in various ways, make significant contributions toward helping to make the athletics program at ASU more effective.
The founding members developed a proposed plan of operations which specified that we would operate in accordance with policies and procedures of the NCAA, the SWAC, and ASU and that the ASU Athletic Director would serve as a member of our Executive Committee.
We met separately with Dr. William Harris, then President of ASU: Dr. Curtis Williams, then Athletics Director at ASU; and Janet Sutton, then President of ASU’s National Alumni Association. With endorsements from these three officials, we next approached representatives of the ASU Foundation and obtained approval for the ASU Foundation to serve as our fiduciary agency – to receive all money from memberships and contributions to ISTAP.
This final action gave us access to a fiduciary agency which is tax exempt under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, thus enabling contributors to receive a tax advantage from their contributions to ISTAP. Since its formation, ISTAP has raised funds and made them available to every sport at ASU; has supported various projects of the Athletics Department; and among other support efforts has provided buses to every out- of-town football game over the past several years and to several basketball events. ISTAP has experienced good growth from the original 14 founding members - reaching its highest total of approximately 475 members during calendar year 2007.
Although James Shannon became incapacitated by a stroke in 1999, he continued to provide leadership and influence in the promotion of the programs of ISTAP. One of his final noteworthy accomplishments was the implementation of the “Meet the Coaches Brunch” with the primary purpose of helping to strengthen the bond between ASU athletics, the alumni, and the broader community. Although James Shannon did much of the work of planning the first brunch, he was unable to attend because he was then confined to Health South Rehabilitation Center recovering from a stroke.
James Shannon recovered sufficiently from the stroke to resume his duties as President of ISTAP. With assistance, he was able to travel on some bus trips throughout the 2000 football season. However, later in that year, he suffered a heart attack that closed out a fruitful life of a staunch supporter of ASU who was loved and respected by many.
At the” Meet the Coaches Brunch” of 2001, ISTAP added the feature of recognizing former athletes who excelled while students at ASU and/or who have brought great credit to themselves and to ASU through their accomplishments and financial support to ASU and ASU Athletics since leaving Alabama State University.
ISTAP’s Founding Members
James A. Shannon * President
Jacqueline Herring
Dr. Alma Freeman-Wesley * Corresponding Secretary
William Minter
Financial Secretary/Treasurer
David L. Davis Chaplin
Dr. C.C. Baker *
Anthony Dumas
Robert James *
Henry A. Spears * W.W. Steele
Percy Thomas
George Thompson *
Dr. Norman Walton *
Jethro Wilson * * Deceased
ISTAP Officers
Wendy Schofield President
Ronald Ashley Vice President
Oris Bryant-Jackson
Recording Secretary
Doris Youngblood Corresponding Secretary
Barbara Parker
Financial Secretary
Virginia Harper Treasurer
Joseph Holley Chaplain
ASU Athletic Director Staff and Coaches
Dr. Jason Cable Athletic Director
Cyrus Russ, Deputy Athletic Director
Jose’ Vazquez Baseball
Tony Madlock Basketball
Freda Freeman-Jackson Women Basketball
Andrew Chatmon Bowling
Porsha Redd Cheerleaders
Eddie Robinson, Jr. Football
Quincy Heard Golf Jodie Smith Soccer
Camise Patterson Softball
Anuk Christiansz Tennis
Ritchie Beene Track and Field
Penny Lucas-White Volleyball
2024 ISTAP Honorees
Mr. Corey Schofield
Mr. David Campbell
ISTAP 2024 Athletic Honorees
Basketball – Men
Michael Freeney
Basketball – Ladies
Brittany Wright
Trenton Jamison
Kindall DeRamus
Kejuan Riley
Past Honorees
Edward Davis, Football
Henry Hollis, Basketball
Percy King, Basketball
Michelle Simmons, Basketball
Moses Butcher, Basketball
John Feagin, Track and Field
Emma Hammond, Basketball
Dr. Johnny Jones, Track and Field
Al Abernathy, Basketball
Sampson Cotton, Football and Basketball
Cornelius Howard, Basketball
Harlteen Stamps, Basketball
Hubert Stokes, Football and Basketball
Jessie White, Baseball and Basketball
Edward Patterson, Jr., Basketball
William B. Gary, Football
George James, Jr., Football Coach
Andrew A. Sewell, Basketball
Frank B. Smith, Basketball
Gussie M. Cochran, Basketball
Dr. Joseph Henderson, Basketball, Track, & Coach
Dr. Hugh P. Martin, Basketball
Smith A. Washington, Football and Baseball
Wellington Wilson, Basketball
Betsy A. Abernathy, Basketball
Dr. Clifford C. Baker, Baseball
Dr. Jimmie L. Cal, Football and Track and Field
Charles B. Cole, Basketball
Henry A. Duncombe, Track and Field
Houston Markham, Jr., Coach
Margie Whatley Nash, Basketball
Harry Scott, Football
Ernest G. Washington, Football and Track and Field
Jethro Wilson, Track and Field
Walker B. Black, Basketball
James C. Cox, Football
Julius Hope, Football
Steve Jefferson, Basketball
Otis Leftwich, Football
Henry L. Moten, Football
Cleve Orum, Basketball
Jerry Allen, Football
Jesse L. Cleveland, Football
James A. Hardy, Football
Dan Lewis, Basketball
Roosevelt Sanders, Basketball
Danny D. Crenshaw, Basketball
John Davis, Basketball
Anderson Jones, Jr., Football
Willie J. Parker, Football Coach
Johnny Pleasant, Football
Joe D. Reasor , Football
Felton Blackburn, Football
Helen Henderson-Crumpton, Basketball
Lloyd Ivy, Football and Basketball
Lester Kincey, Football
Marie Fitzpatrick Reed, Basketball
Richard Robertson, Basketball
Willie Scott, Basketball
Lester Sims, Football
Alfreda Abernathy, Basketball
Leroy Alexander, Basketball
Betty Fitzpatrick, Basketball
James H. Patrick, Basketball
Clinton Perry, Jr., Track and Field
Joel Smith, Football
Joseph Smith, Football
Albert C. Lowery, Football
Larry Watkins, Baseball/Coach
Joe Whitt, Football
Barbara Williams Coach/Administrator
George E. Baker, Football
Solomon Barge, Football
Mark E. Barkley, Football
Clarence Bozeman, Football
Bobby Carr, Football
Curtis Green, Football
Bennie Johnson, Baseball
Freda Freeman-Jackson, Basketball/Coach
Shameka Jackson, Basketball
Robert Menefee, Sr., Baseball
Johnny Mitchell, Basketball
Eddie Robinson, Jr., Football
Lennox Graham, Track and Field
Past Honorees
Gene Blanchard, Football
Angelina Edwards, Track and Field
Wilbert J. Hamilton, Football
Faedra James, Basketball and Track and Field
George Stringer, Jr., Basketball
David Lee Thomas, Jr., Baseball
2016 (Data no available)
Rachel Davis, Track and Field
Rufus Amunda Ellis, Baseball
James L. McNeil, Tennis
Reggie Barlow, Football
Tarvaris Jackson, Football
Lennox Graham, Track and Field
Tobarie Burton, Basketball
Darnell Kennedy, Football
Leonard Schofield, Football
Claude Douglas, Baseball
Tyrone Levitt, Basketball
Bernard Sewell, Tennis
Latasha Thomas, Basketball
Ricky Lamond Jones, Football
Dr. Michael Rankins
Rachel Taylor
No Annual Meet-the-Coaches Brunch during the years: 2020, and 2021
Chanelle Avaricio, Golf 2014 – 2018
Marine Cartier, Tennis 2015 – 2018
Ion Efrim, Tennis 2017 - 2019
Branson Farrier, Golf 2013 - 2017
Gabby Hosein, Bowling 2017 -2020
Aaliyah Lewis, Soccer 2013-2016
Myla F. Marshall, Volleyball 2012 - 2015
Shamia Jones, Cross Country
Abdiqadir Muhammed, Cross Country
Taranique Alexander, Track & Field
Tim Moore, Track & Field
Brunch Planning Committee
Frozenia Hall, Chair
Doris Youngblood
Connie Dacus
Ronald Ashley
Barbara Arceneaux
Virginia Harper
Oris Bryant- Jackson
Barbara Parker
Wendy Schofield
Leonard Schofield
Ushers for the 2024 ISTAP “Meet the Coaches Brunch”
Frozenia Hall, Chair
Zestlan Ashley
Rainey Hopkins
Dan Lewis
Bernard Milliner
Carolyn Milliner
Calvin Nelson
Barbara Parker
Moureen Powell
Barbara Williams
Carolyn Henry
Aramark Food Services
ASU Department of Operations and Event Management
ASU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Charlie’s Trophies
Daniel Harris, Jr.
Isaiah Sankey
Corey Schofield
Carolyn McDaniel
ASU Golden Class of 1972
Gerald Cobb
Hannah O. Jones

Congratulations ISTAP
On 26 Years of Commitment and Service To The ASU Athletics Program
Mrs. A.J. Baker (In memory of
Dr. C C. Baker *)
Barbara Arceneaux
Barbara J. Parker
Barbara Williams
Beatrice M, Forniss
Benard Milliner
Carolyn G. Milliner
Carolyn McDaniel
Connie Dacus
Doris Youngblood
Dorothy G. Henry
Dr. Alfred Seawright
Dr. Alma Freeman *
Dr. Jason Cable
Frozenia Hall
Gen. (Ret.) Willie A. Alexander
Hattie D. Minter
Hundre Montgomery
* Deceased
Joan Rainey Hopkins
Joseph Caver
Joseph Holley
Kenyatta L. Harper
Oris Bryant- Jackson
Oscar Parks, Jr.
Pamela West
Patricia Jones
Percy Thomas
Ronald L. Ashley, Sr.
Shirley Boddie
Virginia J. Harper
William Minter
Willie T. Boddie
Willie J. Anderson
Sharon Holmes
John Holmes
Trustee Brenda Dillard
Tislam D. Ellis
2024 Sport Request Budget
Alabama State, O Mother Dear
Again, we come to thee
Our pains and sorrows we forget
When e’er thy face we see
O happy harbor, blessed place
O sweet and pleasant soil
In thee we hope, in thee we trust For thee we pray and toil.
Thy Sons and Daughters love thy halls
Aglow with truth and light
And every heart beats true to thee
In whom there is no night
O Alma Mater, fair and dear
We proudly hail thy name
Which far and near is known and loved
And crowned with glowing fame.
Thy campus flowers and shady walks
Bring thoughts of Marion Green
Before thy trials in Beulah Vale
Which God from us did screen
But now we stand on College Heights
Content with God’s decree
For all He does is right and good And makes for liberty.