California Style: Photographer Jeffrey Sklan’s California Botanicals are Blooming!

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Photographer Jeffrey Sklan’s California botanicals are blooming! You’ve heard the saying, April showers bring May flowers, and this year we are

that we celebrate, from birth to death. They may be man’s first muse; Sklan’s

seeing blooms like we have not seen in years. The super blooms are bursting

work appears on a centuries’ long continuum that embodies visions of a quality

with color, buzzing with bees and exploding with fragrance. Hillsides throughout

we all long to capture—natural perfection.”

California are carpeted with colorful wildflowers so dramatic that drivers are often seen pulling over to snap a photo and soak in their beauty. It’s no wonder

Recently I spent the day with the artist and had the opportunity to see his genius

Los Angeles-based photographer Jeffrey Sklan is so busy! His signature photos

at work. He discussed the challenges of reinventing yourself after 50, and shared

of “Blooming Botanicals” can be found in California art galleries and private

stories on life and love. The consummate professional, always patient and

homes throughout the country. Each stunning shot captures an individual flower

determined to get just the right light and angle, Sklan is a true artist and talented

in dazzling detail. The photographs read like portraits, with each bloom simply

Angeleno. With a legal mind and the soul of an artist, he is uniquely California

and elegantly presented as a unique blend of color, shape, texture and beauty.

through and through. Here’s a peek into my day with the artist.

One would never know photographer Sklan is a successful Beverly Hills criminal defense attorney by trade – his true passion is photography.

So tell me, how does a Beverly Hills criminal defense attorney go from correctional facilities and court houses to becoming a popular West Hollywood photographer

A self-taught photographer, Sklan demonstrates the

with a passion for botanicals?

patience of an artist coming of age and willing to

There is advocacy in everything I do. Whether it is a set of facts, an unusual or dire

wait for just the right shot – literally. There are over

situation someone is facing, a portrait or, lately, a botanical, my goal is identical:

1000 images in his recent decade-spanning project,

put everything in the most flattering light possible and find truth in the shadows.

of which only 49 will be chosen for his next exhibit. He has a self-control that comes from years of being a

Some of the best photographers in the world are inspired by the beauty and

lawyer; this discipline enables Sklan to transfer his distinct

rustic charm that is uniquely California. Edward Weston is best known for his

creative style into a unique perspective. His current photographic collection

photos of California’s Big Sur landscapes, and Ansel Adams spent a large part

explores Blooming botanicals as subjects, presented to the audience in large-

of his career documenting and photographing the seasons of California’s

scale contemporary pigment prints that have a dauntingly soulful yet modern

Yosemite National Park. What inspires you and how has California influenced

feel. In his latest exhibition, curated by Bonny Taylor, she describes the nuances

your creative style?

of the subject and Sklan’s natural California style: “Flowers have been used and

The sheer variety of natural light in California is without peer. We have the softest

recreated in art for centuries by countless artists. Human beings are naturally

lemony light near the water down south, the reflected orange desert light of Red

drawn to their magic, mystery and fragrance. We seem to never stop looking for

Rocks, the amazing diffusion of foggy redwood groves, the pink light of Ojai

them. Flowers have always represented many qualities significant to occasions

Valley. I could go on, but you would have me committed. Further, the interplay



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of man-made city lights and reflections off buildings against the Santa Monica

What three things do you never leave home without?

Mountains or over the hills of San Francisco are uniquely Californian. But the aspect

Camera, cash and a clear heart.

of California that continues to inspire me the most is the free state of mind that it provides. Truly, anything is possible, and I am a perfect example of that concept.

It’s not easy putting yourself out there and starting something new. What have been your biggest challenges as you transition from lawyer to artist?

Every Sunday my boyfriend brings me fresh flowers from our local farmers’

Revealing myself.

market. Flowers have always been an endearing symbol of love. What do flowers symbolize for you? These models represent the complete arc of life for me, not

Your recent gallery show seemed to be more dramatic in style than your past

just the sly biological urges with which blooming flowers entice us.

projects. Can you describe for the readers your overall design aesthetic?

When this project started, it quickly became obvious that unexpected dividends

My overall design aesthetic can be summarized in two words: nothing extra. The

were being paid. The work is peaceful. It requires real sensitivity and intuition.

recent show was an apparent departure. The work was moodier and abstract at

At the end of a session, which might take might all day, it seems like a mere

times. The images started a lot of very intelligent and heart-felt conversations.

moment has passed.

Beyond anything I could have expected, actually. They are definitely an evolutionary step within this project and confirmed my sense that one must always dig deeper

Have you always been a creative person, and at what point did you realize you

and stretch things to the limit.

wanted to pursue a career as a photographer? There has never been a day when I wasn’t creative. They called it daydreaming

Do you remember that first photo you took and where was it – that defining

when I was in elementary school, which was pure torture... Up until a few years

moment – where you said, “This is what I want to do?”

ago, my work was strictly for clients or for my private consumption. Prints were

Hurricane Betsy passed directly over Miami. The aftermath was both tragic

given as gifts. Then someone said, “You really should share these with everyone.”

and beautiful. My black and white photo of a floating carpet of oranges

One thing led to another.

precisely represented how I felt when the image was made. There was no turning back. It was 1965.

Where are some of your favorite local places to shop for flowers? Whenever possible, I grow my own specimens. But that leaves huge gaps between seasons. Local farmers’ markets are great, as is the LA Flower Mart. However, there are specimens all over the city and canyons, just there for the picking, such as the wild anise I recently photographed. It was found in an alley. Your photos are beautiful, captivating and so simplistic in nature; I don’t think people realize how much goes into creating these beautiful photos. Can you describe the process that goes into a photo, before you pick that perfect one? Flowers are like any other organic subject. If you pay attention, they let you know what is needed and when. If they are growing in my garden, it is like Christmas morning. The anticipation is painful. If at the Mart, my eye is looking for something different. Not necessarily beautiful or symmetrical, but unusual. The project has 2000 final images at this point, but I feel that it is really just beginning. The more I look, the more possibilities I see. A shoot may last a few minutes or stretch out over days until I am satisfied that everything has been gotten out of the botanical model. And, as with people, some reveal themselves easier than others. Some are shy. It might take one frame or a dozen.


Maggy Siegel

A Los Angeles based lifestyle designer, Vintage Finds buyer for One Kings Lane and a veteran apparel industry leader who pioneered several popular children’s brands. She is a mother, an art and nature lover, and collector of all things chic for the home. Contact information:

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