Child Protection Policy Magic Bus - English

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photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak



1. Introduction to the Magic Bus India Foundation


2. Objectives


3. The Magic Bus Approach to Child Protection


4. Definitions


Protection Issues: In the context of activities of Magic Bus, an indicative list of child protection issues is as follows: 5. General Framework of Safety Norms for MBIF Sport and Outdoor Sessions


6. Constitution of Committees for Child Protection


7. Accountability and Process for Staff


8. Accountability and Process for volunteers and visitors


9. Proactive Prevention


10. Additional Magic Bus responsibilities towards Child Protection


11. Audit and Review


12. Concluding Remarks


Annexures: A. Child Protection Declaration for Employees and Volunteers


B. Child Protection Policy for Visitors


C. Accident/ Incident Form


D. Magic Bus Good Practice Guidelines for Volunteers and Visitors


E. Magic Bus Good Practice Guidelines for Staff


F. Code of Conduct for Magic Bus Staff, Volunteers and Visitors


G. Complaint Form


H. Structure of Child Protection Mechanisms in Magic Bus


J. Complaint Handling Process in case of issues pertaining to Child Protection


I. Implementation Schedule


photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak


At Magic Bus we move children out of poverty by nurturing them on a journey through from childhood to livelihood. The organisational programme is based on a Sport for Development approach that is rooted in Mentoring relationships. The programme reaches out through direct interventions, partnerships of various kinds and consultancies for other organisations, universities, institutions and government bodies. As of August 2012, the direct intervention was present across ten states and reached out to 2,13,000 children. This programme is delivered by a team of 7,750 Community Youth Leaders who volunteer to mentor a group of children in their community for a specific period of time. Each CYL is mentored in turn by a young person who is a paid Magic Bus staff member – a Youth Mentor. At its Magic Bus Centre of Experiential Learning near Karjat on the outskirts of Mumbai, the next level of learning to enhance personal and social development skills is provided to the children from Mumbai City programmes, through outdoor activities.To a limited extent, MBIF is also conducting at the said Centre such sports and experiential learning related outdoor activities for children and adults coming from socio-economically advanced backgrounds for revenue generating purposes. In Mumbai City programmes and at the Centre, employees of MBIF are working directly with children.

This document is based on the principles espoused in the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Children and the guidelines created in partnership with the Australian Sport Outreach Programme. It reinforces the organisation's commitment to upholding the core Magic Bus values of integrity, innovation, passion, respect and collaboration.


photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

MBIF believes that each child grows best in a safe and joyful environment. It makes a commitment to ensure the protection of each child it interacts with during sessions. All its employees, volunteers, visitors and donors are fully and unequivocally committed to the same. To ensure this and to document MBIF's commitment to the protection of the children it interacts with, the organisation has evolved this Child Protection Policy (CPP).



2 OBJECTIVES Principally

This Child Protection Policy is especially created in the context of the range of outdoor activities that Magic Bus delivers across the country. The interpretation of any alleged incident of violation of a child's right to protection, in so far as it contextually applies to Magic Bus, and any recommendations of corrective and/or punitive actions, would be based on various relevant definitions provided hereinafter, subject to following the redressal process prescribed hereunder.

To uphold the right of each child in the MBIF space, to protection, thus enabling the participation and development of the child. Operationally 1. To ensure that MBIF upholds and advances every child's right to be protected against every conceivable form of physical and non-physical abuse.

Magic Bus spaces across the country are participatory,inclusive and diverse. The organisation recognises the need to reach out especially to engage with those groups that are marginalised and therefore includes proactive processes which involve girls and children from backward communities. The organisation strongly advocates equal opportunities and does not permit or condone discrimination on any grounds.

2. To provide for a framework of functional mechanisms, comprising of selected members of MBIF and eminent external practitioners in the field of child protection, for the redressal of violation/sof children's right to protection and recommending suitable measure(s), corrective or punitive, against any person, irrespective of the nature of that person's association with MBIF.

This Child Protection Policy is framed in the broader context of the values and vision of the organisation. It is to be read in conjunction with the policy on Gender Inclusion and the Sexual Harassment policy of the organisation.

Magic Bus India Foundation (MBIF) is a not for profit organization registered under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.



4 DEFINITION 1.Employer: Magic Bus India Foundation, having its registered office at Todi Estate, Room 5, Wing A, Sunmill Compound, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai – 400 013, shall be deemed to be the employer of staff as defined hereunder.

5.Volunteer: Any person, who has chosen out of his/her own volition, to extend help in any programmatic or non-programmatic areas of MBIF's operations, without any remuneration whatsoever, and who has signed an application cum undertaking to protect children's best interests at all times during the period of his/her association with Magic Bus, following the due process of volunteer selection as laid down in the Volunteer Policy of the organisation. The Community Youth Leaders (CYLs) in the National Programme referred on Pg 1 of this policy are considered in this category.

2.Staff: Any person, in the bonafied employment of MBIF, in the regular course or contractually, whether on probation or permanent, including consultants to whom all or some of the benefits of regular employment are extended by mutual consent. 3.Programme Delivery Staff: The following chart illustrates position wise hierarchy of the programme delivery staff.

6.Visitor: Any person who has signed the prescribed undertaking attached to the CPP and escorted by a staff member or authorized volunteer, visiting any location(s) where children's sports and/or outdoor activities are conducted.

4.Child: Any person, male or female, below the age of 18, as evidenced by relevant birth certificate or in cases where birth certificate is not available, medically ascertained by competent authorities, who has or is undergoing training in MBIF's sports for development programmes at any of its locations. This would include Community Youth Leaders who are under the age of 18.

7.Session: A Session is a period starting from the time the children are taken to the play ground from their respective location by the abovereferred programme delivery team and community co-ordinators, till they are dropped back at the point of origin.

State Head District Programme Manager Managing the delivery of Programmes, Supervising monitering officers

Training an Monitoring Officer supervising mentors and monitoring sessions

Youth Mentor Supervises community youth leaders, conducts session with parents


photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

9.Sexual Abuse:A child may be abused in any of the following ways:

8.Children's Right to Protection: Includes freedom from all forms of, Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Ÿ Sexual

Exploitation Abuse Inhuman or degrading treatment Neglect


Protection Issues: In the context of activities of Magic Bus, an indicative list of child protection issues is as follows:



Ÿ Gender discrimination Ÿ Religious/Caste discrimination Ÿ Physical, emotional or psychological


harassment Ÿ Sexual abuse Ÿ Verbal abuse Ÿ Corporal Punishment


intercourse through penile penetration i.e. rape, or use of objects or other parts of body. Exposing children to pornography and using them for producing pornographic materials. Directly or indirectly touching any part of the body of a child with an object or with a part of body for sexual gratification. Exposing or flashing genital organs or other parts of the body with sexual intent. Deriving voyeuristic pleasure by showing sexual activity or forcing two or more children to have sex with each other. Passing sexually coloured remarks or verbally abusing a child using vulgar and obscene language or actions.

10.Corporal Punishment: Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child pain, not for the purpose of injury but for correction.

Magic Bus recognises that children have the right to be protected both from the violation of their rights by adults, as well as by older/other children.


Ÿ Training and Monitoring Officers as well as

program delivery team must inspect the ground, mark the areas that are physically safe and unsafe and communicate them to the children to ensure their physical safety during the session.

management staff above this level are authorized to make visits to sessions to ensure that these measures are in place. Ÿ Each location must have the contact details

ofthe nearest First Referral Unit (hospital/dispensary/clinic as relevant) in case of any accident/incident.

Ÿ A First Aid box must be kept handy with the

team at all sessions. Ÿ All Magic Bus employees, visitors and

volunteers must follow the Good Practice Guidelines during sessions. (Refer Annexures 4 and 5)


Processes to be followed in the event of Incidents/Accidents such as physical injury while playing during a Magic Bus session:

Ÿ The relevant session in-charge (Community

Youth Leader, Youth Mentor or Training and Monitoring Officer) must fill up and submit the accident/incident form (Annexure 3) and submit it to the DPM / Project OfficerCluster within 3 days of the event.

Ÿ An incident/accident can be understood as

an event that occurs on a Magic Bus session in which the child is harmed (whether intentionally or unintentionally) and that exceeds the capacity of the available resources (first aid) available with the program team.

Ÿ In case of insurance claims, the Session in-

charge must liaise for the same with the D istrict Progra mme Ma n a ge r/ Administration Assistant.

Ÿ All children, volunteers and staff of Magic

Ÿ All

incident/accident forms must be submitted to the administration manager within a fortnight of the incident/accident, duly signed by relevant parties.

Bus are insured against accidents. Ÿ In case of accidents, the child must be given

appropriate first aid. Ÿ The administration department will do the Ÿ If the accident is of a nature that requires

necessary follow ups required in the insurance process and maintain a file of the same.

further medical support, the child's local guardian/ parent must immediately be informed, and the child taken to a nearby hospital/doctor.

Ÿ The

r e l e v a n t D i s t r i c t Pr o g r a m m e Manager/Cluster Programme Officer/Manager/Relevant Unit Head will maintain a copy of all these records.

Ÿ The

information of such an accident/incident must immediately be communicated by the person(s) conducting the session to the relevant District Programme Manager/ Project Officer Cluster who will then advise the concerned person on a further course of action.

Processes to be followed to ensure safety of Staff: Ÿ It

is mandatory for staff to take a compensatory day off after attending an outdoor programme such as aday trip, camp, overnight trek or expedition. This is to ensure that staff do not suffer from exhaustion and are fully alert when they report for sessions.

Ÿ If the child/ children impacted are girls, a

female staff member should manage the matter in the presence of a community coordinator/NGO staff/parent/ guardian. Ÿ As a rule, it is required that First Aid be

Ÿ All staff who conduct sessions with children

are insured for personal accidents and mediclaim. (Details of this are available with the Administration Department in a document titled 'Insurance and Medical Reimbursement')


photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

administered to a child by the staff of the same gender, unless it is not possible to do so due to any exceptional circumstances. In such cases the First Aid should be administered in the presence of at least two adult witnesses.

6 CONSTITUTION OF COMMITTEES FOR CHILD PROTECTION State Body: The executive responsibility for Child Protection lies with Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive Committees in each of the operational spaces of the organization (all intervention head offices and programme support and development offices).These committees consist of

Magic Bus has established a system of internal redressalthat engages with issues and complaints of violations of child protection by staff, visitors and volunteers. (Refer Annexure 7) This system exists at two levels.

Ÿthe Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive (Operations Manager of the relevant State/ Cluster)

Apex Body: The overall responsibility for Child Protection lies with the Empowered Redressal Committee – Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion (ERC – CP/GI) which has been duly appointed and empowered by the Board of Directors through appropriate resolution.The committee comprises of

ŸDPM/Project Officer – Cluster of the relevant

State/ Cluster ŸThe relevant HR representative and Ÿ the Head of State/ Function based on the scope of responsibility in a given case.

Each Child Protection/Gender Inclusion Executive shall be responsible to communicate on a quarterly basis all cases that are brought to this committee's attention, to the ERC – CP/GI.

Ÿ the

Child Protection Officer/ Gender Inclusion Officer (designated as the Head, Research and Development)

Ÿ a representative of the specific geography/

vertical in which the complaint is located (State/ Functional Head)

If the relevant CP/GI Executive Committee feels that the case warrants further attention, it may escalate i tto the ERC –CP/GI for further investigation and action .It shall be the responsibility of ERC – CP/GIto look into every instance of CPP violation brought to its notice by following the prescribed process, examining the issues thoroughly and recommending further action, punitive or otherwise, impartially and judiciously.

Ÿ a legal representative of the organization to

ensure the rights of the individuals involved (Head, Legal and Secretarial), Ÿ the Head, Human Resources Ÿ and the primary duty bearer to the safety of

children in Magic Bus Spaces (Chief Operations Officer).

The ERC- CP/GI will have the option of inviting any external expert of eminence in the field of child protection to help and guide its approach in dealing with persons where there is no definitive legal relationship with MBIF.

The ERC -CP/GI can co-opt other members, including external persons as may be necessary, from time to time on the basis of situational needs. The ERC –CP/GI has terminal responsibility for all matters related to the protection of children in the Magic Bus programme.

The ERC- CP/GI shall submit an annual report on Child Protection cases with relevant action taken, to the Board.


7 ACCOUNTABILITY AND PROCESS FOR STAFF Each member of staff of Magic Bus is expected to read and adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines and Code of Conduct. (Refer Annexures 4 and 5)

This form must be submitted within 24 hours of the incident coming to the attention of the concerned person.

The immediate reporting headshall be responsible to take cognizance of any untoward incident, unbecoming conduct or behaviour, by any person falling within the definition of staff, whether reported to him/her or observed by him/her, and immediately report the same to the relevant DPM/ Project Officer – Cluster. If required, this report may be directly submitted to the CP/GI executive in the state.

If a staff member is approached by a child/ child's guardian/ friend regarding a case of violation of a child's protection rights, the staff member is expected to encourage the person to fill out a complaint form, or to help the person do the same within 24 hours.

The reporting of an incident of violation of Child Protection is to be done on the Complaint Form attached in Annexure 7 of this policy document.

Complaint forms must be available with each District Programme Manager/ Project Officer – Cluster, and should be displayed in a prominent place in each operational office of Magic Bus. The DPM/ Project Officer – Cluster would then take the following steps.

1. With immediate effect, “bench” the concerned staffer – i.e. disallow the person from interacting with children in Magic Bus spaces until the situation is resolved. 2. Communicate the case to the relevant Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive within 24 hours. The CP/GI Executive would bring the complaint to the CP/ GI Executive Committee which would then a. Conduct a detailed inquiry of the complaint by talking to staff present at the site of the alleged violation (within a week of the complaint coming to ist attention) b. Talk to the concerned child in an atmosphere where the child does not feel intimidated or constrained. The parents of the child should also be consulted to find out if there have been any unusual changes in the behaviour of the child at home, as a possible result of the incident. c. Talk selectively to a few other children in the same group/session, who are, in his/her opinion, capable of expressing themselves without fear d. Recommend corrective/ punitive action (within a week of the complaint coming to its attention) e. Ensure that the recommended action is taken (within two weeks of the complaint coming to ist attention) f. Where the Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive Committee feels necessary it may escalate the matter for the attention of the ERC – CP/GI through the relevant State/ Functional Head or through the HLS. This must be done within three days of the issue coming to their attention. g. The ERC – CP/GI shall be at complete liberty, if it so desires, to order another time bound inquiry by any other person , to eliminate possibilities of any bias or prejudice in the findings of the original inquiry. This must be done within two weeks of the matter coming to its attention.

h. Following discussions in ERC – CP/GI, a show cause notice shall be issued to the alleged wrongdoer, asking him/her to show causes why appropriate action should not be taken against him/her. i. After due deliberations, ERC – CP/GI shall recommend any corrective and/or punitive action to be taken against the alleged violator. The ERC-CP/GI shall also be responsible to ensure that the action recommended is implemented. 3. It shall be mandatory for the CP/GI Executive Committee or the ERC –CP/GIto give adequate opportunity to the alleged wrongdoer to defend him/herself, and for this purpose, s/he should be given a choice of either defending him/herself through personal appearance or through written submission. 4.The decision of the CP/GI Executive Committee/ ERC– CP/GI as relevant will be communicated to the impacted/aggrieved person. 5. All cases must be documented systematically and signed by all relevant persons i.e. the reporting person, the CP/GI Executive, the State/ Functional Head, relevant HR personnel. If the matter has been escalated to the ERC – CP/GI the final documentation must also have all their signatures. 6. Consolidations of all cases and their resolutions will be prepared by the ERC-CP/GIannually and shared with the board.



Each volunteer and visitor at Magic Bus is expected to read and adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines and the Code of Conduct. (Refer Annexures 4 and 6) 1.The immediate reporting head, shall be responsible to take cognizance of any untoward incident, unbecoming conduct or behavior, by any person falling within the definitions of volunteers or visitor, whether reported to him/her or observed by him/her. 2.The reporting head shall inform the relevant CP/GI Executive within 24 hours of the incident coming to his/her attention. 3.The volunteer/ visitor will immediately be disallowed from MB programme locations by the CP/GI Executive. The CP/GI Executive will inform the person that an internal MBIF committee will conduct an inquiry into the incident and take further action as deemed necessary.

photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

4.The same process as prescribed in Section G of this CPP will be followed. 5.The relevant committee (Executive body at the state/cluster level or the ERC-CP/GI) will investigate the matter, prepare a report and may register a complaint with the appropriate legal body as necessary. The aggrieved party will be informed regarding the action taken by the organisation.


9 PROACTIVE PREVENTION The following responsibilities rest with the HR department of the organization.

Ÿ All

existing Magic Bus employees and volunteers will be taken through a CP workshop once a year which will include a reiteration of the CPP.

Ÿ The orientation and induction programme

of every new employee at every location must contain mandatory disclosure of the CPP and the mechanisms thereof.

Ÿ In exceptional cases, if police verification of

a potential new joinee is warranted in the opinion of the relevant recruiting authority within the organization, the same may be obtained, subject to the approval of the HR department.

Ÿ Each employee, volunteer or visitor to the

organisationmust sign the CPP prior to assuming responsibilities/ interacting with children at Magic Bus.

10 ADDITIONAL MAGIC BUS RESPONSIBILITIES TOWARDS CHILD PROTECTION Over and above issues related to accidents, incidents, harassment, bullying and abuse, Magic Bus will takes responsibility to ensure Child Protection as a culture among all ist employees.

Ÿ Magic Bus also ensures that children consent

to the use of their photographs or case stories for promotional material for the organization. The written consent of the child's parent/guardian will be taken prior to the use of these in external communication material.

a. Community Awareness of CP Mechanisms at Magic Bus Ÿ The organization takes the responsibility of sharing its Child Protection Policy and mechanisms with the community in public outreach programmes in intervention communities. This will include sharing pamphlets with relevant contact numbers and processes, meetings with parents, and meetings with other relevant stakeholders.

c. Staff Conduct It is expected from Magic Bus staff that their conduct towards children is exemplary even outside of the Magic Bus session framework. The management of Magic Bus reserves the right to take any appropriate action that it deems fit against any staffer if it learns about any untoward incident involving a Magic Bus staff member with any child(ren).

Ÿ Magic Bus will ensure that children in

intervention communities are aware of support systems they can access when they face violations of their rights to protection. The organisation will especially spread awareness on the availability of the free telephone helpline for children i.e 1098.

d. Child Protection outside of MB sessions If any untoward incident involving children is reported to have occurred within the family of a child in the Magic Bus programme, the relevant staff members (including the Child Protection/Gender Inclusion Executive and State Head) will extend all possible nonmonetary assistance in the form of counselling (if possessing the requisite expertise), or contact details of relevant counsellors, NGOs, police officials or Child Welfare Committee members.

b. Consent Ÿ All children in Magic Bus attend the programme with the consent of their parent/ guardian. The organization ensures consent is recorded on the registration form within the first quarter of theimplementation of the programme.



12 CONCLUDING REMARKS Magic Bus reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the full participation of children by providing them with safe and joyful spaces for learning. It also commits to fostering strong and healthy relationships between mentors and mentees, supported by strict action against anyone who exploits this relationship in any way. In this manner, the organization reinforces its pledge to help each child in its programme develop a greater degree of control and choice in his/her life, thus contributing to a nurturing journey from childhood to livelihood.

The Magic Bus Child Protection Policy will be reviewed every three years. Once in each three year span the organization will do an audit of the organization from a Child Protection lens to ensure adherence to norms laid down in the policy.

While the actual efficacy of the CPP will be determined only over a period of time, it is expected that it will serve its purpose of being a significant step in protecting the best interests of children.

photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

Gaurang Mehta Head – Legal & Secretarial. Mumbai 1st September, 2012



photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak



It is mandatory for all Employees, Volunteers and Visitors at Magic Bus, to sign this declaration and agree to abide by the Child Protection Policy of Magic Bus.

Date: ______________________

I, _________________________ (write name), hereby declare that I have read the Child Protection Policy of Magic Bus India Foundation, and understand its contents, spirit and purpose. I agree to abide unconditionally to the said policy, and will ensure that my conduct at all times ensures the protection of children as laid down in the policy.

Signed _____________________

Relationship with Magic Bus: (Tick one) Employee/ Volunteer / Visitor



Welcome aboard the Magic Bus!



Magic Bus will give millions of children living in poverty the opportunity to control the way they view the world, the freedom to choose the role they will play in it, and the power to define their own destiny.

Magic Bus develops local community mentors who take children living in poverty on the journey from childhood to livelihood.

During this long term engagement, our mentors work with children and parents through a weekly curriculum that includes the use of sporting activities, used as metaphors, to change behaviour in the areas of education, health, gender and livelihood. Our community engagement programme allows us to access existing local opportunities, ensuring that young people move from poverty and develop into young adults with greater control and choice. All Magic Bus graduates are offered the opportunity to enroll in livelihood programmes, creating at scale, a movement of competent, confident young people ready to make a significant difference to their lives. Why are we asking you to read and sign this? Magic Bus is a non-profit organization working with over 213,000 (as of August 2012) children across some of India's poorest neighbourhoods. Ensuring child safety at all times is at the core of our work. The Magic Bus programme gives children an opportunity to learn, play and grow. We cannot do this without making sure that the surroundings are safe and that adults (and the children themselves) do not violate any of the codes of dignity and protection. The Magic Bus Child Protection Policy is based on the principles of the United Nation's Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, - a declaration India signed in November 1999. Signing this makes India answerable to its children in terms of making sure every child is protected from abuse. “States Parties shall protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.�(UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Article 19) We would request you to adhere to the Code of Conduct while participating on the programme. Code of Conduct The principle behind this code of conduct is that staff and visitors should avoid actions or behaviour which may constitute poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour.


Visitors must never Ÿhit or otherwise physically assault or physically abuse children Ÿdevelop physical/sexual relationships with children Ÿdevelop relationships with children which could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive Ÿact in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse. Ÿuse language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive Ÿbehave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative Ÿhave a child/children with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home unsupervised Ÿsleep in the same room or bed as a child with whom they are working Ÿdo things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves Ÿcondone, or participate in, behaviour of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive Ÿact in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse Ÿdiscriminate against, show differential treatment, or favour particular children to the exclusion of others. This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list. It is important for all in contact with children to: Ÿbe aware of situations which may present risks and manage these Ÿplan and organise the work and the workplace so as to minimise risks Ÿas far as possible, be visible in working with children Ÿensure that a culture of openness exists to enable any issues or concerns to be raised and discussed Ÿensure that a sense of accountability exists between adults – staff and visitors so that poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour does not go unchallenged Ÿtalk to children about their contact with staff or others and encourage them to raise any concerns Ÿempower children - discuss with them their rights, what is acceptable and unacceptable, and what they can do if there is a problem Ÿnot smoke or use any other form of illegal substances (drugs) Ÿnot litter the area where sessions are being conducted – the play spaces Magic Bus creates are safe spaces that should not pose any germ threats • be aware that children are watching and learning from you – and may emulate behavior you display. For example, a friendly punch among adults may look different to a child with whom we are trying to share the message of non violence It is inappropriate to: Ÿspend excessive time alone with children away from others Ÿtake children to your home, especially where they will be alone with you Ÿtake any photographs of the children during or after the session



Magic Bus is registered as a not-for-profit organization, under section 25 of The Companies Act 1956. UK Charity No. 109922313 14


INFORMATION SHEET Name of Participant / Visitor:

Name of the Organization:


Date of Birth:




Please share your feedback in terms of your visit experience:

Magic Bus India Foundation Todi Estate, A-Wing , 2nd floor, R/no 5, Sunmills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013. Tel: (0091 22)43339393 Email:



Name of the Child/Staff Date of accident


Time of accident


Group code



Name of the MB trainer/mentor

Name of coordinator/teacher

Accident Detail

Body Parts

First Aid detail : if any,

If the person was hospitalized :

Name of the hospital/clinic and doctor:


Diagnosis of doctor and recomendation :

Transportation : Rs

Medical consultancy : Rs

Medicine : Rs

Cost of treatment total :Rs

Note: Please attach the copies of medical prescription, case papers and medical bills.


Programme Manager:














the children from any physical, emotional or sexual injury or harm. Be a good role model – do not smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, consumepaan/ ghutka / misri in the presence of the children. Respect the surroundings – littering , spitting, defacing plants and the physical environment in any way is gainst the Magic Bus ethic. Be warm, friendly and caring toward the children. Inform the activity leader/ Mentor in advance if You want to provide children with snacks or refreshments You feel the need to conduct an unplanned activity with the group or a child such as administer first aid or giving children gifts/treats Recognise the developmental needs and capacities of children. Avoid excessive training or competition and pushing them against their will.

Ÿ Adhere to the time schedules. Ÿ Wear clothing and shoes that are appropriate for




sports and adventure activities. Avoid tight clothing, revealing clothes and high heeled shoes. Treat all children equally with respect and dignity. Be sensitive to the issues of children who are especially vulnerable in given contexts. For instance, the girl child, children with disabilities, children from backward socioeconomic groups etc. Recognise the developmental needs and capacity of young people and disabled adults – avoiding excessive training or competition and not pushing them against their will. Maintain a safe and appropriate distance with the children. Do not sleep in close proximity to the children. Do not enter a bathroom or toilet being used by the children.

DO NOT Ÿ Carry any separate snacks or refreshments for

Ÿ Give your phone numbers, email address or postal

yourself during sessions unless advised by a Doctor. Take photographs of the children during the session without prior permission. Counsel children on a one on one basis unless you are authorised by Magic Bus to do so. Conduct any games/ sports activities with the children unless Magic Bus authorises you to do so. Make promises you cannot keep.

address to the children. Do not take personal numbers, address of the children. Your contact point with the children is Magic Bus. Ÿ Use foul language, inappropriate words, tease, ridicule or humiliate children. Ÿ Bully or harassany child. Ÿ Punish children. Always report problems and issues to the activity leader / coordinator / incharge.


AVOID The following should be avoided except in emergencies. Where unavoidable (e.g. the child sustains an injury and needs to go to hospital) ensure that action is taken only with the full knowledge and consent of person in charge). Otherwise, avoid: Ÿ Spending excessive amounts of time alone with children away from others. Ÿ Taking children to or dropping them off, an event.

NEVER Under no circumstances, does Magic Bus sanction the following: Ÿ Rough physical or sexually provocative games. Ÿ Sharing a room with a child. In case there are

no parents/ community staff/ teachers/NGO staff accompanying the children, the course leader must allot MB staff to stay in the dorm/ room during the night where the children are staying. It is recommended that s/he depute at least two staff for safety reasons. Male staff must be allotted to the boys' group and female staff to the girls group. The staff also needs to accompany the children to the toilets during the night if they are not in the same premises.

Any form of inappropriate touching. Ÿ The use of inappropriate language. Ÿ Sexually suggestive comments made to a child,

even in fun. Ÿ Reducing a child to tears as a form of control. Ÿ Doing things of a personal nature for children or Ÿ


disabled adults that they can do for themselves. Inviting or allowing children to stay with you at your home.

E. MAGIC BUS GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR STAFF The safety and security of children is the number one priority and responsibility of every Magic Bus staff member who engages directly with children. Magic Bus has created a set of Good Practice Guidelines that help all staff to ensure that children participate in a safe, joyful environment that ensures maximum learning. These guidelines are supported by a strict Code of Conduct that each staff member of the organisation is required to adhere to.

Good Practice Guidelines Dos: Ÿ Be alert to situations and objects that can

Ÿ Recognise the developmental needs and capacities

potentially harm, risk or hurt the children. Be a good role model – do not smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, consume paan/ ghutka / misriin the company of the children; do not deface the surroundings in any way. Magic Bus strictly prohibits spitting, littering and destruction of public property in any way. Adhere to the time schedules. Always work in an open environment avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication. Be warm, friendly and caring toward the children. Share feedback that is enthusiastic and constructive.

of children. Avoid excessive training or competition and pushing them against their will. Ÿ Treat all children equally, with respect and dignity. Ÿ Be sensitive to the issues of children who are especially vulnerable in given contexts. For instance, the girl child, children with disabilities, children from backward socioeconomic groups etc. Ÿ Maintain a safe and appropriate distance with the children. a. Do not sleep in close proximity to the children. b. Do not enter a bathroom or toilet being used by the children.




Do Nots: Ÿ Do not use foul language, inappropriate Ÿ Ÿ


words, tease, ridicule or humiliate children. Do not bully or harass the child. Do not counsel children on a one on one basis unless you are authorised by Magic Bus to do so. Do not ever punish children. Do not make any promises you cannot keep. Do not give your phone numbers, address to the children.

Ÿ Do not take personal numbers, address of the children.

Your contact point with the children is Magic Bus only. Ÿ Do not carry any separate snacks or refreshments for

yourself while on Magic Bus activities. Ÿ Do not take photographs of the children during the

session without prior permission from Head, Communications . Ÿ Do not conduct any additional games, sports activities with the children unless Magic Bus authorises you to do so.

AVOID The following should be avoided except in emergencies. Where unavoidable (e.g. the child sustains an injury and needs to go to hospital) ensure that action is taken only with the full knowledge and consent of person in charge). Otherwise, avoid: Ÿ Spending excessive amounts of time alone with children away from others. Ÿ Taking children to or dropping them off, an event.

NEVER Under no circumstances, does Magic Bus sanction the following: Ÿ Rough physical or sexually provocative games. Ÿ Sharing a room with a child. In case there are

no parents/ community staff/ teachers/NGO staff accompanying the children, the course leader must allot MB staff to stay in the dorm/ room during the night where the children are staying. It is recommended that s/he depute at least two staff for safety reasons. Male staff must be allotted to the boys' group and female staff to the girls group.The staff also needs to accompany the children to the toilets during the night if they are not in the same premises.

Ÿ Any form of inappropriate touching. Ÿ The use of inappropriate language. Ÿ Sexually suggestive comments made to a child,

even in fun. Ÿ Reducing a child to tears as a form of control. Ÿ Doing things of a personal nature for children or

disabled adults that they can do for themselves. Ÿ Inviting or allowing children to stay with you at

your home.


F. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR MAGIC BUS STAFF VOLUNTEERS AND VISITORS Magic Bus recognizes the role that each person of the Magic Bus programme, including staff, volunteers an visitors, plays in the lives of children. It therefore requires each person to recognize his/her responsibility in: 1. Ensuring that the welfare and safety of the children is paramount. 2. Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of every child and treating everyone equally, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion or ability. 3. Acting as a good role model and maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct. 4. Following the good practice guidelines for volunteers and visitors as stated in the Child Protection Policy to ensure physical, emotional and sexual safety of the children.

G. COMPLAINT FORM Every instance of violation of a child's Right to Protection must be registered in writing and brought to the attention of the relevant Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive Committee in the area. To file a formal complaint, please fill out this form completely in writing and submit it to any person on the Committee. If you need help completing the form, or want to discuss the issue before completing the complaint form, you can approach any person in the Committee or any person you trust within or outside the organisation.


PART I: Person(s) Submitting the Complaint Name of the Person completing this form _________________________________________

Tick any one of the following: I am the child making the complaint I am the child's parent/guardian I am a Magic Bus staff member Other

1. Name of the Complainant: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Address of the Complainant: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Telephone number of the Complainant: ________________________________________ 4. If you would like to have your parent(s), guardian(s), or another person attend a meeting with the Committee please provide the following information: Name of the person/s: ________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone # __________________________



Part II: Complaint 5. Please describe the situation that has caused you to complain Date/ Time Period of the Incident: Location of the Incident: Description of the Incident:

Person/s who witnessed the Incident: Please share with us how this incident has affected you so that we can know best how we can be of help to you.

6. Please describe any efforts you have made to resolve your complaint informally and the responses to your efforts. Date: With whom did you share your experience? Describe the conversation and the response you received.

7. (OPTIONAL) Please describe the outcome or remedy you seek for this complaint.

Signature of Person Submitting Report____________________________ Signature of member, Executive Committee for Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion: __________________________________

Date Filed________________________________________



22 Operational Magic Bus spaces including Head offices and intervention offices across 10 states in India

Relevant State/ Functional Head +HR Representative + Relevant DPM/ Project Officer, Cluster

Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive (Relevant Operations Manager)

22 Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion Executive Committees to address issues in the local context

Empowered Redressal Committee – Child Protection/ Gender Inclusion (Chief Operations Officer, Child Protection/Gender Inclusion Officer, Head, Legal & Secretarial, Head – State/ Function, Head Human Resources) to address issues escalated by the CP/GI Ecs

Annual Reporting of CP/GI cases to the CEO and Board



Event/Incident violating child’s right to protection Reported to relevant MB staff Noticed by the relevant MB staff

Written complaint on organizational form (Annexure 4) Filled out by Relevant MB staff Filled by trusted adult and forwarded to MB staff

Forwarding of form to District Programme Officer/ Project Officer Cluster Ensuring the form is fully filled Adding details if relevant with the complaint

Forwarding of form to relevant child protection/Gender Inclusion Office Submission is person Submission through email/mail

Investigation of the issue in the relevant Child Protection/Gender inclusion executive committee (State level) Examination of matter Recommend Action Ensure enforcement

If necessary escalation of the matter to the CP/GI Investigation

Recommend Action (Including legal reporting )

Follow up through due Process of law

Documentation Quarterly reports from CP/GI committee to ERC- CP/GI


Annual report form ERC- CP/GI

J. Implementation Schedule Task

Person Responsible


Constitution of ERC - CP/GI

MBIF Board


Identification of CP/GI officer for MB



Identification of CP/GI executives in each operational CP/GI Officer space


Constitution of CP/GI Executive committees in each operational space


CP/GI Officer

Refresher Training on CP and the CPP for all State Heads and CP/GI Officer CP/GI Executives

Due in october 2012

Refresher Training of all National Trainers on the CPP and redressal processes specifically

CP/GI Officer


Training of all State Trainers, Training and Monitoring Officers, Youth Mentors and CYLs on the CPP and redressal processes

State Heads and CP/GI Executives

Due in November 2012

Translation of the CPPinto four major Indian languages – Hindi, CP/GI officers and State heads Due in October 2012 Telugu, Marathi and Kannada Identification of external Resource Persons as potential referees in CP matters

CP/GI officers, State Leads, HR November 2012 head

Awareness drives on CP and MB HR Head, CP/GI Officer and CPP processes Executive,State heads

December 2012

Annual Report on CPP implementation and adherence CP/GI Officer to norms

March 2012



photo courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

MAGIC BUS INDIA Room 5, II Floor, A Wing, Todi Estate, Sunmills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013 India Tel:+91 22 4333 9393 Magic Bus National Programme A-75, Sector 58, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301, India Tel: +91 120 4787400 Magic Bus Centre for Learning & Development Village Aasrewadi at Post Chowk, Taluka Khalapur, District Raigad, Maharashtra 410206 India Tel: +91 219 232550 MAGIC BUS UK Ground Floor, 32-36, Loman Street, London SE10EH UK Tel: +44 0207 922 7717 MAGIC BUS eV GERMANY c/o BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt, Hanauer Str 46, 80992 M端nchen Tel: +49 0 89 38227504 Fax: +49 0 32121040464 MAGIC BUS USA 848 Folsom Street, Suite 201, San Francisco, CA 94107 Tel: +1-832-566-1096 http:/ http:/!/magicbusindia http:/ http:/ http:/

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