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Your Purpose Matters
No life is without a purpose on earth and we are no exception of this. Everything is energy and all of us humans have our unique frequency of being. We are symphonies of life, different shades of light eager to flow and create through these bodies. The level of success, happiness and abundance we are currently experiencing is a direct reflection of how connected we are with the truth of our being.
Think about how much time and energy you are spending on trying to fit, or in trying to make more money in instead of discovering your authentic being, the source of the true riches and freedom of you? What would it create for you if you began to ask, what is it that I am really here for? And what if that is not a destiny to arrive to, but a way of being right now?
The greatest secret to happy, easy and abundant life is becoming aware of the song of our soul, the truth of our being and living consciously on our purpose. When we align with the authentic song of our soul, we become magical magnets of "manifestation". The clearer our connection with the truth of us is, the more focused beams of energy we become and that can shape the whole Universe around us with miraculous speed to match our natural and most potent frequency, showing up with all of our deepest desires, even before we know what they are.
When we choose to act from purpose we are connected into an unlimited source and from this space anything becomes possible. That is true success in life, the source of all happiness there could ever be in our life.
Be the change you came here to be! Kati Kelo www. magical-goddess.com