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Weather var^,.,,-.' offiEffio
tri-colou red light cornbinations, synchronised with wind direction. Wind speed sensor autornatically varies Colourblend cycle speeds, synchronised with wind velocity, Virowind offers joystick control for rnanual colour selection and blending plus autornated 6 colour cycle blending and dynarnic aud io rnodu lation. Optional rernote radio controlled audio input and activity panel
Galvanised steel and powder coated support systern consists of 3 x S5Ornrn support tubes bolted tol x central tube 24OOrnrn above ground. 3 x concrete filled boxes below ground level to SOOmrn.
Weather station readout for inforrned learning and curriculurn activities Shows wind speed and direction, tern peratu re and barornetric pressu re. Rainfall sensor and readout available.
CT Choice of low voltage LED RGB rnatrix lurninaires or Colourblend tri-colour tube lights. Larger displays rnay be linked via a single cable or by radio control for rernote outdoor use. Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue and Magenta lights blend to display a rnyriad of coloured hues, all rnotivated by hand or windpower!
All interactive concepts,systemsand imagesshown@ENVIRONETICS All rightsreserved.No reproduction in wholeor in part withoutpermission