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The visit of the Minister

Last February, Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara visited the headquarters of Artwood Accademy in Lentate sul Seveso. Founded in 2013 by FederlegnoArredo, the Training Pole was created to develop the professionalism of young people in the wood and furniture sector. The school is supported by the ITS Foundation for the Development of the Home System in Made in Italy "Rosario Messina." The Minister met with President Giovanni Anzani, Ceo of Poliform, and Director Angelo Candiani, president of Aslam, to whom he commended the reality of the Pole, giving full support and approval to the school's activities, a model of a Lombardy that works. He also announced the release of funds, in agreement with the Regions, ear marked for ITS laboratories. The allocation for the Artwood Academy will be used to expand the existing and set up new carpentry laboratories, with the prospect of being able to increase, with a new shed, the accommodation capacity. The minister first mentioned the importance of orientation and the enhancement of vocational training programs. In the dialogue, he highlighted the need to bring out the talent of young people, without neglecting practical intelligence, reiterating the con-cept on which the future society is based: the link between the skills acquired by young people and the opportunities offered by the production system, a key idea for the country's growth. President Giovanni Anzani, who supported and strongly wanted the school, stressed the need to preserve and enhance the culture of doing, as there is an extreme need to train highly qualified workers who will shape the future of the Territory's production system. Director Angelo Candiani wished Valditara the support of the Ministry for a reality such as the school, which in the popularizing action of training programs offers cultu-re of making and resources for development and social transformation. He also pointed out how much the synergies of the training hub with different companies in the sector donate the added value in teaching and experience, such that they are considered a concrete job prospect for students. In conclusion, Minister Valditara, considering Lombardy's education an excellence in Europe, reiterated his commitment in pushing the enhancement on all fronts of the Artwood Academy.

In queste pagine alcuni momenti della visita del Ministro dell'Istruzione On. Giuseppe Valditara alla Artwood Academy In these pages some moments of the visit of the Education Minister Hon. Giuseppe Valditara at the Artwood Academy


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