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Introducing the Magnificat Fine Arts Hall of Fame!
The Magnificat High School Fine Arts Hall of Fame has been established to recognize and honor alumnae, faculty, and friends of Magnificat High School who have distinguished themselves in one or more of the various fields of the Fine Arts. Members of the Magnificat Fine Arts Hall of Fame will exemplify the school’s Mission “to learn, lead, and serve in the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat.” Areas of Fine Arts include, but are not limited to, literary, media, performing, and visual arts.
This event will be held bi-annually, with the first Induction Ceremony taking place on Friday, September 22, 2023. We are currently seeking nominations for our first class of inductees; scan the QR code for details.
Hall Of Fame Nominees Must Follow The Criteria Below
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Individuals who have attended Magnificat High School and have graduated no less than five years prior to their acceptance into the Hall of Fame. An individual may be accepted into the Hall of Fame posthumously. Qualifications for evaluation will include their involvement and achievements in the Fine Arts as a Magnificat student, as well as their accomplishments and contributions in Fine Arts fields after graduation at the amateur and/or professional level.
Individuals who have served as teachers, directors, or advisors and have made significant contributions through their dedicated work with students in Fine Arts curricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular programs at Magnificat High School.
Individuals who have participated in the Magnificat Theater program but who are not alumnae. Qualifications for evaluation will include their involvement and achievements in the Magnificat Theater Department, as well as their accomplishments and contributions in Fine Arts fields after graduation at the amateur and/or professional level.