Happiness is Obtainable

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I want to tell you it isn't about the education you have or the car you drive it is about how you feel in your mind. You have to tell yourself that you're great and don't retract that statement no matter where you are or who you are around. That is the only way you truly ever will be. You can't out do the way you perceive yourself. Whatever you believe you can make you will make, whatever type of partner you believe you will get is exactly what you will end up with. Build your self image up, be proud and confident. This is your Earth just as much as the next person so live your life, have fun and take risk. You have heard the saying a million times that you only live once, so go for it live the life you have always dreamed of. Only you can decide to take action! All we have to do is believe in the fact and subscribe to our thoughts that we will succeed and we can live prosperous. It is ourselves that hold us back and nothing else. There is something intense about floating in outer space on a planet full of water, land, trees, etc. We are spiritual, thought, conscious, energy driven beings with the capacity to control our thoughts and that in turn controls our future. That is why if you think in reverse it is only going to benefit you if the past was good. Only focus on the fact that you are at one with this force of energy and life. So many people talk about things that give them sorrow. They need to change their focus to a positive mind set. Then they can get to work trying to get it right. It is all how you want to feel! The point is you have to decide on whether you, someone, something, or someplace else is going to affect your mood. That in return will control your future event. It is very important to be in a thought of good, if you want to attract good. It is like tuning into channel 6 on your TV when you want to watch channel 10 it is impossible. Get out and try your dream, if you don't have one then ask your subconscious mind to show you one. Ask it to show you and believe in what it shows you. Be calm and relaxed. I have to tell you there is more to life than what is happening at this point. You are not defined by your job, where you live or your friends. Make it more real to believe that there are more important things in life like the planet, the brain, vastness of the universe, etc. Most people don't think beyond there TV, computer, and bills. Focus on the things you want and feel the feelings of already having it. Go get what you want don't wait another minute. When you have a down moment (thought) remember how great you are and think of great things like loved ones or your pet, that will change your mood and you will be in peace. Only you can make that happen. Think of how others are doing and what makes them happy. Never doubt yourself. Give to others and you will get in return. It is better to give one dollar and feel good about it then to give a hundred dollars and regret it.

Some Quantum physicist can't do task that are not in their field yet they are considered the smartest people on the planet. The point I'm trying to make is knowledge or lack of on a certain subject doesn't determine someone being smart or not. Even a high school drop out can study certain text and if they're really into it can live a happy, healthy life. If you think of past failures you will get more of that. Keep it clean and waste free. Some people are swayed by others opinion and not conscious that they are being brain washed. Be in control of your mind. Make it what you want to believe. Don't let anyone control your ideas. Go somewhere alone and think of the idea really think of it all kinds of ways outside the box. Then be stern enough to hold that belief in your mind and that will be the outcome. I now control my thoughts everyday and in turn I control my perception of life. The sad thing is most people don't know they have the ability to do that. They think they aren't capable of doing the things that others do. Some people allow their T.V. to control their thoughts on life. If they look into their mind they would be surprised how superficial they have allowed themselves to become. There is more to life than a bunch of rubber, plastic, and glass. The only thing we really need in life is love and attention. Family is more important than anything so just remember that. Learn more about the world, universe, nature, etc. Some people don't believe what they can't see. We can't see the waves that come from our cell phones yet we know they exist because we can talk, send a picture, etc. There are many other unseen phenomena that we can't see happening to us everyday. Be open minded and you will see that there are many remarkable things that we take for granted everyday. The longer you wait to go for your goal the longer your goal will take to achieve. The more you do any task it becomes easier for you. Then it becomes subconscious. Don't be lazy it will only make your dream even harder to achieve. Dedicate at least an hour to your goal everyday. There is no excuse why you can't do it. If you are real with yourself you can decipher between feasible goals and fantasy. We never stop learning either on purpose or by accident. We learn how to act from our environment as a youth and once we reach 18 years old we have a choice to live in that environment or not. It is a choice and only you can make it. If you really want to stop or do something you have to want it more than you want for the other. Make sure you realize what is the most important things in your life. Sometimes you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Be humble and confident. If others are unpleasant then leave them out of your life. Sometimes it may be an underlying problem they don't wish to share but if you allow them to upset you then you lose. Misery loves company. There will be times in your life that you cannot consciously control your emotions like the death of a loved one. But if you have knowledge you can make it easier on yourself. Slow down analyze all thoughts that don't benefit you. Replace them with thoughts that do. Sooner or later depending on how hard you practice it will come natural to you. Make being happy as important as the sun is for life on earth. Take it easy and pay mind to what is being thought about. Think peace, love, affection, wealth, and joy. Act like you've been there before. Be the observer, you are at one with the universe. It all starts with an idea and persistence in achieving it. Never lose focus. You have to believe in something greater than yourself is at work here. The

same force that holds the planet together, created water, trees, etc. Once you know that this force is present under any man made name; God, the universe, energy, etc. Whatever you call it doesn't matter the only thing that matters is you believe that it has the power to get you what you want. The only time you get what you don't want is when you stray from your belief that this ever present source exist and think that it doesn't matter how you think and act. Conscious control of our thoughts will help us endure many tasks but only if we gear the new thought toward love, peace and happiness. How many times have we let others control our thoughts? We allow them to talk of unpleasant things and implant doubt of our goal in our mind. Don't let it happen. If you're around someone that you know is trying to bring you down to their sad state of mind let them know you are not happy with their talk. If they continue then let them go! Find someone new or confide in a real friend. Someone that supports your goal(s), not tries to tear you down. You probably are thinking of someone you know that does just that. If you know that then why keep doing the wrong thing? It's because you are addicted to the negative emotion it brings you. All you have to do is stop doing whatever it is that is bringing you unrest. It is really that simple. Change your actions and soon the new actions will become subconscious. The old way of spending your days will be forgotten. How do I know? I have lived it. My life is decided by me not what others want for me or what a normal life for the ones in my life sought. Decide today to be happy because only you can decide how you feel and what you believe. Make it a point to get what you want and ask the universe to bring it to you when you need it. Remember there is no such thing as lack or limitation if you have faith and keep your chin up I promise you the problems you face will pass like the wind and a new wind of joy and abundance will follow. What holds us back? A comfort zone even if it is unfavorable. We get addicted to the emotion of lack because it is our usual way of being. Break out of your shell and try something new something that you have never done yet but would love to do. Make more of your life through studies, taking action, believing, focus, persistence, and thought control. Get your prayers answered because you are conscious of the fact you can. Obtain happiness and peace even in times of crisis and get to work using your talents to their fullest potential. Make it your goal to get totally at one with the endless supply of the universe, God, consciousness, and life. When doubt occurs you have to hold on to that thought of greatness and use it like a movie in your mind to keep you grounded on your quest toward greatness. Be sure you take others thoughts into consideration or you will be disliked. If you don't care, than you have a choice to stay or leave. Most people you encounter on the street or elsewhere you will probably never encounter them twice in your life. Let's say the guy that cut you off in traffic and you flipped off stops at the light and jumps out yelling. He may be distressed do to something going on in his personal life so he may not be conscious of the fact that it doesn't serve him to do two wrongs to try and justify his anger, hurt, panic or confusion. I think leaving in that situation would serve us better that way it will allow them to gain composer and move on. I want to help the overzealous person realize they can stop-think-react. If we do this enough it becomes a habit. It's hard not to dwell on the fact that you have dept, unrest, pain and suffering in your life. You have to see beyond that and allow your mind to let go of all material thought and thank the All for your life. You would be surprised how you can overcome your woes in just a little time by staying focused on the end result where everything is well. That is what you want and

nothing is going to stop you. Observe your role, actions, results and effort. Grade yourself on them. When you do that you are truly at one with this great loving presence. You are the one making what happens to you happen instead of other peoples lives making your life. You make your life through the way you observe it in your mind (real or not) it will become real if you hold it in your mind and even have it move in you head like a movie. Just keep having it come to your thoughts and it will show up in your life. Use your brain instead of being a robot. Visualize your goal being completed make it fun not a chore. Some of the greatest human beings to ever grace our planet came from humble backgrounds, encountered great adversity, and had vices so don't blame your current circumstances for more failure. Think of what your hero would do in your position. Watch taking advice from others as they may have an idea that is different from what your life has in it everyday. That is why it is your idea. Even if you admire them they have a different point of view than yours. You love them and respect their opinion but you have to remember they only know what you show them of you. Do you act the same as you do around them as when you aren't? Usually not. You have to take a little from each person then you can decipher the truth as the observer of whom you are and want to be. Sometimes I have to stop and think about what someone has told me in the past. That was their best interpretation of life and they like most people didn't think outside the box. They just are afraid or don't want to learn something that they don't know about or understand. If we are more open minded about what we see in life we start to gain a new understanding of others way of looking at a certain situation. We start to open our eyes to new ideas. I was one of those people that would write off an idea that I didn't understand. That is why my results where poor as well. The brain likes to learn and when it doesn't it won't function properly. We stop learning and our world is based on what we already know. If that's the case there is no room for advancement beyond what we already know is possible. I want you to stop and think about what I just said. We also need to analyze our position in life every now and then because life doesn't remain dormant. The world is ever changing and if we don't change with it we will be left in the past. That is in business as well as other areas of life. I know there are people that like the way things are going in life and they don't want to change anything. That is fine for now but if you are doing the same thing you are doing now ten or twenty years from now you won't be happy anymore. The point is we should think outside the box and come up with new ideas and concepts. Otherwise we are limiting ourselves. If we are going to really Connect To Happiness we have to be ready to accept the happiness. People say I want to be happy but there actions prove otherwise. We grow so attached to the things we do on a daily basis and forget that they are the reason for the anguish. Once we move those objects from our life we start to see the stress that it was bringing also fades. You see that it wasn't you that was the problem at all. I found out very fast that the people, places and things that was bringing unrest in my life was the problem. I was fine as long as I wasn't involved with the person, place or thing that was bringing me sorrow. It was very hard at first to change my old habits but through continuous study and patience I now can say that it is very easy to change for me. As a matter of fact it is harder for me

not to change my surroundings. I have become a person that loves to change my scenery to make my life better. I would say it would be like trying to forget how to ride a bike for me to put myself in a position where I wasn't completely sound with the place, person or event I'm encountering. So through persistence, patience, and observation we can live the life we want to live not the life we have always believed we would live. Remember you get what you expect and nothing else. So if we start to imagine a better life for ourselves we will get just that. Don't give up on your dream because someone else thinks it is a foolish idea or you haven't seen big results right away. Try changing your expectations of it and watch what happens. Just remember to get all stress out of your life first because if you are in a stressed mind state your subconscious mind will definitely give you more things that bring stress. Communication is vital in any relationship whether it is in your business or personal life. Some people start to assume something was meant to be taken as the way they took it when the way that it was meant to be taken wasn't even close to the image that the other person had in there mind. I want to take a minute and talk about this a little more. We all have our own perception of the world and its functions and there are facts that can't be disputed. So that means that everyone has there own take on life and what they think in there mind about a certain object is their reality not yours. That is why communication is so vital. We need to see others point of view and decipher what we can to form an understanding on what they mean. Instead of jumping to conclusions and getting ourselves in a negative vibration. If someone you know always acts mad or indifferent to what you are saying they might not want to hear what you are saying to them do to their misunderstanding of what you're trying to say or do. So if they won't listen to reason move on to a topic that they love or go around them less or not at all. If someone is not trying to better themselves and you are around them you will likely fail as well. Communication is so important in the fact that if not practiced can lead to divorce, broken friendships, and bad business fall-outs. I would suggest communicating on a level of how important the situation is. For instance; if it is your family that your communication is not up to par then of course you would stress communication more than if it was a coworker that you see forty hours a week. The last thing I am going to talk about is worrying. We worry that we won't make it to work on time, we worry about bills, we worry about a lot of things for no reason at all. Think of some of the things that you have worried about in the last month that have never had the outcome that you were worried about. To wear yourself out leading up to the thing you are worried about is going to drain all your energy that could be used to take on the task that is causing the discomfort in your life. You could have faced it with more gusto instead you where drained of that energy from worrying the whole time leading up to it. It is the same thing as all the other situations. You decide what you are going to worry about. There are more ways to avoid worry than there are worries themselves. Stop letting your mind wonder and really grab hold of your life. As I stated over and over again; you are the one that brings unrest in your life. We all go through hard times in our lives the difference is how we handle it. Do not be a victim of your circumstance make it the way you want it to be. Only you can make that choice. Start to think about what it is that you need to do to really find happiness in your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_R._Finley

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