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If you're new to the weight-loss game, you're going to hear and read all types of tips and advice on how to do it, what foods to eat and not eat, and what works and what doesn't. Listen selectively! Listen only to true experts, including seasoned dieters who've been there, tried that, and can tell you the truth about fad diets and other weight-loss gimmicks. Here are five popular diet myths, debunked Eating in between meals makes you fat. The truth is snacking can actually help you lose weight. The purpose of a snack is to prevent you from getting so hungry that you overeat at your next meal. You must stick to a strict number of calories to lose weight. In fact, you can lose weight with a range of calories. Also, you'll be more successful at weight loss if you give in and cheat a little (with an emphasis on "little") once in while, especially if you feel hungry, than if you allow yourself to get too hungry and end up binge eating. Eating certain specific foods helps you burn calories. Have you ever heard that you can lose weight by eating only cabbage soup? How about the grapefruit diet? Has anyone ever told you that it takes more calories to digest an apple than the apple itself contains? If you haven't heard any of these stories yet, you will. Unfortunately, none of them are true. Sure, digesting your food does take some energy and it involves burning calories, but there's no such thing as a "digestion diet." No matter what type of food you eat, the digestion process could never use up enough calories to make any difference in your weight. Eating late at night causes you to gain more weight than eating during the day. Not true. The total amount and type of food you eat is what matters, not when you eat it. Many people often eat after dinner as a form of entertainment, not to satisfy hunger, so the food choices tend to be higher calorie snack foods. If food is a form of entertainment for you, the more you feel bored, the more you'll eat. Reduced-fat and fat-free foods can help you lose weight. Certain naturally fat-free foods, such as vegetables and fruits, can help you lose weight because you can fill up on larger quantities of these foods for fewer calories than if you choose food higher in fat. Fat-free convenience food products, however, are another story. Many of these foods contain so much added sugar or other ingredients that they contribute just as many, if not more,
calories to your diet. Remember that in the diet industry, everyone has something to sell, so spend your money wisely!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gunawan_Harinanto
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