VOID Program 2019

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Welcome To VOID International Animation Film Festival 2019! Welcome to VOID 2019. Now in her fourth year, she has grown healthy and sturdy, but is as adventurous now as in her first year – and struts a record number of more than 120 animated films.

Velkommen til VOID 2019. Hun er nu i sit fjerde år og har vokset sig sund og robust, men er stadig lige så eventyrlysten som i sin første udgave – og i år kan hun prale af at vise flere end 120 film.

We are especially proud to present, for the first time, an entire programme of animated shorts that are either produced in Denmark or directed by filmmakers with Danish backgrounds (New Danish Shorts p. 22) and to highlight stars and talents from the animated cinema of Iran (New Iranian Shorts p. 30). You should give the meditative and abstract a chance (North of Blue p. 19) and enjoy the timeless classics (Watership Down p. 13) as well as the freshness of the next wave of directors (Graduation Film Shorts p. 20).

Vi er især stolte over for første gang at kunne præsentere et helt program med animationsfilm, der er produceret i Danmark eller har instruktører med danske rødder (New Danish Shorts s. 22) og at sætte fokus på rutinerede filmskabere og nye talenter fra iransk animation (New Iranian Shorts s. 30). Giv det meditative og abstrakte en chance (North of Blue s. 19), og nyd både de tidløse klassikere (Watership Down p. 13) og en frisk, ny bølge af instruktører (Graduation Film Shorts s. 20).

Don’t forget to vote for the VOID Audience Award, and please do join us for the closing night screening and celebration of this year’s selected, nominated, and winning films (Closing Event: Solar Walk p. 6). Enter the world of animation – brought to you with the aid of our sponsors, partners, advisors, and supporters, and with the indispensable help of our volunteers.

Glem ikke at stemme i Publikumskonkurrencen, og vær endelig med til vores afsluttende visning og fejring af dette års udvalgte, nominerede og vindende film (Closing Event: Solar Walk s. 6). Træd ind i en verden af animation – præsenteret med støtte fra vores sponsorer, partnere, rådgivere og den uundværlige hjælp fra vores frivillige. Anne Winberg Festivalleder


Anne Winberg Festival Director

Shorts I, II, III & IV These shorts are in competition for the prize that you can award – the VOID Audience Award 2019. So don’t forget to vote, when you exit one of the screenings.

Kortfilmene i disse fire programmer er i konkurrence om den pris, som du kan give – VOID Audience Award 2019. Så glem Ikke at stemme, når du kommer ud fra én af visningerne.


Practical Info

Praktisk Info

VOID International Animation Film Festival is a 10-day festival running from Jan 24th – Feb 2nd. Please note that all films are screened at Cinemateket in English or with English subtitles. One ticket costs 85 dkk, but students and members of Cinemateket can buy tickets for 50 dkk. All feature films are shown with a short film from this year’s programme of up 15 minutes in length.

VOID International Animation Film Festival varer 10 dage, fra 24. jan – 2. feb. Alle film vises i Cinemateket på engelsk eller med engelske undertekster. En biografbillet koster 85 kr, dog kan studerende og medlemmer af Cinemateket købe billetter til 50 kr. Alle spillefilm bliver vist med en kortfilm fra årets program med en længde på op til 15 minutter.

Find Us

Follow Us

Cinemateket in The Danish Film Institute Gothersgade 55 Copenhagen K

Follow us on Facebook for more event details and the latest updates. facebook.com/ voidfilmfestival

Tickets are sold at Cinemateket’s website or telephone: +45 3374 3412.

Any questions? info@voidfilmfestival.com

Følg os på Facebook hvor du kan se flere detaljer om arrangementer og de seneste updates. facebook.com/ voidfilmfestival Har du spørgsmål? info@voidfilmfestival.com





Credits Festival Director Anne Winberg

Guest Coordinator Alexandra Emborg

Head of Programming Niels Harpøth

Industry Programme Coordinator Claudia Cazzato

Programming Assistants Astrid Skov Jakobsen Megumi Arita Allan Sørensen

Graphic Design and Art Direction Studio Atlant

Communication & PR Magnus Tugwell Laursen

Print, Newspaper Dansk Avis Tryk

Fundraiser Line Kejser

Print, Posters Kandrups Bogtrykkeri

Festival coordinator Helene Caruso Hoby


Feature Films

Another Day of Life War journalism anno 1975

Monday 28.1 18.45 Carl

Org. title: Another Day of Life Directors: Raúl de la Fuente & Damian Nenow Length: 85 minutes Country: Belgium/Germany/ Hungary/Poland/Spain Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Waltz with Bashir, Beasts of No Nation, documentaries, mixed formats, journalism, geopolitics

The year is 1975 and Angola is wracked by civil war. Military factions vie for control of the newly independent colony. Enter Ryszard Kapuściński: Polish journalist and later writer of the seminal non-fiction book on which ‘Another Day of Life’ is based. Cutting between realistically animated reconstructions and live-action interviews with the surviving subjects, ‘Another Day of Life’ is a spectacular, urgent and pulse-pounding antiwar documentary in the vein of ‘Waltz with Bashir’.


Året er 1975, og Angola hærges af borgerkrig. Militære fraktioner strides om kontrollen over den nyligt uafhængige koloni. Den polske journalist Ryszard Kapuściński ankommer for at dække konflikten. Senere skrev Kapuściński nonfiction bogen, som ‘Another Day of Life’ er baseret på. Ved at klippe mellem realistisk animerede rekonstruktioner og live-action interviews med de overlevende bliver filmen en spektakulær anti-krigs dokumentar i stil med ‘Waltz with Bashir’.

Cat City This ain’t no kitty cartoon!

Friday 1.2 16.45 Asta

Org. title: Macskafogó Directors: Béla Ternovszky Length: 92 minutes Country: Hungary Year: 1986 Check it out if you like: Satire, Ralph Bakshi, James Bond

Året er 80 AMM (Anno Mickey Mouse), og problemerne ulmer på Planet X. De skurkagtige kattesyndikater er organiserede, tungt bevæbnede og klar til at skyde hul i våbenhvilen med musene. Men musene har et kort oppe i ærmet – den hemmelige agent Nick Grabowski. ‘Cat City’ er en anarkistisk perle fra den anden side af jerntæppet. En parodi på dystopisk sci-fi og vestlige spionthrillers, der blev et vaskeægte kulthit i Sovjetunionen. Præsenteret i en nyrestaureret kopi.

Naples in a near future. This version of Cinderella finds our heroine living in the rusted hull of a high-tech ship, where recordings of old inhabitants are projected as ghostly holograms. Her days are spend dodging sadistic stepsiblings, an evil stepmother and said stepmother’s drug lord lover in this riff on the classic tale. Full of pointed references to the history of Naples, organized crime, and the abundant corruption in Italy, ‘Cinderella the Cat’ is an imaginative and jazzy sci-noir.

Denne version af Askepot finder sted i et retro-futuristisk Napoli, hvor vores heltinde bor i det rustne skrog af et high-tech skib, hvor optagelser af gamle gæster projiceres som spøgelsesagtige hologrammer. Her bruger hun dagene på at undgå sine sadistiske stedsøskende, onde stedmor og dennes elsker/narkobaron. Filmen er fuld af referencer til Napolis historie, Italiens omfattende korruption og organiseret kriminalitet. En fantasifuld og jazzet sci-noir.

Cinderella the Cat Sci-noir from Italy

Wednesday 30.1 21.15 Carl

Org. title: Gatta Cenerentola Directors: Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak, Dario Sansone Length: 86 minutes Country: Italy Year: 2017 Check it out if you like: April and the Extraordinary World, The Art of Happiness


Feature Films

The year is 80 AMM (Anno Mickey Mouse) and trouble is brewing on Planet X. The villainous cat syndicates are organized, heavily armed and ready to end the mice once and for all. But the mice have an ace up their sleeve – secret agent Nick Grabowski. A send-up of dystopian sci-fi and western spy thrillers, ‘Cat City’ provides a peek behind the iron curtain with this anarchistic and subversive gem, a true cult hit in the Soviet Union. Presented in a newly restored copy.

Closing Event

Solar Walk + Final Celebration 2019 Join us for a screening of this year’s award-winning shorts Saturday 2.2 19.15 Carl

Org. title: Solar Walk Director: Réka Bucsi Length: 20 minutes Country: Denmark Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Joanna Priestley, René Laloux, Fantastic Planet, Norman McLaren

The award-winning ‘Solar Walk’ is a meditative, playful and jazzy journey through the solar system. Originally an hour-long live performance, it has now transformed into a short film. Producer Morten Thorning, Director of Studies at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, and composer Mads Vadsholdt will give a talk about the film after which there will be a break, where you can get a refreshment. Afterwards the winners and special mentions of VOID’s competitions will be announced.


Den prisbelønnede ‘Solar Walk’ er en meditativ, legesyg og jazzet rejse gennem solsystemet. Oprindeligt udtænkt som en timelang live performance er den nu lavet om til en kortfilm. Denne aften fortæller producer Morten Thorning, leder af The Animation Workshop i Viborg, og komponist Mads Vadsholdt om arbejdet på filmen. Efter en pause, hvor man kan få lidt godt til ganen, vises vinderfilm og special mentions fra VOID’s konkurrencer.


More information at www.tvpaint.com


Mind Game Transformative. Insane. Mind-bender.

Feature Films

Thursday 31.1 19.15 Carl

Org. title: Mind Game Director: Masaaki Yuasa Length: 103 minutes Country: Japan Year: 2004 Check it out if you like: Waking Life, gonzo animation, visual trips, style mashups, anime, Bill Plympton

Fasten your seatbelt! This masterful debut by one of the most distinct animation talents in Japan, Masaaki Yuasa, will take you to a high-speed, psychedelic ride through a world where anything can happen. The loser Nishi embarks on a surreal journey to get back his life after being killed in the most embarrassing way by the local yakuza. A tornado of different styles, ‘Mind Game’ mixes a genre-bending narrative with an unrestrained expressionism. ‘Mind Game’ blows minds.

Spænd sikkerhedsselen! Denne mesterlige debut fra en af Japans mest unikke stemmer, Masaaki Yuasa, tager publikum med på en højoktan psykedelisk rutsjebanetur gennem en verden, hvor alt kan ske. Taberen Nishi tager ud på en surreel rejse for at få sit liv tilbage, efter at han myrdes på den mest ydmygende måde af den lokale yakuza. Og det bliver kun vildere derfra. En tornado af konstant skiftende visuelle stilarter og hæmningsløs kreativitet, der blæser hjernen ud på sit publikum.

Psychotherapist Ruben Brandt has a problem: He is plagued by nightmares featuring the works of great masters – Picasso, Botticelli and Bacon. The only cure is through ownership. Amassing a crew of master thieves/ patients, he sets a master plan in motion to steal the paintings and add them to his personal collection – all the while a resourceful detective is hot on his heels. Dazzling, sly and chock-full of easter eggs, ‘Ruben Brandt, Collector’ is a rapid-fire romp through the art world.

Psykoterapeut Ruben Brandt har et problem: Han lider af mareridt, hvor han angribes af malerierne af de store mestre – Picasso, Botticelli og Bacon. Den eneste måde at uddrive dæmonerne er ved at eje værkerne. Med sit hold af behændige patienter/mestertyve sætter han sig for at fuldende sin samling – men han har en detektiv lige i hælene. ‘Ruben Brandt, Collector’ er en opfindsom og medrivende tour de force gennem kunstverdenen, fortalt med 100 km/t.

Ruben Brandt, Collector Fine art thriller

Saturday 26.1 21.15 Carl

Org. title: Ruben Brandt, a gyűjtő Director: Milorad Krstić Length: 96 minutes Country: Hungary Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Noir, easter eggs, Ocean’s 11, Batman The Animated Series, detective thrillers, art history


Feature Films

Funan Denis Do’s acclaimed debut

Saturday 26.1 19.00 Carl

Org. title: Funan Director: Denis Do Length: 84 minutes Country: Belgium/Cambodia/ France/Luxembourg Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Grave of the Fireflies, The Killing Fields

‘Funan’ is a harrowing account of the early years of the Khmer Rouge’s reign in Cambodia, focusing on the young couple Chuo and Khuon, who are separated from their son during a forced relocation. Starving and made to work the fields under dismal conditions, they try to keep both each other and hope alive. Denis Do tells the story with a clear eye for the personal cost of survival and the sacrifices we make for each our families. Winner of the Cristal for Feature Film at Annecy 2018.


‘Funan’ er en rystende fortælling fra De Røde Khmeres styre i Cambodja. Under en tvungen udflytning fra hovedstaden Phnom Penh bliver det unge par, Chuo og Khuon, skilt fra deres søn. De tvinges til at arbejde i markerne under kummerlige kår, mens de prøver at holde hinanden og håbet i live. Denis Do fortæller historien med et skarpt øje for overlevelsens personlige omkostninger og de ofre, vi bringer for vores familie. Vinder af Cristal-prisen for bedste spillefilm ved Annecy 2018.

Feature Films

The Night is Short, Walk On Girl Rom-com anime from Masaaki Yuasa

Friday 1.2 19.30 Carl

Org. title: Yoru wa mijikashi aruke yo otome Director: Masaaki Yuasa Length: 92 minutes Country: Japan Year: 2017 Check it out if you like: Mind Game, After Hours, absinthe

Set over a single night of partying and drinking, ‘The Night is Short, Walk On Girl’ follows two unnamed university students through the streets, bars and festivals of Kyoto. He tries – and fails – to confess his romantic feelings for her. She crashes party after party, downing drink after drink. Anime maestro Masaaki Yuasa’s signature visual boldness and unrestrained creativity is in full effect in this romantic comedy, creating a delirious ode to life, youth and all the drinks we down.


Gennem en enkelt nat følger vi to universitetsstuderende gennem Kyotos gader, barer og festivaler. Uden held prøver han gang på gang at erklære sine følelser for hende. Hun crasher fest efter fest og hamrer den ene drink efter den anden. Anime-mesteren Masaaki Yuasas visuelle vildskab er i fuld vigør i denne romantiske komedie – en svimlende hyldest til livet, ungdommen og alle de drinks, vi kaster i os.

Feature Films

On Happiness Road Taiwanese childhood revisited

Thursday 24.1 19.00 Asta

Org. title: Hsin fu lu shang Director: Hsin Yin Sung Length: 110 minutes Country: Taiwan Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Isao Takahata, Only Yesterday, The Wind Rises

Chi, having made a life for herself in the US, returns home to Taiwan following the death of her beloved grandmother. Encountering family and old friends, she soon finds herself reminiscing about her childhood spent in the changing political landscape of 70’s Taipei, reflecting on the choices that led her to becoming who she is today. ‘On Happiness Road’ offers a complex and bittersweet look at the nature of happiness, contentment and nostalgia.


Chi har udlevet den amerikanske drøm, men da hendes elskede bedstemor dør, vender hun tilbage til Taiwan. Efter mødet med familie og gamle venner begynder hun at reflektere over sine valg og se tilbage på sin barndom, som udspillede sig med landets skiftende politiske landskab som baggrund. Det personlige og det historiske går hånd i hånd i ‘On Happiness Road’, der giver et kompleks og bittersødt blik på lykken, tilfredsheden og nostalgiens natur.

Feature Films

Team America: World Police SING-ALONG America, fuck yeah

Sunday 20.1 19.00 Asta

Org. title: Team America: World Police Director: Trey Parker Length: 98 minutes Country: US Year: 2004 Check it out if you like: South Park, satire, irony, puppets doing naughty things, Michael Bay (but are afraid to admit it), fart jokes

Get ready for the most debaucherous and patriotic screening of the year! After a “successful” mission to thwart a terrorist ploy leaves Paris in ruins and one of their members dead, world(in)famous counter-terrorism organization Team America sets their sights on all-American actor Gary Johnston to fill their ranks. Pledge your allegiance to the flag and sing along with Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s juvenile and brilliant songs, hiss at Kim Jong-il and cheer for the greatest puppet puking scene in film history!


Gør jer klar til årets mest upassende og patriotiske filmvisning! Efter en “succesfuld” mission efterlader Paris i ruiner og et af deres medlemmer døde, rekrutterer den verdensberømte anti-terrororganisation Team America Broadway skuespilleren Gary Johnston til at fylde hullet. Sværg troskab til flaget og syng med på Trey Parker og Matt Stones barnlige og geniale sange, hvæs af Kim Jong-il og hep med på filmhistoriens bedste dukke-brækscene!

UK classic of adventure and survival

Sunday 27.1 14.00 Carl

Org. title: Watership Down Director: Martin Rosen Length: 91 minutes Country: UK Year: 1978 Check it out if you like: Fables, children’s literature, mythology, allegory, George Orwell

Many a child has been traumatized by this violent and dark adaptation of Richard Adams’s novel. The rabbit Hazel leads a small group in search of a new warren to call their home following his brother’s apocalyptic vision. However, the English countryside is anything but safe as dangers and predators lurk around every corner – including the totalitarian rabbit state Efrafa. Weaving a web of original mythology and political allegory, ‘Watership Down’ stands as a classic of British animation.


Mange børn er blevet traumatiseret af denne voldsomme og mørke filmatisering af Richard Adams’ roman. Efter at hans bror får et apokalyptisk syn, leder kaninen Hazel en lille gruppe fra deres hjem i søgen efter en ny tilværelse. Men de må lede længe efter landlig idyl på de engelske marker, hvor farer lurer overalt – især i den totalitære kaninstat Efrafa. ‘Watership Down’ er en klassiker inden for britisk animation, der behændigt fletter original mytologi og politisk allegori.

Feature Films

Watership Down

Feature Films

The Wolf House Chilean stop-motion nightmare

Saturday 5.1 19.00 Asta

Org. title: La Casa Lobo Directors: Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña Length: 73 minutes Country: Chile Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Jan Švankmajer, surrealism, The Brothers Quay, stop-motion, allegory, David Lynch, arthorror

Fleeing a sect of German fanatics, Maria finds herself in a strange house with only a pair of pigs for company. Slowly, the house starts to react to Maria’s feelings, walls crumbling and rebuilding around her as she descends into a nightmarish world of transformation and terror. Inspired by the real case of Colonia Dignidad, ‘The Wolf House’ blends fairy tales with national and intimate trauma in a surreal trip, drawing inspiration from early David Lynch and The Brothers Quay in equal measure.


Efter at hun undslipper en sekt af fanatiske tyskere, søger Maria tilflugt i et mystisk hus med kun et par svin som selskab. Marias følelser bliver efterlignet af huset, hvis vægge smuldrer og genopbygges i trit med, at hun bevæger sig længere ind i en mareridtsagtig og transformativ verden. ‘The Wolf House’ blander eventyr med nationale og personlige traumer i et surreelt trip, der giver mindelser om David Lynch og Brødrene Quay, inspireret af den virkelige Colonia Dignidad.

Violence Voyager Experience gekimation!

Feature Films

Saturday 2.2 21.45 Carl

Org. title: Baiorensa boijâ Director: Ujicha Length: 83 minutes Country: Japan Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Madness, insanity, b-movies, Cronenberg, Goosebumps, experimental animation

A little venture with your school friend is always fun – until you are lured into a shady amusement park in the middle of the mountains. With a quirky atmosphere and visceral body horror visuals, ‘Violence Voyager’ is definitely one of this year’s strangest films. Shot in a daring technique called gekimation, where painted paper dolls on sticks are moved in front of the camera, it look like the most disturbing piece of children’s TV imaginable. As an experience, ‘Violence Voyager’ is one-of-a-kind.

Et eventyr efter skole med ens bedste ven er altid sjovt – lige indtil man bliver lokket til en tvivlsom forlystelsespark oppe i bjergene. ‘Violence Voyager’ er med sin excentriske atmosfære og voldelige indhold klart en af årets mærkeligste film. Filmen er lavet med den vovede gekimation-teknik, hvor malede papirdukker på pinde får hele filmen til at virke som den mest forstyrrende omgang ‘Fjernsyn for dig’ nogensinde. Som oplevelse er ‘Violence Voyager’ ganske enkelt enestående.

The first animated feature to be produced entirely in Iran, ‘The Last Fiction’ tells a sweeping story of good and evil, based on the national poem of ancient Iran, The Shahnameh – The Book of Kings. After the once noble King Jamshid abdicates the throne to hunt the demonic Ahriman, the way is paved for the nefarious Zahak’s rise to power. Only the young man Afaridoun can save the kingdom and its people from darkness, but first he must conquer his own demons in this thrilling epic of swords and sorcery.

‘The Last Fiction’ er den første animerede spillefilm produceret udelukkende i Iran – en storslået fortælling om det gode mod det onde, baseret på det episke digt Shahnameh, Kongebogen. Efter kong Jamshid forlader tronen for at jage den dæmoniske Ahriman, er vejen banet for at den nederdrægtige Zahak kan tilrane sig magten. Kun den unge mand Afaridoun kan redde kongeriget og dets folk, men først må han besejre sine egne dæmoner i denne medrivende fantasy om sværd og trolddom.

The Last Fiction Epic Iranian fantasy of corruption and redemption Tuesday 29.1 21.45 Carl

Org. title: The Last Fiction Director: Ashkan Rahgozar Length: 100 minutes Country: Iran Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Fantasy, Diablo, Conan the Barbarian, swords & sorcery


This Magnificent Cake

This Magnificent Cake! + The Burden Dry felt deadpan

Sunday 27.1 19.30 Carl

Org. title: Ce magnifique gâteau! Directors: Marc James Roels & Emma De Swaef Length: 44 minutes Country: Belgium Year: 2018 Org. title: Min börda Director: Niki Lindroth von Bahr Length: 15 minutes Country: Sweden Year: 2017

The award-winning anthology film ‘This Magnificent Cake!’ is a dryly comedic look at Belgium’s colonial past, examining it through five wildly different perspectives and told with a healthy helping of deadpan humour. It is paired with the Swedish gem ‘The Burden’, where a group of office workers stages elaborate musical numbers to keep boredom and existential dread at bay. Combining the humour of Roy Andersson with the staging of Wes Anderson, it is a real treat.

Check it out if you like: Music videos, Wes Anderson, Roy Andersson, Don Hertzfeldt


Den prisvindende antologifilm ‘This Magnificent Cake!’ er en tør og komisk undersøgelse af Belgiens kolonifortid, set fra fem vidt forskellige perspektiver, alle fortalt med en sund portion deadpan humor. Den vises sammen med den svenske perle ‘The Burden’, hvor en gruppe kontorarbejdere holder kedsomheden og den eksistentielle angst på afstand gennem kringlede musicalnumre. Det perfekte møde mellem Roy Anderssons humor og Wes Andersons finurlige æstetik.

Feature Films

The Burden

Feature Films

Lu Over the Wall Ponyo for punks

Saturday 26.1 14.00 Carl

Org. title: Yoake tsugeru Rû no uta Director: Masaaki Yuasa Length: 112 minutes Country: Japan Year: 2017 Check it out if you like: Ponyo, Bennys badekar, The Night is Short, Walk on Girl, Your Name, Wolf Children

Following his parents’ divorce, the sullen teenager Kai moves from Tokyo to a small fishing village to live with his father. He finds an outlet in his music, which catches the attention of the mischievous mermaid Lu and soon his life is turned on its head. Even though it sounds like you have heard the story before, you have never seen it like this! ‘Lu Over the Wall’ is totally bonkers. It is filled to the brim with crazy ideas – at turns heartwarming and absurd, always surprising and musical.


Efter forældrenes skilsmisse flytter Kai med sin far fra Tokyo til en lille fiskerlandsby. Her får han afløb gennem sin musik, der fanger den drilske havfrue Lus interesse. Snart får hun vendt op og ned på alles tilværelse i den lille by. Selvom historien lyder som noget, man har set før, er virkeligheden en ganske anden. ‘Lu Over the Wall’ er fyldt til bristepunktet med vilde ideer, på skift absurd og hjertevarmende – altid overraskende og musikalsk.

Abstract animation at its finest

Wednesday 30.1 18.45 Benjamin

Org. title: North of Blue Director: Joanna Priestley Length: 60 minutes Country: US Year: 2018 Check it out if you like: Experimental and abstract animation, art film, modern art, Norman McLaren, Stan Brakhage, Viking Eggeling, Nina Paley, the style of Cartoon Saloon

“They’re brilliant, inventive and amazing. She’s the queen of independent animation!” Bill Plympton’s praise of Joanna Priestley is more than earned. Now the Danish audiences will have the opportunity to experience her latest work, the mesmerizing ‘North of Blue’. It is an abstract experimental film inspired by Priestley’s time in Yukon, Canada. An immersive and transcendent experience of the kind that you rarely get to experience on the big screen.


“Geniale, opfindsomme og fantastiske. Hun er dronningen af independent animation!” sådan lyder den fuldt fortjente ros fra Bill Plympton – og nu får det danske publikum også mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med Joanna Priestley, når vi viser hendes seneste værk ‘North of Blue’. Det er en abstrakt eksperimentalfilm inspireret af Priestleys tid i Yukon, Canada. En sanselig og opslugende oplevelse af den slags, man alt for sjældent får lov til at opleve på det store lærred.

Feature Films

North of Blue

Short Films



Once in the Fields of Boredom

Somewhere Soft

Graduation Film Shorts Competition programme Friday 25.1 21.45 Carl 21 short films are in competition for VOID Graduation Film Award 2019. These films have been sent to the festival from the best schools of animation from all over the world. It is a group of new directors with new ideas, making their first mark in the world of animated filmmaking. Among others, you can experience ‘Bacchus’, where a young woman bored with modern life is lured into a colorful and mysterious world to explore her deepest desires. And in ‘Hounds’ the life of a dog, trained to act as human, changes when a pack of hounds gathers around his house.

21 kortfilm konkurrerer om VOID Graduation Film Award 2019. Disse film er blevet sendt til festivalen fra de bedste animationsskoler fra hele verden. Det er en gruppe nye instruktører med nye ideer, der sætter deres første aftryk i animationsfilmens verden. Du kan blandt andet opleve ‘Bacchus’, hvor en ung kvinde keder sig over det moderne liv og bliver lokket ind i en farverig og mystisk verden for at udforske sine dybeste lyster. Og i ‘Hounds’ ændrer en hund, der er trænet til at fungere som menneske, sig, efter en flok vilde hunde samler sig omkring hans hus.


Sounds Good

Travelogue Tel Aviv

The Voyager

A Love Letter to the One I Made Up Rachel Gutgarts, 6 min 5 sec, IL A Table Game Nicolás Petelski Mesón, 3 min 53 sec, EE Alef b’Tamuz Yael Reisfeld, 5 min 58 sec, IL Bacchus Rikke Alma Krogshave Planeta, 5 min 8 sec, DK Black Bread Adrien Bourcier, Louise Duveau, Charlotte Thiriez, Rémi Fumery, Justin Lauridant, Massimo Partipilo, Clément Sagnier, Mariane Vanhoed, 8 min 11 sec, FR Carnival Azucena Castillo Rangel, 3 min 53 sec, MX Concrete Pirmin Bieri, Aira Joana, Luca Struchan, Nicolas Roth, 7 min 34 sec, CH

Decaf Christopher Masuabi, 4 min 13 sec, SA Hounds Ido Shapira, Amit Cohen, 5 min 47 sec, IL Love Me, Fear Me Veronica Solomon, 6 min 6 sec, DE Once in the Fields of Boredom Teele Strauss, 5 min 20 sec, EE Reverie Philip Louis Piaget Rodriguez, 6 min 1 sec, DK Somewhere Soft Satoe Yoshinari, 4 min 57 sec, NO Sounds Good Sander Joon, 9 min 50 sec, EE Stress Simon Dauchy, Tom Delforge, Antoine Wilmot, Théo Mechref, Julien Delcroix, 3 min 16 sec, FR

Stuck in the Middle Denis Fleurion, Etienne Bonafini, Romain Marchetti, Cécile Minaud, Julien Adoum, Léo Nezot, 5 min 50 sec, FR The Hunter Jari Vaara, 5 min 16 sec, JP The Messenger Lowe Haak, 8 min 30 sec, DK The Voyager João Gonzalez, 4 min 39 sec, PT Travelogue Tel Aviv Samuel Patthey, 6 min, CH Length: 117 min


Short Films


Short Films

A most precise and nuanced look into the life of the man legend and visionary – Martin Luther

Travel Oregon – Only Slightly Exaggerated

A Robot is a Robot

Frey’s darkness – over-exercising

New Danish Shorts Thursday 24.1 21.30 Asta In this screening, we celebrate the diversity of current Danish animation. It’s been an amazing year for Danish animation, winning awards and receiving critical acclaim around the world. We will show the award-winning commissioned short ‘A most precise and nuanced look into the life of the man legend and visionary – Martin Luther’. Some films are produced abroad, but their directors have Danish roots, such as ‘Sweetie O’s’, where a lonely middle-aged man becomes obsessed with a brand of children’s cereal, that takes him back to his carefree childhood in his mother’s warm embrace.

I denne visning fejrer vi forskelligartetheden i den nuværende danske animation. Det har været et stort år for dansk animation, der har vundet priser og fået anerkendelse rundt om i verden. Vi viser den prisbelønnede, bestilte film ‘A most precise and nuanced look into the life of the man legend and visionary – Martin Luther’. Nogle film er produceret i udlandet, men af instruktører med danske rødder. Det er tilfældet med ‘Sweetie O’s’, hvor en ensom midaldrende mand bliver besat af et bestemt mærke af morgenmad til børn, der tager ham tilbage til sin ubekymrede barndom i sin mors varme skød.


Sweetie O’s

Julian’s Ladder

T.E.U. vol. 1

A most precise and nuanced look into the life of the man legend and visionary – Martin Luther Magnus Igland Møller, 4 min 29 sec, DK A Robot is a Robot Emil Friis Ernst, 6 min 1 sec, DK But Jane Was Deaf Tobias Rud, 2 min 40 sec, CA Egg Martina Scarpelli, 12 min, DK Fjer Jeanette Nørgaard, 8 min 27 sec, DK Frey’s darkness – over-exercising Jeanette Nørgaard, 4 min 21 sec, DK Gristina Malte Pedersson, 15 min, DK Home Grown William Reynish, 21 min, DK

Julian’s Ladder Atli Brix Kamban, 17 min 27 sec, DK On Small Things Pernille Kjær, 3 min 16 sec, DK The Ark of the Sausage Moose Niels Elmvig Bruhn, 8 min 30 sec, DK Sweetie O’s Tobias Rud, 4 min 5 sec, CA T.E.U vol. 1 Lasse Næraa Smith, 8 min, DK Travel Oregon – Only Slightly Exaggerated Kylie Matulick, 1 min 30 sec, DK Wallrider Klaus Tue Madsen, 12 min 25 sec, DK Length: 129 min


Short Films

But Jane Was Deaf

Short Films

Bloeistraat 11


Flowing through Wonder


Shorts I Audience Award competition programme Saturday 26.1 16.30 Carl Experience some of the most creative and ambitious animation shorts from the recent year. Watch the story of ‘Bloeistraat 11’, where inseparable best friends spend their last summer holiday of childhood, but soon their bodies start to morph and shift as puberty is determined to interrupt their bond. In ‘Children of Kirsch’, we see the children of Russel A. Kirsch – the father of the first digital image scanner – trying to break free from their captivity. As this is an audience award competition, don’t forget to vote on your favourite film after the screening.

Oplev nogle af de mest kreative og ambitiøse animationskortfilm fra det seneste år. Du kan blandt andet møde de uadskillelige bedste venner i ‘Bloeistraat 11’, der nyder deres sidste sommerferie, men snart begynder deres kroppe at ændre sig, da puberteten er fast besluttet på at ødelægge deres bånd. I ‘Children of Kirsch’ stifter vi bekendtskab med Russel A. Kirschs børn – far til den første digitale billedscanner – der forsøger at bryde fri fra deres fangenskab. Dette er en publikumskonkurrence, husk at stemme på din yndlingsfilm efter visningen.

Bloeistraat 11 Nienke Deutz, 9 min 41 sec, BE Cadavre Exquis Stéphanie Lansaque, François Leroy, 12 min 50 sec, FR Cat Days Jon Frickey, 11 min 9 sec, DE Children of Kirsch Claudia Munksgaard-Palmqvist, 5 min 30 sec, NO Chimera Caleb Wood, 1 min 55 sec, US Conversation Star Bazancir, Carl Hedsved, 4 min, 49 sec, SW Cyclists Veljko Popovic, 3 min, CR Erodium Thunk Winston Hacking, 2 min 49 sec, US


Flowing through Wonder Joanna Lurie, 14 min, FR Fuse Shadi Adib, 7 min 18 sec, DE Gryphon Animo MT Maloney, 10 min 32 sec, US Length: 83 min


Out of Service


Short Films


Shorts II Audience Award competition programme Sunday 27.1 16.45 Carl Experience some of the most creative and ambitious animation shorts from the recent year. In this selection of shorts, you will among others get to know a camel on a quest to find his missing wife in the desert in ‘St(r)ay’, a security guard reminiscing about the past while searching for a child’s lost toy in ‘Out of Service’ and the hero bearded head trying to get out of a room in ‘Room’. As this is an audience award competition, don’t forget to vote on your favourite film after the screening.

Oplev nogle af de mest kreative og ambitiøse animationskortfilm fra det seneste år. I dette udvalg af kortfilm vil du blandt andet møde en kamel, der forsøger at finde sin kone i ørkenen i ‘St(r)ay’, en sikkerhedsvagt der tænker tilbage på fortiden, mens han søger efter et barns mistede legetøj i ‘Out of Service’ og helten bearded head, der forsøger at komme ud af et værelse i ‘Room’. Dette er en publikumskonkurrence, husk at stemme på din yndlingsfilm efter visningen.

Hunter Ryoji Yamada, 8 min, 39 sec, JP Hunters Ido Shapira, Amit Cohen, 1 min 40 sec, IL It Starts With Laura Nasir-Tamara, 2 min 40 sec, UK La Grenouillère – Danse Exquise Quart Avant Poing, 3 min 15 sec, FR Mogu and Perol Tsuneo Goda, 8 min 32 sec, JP MUTUEM Äggie Pak Yee Lee, 4 min 10 sec, EE Obon André Hörmann, 15 min, DE Out of Service Carwyn Leung, 3 min 17 sec, UK Room Michal Socha, 6 min, PL


Sound Laureline Paul-Constant, Hugo Caby, Aurélien Issadi, Paco Dutoit, 4 min 9 sec, FR ST(R)AY Chiang Yao, 8 min 34 sec, TW Stuffed Élise Simoulin, Édouard Heutte, Clotilde Bonnotte, Anna Komaromi, Marisa Di Vora Peixoto, Helena Bastioni, 6 min 34 sec, FR Length: 73 min

Short Films

Sweet Night

The Call

The Fruits of Clouds

Two for Two

Shorts III Audience Award competition programme Wednesday 30.1 16.45 Carl Experience some of the most creative and ambitious animation shorts from the recent year. In this selection of shorts, you will get to know a little furry, who makes a great discovery by overcoming the fear of the unknown in ‘The Fruits of Clouds’. In ‘The Call’, a phone call, a bathroom and a woman are at the intersection of the worlds. As this is an audience award competition, don’t forget to vote on your favourite film after the screening.

Oplev nogle af de mest kreative og ambitiøse animationskortfilm fra det seneste år. I dette udvalg af kortfilm kommer du til at møde et lille egern, der gør sig en stor opdagelse ved at overvinde frygten for det ukendte i ‘The Fruits of Clouds’. I ‘The Call’ er et telefon­opkald, et badeværelse og en kvinde i et skæringspunkt mellem verdener. Dette er en publikumskonkurrence, husk at stemme på din yndlingsfilm efter visningen.

Sweet Night Lia Bertels, 13 min 46 sec, BE The Call Anca Damian, 10 min, RO The Cat’s Regret Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli, 8 min 37 sec, FR The Flight Alain Bidard, 4 min 10 sec, FR The Fruits of Clouds Katerina Karhankova, 10 min, CZ The Wheel Turns Sang Joon Kim, 12 min 39 sec, US Two for Two Jelena Oroz, 8 min, CR Unexpected Discoveries James Mabery, 2 min 1 sec, US Woo-Hoo! David Stumpf, 6 min 38 sec, CZ Length: 76 min



Bloody Fairytales


Short Films

Sand and Flower

Shorts IV Audience Award competition programme Saturday 2.2 16.45 Benjamin Want to experience something different? In Shorts IV, we challenge you to watch shorts that will provoke you and make you feel both disgusted and sensual. For instance in ‘Bloody Fairy Tales’, where classical fairy tales are recreated in a violent way full of love, sex and drugs. In ‘Booth’, a hungry man discovers through unfortunate coincidence a dark secret that was never meant to be seen by any witness. You should also look forward to playing the Game of Love with ‘SuperMeowMeow’.

Vil du opleve noget anderledes? I Shorts IV udfordrer vi dig til at se kortfilm, der vil provokere dig og få dig til at føle både væmmelse og sensualitet. For eksempel i ‘Bloody Fairy Tales’, hvor klassiske eventyr genskabes på en voldelig måde fuld af kærlighed, sex og narko. I ‘Booth’ opdager en sulten mand ved et uheldigt tilfældighed en mørk hemmelighed, der aldrig skulle være opdaget. Du skal også se frem til at spille the Game of Love med ‘SuperMeowMeow’.

Bloody Fairy Tales Tereza Kovandova, 7 min 40 sec, CZ Booth Ottomar Sukko, 4 min 10 sec, EE Deborah Sebastián Villanueva Molano, 3 min 51 sec, CO Dum Dum (De De Bom) Benjamin Hall, Robin Hall, 2 min, UK Flut Malte Stein, 9 min 55 sec, DE Frog Dog Log Jared D. Weiss, 2 min 34 sec, US Hammer Down Dan Pasto, 3 min, US Incarnation Barbara Rupik, 5 min, PL Inseyed Jessica Hudak, 2 min 4 sec, US Life After Life Saar Mano, 4 min 45 sec, IL Love Letters to Ruth Ruth Patir, 21 min, IL


Roundabout Noah Gavrich, 3 min 56 sec, US Sand and Flower Jiaqi Wang, 4 min 2 sec, CN Sewerman’s World Maureen Gaucher, Cesar Fortin, Yannis Wood, Fanny-Enzo Broyde-Paume, 4 min 25 sec, FR SuperMeowMeow | Game of LOVE BadBadMeowMeow, 4 min, TW Sweet Delicious Earth Stephen St. Francis Decky, 3 min, US Three Sketches Adam Butcher, 7 min 56 sec, UK Length: 93 min

Short Films


Tom has a plant

Deepness of the Fry


The Animation Workshop Graduation Films 2019 Friday 25.1 19.30 + 20.30 Carl Graduation films are often the most daring and inspired shorts of the year, and the students at The Animation Workshop in Viborg are some of the most talented animators in Denmark. These are their graduation films, fresh off the premiere in Viborg. Experience everything from an absurdist and wild transformation of nine people stuck in a metro (Animals) to an existential crisis in film form (Deepness of the Fry). All five films are screened both 19.30 and 20.30, and the duration of each screening is 41 minutes, tickets are 25 dkk.

Afgangsfilm er ofte ĂĽrets mest dristige og inspirerende kortfilm, og de studerende fra The Animation Workshop i Viborg er nogle af Danmarks mest talentfulde tegnere og animatorer. Her er deres afgangsfilm fra skolen, friske fra premieren i Viborg. Du kan blandt andet opleve en absurd og vild transformation af ni mennesker fanget i en metro (Animals) og en eksistentiel krise i filmform (Deepness of the Fry). Alle otte film vises bĂĽde kl 19.30 og 20.30 og varer i alt 41 minutter, billetter koster 25 kr.


Animals Tue Sanggaard, 6 min 33 sec Burning Daylight (game trailer) Frederik Overgaard Jeppesen, 1 min 51 sec Deepness of the Fry August Niclasen, 4 min 4 sec Desert Sofia Pashaei, 4 min 14 sec Forglemmegei Katarina Lundquist, 7 min 24 sec Monachopsis Kim Aleksander Strandli, 3 min 37 sec Tom has a Plant Thinh Nguyen, 6 min Ur Aska Myra Sofia Hild, 7 min 20 sec Length: 41 min 3 sec

Is This Real?



Short Films

Edith Piaf (Said It Better Than Me)

Music Video Night Friday 1.2 21.45 Carl The volume is cranked and the cinema is going to be filled with amazing music. The videos are transportative experiences, perfect for broadening visual horizons and discover new music. Included in the program Jeanette Nørgaard’s mesmerizing video for Lydmor’s 五 DIM and Takuto Katayama’s video for UQiYO’s loTus. Each video establishes its own world in perfect concert with the music, creating universes that you don’t want to leave. This year the programme is complemented with two thoroughly musical shorts.

Der bliver skruet op for volumen, når biografen fyldes med fantastisk musik og gudesmukke visuals. Musikvideoerne er transporterende oplevelser, skræddersyet til at udvide visuelle horisonter og den perfekte mulighed for at opdage ny musik. Med i programmet er bl.a. Jeanette Nørgaards hypnotiserende video til Lydmors 五 DIM og Takuto Katayama’s video til UQiYOs loTus. Hver video skaber en verden i perfekt harmoni med musikken – de skaber universer, man ikke har lyst til at forlade. I år suppleres serien med to gennemført musikalske kortfilm.

五 DIM – Lydmor Jeanette Nørgaard, 3 min 16 sec, DK Paloma – CTM Jeanette Nørgaard, 2 min 16 sec, DK Is This Real? Stefano Cassini, 4 min 52 sec, UK Mad Love – Keita Sano Ryoji Yamada, 3 min 16 sec, JP Reer – Diogal Francois Vogel, 4 min 10 sec FR Lystfiskeren – Søren Lau Sara Aunbirk, 5 min 43 sek, DK loTus – UQiYO Takuto Katayama, 4 min 7 sek, JP Edith Piaf (Said It Better Than Me) – Sparks Joseph Wallace, 3 min 45 sec, UK Post Requisite – Flying Lotus Winston Hacking, 2 min 10 sec, US


He’s got his Mother’s Hips – John Grant Casey & Ewan, 3 min 39 sec, UK Birdnest Hair Matthew Hsu, Ashleigh Djokic, 4 min 20 sec, AU Secret Soul – Ghostly Matters Anna Degnbol, 4 min 18 sec, DK Fabricated Brett Foxwell, 18 min 28 sec, US M52 Yves Paradis, 10 min 19 sec, DE Length: 75 min

Short Films



Run Rostam Run

The Fox

New Iranian Shorts Tuesday 29.1 19.15 Carl The Iranian animation industry is getting wind in its sails. ‘The Last Fiction’, the first feature film to be produced in its entirety premiered last year (and is showing at VOID this year!) and a new generation of talent provides the lifeblood of the growing industry, churning out work in a country where freedom of artistic expression is far from a given. This programme presents some of the best Iranian shorts from the last couple of years, each of them a unique expression of creativity.

Den iranske animationsindustri er ved at få vind i sejlene. ‘The Last Fiction’ havde premiere sidste år – den første animerede spillefilm produceret udelukkende i Iran (og som vises på VOID i år!). En ny generation af talenter udgør livsnerven for en industri i vækst. De producerer værker i et land, hvor friheden til at udtrykke sig kunstnerisk ikke kan tages for givet. Programmet præsenterer nogle af de seneste års bedste iranske kortfilm, hver og én et unikt kreativt værk.

Alphabet Kianoush Abedi, 6 min Am I a Wolf? Amir Houshang Moein, 8 min 15 sec Balance Barzan Rostami, 3 min Chimney Man Meghdad Akhavan, 11 min 37 sec Empty View Ali Zare Ghanatnowi, 18 min 5 sec Hide & Seek Mohsen Shokrtalab, 4 min 5 sec Maned & Macho Shiva Sadegh Asadi, 10 min 49 sec Mr Deer Mojtaba Mousavi, 9 min Run Rostam Run Hossein Molayemi, 11 min 37 sec


The Fox Sadegh Javadi Nikjeh, 9 min 45 sec The Servant Farnoosh Abedi, 9 min Length: 101 min

Queere Tiere


The Fish Curry

Short Films


Queer Shorts Thursday 31.1 21.30 Carl In collaboration with Mix Copenhagen we will show you a palette of animation shorts with and about LGBTQ+ characters, who will bend gender and break sexual boundaries, affect the gender debate and reflect a diverse world. Included in the program are ‘The Fish Curry’, where an anxious young man cooks his father’s favourite dish to prepare him for some news and ‘Fishy’, which explores the relationship between a father and his son in the aftermath of a shipwreck.

I samarbejde med Mix Copenhagen serverer vi en palette af animationskortfilm med og om LGBTQ+ karakterer, som vil bøje køn og bryde seksuelle grænser, påvirke kønsdebatten og afspejle en forskelligartet verden. Inkluderet i programmet er ‘The Fish Curry’, hvor en ængstelig ung mand laver sin fars yndlingsret for at forberede ham på nogle nyheder og ‘Fishy’, som udforsker forholdet mellem en far og sin søn i kølvandet på et skibbrud.

Clothes Feelings Buzz Slutsky, 7 min 43 sec, US Days Off Filip Blazek, 10 min 47 sek, CZ Fishy Joe Sulsenti, 7 min, US Flash Flood Alli MacKay, 6 min, CA Maacher Jhol – The Fish Curry Abhishek Verma, 12 min, IN Manivald Chintis Lundgren, 13 min, EE Queere Tiere Ana Angel, 3 min 41 sec, DE The Night Cleaner Blair Fukumura, 6 min, CA Venus – Filly the Lesbian Little Fairy Sávio Leite, 6 min, BR Zebra Julia Ocker, 2 min 45 sec, DE Length: 75 min




19.00 Programme 14.00 Lu Over the Wall Release: (P.18) The Wolf House 16.30 Shorts I (P.24) (P.14) 19.00 Funan (P.9) 21.15 Ruben Brandt, Collector (P.8)


19.00 Sing-Along: Team America (P.12)


24.1 19.00 On Happiness Road (P.11) 21.30 New Danish Shorts (P.22)



30.1 16.45 Shorts III (P.26) 18.45 North of Blue (P.19) 21.15 Cinderella the Cat (P.5)


19.15 Mind Game 14.00 Watership Down (P.8) (P.13) 21.30 Queer Shorts 16.45 Shorts II (P.25) (P.31) 19.30 The Burden + This Magnificent Cake (P.17) 16.30 Cat City (P.5) 19.30 Night is Short, Walk On Girl (P.10) 18.45 Another Day of 21.45 Music Video Life (P.4) Night (P.29)



19.30 The Animation Workshop Graduation Films 2019 (P.28) 19.15 New Iranian 20.30 The Animation Shorts (P.30) Workshop 21.45 The Last Fiction Graduation (P.16) Films 2019 (P.28) 21.45 Graduation Film Shorts (P.20)


2.2 14.00–17.00 Panel: Eye on Animation (Find the event on Facebook) 16.45 Shorts IV (P.27) 19.15 Closing Event: Solar Walk (P.6) 21.45 Violence Voyager (P.16)

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