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Thin the mixture a little to float (to make it transparent).

THE STEM AND LEAF: On the Palette: Foliage Green, Plantation Pine, Margarita, Warm White, Asphaltum Base the stem and the interior of the leaf with Foliage Green. Base the turnovers on the leaf with Plantation Pine (2 coats). Shade the center vein of the leaf with a float of thinned Plantation Pine. Highlight the tip of the leaf and opposite the center vein with a float of thinned Margarita. Then brighten the highlight with a float of a mixture of Margarita/ Warm White 2:1. Highlight the turnovers in the leaf on the left side with a weak float of thinned Margarita Green. Shade the stem on the right side with a float of thinned Plantation Pine. You may need to repeat this two, or three times to get a nice deep shading. Deepen the shading with a float of thinned Asphaltum. Highlight the stem on the left side with a float of Margarita and then brighten with the same mixture as the leaf.

THE LETTERING AND BORDER: On the Palette: Warm White, Asphaltum Thin the Warm White, using the Fast Drying glaze, to an inky consistency. And begin painting in the lettering with the #2 Rigger. You will find that the rigger will flatten to a chisel edge when pressed. Load the brush and then press down until the width of the brush fills the width of the letter, then pull the brush the light of the space you are painting. Continue until all the letters are painted. Shade the bottom of the lettering with a float of thinned Asphaltum. The border and decorative elements are painted in the same fashion as the lettering. The floral element at the bottom is simply stroked in using the thinned Warm White, it is not fully opaque and very loose.

FINISHING: Lightly spatter the entire canvas with a thinned Warm White and then again with thinned Asphaltum.

Enlarge by 300% or adjust to the size of your surface.

Download all drawing patterns at http://bit.ly/FEB2020Drawings

Note to reproduction companies/stores: The bearer of the original color magazine has full rights to have this drawing reproduced and enlarged one time for personal use. This notice has been printed in red ink for verification of authenticity.

Enlarge by 300% or adjust to the size of your surface.

Download all drawing patterns at http://bit.ly/FEB2020Drawings

Note to reproduction companies/stores: The bearer of the original color magazine has full rights to have this drawing reproduced and enlarged one time for personal use. This notice has been printed in red ink for verification of authenticity.

Enlarge by 300% or adjust to the size of your surface.

Download all drawing patterns at http://bit.ly/FEB2020Drawings

Note to reproduction companies/stores: The bearer of the original color magazine has full rights to have this drawing reproduced and enlarged one time for personal use. This notice has been printed in red ink for verification of authenticity.

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