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Volunteers receive message from The King
West Moors Town Council has received correspondence from His Majesty King Charles III, after sending the royal family a letter in May last year. The Council shared news with The King, of the ‘Big Help Out’ initiative carried out by West Moors Litter heroes. The letter said how very successful the litter pick was with 40 people joining in on the Bank Holiday Monday, in the rain.
The letter from Buckingham Palace, written on 3 January 2024 and signed by Head of Royal Correspondence, reads: “The King has asked me to thank you for your kind letter, in which you shared a little about the commendable voluntary efforts of the local community during the Coronation ‘Big Help Out’ initiative.
“His Majesty was interested to learn of the success of your local litter pick, and greatly appreciated the efforts of all the volunteers who were involved.
“Thank you once again for taking the time to write to The King as you did, who would have me enclose a special Coronation card and convey to you his warmest good wishes.”
The card, which features a photo of The King and Queen Camilla, is pictured.
A Town Council spokesperson said: “Receiving warmest good wishes and enormous gratitude from His Majesty King Charles III is an amazing experience for West Moors Town Council, and it would not be so without the opportunity given, to boast of our wonderful volunteers, which we are exceptionally proud of, for all the time they give to this community. They are the glue that holds this community together, making it a better place to live.”