2 minute read

Wimborne Community Garden update

Everything springs into life

By Jane Benson


As we are too well aware, the weather recently hasn’t been particularly kind to those of us who want to be gardening. However, despite everything we can see spring is definitely on the way at Wimborne Community Garden: our daffodils made a glorious golden haze all along the pathway way; buds have formed on the new fruit trees; the willow structure is springing into life; the bean plants are looking sturdy in their bed; the peas are sitting in rows and the polytunnel is filled with many trays of newly emerging plants. It’s such a wonderful time of the year. The only little snag is that it’s not only the plants that have got the message that it’s spring… the weeds have too. They keep us on our toes.

We’ve been so lucky to be visited by the Wimborne Cubs and Brownies. We’d created a grand bug hotel in our wild area of the garden; the Cubs came along and made a sterling job of filling it with twigs, fir cones, moss, wood chippings, old bricks, cut bamboo canes etc for bugs to come and find themselves a home. The

following week the Brownies came and continued the task; the result is we have a wonderful hotel ready to welcome all sorts of insects and pollinators.

Why not come and join us on a Wednesday morning, a Friday afternoon or a Sunday afternoon to help weed, sow, plant out, come for a quiet sit down or indeed come and make us all cups of tea? That would be wonderful.

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