1 minute read

The Bulletin

Cruise With Confidence



6. . Gluutten n F Frree e Recciippee: : Siimmneel l Cakke e

8. . Thhe e Benneeffitts o of f F Fiinnanncciiaal l Advviicce e

1 122. S Sky y Wattchhinngg: L Leo o the e Liion n

144. . Puuzzzzlees s

155. . How w to o Sollvve e Suuddookku P Puuzzzzlees s

166. . Sttrokke e Rehhaabbiilliitattioon

S44. . I Intterrioor r Dessiiggnn: : Tiimmelleesss s v Trrennddy y

S66. . G Guiinnnneessss, a Drop p of f the e Blaacck k Sttufff

S88. . A Auttheennttic c M Meddiitterranneeaan n Recciippe e

S1100. . Shoorrt S Sttorry, , Sttucck k in the e Miiddddlle e

S1122. . The e J Joouurrneey y

Welcome tothe Bulletin!

Thedays arealready notably longerand although the sunis stilllow in the sky, we are slowly starting to feel the warmth of spring. An added bonus is that the clocksgo forward on 28th March making usfeel thatbettertimes areontheir way. Already there isan air of positivity in the air as more and more people are receivingtheir vaccines,the restrictions willhopefully lessen,andlife takeson somekindofnormality again.

Mothering Sundayfalls on 14th March this year and if you would like to bake a traditional cake for the occasion, the recipe onpage 6givesdetails ofhowto make a Simnel Cake.


Please be assured that this publication has been delivered with theutmost care and considerationin thesedifficulttimes.

S1188. . Recciippee: : Cheeeessy y Taacco Paasstta

S2200. . One e Thhiinng g Leeadds s to o A Anoottheer r

S2266. . Dyssleexxiiaa: : Asssissttiivve e Teecchhnnoollooggy y

S2288. . Takkiinng g Soolaacce e i in n Natturre

S3300. . RNLI I Muuddeeffoord Liiffeebbooaat t G Guiilld d

S3322. . Hillbbrre Issllaannd d L Liigghhtthouusse e

500. . Connffliicct t in n Rellaattioonnshhiipps s

588. . Shhoorrt S Sttory: : Thhe e Party

600. . Looccaal l Hisstorry: : Ken n Youunng g

622. . Paaiinnttinnggs s F Frroom m the e Russsselll l C Cottes s

Editor: Julie Smith

Tel:01425270100 or 07762 701271

Email: julie@themudefordmag.co.uk www.themudefordmag.co.uk

Cover Photo Courtesyof John Clarke

Printed by Warwick Printing

Disclaimer: Whilst every carehas been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, thepublisher cannotacceptany liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errorsor omissions resultingfrom negligence, accidentorany other cause. The Bulletin does not officially endorseany advertising material included within this publication. No partof this publication may be produced,stored in any retrieval systems or transmitted in any form, without prior permissionof thepublisher.

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