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HowtoPrepare Your Mind &Body forWinter

Theautumnequinox isbehind us andit won’tbelongbefore we’re in thedepthsof thosecoldwinter months.But winter doesn’thavetobeunpleasant, while many people experiencelower energy levelsand more illnesses duringthewinter months,that doesn’thavetobean inevitability!A 5stepwinter prep plan can help youtoprepareyour body and mind forthe shorterdays andcoldermonths,so youcan have ahappy andhealthy winter.

VitaminD3levelsdecline during winter, duetothe weaker sunand fewer hourswe spendwithour skin exposedtothe rays that stimulateVitaminD production inour bodies. Researchshows thatVitaminD supplements area highly effectivewayto protectfromrespiratory virusinfections,so supplementing canhelpkeepyou healthy throughthe winter.


When yourbodytemperature drops, your bodyhas touseextra energytoproduce heatand keep youtoastywarm. While being cold alonewon’tmakeyou sick (you havetobeexposed to avirus forthatto happen) itcanreduceyour immune systemandmakeyou more susceptible to illness.Sowrapupwarmtoprotect your immune systemandconserveyour energy.

Fresh airandnaturecan have ahugely positiveimpactonyourphysical and mental health. Butasthedaysgrowshort andthetemperaturegetscooler,itcan be tempting to stayindoorsmore. Outdoor fundoesn’thavetobereservedfor the summer months.The changingleaves in autumnmakeforbeautiful forestwalks, thedarker,churningsea makesa beautiful view as youwalkalongtheseafront.

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4. MakePlans

Whileitcan be nicetosnuggle upon the sofa with ablanket andthe latest Netflix blockbuster, stayinghomealonetoo much canbedamagingtoyour emotional health. So make plans. Invite friends round,booktickets to ashow, plan aparty or schedule some time to visityourfamily. Alittleproactivelycanhelpmakethis winter morefunand ensureyou getplenty of time with your familyandfriends.

5. EatforImmunity

Your diethas ahugeimpactonyour health, energyand your immune system. Some foodscan strengthen your body’s abilitytofightdiseasewhileotherscan inhibit theimmunesystem,making you more likelytoget sick. Eatplentyoffresh fruit andvegetables. Brightlycoloured producesuchaspeppers,berries, beetroot andorangesare highin vitamin C; anutrientthat’sessentialforgood immunehealth. Seedsand seafoodare highin zinc;a mineral thathelps boost your immune systemandprotectyou from illness.Leafy greenvegetables such as kale and spinach arehighin mineralsand iron;important forhealthy bloodandgood energylevels.

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