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*QuoteRef BH70221


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Ithinkwecan allagreethat this time last year,few couldhavepredicted how 2020 would haveturnedout. Lookingforward to thecomingbrighterdays, phraseslike ‘socialdistancing’and ‘lockdown’ will soon be athingofthe past.If2020has taught us anything, it’s thatourhealthand the healthofeveryonewecareabout is more important than ever.Togiveyouthat spring in your step we allneed, here are some smallchanges youcan make right away.


It sounds simple doesn’tit?Weall know we should bedrinkingatleast 2litresof watera day,buthowmany ofus actually do?Depending on your lockdown situation,itmay feellike2 litresofcoffee maybemoreappropriate,but your body definitely isn’tgoingto thankyoufor that! Drinkingatleast 2litresofwater aday will keep your body in tip-topshape and can even make youlookyounger.


WhenI’mtalkingabout exercise,Idon’t mean we should allrushout andbuy a gymmembership;thoughI do enjoy my gymvisits, Iknowthat many people loathe the ‘G’ word.W ecan andshouldhowever, be making sure we take regular walks. Walkingis agreatexercisefor heart fitness,andfor improving digestion. It also refreshes your mind andallowsyour internalorganstofunctioncorrectly Exercise canalsoboost your metabolism (whichI am sure we allneedafterthe festiveperiod!). Whetherit’s walking to tire out thekids or dog, or walkingtowork, thereare lots of opportunitiestogetout and about. Thereare some fabulous places to explorelocallyso2021isthe yeartoputthosewalkingbootsonand startexploring.


Atthis time ofyear Idonot want to see another mincepie for averylongtime. We all startthe NewYear offwithsuchgood intentions, but sometimesstruggle to keep themup. Your 5a day canseemlikethe trialsofHercules,especiallyfor those of youwithfussy eaters athome. However, thereisa wealth of healthy alternatives out theretotry.W hy nottry“nomeat Mondays” for instance whichmayforce youtobea bitmorecreativewithyour cooking.


It is highly recommendedgettingthose 8 hours in as regularly as possible as there is awhole hostofreasonswhy.Itis necessarytorest to allowyourbodyto repair;whether it beafter along day of labourwork, or astressfuldaysitting in front of ascreen, youneedrest! If you don’t allow those batteries to recharge you willfindit increasingly difficulttostay focussed onyour daytodaytasks.Much likeregular adjustmentsworktoaid your centralnervous system with itsregulatory functions, sleeprechargesthebrain to make sure it’s workingaswellas it canbe.


Many don’t realiseit, but aches andpains canbethe reason youhavestopped doing somethingthatyou once enjoyed whichcontributed to yourexercise quota. We specialiseinhelping:

Back pain




Headachesand migraines

Muscle spasms



Poor posture

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