Ferndown Matters Spring 2015

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Issue 26

Council MOVES!

Spring 2015

Fete on the Field returns

Ferndown In Bloom

Wig-up for children with cancer

Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk or like us on Facebook - Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Meetings of the Town Council

Meeting dates may be subject to change – IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND ANY MEETING, PLEASE CHECK THE DATE AND TIME on the agenda displayed on Council noticeboards or by telephoning the Council Of�ice on 01202 892249

2015 MAY







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KGV Management AGM

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Planning Committee

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Environment Committee

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Grants Committee

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Personnel Committee

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Planning Committee

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Finance & GP Committee

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KGV Management

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Planning Committee

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Planning Committee

Venue to be confirmed

Meetings, other than those of the Personnel Committee, are normally open to the public.

Summer Opening Hours at KGV Fields The evenings are lighter and, as per every year, the opening hours for King George’s Fields reverted to summer times from 1 April. Please note that due to the Charity’s risk of traveller incursion we will be operating the width restriction bollard: Monday – Sunday 8am – 8pm in April (8.30pm May and 9pm June and July) Any cars remaining in the Charity’s car park after closing time will be locked in and will not be able to be removed until the following morning. Please may we also take this opportunity to politely remind residents that the Charity’s car parking spaces within the gates is for those people using the facilities at King George’s fields. People visiting the Lower and Middle Schools for evening activities should park outside the gates to avoid being locked in after closing. Pedestrian access to the fields will remain open 24 hours for those wishing to attend the evening sessions at Ferndown Tennis Club or merely walking the fields. 4

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Relate Dorset and South Wiltshire offers advice for separated families this Father’s Day Relate Dorset and South Wiltshire is offering advice for families who are separated or divorced this Father’s Day (21 June). The charity, which is running a separation awareness campaign called Being Parents Apart, recognises that this can be a tough time of year, especially if dads are not spending Father’s Day with the kids. Relate counsellor Dan Ferris said: “Father’s Day can be a lovely time of year for many families. But like all special occasions, it can be a really difficult day for dads who are going through a tough time. It’s especially hard when it’s your first Father’s Day since going through separation.” With 58% of separated parents surveyed saying they don’t believe in a good separation, Dan is offering some tips to help separated parents manage Father’s Day.

Dan’s top tips for dads: •

Be honest. If you can, try to be honest with your ex partner about what you’d like to do on Father’s Day. If you want to change arrangements so that you have the children when you wouldn’t usually, make sure you talk openly to your ex and give plenty of notice. Think about other Father’s Days you have had. There may be a chance to do things in the same way or to make them very different, so talk to the kids and see what they think too. Remember it’s just one day. This is important, especially if you’ve recently separated. Your children might feel a bit strange as to how to approach Father’s Day, so try not to put too much pressure on it. Plan something for yourself. Regardless of whether you have the kids or not, plan a little treat for yourself on or around Father’s Day – just going for a drink with a friend can give you a lift.

Dan’s top tips for mums: •

Give a little. If you can, try to talk to your ex partner about what he’d like to do on Father’s Day. Try to be flexible where you can on who has the children that day – a little gesture like swapping your days can go a long way. Help the kids out. Even if your relationship with your ex is difficult, he will always be your

kids’ dad, and it can really help children to know that you understand their relationship with both parents is important. Help them write cards or buy presents if possible. Plan something for yourself. It can be tough to imagine the children having a special time with your ex, especially if the break up is recent. Instead of dwelling on that, have something in mind to look forward to yourself.

Relate Dorset and South Wiltshire offers information, advice and counselling for all stages of your relationships, including helping people to handle separation. Parents can attend a free 4 hour ‘Separated Parents Information Programme’ to help consider the impact of their break up on their children or come to Dorchester for Mediation or Supervised Contact. And Relate’s relationship counselling is not just about keeping couples together. Our counsellors can help talk through all relationship issues either with a couple or an individual to restore confidence.

Ferndown Town Council has funded Relate’s Bursary scheme so Ferndown residents can access services without cost being a barrier • • •

Relate champions the importance of strong and healthy relationships as the basis of a thriving society. Personal and social relationships are important in our everyday lives and are central to our wellbeing. Relationships are under increasing pressure breakdown costs the UK economy £46 billion each year according to the Relationships Foundation. Over a million people every year access information, support and counselling from Relate but it’s clear many more would benefit from Relate services. Relate’s services extend beyond relationship counselling to family counselling, counselling for young people, sex therapy and informal courses and workshops and are offered through a network of 1,700 counsellors across the country. Relate celebrated its 75th birthday last year.

For more information and advice visit: www.relate.org.uk.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


CLIC SARGENT CALLING LOCAL COMMUNITIES TO WIG-UP FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH CANCER 20th May 2015 is one wig day where schools, businesses and organisations can make a great big difference to the lives of children and young people with cancer. Thousands of people across the UK will be donning wigs to raise funds and show support for children and young people with cancer, many of whom lose their hair during treatment. CLIC Sargent is the leading cancer charity for children and young people. They provide clinical, practical, emotional and financial support to children and young people with cancer, and their family. Last year, CLIC Sargent supported 74 families across Dorset. One of CLIC Sargent’s support services that is vital to a family from Dorset is free self-catering accommodation in their home from home in Southampton, where many children must go to receive treatment. CLIC Haven in Southampton provides an opportunity for families to stay together close to their child receiving treatment, and decrease the financial burden of travel and accommodation.

Last year, there were 153 family stays in CLIC House and 68 family stays in Sam’s House. The average length of stay at CLIC House was 19 days, and 64 days for Sam’s House. If you or your business, school or community group could raise £30 on Wig Wednesday, you could pay for a Dorset family to stay in CLIC Haven overnight. If you or your workplace, school or community group would like to make a difference to the lives of children and young people with cancer by wigging-up on 20 May 2015, you can sign-up at www. clicsargent.org.uk/ wigwednesday or call our Devon, Dorset and Cornwall office on 01392 314672 Wig Wednesday 2015 is being sponsored by MFS Investment Management



TOWN COUNCIL What a great night was had at the Ferndown Jitsu club, recently. Grades are all getting better and are nearly there for the next grading. Well done to Mark on gaining his 2nd Mons in Mini Jitsu and to Sienna on her getting Mini Student of the Week. Also A Great Big Thank You goes to Ferndown Town Council on our Grant of £250 that will go towards going to the Junior Judo Nationals in Walsall Birmingham on 25th April 2015. Hatamoto -Sensei John Hanrahan said “We now can take loads of young children from low income families and I am sure they will be fantastic on the day.” 8

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

The Ferndown Twinning Association Announces its 2015 Bi Annual Trip to Segré - France Segré is about 110 miles south of Caen and 20 miles north-west of Angers in the Haut-Anjou area of France. Segré has a long history and boasts its own castle, a splendid Town Hall, and its residents are most warming and hospitable.

Ferndown has been twinned with the pretty little town of Segré for 20 years and during that time many residents from both towns have enjoyed the delights of twinning. This year 2015 our 5 day visit to Segré will be in August and the Committee and its members would like, once again, to invite Ferndown residents to take the opportunity to spend time with our like minded friends in France. The trip is from 27th August 2015 leaving Ferndown early morning and after a full weekend of activities returning on 31st August early evening. £125 Adults £85 Children (16 or under) Sailings are with Brittany Ferries, Poole, and it is not necessary for you to speak French, if you are interested in coming please contact either Pauline Reynolds on 01202 892033 or Marion Lock 01202 896984 for further details.

New Equipment for young Children’s group

Just some of the new equipment bought with the Grant from Ferndown Town Council

A massive thank you goes to Ferndown Town Council from all at the Ferndown & Heatherlands Soft Play Group at the Heatherlands Centre for the very generous grant of £250.00 to buy new large play dice and soft play animals for the children and parents that attend the play group every Thursday. Chairman John Hanrahan said, “It does make a big difference and a new challenge to our young children when you can change play equipment around each week”

Competition for schools to design a poster for Ferndown in Bloom This year the Middle and Upper schools of Ferndown will be entering a competition to design a poster for the Ferndown in Bloom competition, closing date is Wednesday 20 May 2015. Jane Glover has responsibility for this project and the Town Council are looking forward to seeing the children’s designs. 10

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Art Society The Ferndown Art Society celebrated its fortieth anniversary in 2012 It was founded in 1972 by a small group of amateur and semi-professional artists who wanted to enjoy the company of like-minded people to exchange experience and ideas. The Society has grown considerably in size since then but it has retained its character of being a friendly group of people who enjoy meeting regularly. The Society holds Evening Meetings in the Conference Room of the Barrington Centre on the third Thursday of each month, (with the exception of April, August and December) when we invite a visiting artist to demonstrate their painting technique, and we have had some very enjoyable evenings watching displays of work in pastels, watercolour, oils, acrylics and other mixed media.

We also meet weekly on Wednesday Mornings in the Conference Room for a workshop. During these morning sessions members paint together and learn from each other. We have occasional art teachers who come to lead the group in a specific method of painting. This encourages us to attempt something new and sometimes we are surprised with our results! We hold exhibitions each year in venues of the surrounding area and this year we will be exhibiting at The Gallery Upstairs, Upton Country Park. We are associated to the Society of All Artists and each year we take part in their yearly challenges. We send off our best work and have had our work

reproduced in their national magazine. This, of course, gives us a great incentive to work at our hobby. If you would like to call in to a Wednesday Morning Workshop to chat about joining or to find out more about us, we would welcome you. We have samples of members’ work on a corridor board in the Barrington Centre or contact our Membership Secretary.

Ferndown Matters is published by mags4dorset.co.uk on behalf of the Ferndown Town Council Editorial:

Vanessa Ricketts, Town Clerk, Ferndown Town Council, The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9TH 01202 892249 email: townclerk@ferndown.gov.uk


mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 07760 283146 email: sales@mags4dorset.co.uk


mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 01202 870270 email: design@mags4dorset.co.uk

mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 01202 870270 www.mags4doret.co.uk Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Improvements to Scout Headquarters Based in Cherry Grove, the headquarters of 1st Ferndown Scout Group has started to feel a bit tired over the past few years but with the assistance of various small grants, including one from Ferndown Town Council, the group has successfully been able to start on its improvement programme. The group said that things like the look of the front door was off putting for users of the building and with the help of these grants, they have been able to replace the old steel covered door with a modern front door and roller shutter making the place look inviting and welcoming! Within days, positive comments were being received by users of the building and from passersby on the nearby public footpath. The new front door has also enabled a small ramp to be built allowing better access to young people who may have special needs or use a wheelchair.Moving forward, the ongoing refurbishment programme includes modernisation of the kitchen facilities, the grounds and the entrance hall. Leading an active programme for its young people, 1st Ferndown Scout group celebrates its 90th anniversary this year which is quite an achievement for any organisation but demonstrates that young people still look for the fun, challenge and adventure that Scouting has to offer. The group has several sections (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers) which meet during the week catering for both boys and girls aged 6-18 years old and always welcomes new members. There are also volunteering opportunities for adults who may wish to come along and help.

If you would like to join or find our more, please contact Mike Parkes by email mike@mrp1972.com or by telephone on 01202 861858 14

FREE DEBT ADVICE IN EAST DORSET It is almost one year since Christians Against Poverty opened the East Dorset CAP Debt Centre to help those suffering from crippling levels of debt. This is a partnership between Hope Church Ferndown and The Bus Stop Club, working from the Turbary Resource Centre on the Heatherlands Estate in Ferndown. The photograph shows Pam Ansell (middle), the Centre Manager who meets directly with clients to help them through the process of becoming debt-free. She is directly supported by Traceyanne Lambert (right) who acts as a befriender to some clients and also co-ordinates the recruitment and training of other volunteer befrienders from the local churches. These volunteers provide essential support in many ways to the clients during the period that they are following the budget set by CAP which leads to their eventually becoming debt-free. CAP now has over 265 Debt Centres in the UK as well as centres in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. See the website www.capuk.org. If you know of anyone struggling under the burden of debt then please ask them to call CAP’s freefone number 0800 328 0006. One call can change a life for the better. In addition to the Debt Centre, regular free money management and budgeting courses are held at the Turbary Resource Centre for those who just want to regain control of their finances. Contact Susan Sutherland on 07866 692528 for more details. CAP is unique in offering a completely free service to clients but there are considerable costs involved for the partners to cover staff wages and expenses and the annual contribution paid to CAP Head Office in Bradford for their professional expertise in preparing client budgets and interfacing with creditors. The search for funding to maintain and expand this valuable service which literally saves lives, marriages and family break-up is on-going. Also in the photograph is Derek Howshall, Chairman of The Bus Stop Club who has supported the venture since its inception. If you or your business would like to donate to this valuable work then please contact Derek on 01202 892145 or derek@howshall.com.

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Welcome to the 2015 Ferndown

FETE ON THE FIELD! Plans for ‘Fete on the Field 2015’ are already well advanced, with this year’s event promising to be even better than that of 2014. The list of entertainers for the bandstand is all but complete with soloists and groups of singers and dancers drawn from across the country, including London’s West End. In addition stall bookings are already up compared to this time last year, the classic car enthusiasts will be getting a display to savour….and there will be lots of food to taste and some beer to slake the thirst With lots to see and do, the kids will have a great time, too. In fact, its going to be a great day out for all of the family! One change from last year is that Ferndown Rotary Club is leading the event. It looks forward to seeing as many as possible from Ferndown and surrounding areas on the day – Saturday 20 June (11.00am – 5.00pm) at the King George V Playing Fields. Entrance is FREE! And all profits go to charity. Put the date in your diary/calendar now. I look forward to seeing you there

Live acts – singing, dancing, shows Stalls Classic Cars Food Beer tent Bring a picnic!

George Phillips President Elect Rotary Club of Ferndown Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Town Council Grants

In March, the Grants Committee gave over £5,000 to local charities, voluntary and not for profit organisations Awards were made to the following: Ferndown’s first 10K run £750 towards registration and the running cost of the very first 10K run in Ferndown Sting in the Tale £750 to hold an outdoor storytelling event on KGV playing fields, the town centre and another event at a location to be determined. Sting in the Tale is set up as a not for profit voluntary organisation which is governed by a committee consisting of a small group of volunteers, each of whom plays a vital role in the delivery of the yearly festival Ferndown in Bloom £350 to run, organise and pay for the insurance required for the Ferndown in Bloom competition

Royal British Legion Ferndown £1,000 towards design and print costs to produce the mobile display of family and military histories of Ferndown’s First World War Fallen as a printed book and permanent record of Ferndown’s history. Future sales to would go to the Poppy Appeal Heatherlands Soft Play Group £250 to pay for soft play animals and dice for young pre-school children. The soft play group meets at the Heatherlands Centre Wimborne & Ferndown Lions Club £1,000 to provide and fit a defibrillator that will be placed in the centre of the town

John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation £500 towards supporting ten awards to pupils at Ferndown First School. Pupils are selected, one per class, by class teachers. The teachers would also suggest an activity or an event that the pupil could be taken to which will enable them to pursue and develop an interest that they may have The Ju-Jitsu club £250 towards payment for the Junior Judo Nationals in Walsall, Birmingham. This grant would help to take 25 children who would struggle with the full cost of the event 1st Ferndown Scout Group £500 towards the running costs of the Scout group

The Committee will next meet on Monday 8 June and the deadline for applications will be Friday 29 May. See the grants page of our website http://www.ferndown.gov.uk/ services/grants.asp for more details and application forms, which are also available to collect from our office at the Barrington Centre. 18

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

The story of wildlife rescue in pictures Documentary wildlife photographer Nick Upton treated a spellbound audience to a fascinating selection of his work with British wildlife at the official opening of the British Wildlife Photography Awards exhibition on 19 March. The exhibition, at Moors Valley Country Park near Ringwood, features the best of thousands of stunning entries to these annual awards, all celebrating the beauty and diversity of British wildlife. It includes Nick’s category-winning sequence documenting a dormouse survey in Somerset. Nick, who worked with David Attenborough on ‘The Trials of Life’, explained that it was that experience that taught him how engaging it can be to show people interacting with animals. “As a filmmaker I think I was always a frustrated cameraman,” said Nick. “Documenting wildlife with still photography allows me to continue to tell really important stories – using my own images.”

Since moving away from filmmaking two and a half years ago Nick has documented a variety of projects working with cranes, bustards, harvest mice, bats, seals and most recently beavers. Invited in by wildlife organisations working on release programmes, surveys and rescue work, he is frequently able to capture pictures previously unseen, and his illustrated talk highlighted the incredible work undertaken by these organisations as they work to protect British wildlife. The British Wildlife Photography Awards exhibition opens daily in the Visitor Centre at Moors Valley Country Park until 4 May. It is free to view. Parking charges apply. For more information go to www.moors-valley.co.uk or call the Rangers on 01425 470721. The 2015 British Wildlife Photography Awards is now open for entries. Details can be found at www. bwpawards.org

Grow Wild Launched in Ferndown The Grow Wild Campaign is encouraging residents to grow more native wild flowers and to support bees in encouraging local biodiversity. Steve Lugg launched the 2015 Campaign in giving out free packs to interested residents, which include enough seeds for ten square metres, and solitary bee houses. Steve said, “I look forward to seeing the pictures during the summer. I have more than

100 red mason bees myself, and am supporting the Campaign. Bees are central to our pollination needs, and everyone can easily do a little bit to help them thrive.”

See more about this Campaign supported the Big Lottery Fund and Kew Gardens at https://www. growwilduk.com/about-grow-wild

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Open Day Ferndown Bowls Club Members recently held their annual open day. If you would like to have a go at bowls and make new friends, do get in touch. Men and women of all ages, beginners or experienced players welcome. Contact Shirley Davies for more information 01202 870259

Coming to Ferndown 20th June 2015


he Ferndown 10K run is a thoroughly enjoyable multi terrain course taking in Ferndown Forest, including Cannon Hill and the roads of Ferndown. For their help in getting this inaugural run underway grateful acknowledgement must go to Ferndown Town Council for providing a generous grant. The race will start at 11.30am from behind The Old Thatch pub; BH21 7NW. The Old Thatch pub is located in the beautiful Dorset countryside between Ferndown and Wimborne and sits in the site of a former gatehouse to the Uddens Estate dating back to the 17th century. It is the quintessential, English country pub with its own thatched roof, log fire and, as many of the locals 22

will tell you, its very own ghost. Make a day of it, the Ferndown Fete on the Field presented by Ferndown Rotary Club is available to all non-runners and runners alike and can be found on King George V playing fields, Ferndown BH22 9EN; gates open 11am - 5pm Now all that is left is for you to enjoy the physical, emotional and social benefits of this run. Oh by the way, look out for endorphins. These when found will reduce stress levels and produce a sense of well-being. To participate in the Ferndown 10K run please register your interest by contacting 01202 895923. RunBritain has awarded the Ferndown 10K a Licence ID 2015-14392. This inaugural race is sponsored by Ferndown Leisure Centre.

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

How safe is your home? In your local area, Dorset Fire and Rescue has a dedicated team working to reduce the risk of fire in the home, enabling residents to stay as safe as possible. This team is made up of Home Safety Advisors, volunteers and operational fire crews. In 2014, DFRS attended 409 accidental fires in the home. These could have been avoided if people were more aware of basic fire safety in their homes. Knowing the dangers and taking preventative measures could help save the lives of you and your family. Fires strike when you least expect them, often during the night. They spread quickly but it is smoke that is the real killer. If you are asleep when a fire starts and you don’t have a smoke alarm to wake you, your chances of surviving are zero. They can be purchased for around £5, a small price to pay to save you and your loved ones. Remember your smoke alarm must work to save your life. Dust it every six months, check the battery once a week, change the battery every twelve

months (unless it’s a ten year alarm) and change your alarm every ten years. There are also alarms with strobe lighting and vibrating pads for people who are hard of hearing or deaf. As part of our commitment to reduce deaths and injuries caused by accidental fires in the home, DFRS provides FREE Home Safety Checks. These involve a member of staff visiting homes and ensuring each has working smoke alarms, fitting or replacing them free of charge, checking appliances for electrical safety, identifying high risk activities, checking for overloaded electrical sockets, discussing practical and safe escape routes and what to do if the worst should happen. To request a Free Home Safety Check for you, or someone who may be vulnerable and would benefit from a visit, please get their permission and contact us on 01305 252600 or use online form found at www.dorsetfire. gov.uk. Just fill out the form with your name and address details and click ‘submit’.



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Your Town Council Town Clerk - Mrs Vanessa Ricketts The Barrington Centre, Peny’s Walk, Ferndown, BH22 9TH Tel: 01202 892249 Email: enquiries@ferndown.gov.uk

Your Ferndown Town Councillors Links Ward: Cllr. B Barnett Cllr. Ms P M Cooper Cllr. J A Muggleton Cllr. Mrs J Read Cllr. Mrs J Robinson Cllr F W Worth

82 Carroll Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BP 12 Corbin Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AZ 292 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS 288 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS 18 Medway Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8UX 156 Leeson Drive, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9QQ

Tel: 01202 855175 Tel: 01202 896676 Tel: 01202 872975 Tel: 01202 875926 Tel: 07874 082435 Tel: 01202 895923

Central Ward: Cllr. Mrs Q Comfort Cllr. M R Parkes Cllr D B F Burt 3 Vacancies

6 Pringles Drive FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BN 36 Dorset Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8HW 91 Wimborne Road, CORFE MULLEN, Dorset BH21 3DS

Longham Ward: Cllr. L Ovens Cllr. P Lucas 1 Vacancy

357 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AE Tel: 01202 896701 14 Landford Gardens, Throop, BOURNEMOUTH, Dorset BH8 0PH Tel: 01202 533765

Tel: 01202 873221 Tel: 01202 861858 Tel: 01202 883870

Longham East Ward: 1 Vacancy Stapehill Ward: Cllr. N J Wellstead Cllr. Mrs S Bird Cllr. P R Timberlake

36 Wimborne Road West, WIMBORNE, Dorset BH21 2DP Tel: 01202 892249 (FTC Office) 292 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 8 Brierley Avenue, West Parley, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 8PE Tel: 01202 573213

Ameysford Ward: Cllr. J L Baxter Cllr. Mrs C A Lugg Cllr. Mrs P Reynolds

Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9DZ Tel: 01202 897884 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9QW Tel: 01202 872066 3 Clayford Avenue FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9PQ Tel: 01202 892033

Links South Ward: Cllr. T Cordery

79 Dorset Avenue FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8HL

Tel: 01202 876293

We are keen to hear your comments Please feel free to contact us - we are listening!

Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk Ferndown Town Council does not accept responsibilty for the content of advertisements, promises made, or the quality or reliability of the services offered in the advetisements in this publication. All purchases made through this publication are done so entirely at your own risk. Information about a service does not imply recommendation.


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

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