Ferndown Matters Winter 2015

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Issue 25

Winter 2015


r a e Y w e N

2014 Grants awarded

Christmas Day lunch party

New bouncy slide for Heatherlands

Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk or like us on Facebook - Ferndown Town Council

Community Governance Review

AND iTS EFFECTS On 15th December East Dorset District Council considered the recent consultation on the district-wide Community Governance Review


his included recommendations to change existing boundaries of Ferndown, Wimborne and Colehill. Ferndown Town Council had objected at every opportunity to the proposed changes to our town boundaries as we realised that such proposed changes would have a dramatic effect on residents in Ferndown, not because we might lose houses to Colehill parish, but that in doing so this would dramatically affect our taxbase and, therefore, the amount of precept our remaining residents would have to pay. Unfortunately East Dorset District Council proposed to accept the recommendations of the Member led Task and Finish Group who had undertaken the consultation and made the proposals. The result being that Ferndown has lost a number of houses in Barrack Road to West Parley Parish Council and the boundary with Colehill Parish has been re-drawn so that the houses previously in Stapehill West Ward are now within Colehill, the Town boundary now terminates at Canford Bottom roundabout. Consequently we have lost nearly 550 properties which amounts to over 7% of our tax base.

WHY DOES THIS AFFECT OUR RESIDENTS? Each January we work out how much we need to spend throughout the following financial year, this total sum, less any income we receive, is called the precept. The amount of precept is divided by the taxbase and this gives us the amount to be paid per Band D property. A reduction in the taxbase means there are less properties by which the total can be divided, resulting in an increase to the precept. To add salt to the wound, East Dorset District Council have also advised that they will be cutting our Local Government Support Grant by half. The Support Grant is a sum of money which central Government hands down to the District Councils, they in turn pass that, or some of it, on to the Town and Parish Councils. Each Council in the country can decide how much Support Grant they will pass on, from 100% to zero. This year we are receiving half of that which we received last year

and next year we will not receive anything. These are, indeed, tough times for Town and Parish Councils and particularly Ferndown which seems to be doubly disadvantaged. Your local Councillors have been working hard throughout the budget setting process in order to minimalise any increase by cutting expenditure and ensuring that costs are kept as low as possible, whist continuing to deliver consistently improving services. This year we aim to deliver more services to a great number of residents to ensure that Ferndown Town Council gives value for money. Finally, another outcome of the Community Governance Review is that the number of Councillors sitting on Ferndown Town Council will decrease from 23 to 17 Members. This, together with the boundary changes, will come into effect in time for the May elections this year.

FERNDOWN in Bloom 2015

The Annual General Meeting of Ferndown in Bloom will take place in February (date to be advised). If you would like to come along to the AGM, or would be interested in helping out this year in the competition, please contact Jean Read on 01202 875926. Ferndown in Bloom is always looking for new volunteers to assist and this can be for anything from planting bulbs, administration, fund raising or judging. All help, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated and Jean would be delighted to hear from you. Let’s all help make Ferndown fantastically floral this summer!

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Meetings of the Town Council Meeting dates may be subject to change – IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND ANY MEETING, PLEASE CHECK THE DATE AND TIME on the agenda displayed on Council noticeboards or by telephoning the Council Office on 01202 892249

2015 JAN




Environment Committee

KGV Pavilion




Finance & GP Committee

KGV Pavilion




KGV Management

KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion






KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion




Grants Committee

KGV Pavilion




Personnel Committee

KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion





KGV Management Committee

KGV Pavilion




Environment Committee

KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion




Finance & GP Committee

KGV Pavilion





Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion





KGV Pavilion




KGV Sole Trustee

KGV Pavilion




Personnel Committee

KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion






KGV Pavilion





KGV Pavilion




KGV Management AGM

KGV Pavilion




Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion

* Review of income and expenditure profile to date

Meetings, other than those of the Personnel Committee, are normally open to the public.

Ferndown Central PACT and the local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team PACTs are neighbourhood based forums for the public, agencies and statutory authorities to talk and work together to solve local crime and anti-social behaviour issues as they arise. The current Chairman of your PACT is Cllr Steven Lugg, whom is also Ferndown Town Council’s representative on the forum. Meet your policing team at street corner events. In January you can speak to them on 9th and 23rd at Tesco. PACT public meetings are being held at the KGV Pavilion from 6-7pm during 2015 on 21st January, 22nd April, 15th July and 21st October. Members of the public are welcome; let Steve know in advance if you want to discuss a topic at the meeting. Our priorities are your priorities.


At our January meeting we will be setting three priorities and discussing where our focus should lie, in keeping Ferndown a safe, bright and clean place to live. You can let Steve Lugg know of your crime or ASB issue at any time; ring him on 01202872066 or email cllrsmlugg@rocketmail. com. Alternatively pass a message through to the town clerk or use our excellent neighbourhood watch office at the Barrington Centre.

If you have a highways issue, they are the responsibility of Dorset County Council and should be reported to them, but the town council through the traffic working party will also always be pleased to hear of your problem, or issue.

See more about the work of the Ferndown Policing team and the role of PACTs at http://www. dorset.police.uk/default. aspx?page=841#Meet.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

loCAl ElECTioNS May 2015

ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? A letter is being sent to every property in East Dorset at the end of January confirming who we have registered to vote at that address. If your name is not included or you are moving house go to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote where you can register online. The last day to register to vote is 20 April 2015.

DO YOU WANT TO BE A COUNCILLOR? Do you want to make a difference? In May this year the Town Council will be holding elections for Members to represent the Town Council. The elections take place on 7th May along with Parliamentary and District Council elections. This year you will receive 3 separate ballot papers, a white one for Parliamentary, a yellow one for District Council and a green ballot paper for Town Council. Anyone who wishes to stand for Council should apply for a Town Council nomination paper from either the Town Clerk at Ferndown or the Returning Officer at East Dorset District Council from 25th March 2015. Nominations close at 4pm on 9th April and completed forms should be returned, by hand, to the Returning Officer at EDDC where they will be checked and registered.


e are holding two Prospective Candidate Seminars in February for anyone interested or considering standing for election. The event consists of a short talk on how to deal with the nomination process, what may be expected of a councillor, short presentations from local councillors giving their own experiences on being a councillor, if standing for District the support and training you would receive should you be elected and an open question and answer session. The evening is aimed at both District and Parish/Town candidates and everyone is welcome to attend. There is no pressure on the evening for you to say whether or not you wish to stand, it is purely an information event. The seminars are taking place on Tuesday 3 February at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber at East Dorset District Council, Furzehill, Wimborne, BH21 4HN and Thursday 12 February at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Christchurch, BH23 1AZ.


he following paragraph indicates some of the requirements for holding the office as a Councillor, although they should not be taken as covering every aspect of the legal requirements for office. A person is qualified to be elected and to be a Councillor if he/she is a British Subject, a Commonwealth Citizen or a citizen of the European Union. They should be aged 18 years or over, has during the whole 12 months preceding the date of co-option occupied as owner or tenant of any land or other premises in the town/parish, or his principal or only place of work during those 12 months has been in the town/ parish or during the whole of these 12 months has resided in the town/ parish or within 3 miles of it. The person should not be disqualified from being elected by reason of any disqualification set out in Section 80 of the Local Government act 1972, or any decision made under section 79 of the Local Government Act 2000.

Further information on Elections and Registration can be found at www.dorsetforyou. com/elections or please contact the Town Clerk on 01202 892249

Bouncy slide for Heatherlands

Chairman Dorset County Council play Manger Lisa Guy Cllr John Wilson, Soft an John Hanrahan. and Soft play Chairm

A Massive Thank goes you to Dorset County Council Chairman Cllr John Wilson from all the Children and parents at the Heatherlands Soft Play group for the new Giant Bouncy Slide. Cllr John Wilson made a special visit to have look and talk to some parents. Soft play Chairman John Hanrahan said “the new Giant Bouncy Slide that is a fantastic new addition for the soft play group, the children love it as it helps with their coordination and gets them running around�

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


FTC working towards a

traffic solution When the Ferndown Town Plan was published, the number one concern of residents was overwhelmingly evidenced to be traffic, especially on the A348 Ringwood Road. The Ferndown Traffic Working Party (TWP) was delegated to look at what could be done to mitigate the serious problems faced daily by Ferndown residents. Cllr Cathy Lugg was elected Chair of the Working Party and already had a contact at the County Council Andrew Brown. Andrew is Team Manager of Traffic Engineering at DCC. The first thing the TWP did was to ask DCC to conduct an official traffic census along Ringwood Road taking in a period which included both school term and holiday period. No official census has been done for a number of years. The shocking results were no surprise to those of us who live in Ferndown, 19,000 vehicles per day on average travelling through the town centre Ringwood Road, 11% of which were HGVs. Obviously this cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged and the TWP have been working with Andrew Brown and associates at DCC, including your two County Councillors John Wilson and Ian Smith. The TWP must lobby to have effective measures put in place to alleviate particularly the HGV issue. As the Borough of Poole signposts traffic through Ferndown from the ferry we first looked at a change of route. The Borough of Poole confirmed they will not support the traffic being re-routed down Gravel Hill despite gaining government money for road improvements. They have been awarded a multi-million pound sum for the

port of Poole. There is also money available to upgrade the A338 Bournemouth spur road and airport roads. We are therefore looking at what other options are available such as reclassification of the road to a B road, weight restrictions and re-routing traffic. The committee also tasked your local Councillor Steve Lugg to formulate a plan of action in lobbying and protest over the current situation, which will be looked at by the TWP on 20th January. We hope to reduce the speed limit on Ringwood Road to 30 Miles an hour within the town boundary. We will be starting a petition to divert HGV traffic away from the Town Centre and enlisting the support of our MP Chris Chope and the Secretary Of State for Transport. Poole and Bournemouth should not be supported with massive amounts of public money, without considering the long suffering residents of Ferndown, whom have been complaining to the Highways Authority (Dorset County Council) for the last fifteen years. The public are always able to attend TWP meetings, and your input will be very much welcomed, the Ferndown Town Plan should be listened to!

Cathy Lugg, Town Councillor for the Ameysford Ward, Chair of Environment Committee and Chair of TWP

The voice of Ferndown Ferndown Community Association through the Barrington Theatre is once again encouraging local young people, supporting local talent, and providing a contemporary music hub in the town. Since September 2014, the monthly Sunday Club has been showcasing hopefuls for the final, supplemented by established acts, supporting the concept and giving their valuable time for free, for the community.


Following the 4th January Sunday Club, 2015 Sunday Clubs are taking place from 7.30pm every first Sunday until the Finals on Friday 17th April with your comperes Steve Lugg and Aidan Byrne, supported by manager Andy Bryant and the Barrington lighting and sound crew. Entry is free to every Sunday Club with the bar opening at 7pm, and tickets are on sale at £4.00 for the Finals, which will include

a programme and around sixteen bright new acts for you to sample and vote on, ‘the public’s winner’. Each act will get just one song in a chance to catch the judge’s eye, and more importantly, ear! Absolute Music are sponsoring the overall winner’s package, and if Sunday Clubs are well supported, they will continue after the Voice. Local music legend Matt Black will be heading up the judging panel, and previous winners Harmony Twist will be performing whilst the judges deliberate before the results are announced. Come along to the Barrington for our monthly music nights, to enjoy free entertainment, and sign up now for tickets for the Final in the Easter holidays; fun for all the family!

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


GRANTS AWARDED FROM APRIL 2014 The Bus Stop receive grant for a coach trip and activities in the Summer

Life Education Wessex receives a Grant from Ferndown Town Council towards delivering a Health Education Programme to Ferndown First School in Spring 2015

Mayor Cllr Mike Parkes presenting cheque to the Bus Stop - L-R: Cllr Mike Parkes, Susan Sutherland Project Manager, Parent and child

Cllr Reynolds presenting cheque to qualified educator - L-R: Vicki Solly holding Harold the Giraffe and Cllr Pauline Reynolds



he Mayor dropped in on The Bus Stop and talked to a few of the parents and children who use The Bus Stop, with the aroma of Lasagne and garlic bread being cooked for the community café. A grant of £500 was awarded to The Bus Stop to help towards a coach trip in the summer to Weymouth’s Sand Sculptures and Longmead Community Farm. The aim of The Bus Stop is to support individuals and families living in Ferndown. They provide a safe place for local residents and offer support i.e. life skills, parenting courses and family support etc. The Bus Stop had just opened a CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Centre, which provides practical debt counselling and advice. The Bus Stop also runs family activities during the school holidays and have a community café open most days.

he Vice Chairman of Grants committee, Councillor Pauline Reynolds was treated to a presentation by Vicky Solly, qualified educator for the health education programme, when she presented a cheque from the Town Council. A grant of £300 was awarded to Life Education Wessex to support the provision of a health programme at Ferndown First School in April/May 2015. The programme is delivered in a purpose built mobile classroom which has an interactive style of life education. Harold the giraffe is just one of the puppets they use to keep children totally engaged. Life Education Wessex delivers an age appropriate health and drug education programme to children aged 3-13. The aim is to provide children with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviour.

Ferndown club for older people receives £200 from Town Council for a special day out


embers of “Penny’s Friendship Club” in Ferndown had their weekly meeting interrupted on Wednesday 3rd December, to receive a cheque from Ferndown Town Council. A grant of £200 was awarded to the club, which caters for around 25 older people, so that members could enjoy a cream tea outing in the Spring. Volunteer Shirley Elliott said: “We’re really grateful to the Town Council for this grant. Many of our members are quite frail, and a day trip like this is something they wouldn’t be able to do on their own. The grant will enable us to hire a specially adapted bus with a lift, so that even those in wheelchairs will be able to take part.”


Councillor Pauline Reynolds, delivery of quality care to older Vice Chairman of the Grants people across the south. It committee, presented the cheque operates 10 care centres and runs to Shirley and the team of 70 social clubs for older people in volunteers at the club, on behalf of Hampshire and Dorset. the Town Council. The club is part of Brendoncare’s Club Dorset, a registered charity providing friendship and well-being clubs for older people, meeting once a week at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Ferndown. Brendoncare Cllr Reynolds presenting cheque to the volunteer team - L-R: has an enviable Mary Tee, Cllr Pauline Reynolds, Peter Bourne, Miriam Noble, reputation for Pauline Whittingham, Shirley Elliott innovation and

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Cllr Pauline Reynolds, Bill Field Secretary)

Rotary Club of Ferndown replaces Public Clock on Fire Station


erndown Rotary Club replaces the Public Clock on the Fire Station. The President of Ferndown Rotary Club received a cheque by the Vice Chairman of Grants, Cllr Pauline Reynolds from Ferndown Town Council. A grant of £500 was awarded to the Rotary Club towards the replacement of the Rotary public clock. Many years ago the Rotary Club purchased a public clock on the Fire Station, after several services the clock was beyond repair. This new public clock includes an electronic clock control system to ensure the clock advances to the correct time following mains power failures and will automatically adjust for BST/GMT changes.

Heatherlands Parent and Toddler Group receive a grant from Ferndown Town Council

Mayor attends Carol Service at the Dorset Blind Association in Ferndown to present a cheque from Ferndown Town Council


he Mayor was invited to attend the Carol Service with the Blind Club and to sample the cake and mince pies. The entertainment was provided by the Curtain Up group, which the patrons thoroughly enjoyed. An award of £300 was awarded to the club, which caters for up to 100 people, as a contribution towards all the direct costs incurred in providing a social club in Ferndown, the home visiting and support service in the Ferndown area. As Chairman of the Grants Committee, Cllr Mike Parkes presented Lorraine Smith of Dorset Blind Association with a cheque on behalf of the Town Council.

Volunteers are required for the Blind


he Mayor and Chairman of Grants Committee Councillor Mike Parkes presented a cheque from the Town Council to a very happy Mary Melbourne, Group Leader and staff for the Heatherlands Parent and Toddler Group. A grant of £500 was awarded to the Heatherlands Parent and Toddler Group to help towards new staff hours, equipment, play activities, refreshments, resources and to help keep up the standard offered within the group. Sally Boult, secretary for the Heatherlands Parent and Toddler group said: “Heatherlands is a long walk from any other group that is running in Ferndown. We provide stimulating pre-school activities to young children who can attend with their parents and reduce isolation and help children who may be disadvantaged. The group is extremely good value for money and we provide an excellent link into the ever popular Hopscotch pre-school which runs adjacent”. Unfortunately, Sally was unable to attend the presentation due to work commitments. The Heatherlands Parent and Toddler group is an established group which has been running for over 13 years, it runs weekly on a Tuesday at the Heatherlands Centre.

There are a significant number of Blind and Partially Sighted adults in the East Dorset district who attend the Blind Club held in Ferndown. The local club is supported by the Dorset Blind Association and organised entirely by volunteers. It provides a couple of hours on alternative Tuesday afternoons for Blind and Partially Sighted people from the area to get together socially. The members are dependent on volunteer drivers without whom they would not be able to attend. They are in need of some additional drivers, who live in one of the local towns of Verwood, Wimborne, West Moors, or Ferndown, who could give a couple of hours each fortnight, or just help out occasionally. They also need a couple of volunteers to help with the organisation of the afternoons. If you would like to help, or need more information, then please contact the Dorset Blind Association on 01202 712860 who would be very pleased to put you in touch with the local organiser. Ferndown Town Council also awarded Golden Ferns a Grant of £150 towards entertainment and outings for 18 members and awarded Ferndown Phoenix Musical Society £500 towards a licence to deliver a Big Show in September 2015. The next Grants Committee will be held in February 2015, latest dates for completed applications forms to be received by Ferndown Town Council is 30th January 2015.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Applications for Grants from Ferndown Town Council The Town Council is permitted under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) to make grants to voluntary bodies and also to charities where no specific grant making power exists in other legislation and where, in the Council’s opinion, the grant will benefit any part of its area or any of the inhabitants. The Town Council has indicated that the following priorities will be met in its grant programme for 2014/15:-

Support for Older People - Support for voluntary organisations working with the elderly.

Children and Young People - Investing in young people and those organisations working with young people to provide skills and recreational opportunities.

Safer and Stronger - Support for initiatives to improve the town Communities environment.

The Town Council within the limitation of the resources available wishes to support charities or not-for-profit organisations who are engaged in helping those who live within the Town Council area. Priority will be given to organisations which have a base in the town. The Town Council will not provide grant aid to activities promoting political or religious beliefs. The Town Council requires a formal grant application form to be completed from voluntary groups/charitable organisations. It must be accompanied with a copy of the last audited accounts or if not audited with confirmation that it has been subject to independent examination in accordance with the guidance produced by the Charity Commission. If you have any difficulty completing the form please contact the Town Council staff for assistance on 01202 892249.



erndown Mayor, Cllr Mike Parkes took Chairman of Dorset County Council, John Wilson and Mayors from all over Dorset to his old school in Hampreston as part of the Civic Day festivities on October 3rd and invited them all to help him select the winner of his Mayoral Christmas Card competition. The winning design by Eve Davis will be printed and presented at a school assembly before Christmas. Each of the top three designers (pictured) received prizes presented by Cllr Parkes to delighted applause from all the visiting dignatories.

Village / Community Halls - Support for improvements to such buildings

Please note: All applications will be discussed in open Council, and information contained on the application form will be available for public inspection. Because of the Council’s financial limitations it cannot guarantee that all applications meeting the criteria will receive a grant. Applications from organisations will be considered. Requests for grant aid must be received by 30th January 2015.

The Mayor emphasised his appreciation for every Year 4 child who entered:

Winners of the Mayor’s Christmas Card competition at Hampreston CE VA First School: 1st Place – Eve Davis; 2nd Place – Leonie Watts; 3rd Place – Kate Simmonds

The high standard of presentation and the number of entrants made it very difficult for all the Mayors to agree on the top three choices. “This competition has been an absolute pleasure to judge and it will be exciting to see Eve’s card printed up ready for me to send out to many councillors, civic dignatories and representatives of local organisations this Christmas.” Cllr Mike Parkes also spent time with Year 1 pupils who were keen to learn more about his golden chain of office. They were excited by the prospect of becoming Mayor of Ferndown themselves one day, following in the footsteps of ‘old boy’ Mike Parkes. Continued on p16...

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


...Continued from p15

The Mayoral party was amazed to hear Year 4 pupils explain the algorithms they worked out to make a toy robot talk. They attended a class in which pupils were being shown how robots worked and could speak to people Head Teacher, Mrs Jane Marshall gave a short talk about the history of the school. The first Head Teacher’s log book was written up in 1863 and she has copies of most log books since that date which provide some fascinating excerpts in newsletters to parents. An example of this is the School Inspection equivalent to an ‘Ofsted Report’ in the 19th century stated simply that: “The writing would be better if letters were larger and rounder”. Mrs Marshall also made mention of fundraising activities at the school in recent years which have raised £400 for School Support in the Community in India and a praiseworthy £4,500 for Julia’s House Children’s Hospice in Corfe Mullen.

The Mayor’s Civic Day party visited the Council Allotments at Longham on Friday 3rd October where Richard Dean, Chair of the Ferndown Allotment Association gave a passionate and informative presentation on the history and the future of the allotments

Summer Hookey and Chantal Martin-Phillips amaze the Mayor with their talking robot.

A delicious lunch at Haskins Garden Centre preceded a timely visit to Ferndown Sports and Leisure Centre for members of the Mayor’s Civic Day party comprising Mayors from all over Dorset and including leader of Dorset County Council, John Wilson Haskins was described by Mayor Cllr Mike Parkes as:

15 years ago the allotments were little more than a rat infested eyesore but astute investment by the Council has paid off and a 5 year plan for further improvements such as the provision of composting toilets, remedying the considerable surface water Mayor Cllr Mike problem with bore holes and Parkes digs up developing 1,500 sq m of ‘home-grown’ lee ks at land between the allotments Ferndown’s allotme nts and Dudsbury Golf Club should generate an income stream for the Council and ideally lead to the Allotment Association managing the project on their behalf. Richard Dean was warmly applauded for his inspirational talk which gave other council leaders food for thought.


A tremendous asset to Ferndown, it’s residents and to the work of the Council, notably by its partnership with Ferndown in Bloom. Another asset to Ferndown, the Leisure Centre, has been taken over by Places For People who bought out previous owners, DC Leisure and as a result is now operated as a charity with any profit ploughed back into facilities. The Centre was originally built as the Sports facility or Ferndown Upper School and the link with the school remains in that from 8.45am until 5pm each day the school has the right of usage and leisure centre classes for the public, as well as use of the pool for other local schools, are structured around FUS between these hours. The Swim Tag Watch worn by aspiring swimmers has proved especially effective in monitoring and increasing performance in the pool, providing time and speed statistics. The growth of the GP referral scheme and referrals from local physiotherapists has flourished and there is now a thriving Aquatherapy programme. Classes for those with knee replacements are especially popular and a hoist is available for some health issues, as required. The refurbished gymnasium also caters for disability and a teenage member already has designs on paralympic glory! Cllr Mike Parkes declined a photo opportunity on the treadmill, however, ending his Civic Day with good humoured banter amongst the invited guests.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Christmas lights switch on draws the crowds

Santa’s Grotto looks fantastic

By Janine Pulford

Families flocked to Ferndown to enjoy a day of entertainment prior to the Christmas lights switch on organised by the Chamber of Commerce with the help of Ferndown Town Council


ntertainment included local singer Catherine Gray; the bumblebee band Gugge 2000 – who rocked out ‘Silent Night’ among other festive and not so festive favourites and a faultless set by Rebecca-Lee Clark and Carolos Anthony Heath. Christmas carols were sung beautifully by the Studio One choir. The top class acts that Ferndown attracts are a constant source of enjoyment for residents who applauded heartily after each performance. Children’s rides, stalls, a raffle, mulled wine, mince pies, hot dogs and much more made the occasion a pre-Christmas winter warmer. When Santa drew into town on a fire engine, the children couldn’t wait to whisper their Christmas wish lists in his ear before the jolly ‘old man’ turned on the Christmas tree lights in Victoria Road with help from the Mayor of Ferndown, Cllr Mike Parkes. It was the best turnout for the lights switch on that anyone could remember and the Mayor said, “It was © mags4dorset a fantastic event with a fantastic turn out. A huge thanks go to the Ferndown Chamber Chamber of Commerce and the Town Council. I hope this is the start to a busy and prosperous Christmas in Ferndown.” He also thanked Haskins for their generosity in providing a Christmas tree in Ringwood Road. The raffle, drawn by the mayor at the Barrington Theatre, was won by D Howell from West Moors and the Hudl2 sponsored by mags4dorset was won by 3-year-old Samuel Newth also from West Moors.

Soft Play Chairman John Hanrahan presented with a cheque for £110.90 from Dorset County Cllr Ian Smith.


erndown and Heatherlands Soft play group greeted Dorset County Cllr Ian Smith with a great big Thank you at the play group on Thursday 18 December as he presented a Cheque to the groups Chairman John Hanrahan for £110.90. The Heatherlands Centre is used by many groups and organisations, Chairman John Hanrahan said “Cllr Ian Smith has made many visits and supports the work that is done for local residents in the Ferndown and local area, this money has just updated and made the Heatherlands Centre Santa’s Grotto look fantastic.

join Streetbank is a fast growing new resource to up and grow communities.

• Got something lying around to lend or give away? • Can you help a neighbour with a skill? • Do you need something? save See more at www.streetbank.com. Join up, money, cut waste and meet your neighbours! Cllr Steve Lugg is supporting this initiative and will be supporting its development in Ferndown over the coming months.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



CHEERS FERNDOWN RESIDENTS For the third year running, St Mary’s Ferndown has brought Christmas cheer to local folks who would otherwise spend Christmas alone. A Christmas Day lunch party attracted over 40 guests. This year, sponsorship from Waitrose in Wimborne was warmly welcomed by organisers, John and Lynne Ewins, who are certain it meets a hidden need in the community. “One guest complimented our team on the meal, adding it was the first time she had shared a meal with anyone all year. Another guest, a centenarian, said she was certain she would have been sitting home alone instead of enjoying a delicious meal out with nice company.”

Of the 48 people due to attend the lunch, a few were too ill to venture out on the day, so volunteers ensured the Christmas fayre was delivered to them instead. Tables were decorated to a high standard by volunteer Valerie Rossiter who also helped provide after-dinner musical entertainment, along with Wimborne Choral tenors, Dave Burch and Hector Mackenzie-Wintle. Everyone watched the Queen’s Speech together afterwards, for which Her Majesty received a solid round of applause! John and Lynne Ewins were pleased to see some couples present who felt they could not

have coped with the preparation of a Christmas lunch, for various reasons. They all joined in with the other guests like one big family. At the end, Lynne was surprised and delighted to announce that additional donations meant the Christmas Lunch Party would be able to present a gift to CAP (Christians Against Poverty) based at the Turbary Resource Cente in Heatherlands, so keeping the Christmas goodwill flowing on to other local people in need. John and Lynne and their team are already planning another Christmas Day lunch for 2015, by which time the new Beacon Centre at St Mary’s church, should be built for guests to enjoy as well.

Ferndown tennis courts light up


By Janine Pulford

ou can now play tennis in Ferndown after the sun goes down – it’s official! The Mayor of Ferndown, Cllr Mike Parkes, cut the ribbon and pressed the remote control to bathe the courts in light on the evening of 20 November to a round of applause from members of the tennis club. Chairperson Lynn Chong said, “It has long been a dream of Ferndown Tennis Club to have permanent floodlights.” She explained that the bid for £39,765 from Sport England had been submitted twice before being © mags4dorset

granted and thanked King George V Playing Fields (KGV) Charity for supporting the bids and putting so much work into the applications, in particular former Town Clerk, Ian Jones. A grant of £15,300 from KGV also helped make the floodlights possible as well as a contribution from Ferndown Tennis Club, West Moors Tennis Club and Synergy Housing. The ‘tennis for everyone’ floodlights will help the club considerably with expanding its busy programme to offer year round, low-cost accessible tennis-based activities to the local community.

Lyn said, “Our mini and junior players can now play twelve months a year so they don’t drift away in the winter months and have to be recruited again the following year.” She explained that the Head Coach Chris Biddle had been very patient in waiting for the floodlights to be installed. He has already built up evening classes by borrowing portable floodlights for the juniors and minis, “and he runs adult classes into the evening, including cardio fitness and rusty racquets,” added Lynn. “It is the aim of the club to offer pay and play in the evening too.” The mayor made his way between a ‘guard of honour’ made by tennis club members before cutting the ribbon. He said, “It is tremendous that so many have put the effort into achieving the installation of the floodlights, which now offer tennis to all ages in the community throughout the whole year.” Ferndown Tennis Club is situated at King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown. www.ferndowntennisclub.org.uk


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Your Town Council Town Clerk - Mrs Vanessa Ricketts King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, BH22 9EN Tel: 01202 892249 Fax: 01202 877442 Email: enquiries@ferndown.gov.uk

Your Ferndown Town Councillors Links Ward: Cllr. B Barnett Cllr. Ms P M Cooper Cllr. J A Muggleton Cllr. Mrs J Read Cllr. Mrs J Robinson Cllr F W Worth

82 Carroll Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BP 12 Corbin Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AZ 292 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS 288 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS 18 Medway Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8UX 156 Leeson Drive, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9QQ

Tel: 01202 855175 Tel: 01202 896676 Tel: 01202 872975 Tel: 01202 875926 Tel: 07874 082435 Tel: 01202 895923

Central Ward: Cllr. Mrs Q Comfort Cllr. M R Parkes Cllr D B F Burt 3 Vacancies

6 Pringles Drive FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BN 330 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AT 91 Wimborne Road, Corfe Mullen, Dorset BH21 3DS

Longham Ward: Cllr. L Ovens Cllr. P Lucas 1 Vacancy

357 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9AE Tel: 01202 896701 14 Landford Gardens, Throop, BOURNEMOUTH, Dorset BH8 0PH Tel: 01202 533765

Tel: 01202 873221 Tel: 01202 861858 Tel: 01202 883870

Longham East Ward: 1 Vacancy Stapehill Ward: Cllr. N J Wellstead Cllr. Mrs S Bird Cllr. P R Timberlake

36 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2DP Tel: 01202 892249 (FTC Office) 292 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 8 Brierley Avenue, West Parley, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 8PE Tel: 01202 573213

Ameysford Ward: Cllr. J L Baxter Cllr. Mrs C A Lugg Cllr. Mrs P Reynolds

Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9DZ Tel: 01202 897884 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9QW Tel: 01202 872066 3 Clayford Avenue FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9PQ Tel: 01202 892033

Links South Ward: Cllr. T Cordery

79 Dorset Avenue FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8HL

Tel: 01202 876293

We are keen to hear your comments Please feel free to contact us - we are listening!

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


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