Living Well | Summer 2024

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Welcome to the 10th edition of Living Well magazine. We just got bigger!! We have expanded to 40 pages, thanks to the advertisers and generous Sponsor – ProMedica Dorset & Hampshire.

By the time of print we should all be enjoying some warmer times, enjoying our gardens and possibly even your own allotment! Remember to drop by our ‘What’s on Listing’ now presented by group type, signposting you to social groups, help & support.

Each edition includes social & support groups in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors, Wimborne & surrounding areas. If you know of or run a group that you would like added to these listings, please do get in touch. New groups are being added all the time –so do have a read through.

We hope that this publication will help anyone who wishes to live well, stay active and support an inclusive community. We look to ensure all activities listed are dementia friendly, but suitable and accessible for all.

What’s inside?

Inside this Summer issue, you will find articles dedicated to living well. In addition to our usual ‘What’s on’ we looked back to what our local Dementia Friends groups were doing during Dementia Action Week held in May, a look forwards to Carers’ Rights Day in November and what support is available, ‘Seed to Larder’ project in Ferndown and an article on the local Food Larders/Food Banks. We would love to hear from you!

If you wish to contribute to this publication, please contact via

Contributions can include upcoming events, experiences, photographs, articles or submissions to the letters page. If you have any questions, please do get in touch. Thank you!

We would like to thank our Partner and Sponsor – ProMedica Dorset & Hampshire. ProMedica have offered sponsorship for this issue and future issues of Living Well, allowing us to get to print for our 10th edition and secure its future! We couldn’t be more grateful, thank you.

We need your help – without advertisers or sponsorship, this magazine wouldn’t be possible. If you are interested in supporting the magazine please do get in touch – Thank you to everyone who allows this publication to be placed in their premises for distribution. You are helping us to build an inclusive and knowledgeable community.

Best Regards

From the steering committee/publication partners of this magazine.

Publication Partners:

Emma Regan

Douch Family Funeral Directors / Editor of Living well Magazine

Michael Deane

Chair of Ferndown Dementia

Friendly Town

Peter Jones

Chair of Corfe Mullen Dementia

Friendly Community / Growing Compassionate Communities Charity

Sue Tipping Chair of Wimborne Dementia

Friendly Community

Lynne Morris

Chair of West Moors Dementia Action Group

Mark Müller

Regional partner ProMedica 24

This publication is sponsored by


Production Manager

Ben Pulford |

Lead Designer

Louis Pulford |

Graphic Designer

Dexter Elliott |

Media Sales

Simon Thornton |

Dementia Action Week Updates

Our local Dementia Friends teams were busy throughout Dementia Action Week in May helping raise awareness of what support is available in your local town.

You may have spotted some knitted Post Box Toppers around town? Thanks to the ladies who knit for the Douch Family knit & natter groups, we were able to display post box toppers in Ferndown, Wimborne and Corfe Mullen.

Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town could be found every day at St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. Thank you to the committee members who welcomed the visitors to St Mary’s and handed out information, leaflets, knitted items, painted pebbles and generally great advice.

Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community could be found outside Waitrose, on the Minster Green and at the Allendale Centre on market day. Thank

you to the committee members who met and spoke with the passers by about what help and support there is in our local community. Also to those who volunteered with and donated to a collection of Alzheimer’s Society at the Wimborne Drama Productions presentation of the play “Still Alice” at the Tivoli Theatre. Thank you to those who donated to our local group.

West Moors Dementia Action Group could be spotted outside The Spar in West Moors meeting and greeting passers by and once again handed out leaflets on support available in the local area.

Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community hosted a BSO Cake Concert at St Nicholas Church for those living with or caring for someone with Dementia. A big thank you to the three BSO musicians, BSO staff, Growing Compassionate Communities Charity, The Potteries Care Home for the wonderful cakes and Lesley Shand Funeral Service (The Douch Family) for sponsoring and serving refreshments. As always, a wonderful musical event enjoyed by all.

Please visit our Dementia Friends section of the magazine to find out how to get in touch with your local group.

Do you need help with Care and Support!

There are many options available. Recognising when is different for everyone. We list some common possible solutions to consider.

Domiciliary care: This involves receiving care at home in blocks of time from 15 minutes + per visit.  Ideal when help is required for specific tasks such as personal care, meals and medication. Visiting care occurs at pre-determined times.

Residential care homes:

Environments for individuals who would benefit from help and support with daily living needs, personal care, meals and medication. Some have organised activity programs. Some have specific areas exclusively supporting people with memory impairment. Also a great option for respite/rehabilitation.

Live-In care: Enables people to remain in their own home and receive the 1-1 personalised support they need from a trained carer. It can include personal care, help with medication, meals & cooking, companionship & domestic help in the home. Ideal for individuals and particularly

good for couples who wish to remain together. Ideal for safety concerns day and night, also a great option for respite/ rehabilitation. Live in care should not be charged hourly.

Warden Assisted Living: Purpose built apartments with a call system, some have wardens on site. Communal lounge areas and gardens.

Adult day care centres: Providing a structured and supervised environment during the day. They offer social activities, meals, and personal care. Allowing family and caregivers to have some respite from providing care.

Respite: Short-term care. It can be provided in various settings, including live-in home care, day care centres or residential care homes. Respite care allows caregivers to take a vital break while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the person they support.

Nursing homes: Residential care for people who require access to a registered nurse at any point during the day or night. Great for rehabilitation if needed.

Meals: Food delivery, either hot or prepared meals that just need warming. Help to ensure good nutrition and help our general health. There are also many groups in the area who have a wealth of knowledge and can share there experience. The right support will help you to remain independent for as long as possible, enable peace of mind for family and support your wellbeing. When choosing a care provider it is worth choosing a company that is CQC registered. For help and support please call 01202 618400, please quote Living Well Magazine.

Books on Wheels

The Home Library Service brings books and talking books to people who can no longer get to a library and operates from all libraries in Dorset and BCP.

Maria Jacobson, Home Library Service Manager for the Royal Voluntary Service, says, “For people who enjoy reading or listening to an audio recording but find getting

out of the house challenging, this service offers a vital link to the local library. The service enables them to carry on doing something they’ve always enjoyed and helps alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.”

The Home Library Service is delivered free of charge; it is not only for older people, but for

anybody who finds getting to the library difficult, including carers. To find out more or to request the service please contact the Royal Voluntary Service office in Dorchester on 01305 236666. Email: dorsethomelibraryservice@

Alternatively you can speak to staff at your local library.

‘From Seed to Larder’

At a committee meeting that took place in the first quarter of this year, the Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town steering group discussed action plans for the coming year with a clear objective of reaching out and supporting the whole community in every way possible. Our discussions led to utilising the allotment we have in Longham. After a lengthy discussion the concept of “WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT IF WE COULD SOMEHOW USE OUR ALLOTMENT TO GROW PRODUCE THAT COULD BENEFIT THOSE IN NEED WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY” was agreed upon. A light bulb concept, but how could we possibly achieve this?

I am proud to be the Chairman of our committee as the whole team got behind this and “From Seed to Larder” was born. The process in simple terms is very straight forward. We purchase some seeds, cultivate them in a greenhouse, transfer the shoots to the allotment, plant and nurture them in our raised beds, and once produce is grown, distribute them to those who need them most within our community. Well, what started as a concept is now a reality, with the help of Parley Place Care Home (Barchester) who plant the seeds and cultivate them in their greenhouse. A team from the Ferndown and Parley Rotary kindly volunteered to then plant them in the raised beds at our allotment and nurture them until

produce is ready to pick. By no means an easy task as a lot of time and effort was needed in getting our raised beds in tiptop condition for growing quality produce. Once picked the produce is then delivered to the Community Larder in Ferndown who distribute to those who need it most in our community.

I am so happy to share with you that over the past month produce has been planted, cultivated, grown, and distributed within our community and my sincere thanks go out to all those who have been involved in making this happen. A special thanks also goes out to the committees of the Longham Allotments and Ferndown and Parley Rotary for their kind and generous donations that has enabled us to install a Portaloo at the allotment during the Spring and Summer months. From Seed to Larder is just the beginning, as in partnership

with the Ferndown Community Larder, another allotment plot has been secured and this project is just going to get bigger over the coming months and years.

NB: Partners involved includeFerndown Dementia Friendly Town, Douch Family Funeral Directors, Ferndown Community Support featuring Ferndown Community Larder, Parley Place Care Home (Barchester Healthcare), volunteer helpers.

Carers Support

Some of our partners here at Living Well, reached out during ‘Carers Support Week’ in June to help raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.

It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much needed support.

Many of our partners list their support groups in our ‘Carer Support’ section of this magazine. Please do flick through to find many support groups, charities, social events and surgeries, all with the unpaid carer in mind.

Stress Busters, founded by four ladies from West Moors and Ferndown who met through their husbands attending a local dementia group, hold regular social events in Ferndown. Here is a quote from one of their attendees –

‘When life takes an unexpected turn there are many learning curves to address, and I found Living well Magazine helpful in so many ways but in particular local events and information. Without which I might not have known about Stress Busters, which proved more helpful more than words can say. Kind regards, Ann.’

Carers’ Rights Day 2024

Prama run an event on Carers Rights Day to help carers get the support they need. It’s important to be fully informed about your rights as a carer and the local support services that are available to you.

Do you look after a family member, spouse, or friend?  Could you be a Carer?  Would you like to find out more about what information and support is available to you? Then come and join us for our Carers Rights Day event on 21st of November 2024 at the Allendale Community Centre in Wimborne from 9.00 till 12.30pm. Come and speak to over 30 different organisations all ready to help support carers. Refreshments are available and we have an activities room so your loved one can relax and enjoy a cuppa whilst you look around the event.  We look forward to seeing you there.

For further information in the mean time please call the team on 01202 207329. All calls are treated confidentially, and if they aren’t the right solution for you, they will try their best to signpost you to other support or help.

To learn more about the support services PramaLife offer, please go to:

To conclude – if you know of someone that is caring for a loved one and would benefit from support from like minded people, please share this magazine with them and signpost them to the many organisations and groups on hand to offer their help and support.

What is social prescribing?

Social prescribing, also sometimes known as community referral, is a means of enabling health professionals to refer to a range of local, non-clinical services. The referrals generally, but not exclusively, come from professionals working in primary care settings, for example, GPs or practice nurses.

Crane Valley PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Barcellos Family Practice, The Cranborne Practice, The Verwood Surgery and West Moors Village Surgery.

Poole North PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Hadleigh Practice, The Harvey Practice, Birchwood Practice and Canford Heath Group Practice.

“What matters to you?”

Wimborne and Ferndown PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Old Dispensary Surgery, Walford Mill Medical Centre, Quarterjack Surgery in Wimborne, Penny's Hill Surgery and Orchid House Surgery in Ferndown.

Ferndown Community Support

CIC supports the community with the community. We are a notfor-profit organisation providing vital help and support to all in Ferndown and surrounding areas. FCS have opened a community larder for all residents, regardless of circumstance, along with a Food Bank+ for those in difficulty. Based at the rear of Ferndown Day Centre, we offer food that would otherwise go to waste, free of charge to the local community, as well as running our Food Bank+ for those in difficulty. Our Food Bank, Hygiene and Baby Bank, and Pet Food Bank, operating out of this same venue, offers ambient, fresh and frozen items of food in addition to pet items, hygiene and baby items and baby clothing. We believe noone should have to go hungry, and no food should be going to landfill, and through this combined project we are making a difference to the local community – reducing waste, reducing poverty and supporting the environment. Please support us – come and see us and save waste, drop off donations to support our Food Bank+ or like and follow on social media and spread the word!

For further information you can get in touch via uk / 01202 936121 /

Castleman Community Larder, West Moors

This is based at 136 Station Road, West Moors BH22 0JB and has a wide range of goods. It was set up to tackle food poverty in the local community and operates a membership based, social supermarket to support low-income families and struggling households across East Dorset, enabling people to gain easy access to good quality and healthy food, with dignity. No referral is needed. They are open Mon, Tue, Wed, 10-3 ; Thurs 3-8pm; Sat 10-3. Open Bank Holidays 10-1pm. They are also keen to support the environment and to keep good food out of landfill. See their website for more

Wimborne Foodbank

There is a Food Bank and a Community Food Supply in Wimborne. They work together, share resources and complement each other. Both are run by volunteers.

The Wimborne Community Food Supply is based at The Allendale Centre, Hanham Road Wimborne BH21 1AS. It is open to anyone in need of food support. Those who come can choose what food they need from a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, tinned foods, prepared meals, bakery goods, cleaning products etc.

Food deliveries can be arranged for those unable to collect and frozen meals are provided if needed. Coffees, teas and light refreshments are also available and there is outside seating or a covered awning. 4 members of the Pastoral Team provide a listening ear for those who need to talk. The Food Supply is open Monday to Friday. 10am to 3pm and Saturday 10am until 12 noon.

Contact: 07850 825645

The Wimborne Food Bank is part of Faithworks, which is a local Christian charity that supports those affected by homelessness, food poverty, debt, addiction and those who find themselves in lone parent families. It is situated at Leigh Park Community Centre, Gordon

Road, Wimborne BH21 2AP. It is run by 2 part time members of staff and 62 volunteers. It is about more than just food and provides a relaxed environment where people can chat with the team about debt advice, budget support and with other agencies who visit regularly. The Food Bank gives out a week’s supply of long-life food and fresh fruit, vegetables, bread and eggs. They also give out cat and dog food, toiletries, baby items and sanitary products. Cook bags can be given out with a recipe and all the ingredients, so families and others can learn to cook for themselves. Warm bags are given to the needy, containing a blanket, hot water bottle, hat, gloves, scarf etc.

The Food bank delivers across Wimborne and Ferndown to people who are ill or who have no way of getting to the Food Bank. It is open Wednesdays 10am to 12pm and Fridays 12pm to 2pm. It is also open Fridays for donations between 12 and 2pm.

Contact: 07766 395944




part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047

Dear friends, Since the launch and creation of Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community we have come a long way. Since our first meeting some 10 years ago we began to explore and produce action plans in relation to how we might grow Corfe Mullen as a dementia friendly community. It has been a long journey, and often challenging, but these were our first steps towards that goal.

To that end I would like to appeal for your help in making this happen. If you feel you can contribute to this process, please do get back to me.

As a community we seek to journey with both the carer and the older person with dementia, allowing them to inform and shape a dementia friendly community, a community that is safe and non–stigmatising.


• To raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Corfe Mullen Community.

• To create a safe and non-stigmatising community where older people with dementia can live well.

• To create an environment where the carer and or older person with dementia  can seek appropriate help and support.

CMDFC subscribes to the Growing Compassionate Communities aim of growing compassionate inclusive communities. Contact Peter Jones for further details at -


part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047

Dementia is a disease that can affect anyone at any time, young and old.

The very minimum requirement of the Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering group, which is part of the larger Growing Compassionate Community Charity, is to understand what it is like to live with dementia, not only for those diagnosed, but for their carers too, and to try and help make life a little easier, or the services available more accessible. It is essential to find out more from those with dementia, their families and carers, about the experiences of living in our community, where they feel supported and where improvements can be made. This feedback can and will direct the actions of the steering group. Please feel free to email me on with any comments, concerns or questions you may have.

Moving forward, over the coming months, part of the group’s objective is to raise money that will be spent locally in supporting carers and families of loved ones affected by this cruel disease. I am pleased to advise that we are working closely with a number of organisations and have set up a GoFundMe link and QR code on our FaceBook page where donations will be greatly appreciated. As always, many thanks to everyone for your support.

Michael Deane – Chairman Ferndown Dementia Steering Group For more information contact 07900 898085


What a busy time we have had recently. The launch of our West Moors Jolly Days went really well and those attending are truly having a Jolly time and enjoying being part of this fun group on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month. Do see the In Jolly Good Company information and contact Sarah to book your place.

In April we took delivery of our new Feather Banner. These are tall vertical banners with a weighted base that are easy to see, even in a crowded place and from a distance. We’re delighted with this and it has already been put to good use.

In the middle of May we had a stall in the heart of West Moors on three days during the National Dementia Action Week. We had good conversations with many people. Our Social Prescribers and also Moors Manor were with us on the stand on the Wednesday to chat with anyone who want to know more, for themselves or for others. Lots of information, goodie bags and freebies were handed out. Our aim was to be there to listen, to help people think through their own questions or needs and to try and point them in the right direction to get help and

support as needed. Thank you also to those who wanted to make donations to help us in what we are seeking to do.

In going through some paperwork I recently came across this: Together - Helping to Make West Moors a Dementia Friendly Community. Whether as individuals, groups or organisations, or businesses, We, TOGETHER can all help make West Moors a Dementia Friendly Community.

We attended WESTIVAL as a group which was held on Saturday, 13th July. Did you come and say hello?

For more information contact Lynne on 07485 294507 or Jo on 07960 650611



part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047

The Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community (WDFC) has been raising awareness of Dementia across the town since 2013. We aim, as a Steering Group, to ensure that the voices of people living with Dementia, their carers and their families are heard. Since 2013 the Steering Group has grown and become even more active. We now have 16 members with representatives from In Jolly Good Company, The Douch Family, Prama, Aster Connected Living, Streets Meadow, Oakley Friends, Wimborne Businesses (BID), Museum of East Dorset (MED) and Wimborne Minster.

There is a lot happening in Wimborne for those living with Dementia (see our What’s On page). The Step Outside project at Kingston Lacy, organised by In Jolly Good Company, is up and running again. They meet on alternate Fridays from 2pm – 4pm at Kingston Lacy Kitchen gardens, where they enjoy relaxing and chatting, with a spot of gardening!

WDFC have arranged 3 Dementia Awareness Training sessions during the year for anyone who would like to know more about Dementia. We can organise separate training sessions for local businesses, if that is what they would like.

The ever-popular Oakley Friends Course takes place twice a year. This is so helpful to anyone who is caring for, or living with, someone who has Dementia and we encourage carers to come to the course while they are still able to leave their loved one.

The Reminiscence Sessions, run by MED, are a great success. We are also planning a Cake Concert with members of the BSO sometime soon. This is a great opportunity for people living with dementia and their carers to get together in a very relaxed setting to listen to familiar music and to eat cake!

WDFC can be contacted at:

Important contacts

Help & Support lines

Age UK

0800 678 1174

Alzheimer’s Society -

Carers Support Dorset

0800 368 8349

Crisp 01202 128787

Dorset Mind 01202 551660

Dorset Open Door ‘Supporting Bereavement Together’ 01305 361361

East Dorset Citizens Advice 0344 245 1291

Help and Care 0300 111 3303

Help and Care Dementia Co-ordinator Service 0300 1231916

The Leonardo Trust – Charity No: 1086045 01202 698325

Livewell Dorset -

Memory Support & Advisory Service 0300 1231916

National Dementia Helpline

0300 2221122

NHS Helpline (Health advice) 111

Community Contacts

Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community 07715 940548 Peter Jones/

East Dorset Good Neighbours

01202 804003

Ferndown Community Support CIC 01202 936121

Ferndown Dementia Friendly Community 07900 898085 @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown

Growing Compassionate Communities

07715 940548

In Jolly Good Company 07884 333117

Oakley Friends - Carer Support – Charity No: 1047919

01202 698325

Pramalife 01202 804904

Reach & Care

07715 940548 Peter Jones/

West Moors Carers Group - Alison 01202 865800

West Moors Dementia Action Group

01425 477470 Lynne Morris

West Moors Library 01202 873272

Wimborne Dementia

Friendly Community -

Social Prescribers

Crane Valley Network Poole North PCN

Wimborne and Ferndown PCN


Reach & Care

07715 940548 Peter Jones/

Dial a ride Wimborne -

Wimborne Neighbour Car

07912 273722

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