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Spring isagreat time for gardenersto get a start on preparing the garden for summer and with everyone in a rushto get those jobsdone, thereis a risk that gardeners mayinjurethemselves… don’t overdo itwiththetrowel.

With spring fastapproaching, thenation’sgardenerswillbedusting offtheir welliesandcoming out of the woodworkasthegardening seasonsetsin. Many peoplevisit Stour ChiropracticClinic to gettheirgardening related injuriesorproblemsresolved.


Inanattempt tokeep everyonehealthyenoughtoactually enjoysitting in theirgarden comesummertime,Stour ChiropracticClinichasidentified some good tips tohelp you getthroughthosegarden taskssafely.

 Don’t start with heavy-dutygardening – start withthelighterjobs like cleaningand sharpening your gardening tools andthen move on.

 Ifyouare pruning, uselonghandledsecateursand get as closetothe plantsasyoucan.

 Don’ttwist – ifyouhaveto usealadder to reach trees,hedges,large shrubsorfences –treatitlikeadancingpartner;alwaysfaceitandmove theladderregularly. Alwayskeepyour shoulders,hipsandknees pointing inthesamedirection. Also,makesure the ladder isfirmlyand safely plantedinpositionand ifpossible,havesomeone else standing atthe base tokeep an eye onthings.

 Iflayingapatio,keep the slabcloseto your body andbendyouknees. It is sometimesbetterto bend onekneeratherthantwo as your supporting leg givesyou a positionofstrength.

 Dress appropriately – don’t wear tight, constrictingclothes.

 Varyyouractivity;spendno more than 20-30minutesonany one thing and takeregularbreaks.

 Ifyouare planningatriptothegarden centreandbuying heavy items like bagsofcompostorpebbles – buymore small bagsratherthanonebig bag. Smalleritems areeasierand safer tocarry. If there is noother option,shoveloutsmallerquantitiesstraight fromthecarandput it into smallcontainers.

 Treat gardeninglike normal exercise; youneed towarm-upand warmdown.

 Painisawarningsign – donot ignoreit – ifyou start toachethen stop whatyouaredoing

Ifyouare inpain, remember,chiropractic is notjustforbacks. It also provideseffectivetreatmentforall typesof softtissueandjointdisorders includingankle, knee, elbowand shoulderdiscomfort. You don’thaveto put-up withpain.

Ifpreparing your garden for the spring has left you in any discomfort, feel freeto contact Stour Chiropractic Clinic for advice, or to make an appointment to see if we can help toalleviateany pain and its cause, call on 01202 484164.See our main advertisement for full details andfor ourspring specialoffer with Dr Ellen Parsons, DC

Weare delighted toannounce that Chiropractor,DrEllen Parsons DC,MChiro, has joined theteam atStour Chiropractic Clinicon a full-time basis

Ellenisfromthelocalareaand received treatment from Clinic Director,Dr Nick BlackwoodDCatStourChiropractic Clinic, since theage of 11.

UpongraduatingfromtheAECCin2020,Ellenjoined theteam at Stour Chiropractic Clinic. She treatsallkinds of patients from babiesto theelderly, correcting awide rangeof musculoskeletal conditions in hereveryday practiceand has a specialinterestin treating pregnancy relatedpain and sportinginjuries.

Ellenis passionateabout the healthbenefits that can be gained through chiropractic. Shelooks forwardtoseeingandhelping you achieve better health, improved performance insportsor work and to helpyou get moreoutoflife.

SpringSpecial Offer with DrEllen Parsons,DC

New Patient Consultation,whichincludesacomplete neurological and orthopaedic examination,assessment and report offindings, together witha treatment

*25%Off – a saving of £15.00.

For an appointmentwithEllen, call us on 01202 484164 and we will be happytohelp,oremailus: reception@stourchiroclinic.co.uk

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