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Letusbethe sole reason youfallinlove with your feetagainthissummer.

With over21 yearsofpracticinng in the local community, we pride ourselveson aprofessional &aaffordable service. We would love to introducetoyouour teamofddedicated Health Care Professionals, with afewnewfacesonboardaswwell as your old favourites, all of whom hold aBSc (Hons) PodiatryDeggree.



• Nail Cutting Services

• IngrownToenails

• Corn &Callus Removal

• Nail Surgery

• Reflexology

• Diabetic Foot Care

• Verrucae Treatments

• Orthotic &Pain Manageement

• Musculoskeletal Assesssments


We nowofferalatecliniconselect days until9pm.

We arealsodelightedtoannounce that we are EXPANDING. Youwillfind Highhcliffe Therapies, two doors downfromthe Foot Clinic,witth reflexologist Sarah Whilst dedicatedtohelpingasmany of you as possible, Sarah mostly specialisesintreatingchildrenn, young adults, people with anxiety& stressandcancercarre. With 3 years' experience in the industryand over20 yearspraactising and researching alternative therapies,sheis passionate abbout all the benefits that can present themselvesafterreflexology.

Parkingis availablebehindthe e clinic on Wortley Road

Getin touchtoday –Welook k forward to welcoming you! 01425270222

As we getintolate summer andearly autumn itisimportant to keep gardenslookingfresh with some late summerflowering perennialssuch as asters,sedums, Japaneseanemones andschizostylis,which alllook particularlygood with themany grassesthatarereadilyavailablelike stipagiganteaandmiscanthus.

To addanextrasplash of colour why nottry timbersleepersbutpaintedin bright coloursandthenadd some discrete outdoor lighting forthat finalzing. Evergreen shrubsare important forkeeping structurein your garden throughoutthe yearand small ornamentaltreeslookeven better in theautumnwith their berriesthatattract themigrating birds.

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