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A Focus on culture Romania
During a christening party at a venue the baby is visited by fairy godmothers. This is a very cute modern custom that is enjoyed by both children and adults The mother and father of the baby sit on chairs in the middle of the dance floor while holding the baby when it's announced that the fairy godmothers have arrived. The fairy godmothers wear colorful, fancy dress and they even have a wand or crown. They wish the baby blessings and sometimes even give out gifts. But, then out of nowhere a bad witch appears who tries to curse the baby The fairy godmothers argue with the witch until she leaves This role play makes you feel like you are part of the Disney movie, “Sleeping Beauty”, which is why this event is enjoyed by everyone.
Another very important tradition is called, “Boboteaza” This happens every year on the 6th of January. In the orthodox parts of Romania, the priest blesses rivers and lakes. The priest would throw a cross in the blessed lake/river. This then becomes a race. Everyone wants to get the cross as it's said that your life will be full of blessings for the whole year People would then go swimming in the lake/ river even if the water temperature is very low In the Catholic parts of Romania, the priests simply bless the wells. He will then take water from that well and put it in bottles and share it with everyone. In Romania everyone has a bottle of holy water in their house from the previous “Boboteaza”
By Beatrice Gherca, TYB.
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